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1、el procs de construcci, fer un procs de convergncia, normes estrictes per garantir ordenada del caos de la producci de construcci. 6, els requisits de vehicle de transport en bones condicions, no agafar la carretera. Sovint per educar els conductors, no conduir errtic. 7, aparells delevaci i laixeca

2、ment dun factor de seguretat suficients, un objecte salci abans inspeccions dels equips delevaci i elevaci, aixecar objectes designats dordre personal. I dins de la gamma de lalerta de seguretat de grua. 8, equips delevaci delevaci ha estrictament verificar abans de cada part de la fiabilitat i segu

3、retat de. Operacions delevaci ha de tenir un programa detallat i clcul i laprovaci dels corresponents departaments entren en efecte en la signatura. Equips per als seients delevaci ha de tenir un certificat de fabricant i instruccions, excs de pes desprs de la installaci s completa passar departamen

4、ts locals supervisi tcnica i certificat dacceptaci es pot utilitzar. Comandants delevaci i de camp ha de ser entrenat, mantenir un certificat. Certificats, certificat, clculs, una descripci ha de ser completa. LHam ha de tenir un dispositiu de seguretat, ser no ser trencat filferro corda desgast, ex

5、cessiva aixecament punt la seva ubicaci ha de ser precs, elevaci equip abans dusar a una prova de crrega. Tecnologia de construcci de construcci per donar el baix fins al personal corresponent. Per designar un comandament unificat, elevaci dinstallaci. Comandants de camp i laixecament cal portar rob

6、a de colors vius i allotjar-alerta, a punt per fer front a situacions demergncia. Per assegurar que la seguretat delevaci, amb evidents senyals dadvertncia prohibint persones inhbils dins. (2) pont a travs del pont dassumpte de seguretat s pont jssera erecci mquina quan el mxim carregar condici. s f

7、onamental per a la seguretat del pont de llums, s una de la biga instal lat el punt de control de seguretat. Primera creu-pista posta: posta a travs de les pistes sobre la biga de caixa, creu pista botiga sota de travesses, travesses en la placa dacer, cal redrear Junta de coix. Adaptaci a equips fr

8、enada s fiable, oportuna reparaci, no ha de tenir la feina. Disposici de manual de mquina de lapse pont de penjar punts, elevaci de la seva ubicaci ha de ser precisa, fora s clar. Pont de creuar per designar un comandament unificat. Creu-preparatius, bigues de pes caixa penjar, estable durant 5 minu

9、ts, llavors comprovar cada part, cap problema, que ja sigui com un ordre lliure pont creu. Mentrestant, va observar el pont al front en lloc, immediatament desprs de la notificaci dirigir persones avall. Avall-estable desprs de 3-5 minuts, la cama davantera per pista, pista de cama davantera estable

10、rt el pont, pont a travs de la completa. Pont abasten ajustaments, avall al voltant de la mquina derecci de biga de pont a desprs dun perode destabilitat desprs del reajustament.overnight, only in socialist society is fully developed and highly developed the basis to realize and need to experience a

11、 long process of historical development. This requires a communist whether when what circumstances, regardless of the difficulties encountered and risk, heart to have ideal beacon, firm communist victory of faith, not because the remote ideal felt nothing ethereal and lose confidence., to the highes

12、t ideals of co-occurrence stage goal together, vowed to building a well-off society and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese dream, adhering to and developing the Chinese characteristic socialism and solid work of the party in the primary stage of socialism basic line

13、 is what? Master constitution stipulates: the basic line of the Communist Party of China in the primary stage of socialism is: leadership and unite the people of all ethnic groups, taking economic construction as the center, adhere to the four cardinal principles, adhere to the policy of reform and

14、opening to the outside world, self-reliance and pioneering effort to turn our country build a strong, prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country struggle. the base The contradiction between still to develop this route can be simply summarized as a center, two basic poi

15、nts. It is our party according to our countrys basic national conditions, reflects the party and the people of all ethnic groups of fundamental interests. Adhere to the basic line for a hundred years does not shake, is the Chinese characteristic socialism victory along the most reliable guarantee. A

16、dhere to the economic construction as the center, is the country, is our country socialist primary stage of the main contradictions and basic tasks. At the present stage, our country societys principal contradiction is the peoples growing material and cultural needs and the backward social productio

17、n. In order to solve the main contradiction, the completion of the basic tasks. It must persist in taking economic construction as the center, various other subordinated to and serve the center, which is the key to solving all problems in Contemporary Chinese. To firmly establish the innovation, coo

18、rdination, green, open, sharing of new development concept, seize the opportunity, accelerate the development, implementation of innovation driven development strategy, talent strategy of giving priority to the development, give full play to the innovation as the role of leading the development of t

19、he first power, deepen the reform, advancing in a pioneering spirit, and promote Chinas development step to a new level. Adhere to the socialist road, uphold the peoples democratic dictatorship, adhere to the partys leadership, adhere to the four basic principles of Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong t

20、hought, is our foundation of our country . in the whole process of the socialist modernization construction, must adhere to the four cardinal principles. Out of the four cardinal principles, our cause no foundation,Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often a

21、ppear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator application began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other indus

22、tries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this robot to get peoples attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates

23、, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (programmable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automa

24、tic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation control win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standards. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization

25、of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of industrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agr

26、iculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of automation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly low

27、er than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designers on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didnt opportunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has mu

28、st awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm research began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automat

29、ion technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic arm spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed r

30、obotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like welding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation

31、 mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of sense, when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand目 录第一章 编制依据及编制原则第二章 工程概况第三章 施工筹划第四章 主要施工方案与技术措施第五章 工程质量管理及保证措施第六章 工程安全管理及保证措施第七章 工程文明施工、环境

32、保护管理及保证措施 第一章 编制依据及编制原则1.1编制说明满足业主对总工期的要求和节点工期的要求;确保工程自身安全为前提,同时在确保沿线管线路和邻近建筑物安全的条件下,进行施工部署,制定施工方案、方法及技术措施;采用监控系统和信息反馈系统指导施工;严格执行淮北市建设行政主管部门对项目施工的文明、环保、安全、卫生健康等有关管理条例的要求,树立良好的工程形象和社会形象;采用新技术、新工艺、新材料、新设备组织工程施工。1.2编制依据国家及省市、行业有关地下工程施工的法律、法规;现行有效的国家及省市有关地下工程设计、施工规范和规程等;涡北选煤厂受煤坑工程施工图纸;现场踏勘、调查取得的资料;本企业从事



35、生产永远将安全放在第一位。所有技术措施、施工方案和现场调度等以确保安全为主,进行编制和指挥。严格遵守规范、标准的原则严格执行施工过程中涉及的相关规范、规程和技术标准。贯彻执行国家和地方政府的方针政策、法律法规。第二章 工程概述2.1工程概况本工程位于毫州市涡阳县涡北选煤厂内。本工程地面以下为钢筋混凝土箱型框架结构。采用C30集料级配防水砼,抗渗等级S8,标高0.080以上的钢筋砼梁板柱及地下结构漏斗,砼强度等级为C30,地下工程墙外侧均做卷材防水。地面以上为钢筋混凝土框架结构,基础形式为梁板式筏型基础,地下埋深-12.80米,局部埋深18.80米,分7个结构单元。砼结构环境类别为一类(室内正常


37、1mx2m,6100接茬100,插筋为长1.2米的22钢筋。本工程设计采用降水与隔水相结合的方法,先采用管井降水将地下水位降至-11.00m以下,-5.50m以下采用三重管高压桩旋喷止水帷幕进行隔水,高压旋喷止水帷幕顶标高为-5.5m0。基坑开挖前先施工降水井,开挖前半个月,先进行降水,并观测地下水位的变化。基坑外侧共布置降水井48个,间距15m左右,深度30m,孔径500mm;基坑内侧共布置降水井20个,间距15m 左右,深度30m,孔径500mm。 高压旋喷止水帷幕采用在支护桩外围施作两排700mm高压旋喷桩,桩体之间咬合100mm,桩体强度不小于5MPa。若在基坑的开挖过程中发现桩间漏水

38、,在漏水点通过注水玻璃双液浆的方式进行处理。(8)受煤坑抗浮设计本工程抗浮措施为:受煤坑中间采用柱下布置抗拔桩抗浮;受煤坑两侧采用支护桩与受煤坑主体侧壁之间灌注混凝土至压顶梁下,由支护桩与受煤坑主体产生的摩阻力及压顶梁产生的反作用力抗浮。本次柱下共布置抗拔桩39根,抗拔桩设计长度18米。总延米为702米。受煤坑主体与基坑壁的空隙在主体结构施工时与主体同时灌注,其混凝土标号与主体相同。桩身砼强度等级为C30,主筋混凝土保护层50mm。要求施工允许误差:桩20mm;垂直度:0.5;桩位:50mm。抗拔桩承载力特征值不小于1500KN,正式施工前应按规范要求进行抗拔承载力试验。2.2 工程地质1、中




42、IV线中心线7.5m,距V线中心线13m),西端北侧为装车仓(A轴距离装车仓边线16.4m),西侧为输煤栈桥(1轴距离距离输煤栈桥16m),南侧有地销煤公路(A轴距离地销煤公路边线距离4.5m)、煤泥场地及矸石场地挡墙(A轴距离煤泥场地及矸石场地挡墙边线距离12m)、地磅房、围墙等建筑物,施工场地狭小。无法放置土方,开挖所有土方都必须外运。靠近铁路一侧需设置安全防护网。搅拌站位置由甲方指定,距离受煤坑施工现场1.2km,受煤坑全部采用泵送混凝土,搅拌站混凝土拌和量为1.5m /每伴,混凝土由罐车运至施工现场。为了保证工程施工的正常进行及邻近建筑物和道路的正常使用,基坑开挖及基础施工过程中需进行


44、术规程(JGJ94-94)建筑基坑工程技术规范(YB9258-1997)建筑基坑支护技术规程(JGJ120-99)建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB50300-2001)建筑变形测量规程(JGJ/T8-97)建筑物抗震构造详图(苏G20-2004)混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图(03G101-1)钢筋混凝土结构设计与施工规程(JTJ 041-2000)混凝土外加剂应用技术规范(GB50119-2003) 混凝土强度检验评定标准(GBJ107-1987)普通混凝土用砂质量标准及检验方法(JGJ52-92)普通混凝土用碎石或卵石质量标准及检验方法(JGJ53-92)普通混凝土拌

45、合物性能试验方法标准(GB50080-2002)钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋(GB1499-98)钢筋混凝土用热轧浇圆钢筋(GB13013-91)建设工程文件归档整理规范(GB/T50328-2001)国家和地方规定的其它强制性标准。第三章 施工筹划3.1施工总体目标3.1.1施工质量目标符合设计要求,满足国家规定质量标准,工程质量等级达到合格标准。3.1.2安全生产及文明施工目标严格贯彻执行国家制定的相关法律法规、 创“市级文明工地”。3.1.3工期目标工期目标开工日期: 2011年9月1日, 2012年6月26日具备安装条件。3.2施工总体部署3.2.1施工组织机构为确保本工程安全、优质、高效

46、、按期完成,我单位将按组织机构及人员立即组建项目经理部,全权代表我单位向甲方负责,全面履行合同。项目经理部全权负责资源调配、生产指挥和控制、内外协调等工作,按照项目管理的方法组织施工。项目经理部由项目经理、项目副经理、总工程师等组成领导层,下设工程质量部、 安全环保部、机械物资部、经管部、综合办公室等职能部门。项目经理部下辖桩基、止水帷幕、结构及防水、基坑开挖及支撑架设、降水及监测专业工程队和一个综合工程作业队,在项目经理部的统一领导下,按照各自施工任务及施工需要,进行本工程施工,确保本工程安全、优质、高效、按期完成。组织机构框图见附图一3.2.1.2主要管理人员及部门职责3.2



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