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1、焊缝外观检查标准外观检验不仅是对产品最终焊缝外观寸和表面质量的检验,对产品焊接过程中的每一道焊缝也应进行外观检验,如厚壁焊件进行多层焊时,为防止前道焊道的缺陷带到了下一道,每焊完一道焊道便需进行外观检验。焊缝外观检验分为:目视检验和尺寸检验一、 焊缝的目视检验(一) 目视检验的方法 采用直接目视检验。焊缝外形应均匀,焊道与焊道及焊道与基本金属之间应平滑过渡。目视检验也称近距离目视检验,是用眼睛直接观察和分辨缺陷的形貌。在检验过程中可采用适当的照明设施,利用反光镜调节照射角度和观察角度,或借助低倍放大镜观察。(二) 目视检验的程序应对焊接结构的所有可见焊缝进行目视检验。(三) 目视检验的项目焊接

2、结束后,及时清理焊渣和飞溅,打磨焊道后,按下表中的项目进行检验。序号检验项目检验部位质量要求备注1清理所有焊缝及其边缘无熔渣、飞溅及阻碍外观检查的附着物2几何形状1、焊缝与母材连接处焊缝完整不得有漏焊,连接处应圆滑过渡可用测量尺2、焊缝形状和尺寸急剧变化的部位焊缝高低、宽窄及结晶鱼鳞波纹应无匀变化序号检验项目检验部位质量要求备注3焊接缺陷1、 整条焊缝和热影响区附近2、 重点检查焊缝的接头部位,收弧部位及形状和尺寸突变部位1、 无裂纹、夹渣、焊瘤、烧穿等缺陷;2、 气孔、咬边应符合有关标准规定1、 接头部位易产生焊瘤、咬边等缺陷;2、 收弧部位易产生弧坑裂纹、夹渣和气孔等缺陷4伤痕补焊1、装配

3、拉筋板拆除部位无缺肉及遗留焊疤2、母材引弧位无表面气孔、裂纹、夹渣、疏松等缺陷3、母材机械划伤部位划伤部位不应有明显棱角和沟槽,伤痕深度水超过有关标准的规定目视检验若发现有裂纹、夹渣、气孔、焊瘤、咬边等不允许存在的缺陷,应清除、补焊、修磨,使焊缝表面质量符合要求。二、 焊缝外形尺寸的检验 焊缝外形尺寸的检验是按图样标注尺寸或技术标准规定的尺寸对实物进行测量检验。通常在目视检验的基础上,选择焊缝尺寸正常部位、尺寸变化的过渡部位和尺寸异常变化的部位进行测量检查,然后相互比较,找出焊缝外形尺寸变化的规律,与标准规定的尺寸对比,从而判断焊缝的外形尺寸是否符合要求。(一) 对接焊缝外形尺寸的检验 对接焊

4、缝的外形尺寸包括:焊缝的余高h、焊缝宽度c、焊缝边缘直线度f、焊缝宽度差和焊缝表面凹凸度。焊缝的余高,焊缝宽度是重点检验的外形尺寸。1、 JB/T7949-1999钢结构焊缝外形尺寸就对接焊缝余高、焊缝宽度作如下规定:I形坡口对接焊缝,其焊缝宽度c=b+2a及余高应符合表二中I形焊缝的规定。 非I形坡口对接焊缝尺寸 I形坡口对接焊缝尺寸非I形坡口对接焊缝,其焊缝宽度c=g+2a及余高应符合表二中非I形焊缝的规定。焊接方法焊缝形式焊缝宽度c焊缝余高C(最小)C(最大)焊条电弧焊及气体保护焊I形焊缝b+4b+8平焊:03其余:04非I形焊缝g+4g+8对接焊缝余高和宽度的测量方法如下图:a)测较小

5、焊缝余高 b)测较大的焊缝余高 c)测焊缝宽度2、 焊缝边缘直线度 在任意300mm连续焊缝长度内,焊缝边缘沿焊缝轴向的直线度,应符合下表中的规定。焊接方法焊缝边缘直线度f/mm埋弧焊4焊条电弧焊及气体保护焊3焊缝边缘直线度示意图 焊缝表面凹凸度示意图3、 焊缝表面凹凸度在焊缝任意25mm长度范围内,焊缝最大余高和最小余高的差值不得大于2mm4、 焊缝宽度差 焊缝最大宽度和最小宽度的差值,在任意50mm焊缝长度范围内不得大于4mm,整个焊缝长度范围内不得大于5mm。(二) 角焊缝外形尺寸的检验 角焊缝外形尺寸包括焊脚、焊脚尺寸、凹凸度和焊缝边缘直线度等。 一般产品技术条件和图样上要求角焊缝为焊

6、趾处圆滑过渡的凹形角焊缝。JB/T7949钢结构焊缝外形尺寸标准中规定,角焊缝的焊脚尺寸由设计或有关技术文件注明,其焊脚尺寸K值的偏差应合下表中的规定。焊接方法尺寸偏差/ mmK12K12埋弧焊+4+5焊条电弧焊及气体保护焊+3+4 用焊接检验尺测量焊脚尺寸the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the b

7、asis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise

8、 of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the citys economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orie

9、ntation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our

10、 focus is accurate, full and deep, precise, fast on hard work. Quasi, is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be rea

11、listic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. Full is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also r

12、eflects the essence. Deep is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementat

13、ion situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the Cou

14、nty (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the Municipal Government will inform the quarterly summary, not paying attention to the supervision work attitudes, finger-pointing, giving work to some extent, give notice of criticism. To improve the appraisal system, the future system

15、of government supervision examination once a year, the city government offices will County (district) and the sector ranked, informed the assessment results, give recognition to outstanding achievements. 2, stick to the Center, improving quality, good job information. Complete control of information

16、 is both levels of Government, for decision making and to guide the work of the important means of leading organs with practice, social, the masses, improved style of important content. Timely, accurate information to the municipal government, and departments at all levels is an important work of the Office. At work, one is to highlight


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