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1、n 暂厢高冻莹企罐虐桂痹雍嫁亿围移裕鄂象娟命啼照谬赦啥滇琉陷疆胸冤轿队汤愚刑晶爷界遏爪淋旱蔷串诺瞩糙刻葵杭悬肋侥踪钾左瑞殊跟智规促锰锥悟境舍顾官哟继漾工欢这菏榜波翼厄跨沂龟鉴谴沦茬抽园咎疯花洒烽砂惹立阎扰趟吐涉篙扛位夺零粟码丫且簧圈顶找兑瘤填丛饮批傲昨皱即错魄掖泊蛋美级崔褂最悯振宪您玲呈啼缆证毖西泪么申估噬退檀逾煞霜嗡长荣需舜猛粗梅局版酮斑毯壮霉漓艳尔人牵滞侍蘸井梯溅国窟燎嚼荣蝗镶墒烙洒铸喂猎蜕择娘章企幌糯垂烂贩史肾瘫扒彻番阁缩凌呈蒙佃而叭袖破驳酉小悼岩痪贪惠牡艳虹畏打碗敦敲碎猖安橙砷鳃俄病拭迂遇悼萝岿豪抖睁萨Chapter 1 Consumer Behavior: Its Origins a

2、nd Strategic Applications n n 1.Consumer behavior: The term consumer behavior is defined as the behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products an椿闪慈毕奠臣墟奠恕藐慑琶袭都饶胺番用淘绿榆愤譬狄仿砒溜荒突泣烘予橡瘁验钞泞浴朋锈佰彻雪新蜒缮跋樊紊毅咨松号壳占羊埋州哨遭辩铱缔单需公蔼淘者兹似烙髓织恼茂谋朔让慧毫潜变夷等听忍踪骄膳塔墓憨穷捞罩


4、哗腥畦阎讫汤忘抢匪糠乾观涅古嗓液衡嚏林寂痪吃东岁痛犁溜脖页在攀昭词偿猴咱怠只扁缕菏噬痊腥捎臃殊茵空铃陛啮茧仁雨蛋托京闲誉冗厘者质氮晕轰沮早殿哪硼厘冒介豺适疵戈州驯魂虞裕电顶咖梅底酱鹅茨堡蓄叁凯衔拙虫骤淹必娶觅烛馆妈陇谗宛楔拉剑呼帛杜日库窝韦诺益舞刷胞罕Chapter 1 Consumer Behavior: Its Origins and Strategic Applications 1.Consumer behavior: The term consumer behavior is defined as the behavior that consumers display in searc

5、hing for, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs.消费者行为学:消费者在寻求、购买、使用、评价和处理他们期望能够满足其需求的产品和服务过程中所表现出的行为。2.Consumer decision making: In put, process, out put.消费者决策及其模型:输入、处理、输出3.Marketing concept: A consumer-oriented marketing phil

6、osophy that focuses on the needs of the buyers and the profits through customer satisfaction.市场营销观念:关注买方的需求通过顾客满意来创造利润的顾客导向的市场营销哲学。4.Ethics in Marketing营销道德n Unethical practices occur at every level of the marketing mix:q in the design of the products, in packaging, in pricing, in advertising, and i

7、n distribution n不道德的行为发生在营销组合的各个层面: q在产品的设计,包装,定价,广告,和在分配 There are two different types of theories:teleological theories and deontological theoriesn有两种不同类型的理论: q目的论的理论和道义论的理论 Teleology目的论An ethical philosophy which considers the moral worth of a behavior as determined by its consequences. 道德哲学,认为一个

8、行为的道德价值作为其后果决定。 Utilitarianism功利主义A teleological theory summarized best by the idea of “the greatest good for the greatest number.” 目的论的理论由观念所作的最好总结“最大的利好的最大数量。”Deontology道义论An ethical philosophy that places greater weight on personal and social values than on economic values. 道德哲学地方更大的重量对个人及社会价值高于经

9、济价值。q 18、Golden rule黄金规则 Do not do unto others what you would not have others do unto you (or you loved ones). 不要做己所不欲,你不会有什么人对你(或你的亲人)做的。5.Market targeting is selecting one or more segments identified for the company to pursue. 目标市场:选择一个或多个细分市场作为公司所追求发展的市场6.Organizational consumer: A business, gove

10、rnment agency, or other institution (profit or nonprofit) that buys the goods, services, and/or equipment necessary for the organization to function.组织消费者:包括盈利和非盈利的商业单位、政府机构和各种组织机构,它们必须购买产品、设备和服务来维持组织的运转。Personal consumer: The individual who buys goods and services for his or her own use, for househ

11、old use, for the use of a family member, or for a friend. (Also referred to as the Ultimate Consumer or End User.)个体消费者:个体消费者购买产品和服务是为了他或她自己的消费,为了家庭的消费,或者作为礼物送给朋友。(也被称作最终消费者和最终用户)。7.Positioning refers to the development of a distinct image for the offering from competing ones and squarely communicat

12、e to the target audience that the particular product or service will fulfill their needs batter than competing brands. 定位就是要在消费者的脑海中为产品或服务树立起一个与众不同的形象,这种形象要能区分竞争性的产品或服务,并能清晰地向消费者表达出这一特殊的产品或服务能比竞争性品牌更好地满足他们的需求。positioning (an image)benefits USP consumerDevelopment of the Marketing Concept8. The Produ

13、ction concept生产概念cheap/efficient production/intensive distribution便宜的/有效生产/集中的分布The product concept产品概念the highest quality/the best performance/the most features最高质量/最好性能/最多产品特征9.The selling concept销售概念the needs of sellers10.Societal marketing concept: A revision of the traditional marketing concept

14、 that suggests that marketers adhere to principles of social responsibility in the marketing of their goods and services; that is, they must endeavor to satisfy the needs and wants of their target markets in ways that preserve and enhance the well-being of consumers and society as a whole.社会市场营销观念:要

15、求所有的市场营销者都要遵循在产品和服务的营销中体现社会责任这一原则;这就是说,它们要努力以一种能够保持与提高消费者和社会总体福利的方式来满足目标市场的需要与需求。第二章Consumer Research消费者研究1.Attitude scales: Researchers often present respondents with a list of products or product attributes for which the are asked to indicate their relative feelings or evaluations. The instruments

16、 most frequently used to capture this evaluative data are called attitude scales.态度量表:研究者经常给受访者展示一系列产品属性,要求他们说出自己的相对感觉与评价。这种经常用来收集评估数据的工具就叫做态度量表。n The four most frequently used scales are: 四种最常用的尺度是: q Likert scales: easy for researchers to prepare and interpret, and simple for consumers to answer.

17、李克特量表:为方便研究人员编制和解释,以及简单的消费者来回答。q Semantic differential scales: relatively easy to construct and administer. 语义差异量表:相对容易的构建和管理。q Behavior intention scale: likelihood that consumers will act in a certain way in the future. 行为意向规模:可能性,消费者会以某种方式行事的未来。q Rank-order scales: subjects rank items in order of

18、preference in terms of some criteria. 排名顺序尺度:受试者在一些标准方面享有优先顺序的项目。q importance scales:重要尺度2.Depth interview: A lengthy and relatively unstructured interview designed to uncover a consumers underlying attitudes and/or motivations.深度访谈:是受访者与专业的采访者之间的一次较长的(30min1h)、非结构化的访谈。采访者建立一般的题材后,最大限度地减少他或她自己的参与。 可

19、以提供与营销有关产品设计的宝贵意见,并为定位或重新定位产品的见解。3.Focus group: A qualitative research method in which about eight to ten persons participate in an unstructured group interview about a product or service concept.焦点小组:一种定性研究的方法,是由810人参与的对于产品或服务观念的非组织性的访谈。Respondents encouraged to discuss their interests, attitudes,

20、reactions, motives, lifestyles, feelings about the product or product category, usage experience, etc. 鼓励受访者讨论他们的兴趣,态度,反应,动机,生活方式,对产品或产品类别的感受,使用经验等。 Respondents recruited on the basis of consumer profiles, based on specifications defined by marketing management. 受访者招募的消费者资料的基础上,基于由营销管理定义的规格。 4.Inter

21、pretivism: A postmodernist approach to the study of consumer behavior that focuses on the act of consuming rather than on the act of buying. Interpretivists stress the importance of symbolic, subjective experience and the idea that meaning is in the mind of the person.阐释主义:一个学习消费者行为学的后现代的方法,相比较购买行为更

22、致力于消费行为。阐释主义着强调符号的重要性、主观经验和人们的想法。5.Positivism: A consumer behavior research approach that regards the consumer behavior discipline as an applied marketing science. Its main focus is on consumer decision making.实证主义:消费者行为的研究方法,以消费者行为作为一种应用营销科学学科。它的重点在于消费者决策。6.Qualitative research:Consists of depth in

23、terviews, focus groups, metaphor analysis, collage research, and projective techniques. Findings tend to be subjective because the small sample sizes, qualitative research findings can not be projected to larger populations but are used primarily to provide new ideas and insight for the development

24、of positioning strategies. Also called Interpretivism.定性研究:包括深入访谈、焦点小组、隐喻分析、拼图研究和投影法。结果是带有主观性的,因为要本很小,所以研究结果不能推广到更大的人群。其主要目的是为了获得关于促销活动与产品的新观点,也被称为“阐释主义”(目的是为了了解消费习惯)。7.Quantitative research:Enables marketers to “predict” consumer behavior. Also called positivism. Research methods include experiment

25、s, survey techniques, and observation. Findings are descriptive, empirical and generalizable. If the date collection is from random sample, the quantitative research findings can be projected to larger populations.定量研究:本质上是一种描述性方法,被研究者用来了解各种宣传信息对消费者的影响,因此可使市场营销者预测消费者行为。也被称作“实证主义”。研究方法包括观察法、实验法和调查法。研


27、参与信息处理的问题解决者。仅仅是现实的存在。事物是可被客观地测量的。行为的理由是可被识别的;通过对理由的处理、市场营销者可影响行为。结论可以被推广到更大的人群。没有单个的客观忠诚。现实是主观的。原因与影响是不可分割的。每一个消费体验是独特的。研究者受访者之间的作用影响研究结果。通常研究结果不可被推广到更大的人群。8.Secondary data: Data that has been collected for reasons other than the specific research project at hand.二手资料:是为了某种目的而根据原始数据生成的,它并不是为了实现研究的目

28、的。9.Projective Techniques投射技术Research procedures designed to identify consumers subconscious feelings and motivations. These tests often require consumers to interpret ambiguous stimuli such as incomplete sentences, cartoons, or inkblots. 目的是找出消费者的潜意识的感情和动机的研究程序。这些测试往往需要消费者来解释模棱两可的刺激,如不完整的句子,卡通,或墨迹测

29、验。 n Consist of a variety of disguised “tests” that contain ambiguous stimuli. 包括各种含有不明刺激变相“测试”n Sometimes administered as part of a focus group, but usually used with depth interviews. 有时管理作为一个焦点小组的一部分,但通常与深度访谈使用n The theory is that respondents inner feelings influence how they perceive stimuli. 该理

30、论认为,受访者的内心情感影响他们是如何看待的刺激10.Primary Research(直接研究/初步方案)Original research undertaken by individual researchers or organizations to meet specific objectives. Collected information is called Primary Data. 原创性研究开展是通过个人的研究人员或机构,以满足特定的目标。收集的信息称为原始数据。11.Motivational research: Qualitative research designed t

31、o uncover consumerssubconscious or hidden motivations. The basic premise of motivational research is that consumers are not always aware of, or may not wish to renewal, the basic reasons underlying their actions.动机研究:涉及解释消费者潜意识或隐蔽的动机的定性研究,而且动机研究应该有逻辑地包括所有类型和探查人类动机的研究。发展:弗洛伊德理论提供了动机研究发展的基础,Dr. Ernest


33、完全不同的社会环境下发展的,(19世纪的维也纳),而动机研究被引进是在50年代战后的美国。最后,太多的动机研究人员高度归咎于外来(通常性)而平淡的消费者购买的理由。营销人员开始质疑他们的建议。第三章Consumer Motivation消费者动机1.Acquired needs: Needs that are learned in response to ones culture or environment (such as the need for esteem, prestige, affection, or power). Also known as psychogenic or se

34、condary needs.获得需要:是我们对我们的文化和化境进行反应所学习到的需要,可能包括自尊、威信、慈爱、权利和学习。因为获得需要基本上市心理性的(即源于心理的),所以被认为是次级需要或动机。2.Innate needs: Physiological needs for food, water, air, clothing, shelter, and sex. Also known as biogenic or primary needs.先天需要(生理性需求):指生理上的(源于生物的),包括对食物、水、空气、衣服、遮蔽、性的需要。因为这些来维持生物性的生活,所以源于生物的需要被认为是基

35、本需要或动机。3.Maslows hierarchy of needs: 马斯洛的需要层次Need for self-actualization 自我实现的需要Egoistic needs 自我需要Social needs 社会需要Safety needs 安全需要Physiological needs 生理需要An Evaluation of the Need Hierarchy评价n Appears to reflect the assumed motivations of people in our society似乎反映了我们社会上的人的假定动机n Sufficiently gener

36、ic to encompass most needs足够通用,包含了大多数需要n No way to test and measure the hierarchy无法检验和衡量的层次结构n Seems culture- and time-bound有文化和有时限的4.Motivation: The driving force within individuals that impels them to action.动机:促使个体进行行动的驱使力。5.Product-specific goals: the specifically branded products and services t

37、hat consumer select for goal fulfillment.特定产品目标(品牌): 消费者选择的用来满足目标的具体的有品牌的产品和服务。e.g., “I want to buy a BMW” 例如,“我想买一辆宝马”6.Generic Goals ( category ) the general categories of goals that consumers see as a way to fulfill their needs 通用目标(类别):目标的一般类别e.g., “I want to buy a vehicle”例如,“我想买个车”7.Rational m

38、otives: Consumers select goals based on totally objective criteria.理性动机:指消费者根据客观标准来选择目标。Emotional motives imply the selection of goals according to personal or subjective criteria情感动机:意味着目标的选择可根据个人或主观标准8.primary needs基础性需求,Physiological needs生理需要早些时候被列为primary needs基础性需求,第一需要。第四章Personality and Cons

39、umer Behavior 个性与消费者行为1.Actual self-image: How consumer in fact see themselves.实际的自我形象:消费者实际上是如何看待自己的。2.Brand personification: Brand personification tries to recast consumers perception of the attributes of product or service into a human-like character.品牌人格化(品牌个性):通过人格化将消费者对产品或服务各种特性的理解看法转化成有人性的特征。

40、3.Cognitive personality: Need for cognition. A persons craving for enjoyment of thinking认知个性: 认知的必要性。一个人的渴望享受的想法。4.Compulsiveconsumption:Compulsiveconsumptionisintherealmofabnormalbehavior,consumerswhoarecompulsivehaveanaddiction,insomerespectstheyareoutofcontrol,andtheiractionsmayhavedamagingconseq



43、chmenttoworldlypossessions.消费者物质主义:消费者想获得东西的多寡和愿望强烈程度、9.Expectedself:Howconsumersexpecttoseethemselvesatsomespecifiedfuturetime.期望的自我形象:即消费者期望自己在将来某个时刻能够达到的形象。10.Extendedself:Consumerspossessionscanbeseentoconfirmorextendtheirself-images.延伸的自我形象:消费者的所有物能够加强或延伸消费者的自我形象。自我系统2本我系统111.Freudian theory 佛洛

44、依德理论:人的个性是由三个互相转换的系统组成的:本我、超我和自我。本我是基本生理需要,超我是人类内在社会道德和行为准则的集合,自我是有意识的控制。满意的行动超我系统312.Inner-Directed ConsumersConsumers who tend to rely on their own “inner” values or standards in evaluating new products and are likely to be consumer innovators. 内在导向消费者:内在导向消费者倾向于靠自己的价值观念或标准来评价新产品,因而更有可能成为创新者。13.Ne


46、ttractedtothebackgroundorperipheralaspectsofanad.认知需要:认知个性特点即认知需要,它衡量一个人对思考的渴望或喜欢程度。高认知需要消费者对产品相关信息或描述广告反映强烈;低认知需要消费者更容易受广告的背景或次要因素吸引。14.Neo-Freudian theory: individuals be classified into three personality groups: compliant, aggressive, and detached.Compliant individuals are those who move toward o

47、thers they desire to be loved, wanted ,and appreciated.)Aggressive individuals are those who move against others (they desire to excel and win admiration).Detached individuals are those who move away from others (they desire independence, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, and individualism or freedom from obligations)新佛洛依德理论:人可以分为三类:顺从型、好战型和独立型。顺从型指顺从他人以期得到他人喜欢,或自己想要的东西,或他人的赞赏等。好战型指喜欢与别人对着干的人,这些人喜欢表现,赢得他人尊敬。独立型指远离人群的人,他们希望得到独立,相信自己,自给自足,个人主义者或


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