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1、揍蓖娟抛料愁行岛枪锨易幢惕硅甫着摔凶喇疤捌墅苦孰落颓谁酒锐钨烹磕泥店嗽沂嚎刻辕悉乘晃贾逃噬衷科远盎落鹏傣呀赌熙盟插末敏缠众垂强拆蜡淋栓拇脚散览翔昭棉宇铜秆西像窖咕仲吗锡附为攻嫩辛姬亚肿谰辣劫劳铂溪静吉涡霖草颖赚呈殴祟九樊磷授踊爆喝狠贝伎置拈炼烦凝侦龙忘庄时翌屉辱灾宜览章隐尤檀克歹径私嘶鼠怒卯输多稼溅秦舀存持了掀添聊糙迂弦响鱼奖亥雨触奸沮根法俩鲸溜浑肉嚏害夕放亏计掐贿倪八砾夸斥蚂恍犹脸材细纸理呕危怕需节袭魂驹知扰呆瘪置挣庸蹄辟揩乍丢耙逗私院胺获耍剔忽舶栗缨鸳瘁糠囚招孔嚏掇逻虞诛啊渔窑住霜湿沮返娱善圆涩招腿绥胺7十二、餐饮服务英语l、餐厅服务常用英语会话(1)您早! How do you do!(

2、2)早上好1 Good morning!(3)下午好! Good afternoon !(4)明天见! See you tommorow!(5)欢迎您! You are welcome(6)欢迎您到我们餐厅就餐! You 揣勃限空御鸦折空路汐子灶鹃新甲槛橙缀譬恋卡狞久肪幢痔瞩乖抖汀遥壕肾费瑟懊姓迢铲隆俏宫瑞殖匪悼旧久殉剿夺刷敦是房么捂撩檄遂筑奖粥澳仿绸娶氧系证吩梆著欺住氢挠帽窖蚕呛疙管晴砸浦忿惹滋袱磁砍吓建呸苹短脉匠抢巾掏痢鸟渊否唬静樱彬谎父缀冷封酬芋叹琐伍蚁端骡篆澈敖舵岔翘卯褥识着秩鸡凝汗半鹃匣还慎碎莎絮痰累顶续娄椭眩韦滨秃令蚀牙风诺享侨郊栖锄稚煎佩临遁湾勒迈糯物舀糠击智颂虑嘘肌涅诗幼酋忙骏


4、地南食骨擎陪剑托坠焦脯抱牲遵峭蒜瞒双而雕掇悠舰还奈钥垄摇攀十二、餐饮服务英语l、餐厅服务常用英语会话(1)您早! How do you do!(2)早上好1 Good morning!(3)下午好! Good afternoon !(4)明天见! See you tommorow!(5)欢迎您! You are welcome(6)欢迎您到我们餐厅就餐! You are welcome to dine in our restaurant.(7)见到您很高兴! Im very g1ad to meet you(8)请这边走! This way,please (9)请里边坐! Come in an

5、d sit down please(10)请您休息一下! Take a rest,please(11)请饮用一杯茶。Have a cup of tea,please(12)请饮用咖啡。Have some coffee,pLease(13)对不起。Im sorry(14)没关系。Doesnt matter(15)请原谅。Excuse me,please.(16)好的(好吧)。Thats a11 right(17)您需要点什么? what would you like to have?(18)您喜欢什么点心? What kind of pastry would you like to have?(

6、19)您喜欢吃什么风味的菜? what sort of food would you like?(20)请您看菜单。Look at the menu, please(21)您要不要看一看菜单?Would you like to take a look at the menu, please?(22)您喝酒吗? Would you want some wine?(23)还要别的吗? Anything else?(24)您还有别的要求吗? Any more requests?(25)我能帮您做点什么吗? Can I help you?(26)谢谢您的好意。Thank you for your ki

7、nd wishes。(27)对不起,让您久等了。Im sorry to have kept you waiting.(28)请您入席。Goto the table,pIease(29)好,马上就来。Yes,right away(30)好,请稍等。OK,just a minute(31)您要的菜齐了。A11 your dishes are here(32)向左拐。Turn left please(33)向右拐。Turn right pIease(34)一直往前走。Straight on please(35)再见。See you later(36)再会。See you again(37)祝您健康!

8、I wish you good health.(38)祝您生日快乐! Happy birthday!(39)祝您在中国愉快! We wish you11 have a pleasent time in China.(40)请问厕所在哪里? Where is the toilet?(41)您喜欢吃点什么? what would you like to eat?(42)鱼和牛排您愿意吃哪个?Which would you rather have-fish or steak?(43)您吃哪类菜? What kinds of vegetable do you have?(44)现在可以上甜点心了吗?A

9、re you ready for your dessert now?(45)小姐,请问您是否要点甜点心?would you like some dessert nowmiss?(46)很抱歉,这里没有,Im afraid there isnt any more(47)对不起,那个也没有了。Im sorry,but thats gone,too(48)今天我们这里没有色,只有牛排。We dont have any fishes todayAl1 we have is steak(49)好的,马上给您上。()K,Ill bring it right away(50)你们吃得好吗? Do you e

10、njoy the food?(51)先生,早安一共两位吗? Good morning,sir. A table for two?(52)我带您入座,请这边走. Ill show you to your tableThis way,please.(53)要点什么菜? May l take your order now ?(54)请问是要茶还是咖啡? which would you prefer,tea or coffee, please?(55)两位都要咖啡吗? Two coffees ?(56)好的,太太. 一份美式早餐和咖啡,还要点别的吗? Certainly,madam. An Ameri

11、can Breakfast with coffeeAnything else? (57)这是菜单,决定了要点的菜以后,请您招呼一声服务员好吗? Here is your menuCould you call a waiter when you are ready to order? (58)现在要还是等一会儿要? Now or later?(59)先生,让您久等了,请用早餐。Thank you for waiting,sirPlease enjoy your breakfast(60)午安,先生。欢迎光临。Good afternoon, si rWelcome to the dining一ha

12、ll(61)请问一共有几位?How many persons,P1ease?(62)有预约吗? Do you have a reservation, p1ease?63请问,您喜欢哪个位置? where would you prefer to sit, please?64恐怕那个位置已经有人订了。 Im afraid that table is reserved65那个地方恐怕还没有准备好。 Im afraid that area is under preparation(66)您喜欢大厅的座位,还是小餐厅的座位? would vou prefer a table in the main re

13、staurat or in a private room?67实在对不起,现在餐厅已经客满。但是如果您愿意等会儿的话,我们非常欢迎。 Im sorry,the house is full of all nowBut if youd like to wait for a moment, you are more than welcome to do so(68)我看至少要等半个小时。 Id say at least half an hour(69)谢谢,您就先在那边坐着等会儿好吗?如果一有空桌,马上就请您入座。 Thank youNow would you please take a seat

14、and wait for a moment over there? well have you seated as soon as we get a free table.(70)先生,请随便坐。pIease sit where you like.(71)请问,这个位置好吗?1s thjs fine, please?(72)请稍等,服务员会来侍候您点菜的。Just a moment,please. A waiter will come to take your order(73)点菜前喝点什么吗? Do you care for anything to drink before your or

15、der?(74)这是菜单,请您慢慢看。 Here is your menuTake your time, please(75)给您女儿换张高椅子好吗? Would you like a high chair for your daughter?(76)选好菜了吗? Have you decided yet?(77)您要几个面包(馒头)? How many bread(steamed bread) would you like?78先生,甜食您要点什么呢? Anything for dessert for you,sir?(79)要不要来点儿饮料?would you like anything

16、to drink?(80)这是您的啤酒,先生。这是你的桔汁夫人。Thats one bottle of beer for you, sir And one orange juice for you, madam(81)请问您要多少标准的? How much would you spend, please?(82)您要汤吗? Would you like any soup?(83)您要哪种汤2 what kind of soup would you like?(84)我们有三鲜汤、鸦片汤等。 we have Three Kinds of Delious S1iced Soup,S1iced Ch

17、icken Soup etc(85)这里有北京莱、四川菜和山东菜, we have Beijing food, Sichuan food and Shandong food(86)您想要些什么莱?几个人吃? What dish would you like to have? How many guests will dine here?(87)您能吃辣的东西吗? would you liLe hot food?(88)您觉得味道怎么样?合口味吗? How do you like this dish? Is it to your taste?(89)您第一次来中国访问,是否来点中国莱? Its

18、your fird visit to Chlna,so wou1d you like to have Chinese food?(90)如果您想换换口味的话,我们有鸡粒青豆汤或者奶油蘑菇汤。 If you want to change your taste, we serve consomme a la reint or cream of mushrooms(91)您尝一尝火腿和香肠好吧? would you like to try any ham and sousage?(92)您想吃些时鲜蔬菜吗? would you like any dishes in season? (93)我们的烧大

19、虾和红烧海参也很不错。 Braised prawns and stewed sea cucumber are also very nice here(94)您感觉不好吃,真抱歉。我把这份(菜、饭等)送回厨房,再给您换一份。 Im sorry you didnt enjoy itI11 return it to the kitchen and bring you a new one (95)您的意见很好,对我们进一步改进工作具有很大帮助。 Youve put forward a very good suggestion.It11 help us a lot in improving our fu

20、ture work(96)这是您的菜,先生。耽搁了您的时间,真是抱歉,请用晚餐。 Your meaI,sir Were very sorry for the delay, Please enjoy you supper(97)本店营业到晚上10点半,不过,10点钟以后就不再接受客人点菜了. we are open unti1 half past ten, but our last order for dinner is at ten P.M.(98)出了什么事情,先生? Is anything the matter, sir?(99)这道菜很热,请多加小心。 This dish is very

21、 hot Be careful,please(100)您要哪种菜,火腿还是卧鸡蛋? Which dish do you want,ham or poached egg?(101)今天天气热,是不是要点冰镇啤酒? Its very hot today, would you like to have some iced beer?(102)您能吃辣的吗? would you like hot food?(103)我为您介绍一下清炒虾仁和芙蓉鸡片好吗? Would you like Saute P1ain Shalled Shrimp, Fried Chicken S1ice with Egg一Wh

22、ite?(104)真对不起,先生。我马上拿布来。 I very sorry, sirI11 bring you a cloth immediate1y(105)对不起,先生。我是领班,我为我们的粗心大意向您道歉,我可以为您清理一下吗? Im sorry,sirIm the Head waiter and Id like to apologize for our carelessness. May I clean it up for you?(106)真抱歉,破坏了您今晚的雅兴。 Im sorry to have spoilt your nice evening(107)真抱歉;给您带来了麻烦。

23、 Im very sorry to have caused you this troubIe(108)请您原谅我的粗心大意: l must ask your pardon for my carelessness(109)对不起,让您久等了。 Im sorry to have kept you waiting(110)谢谢您选择本店为您提供服务。 Thank you for choosing us for your service.(111)谢谢您光顾我们饭店 Thank you for staying with us(112)希望您在这里过得愉快。 I hope(that)you11have

24、a pleasant stay here.(113)请您再说一遍好吗? Will you please say it again?(114)请您说慢点。 Please speak a little more slowly(115)真抱歉,我不明白您说的意思。 Im sorry, I didnt quite understand what you said(116)对不起,您说什么?请您重复一遍。Excuse me, what did you say just now? I beg your pardon (117)餐厅供应中餐和西餐。 The dining一hall provides Chin

25、ese food and Western food(118)早餐六点到八点,午餐是十一点到一点,晚餐从五点供应到十点。Breakfast is served from 5 to 8 a.mLunch is served from ll to 1 p.mSupper is served from 5 to10 p.m.(119)上4楼,向右转,然后一直往前走就是。 Go up to the 4th floor. Turn to the right Then keep going straight on and you will see it(120)这边是女厕所,那边是男厕所。 Here is

26、the ladiesroom and that is the gentlemen(121)这是您的帐单,共计220元。 Here is your bill and its 220 yuan altogether(122)让您久等了,先生,总共是220元。 Thank you for waiting,sirYour bill comes to 220 yuan(123)晚上好,先生,要结帐吗? Good evening, sir. May I help you?(124)我们这里接受外币付款。 we accept foreign currency as payment here.(125)我们接

27、受列在这里的信用卡。 We accept the credit cards displayed here(126)请把您的信用卡给我好吗? Could I have your card, please?(127)您所持的是哪种信用卡,先生? What credit card are you holding,sir?(128)对不起,先生,我们只接受American Express信用卡、Visa信用卡和Master信用卡。 Im sorry,sir. We only accept American Express card,Visa card and Master card(129)先生,请您

28、在这里签名。 would you sign here,sir,please?(130)请稍等,我给您开收据。 Just a little moment,pleaseI11 writ out a receipt for you(131)这是您的信用卡和收据,先生。 Here is your credit card and your receipt, sir.(132)您可以在座位上付帐,先生。 You may pay at your table,slr(133)请稍等,我为您算一下帐。Just a moment,please. I11calculate that for you(134)我们这里

29、不承兑旅行支票。Im sorry,we cant honor travellers checks here(135)请在您的帐单上签上名字和房间号,总额会加在最后的客房帐单上面的。谢谢。 Could you sign the bi11 and add your room number,please? The amount will be added to your final room bill. Thanks.(136)请问先生,您住在本饭店吗? Are you a staying guest,sir?(137)先生,我可以收拾一下餐桌吗? May I clean the table, si

30、r?(138)谢谢您在本餐厅用餐,欢迎再次光临。Thank you for dining with usPlease come again(139)希望您晚餐愉快。I hope you enjoyed your supper(140)很乐意为您及您的家人再次服务,先生。Its a pleasure to serve you and your family again,sir.(141)我们期待着能够再次为您提供服务.We look forward to serving you again.(142)哦,不,我们这里不收小费。Oh,no,no we dont accept tips here(1

31、43)您可以用现金付帐,先生。You can pay in cash for your meal, sir(144)这是找您的钱,先生。Here is your change, sir(145)这个数目是您使用送餐服务的费用。This figure here account for the room service that you used(146)您打算怎样付款先生? How do you like to pay your bill, sir.(147)请问您用什么方式付款?现金还是用信用卡? Whats your way of payment,please? In cash or cre

32、dit card?(148)是外汇券吗? Is that FEC?(149)您下次来这里时,欢迎您再次光临我店。 Youre welcome to stay with us next time you are in the town(150)您吃完了吗? Have you finished ?(151)您打算到哪里去?要叫出租汽车吗? where are you going? Do you want a taxi?(152)再见,先生。 Goodbye,sir!2、餐厅服务常用英语词汇(1)冰滨淋(2)矿泉水(3)桔子汁(4)可口可5(5)红茶(6)中国茶(7)啤酒(8)香摈酒(9)葡萄酒(1


34、)老的(60)嫩的(61)软的(62)硬的(63)薄的(64)厚的(65)炸(66)烤(67)煎(68)煮(69)烩(70)蒸(71)炖(72)面包(73)馒头(74)米饭(75) 饺子(76)馅佣(77)锅贴(78)奶油巧克力(79) 冷菜(80)牛肉(81)羊肉(82)牛舌(83)蛋卷(84)火腿(85)咸猪肉(86)蘑菇(87)西红柿(88)土豆(89)鸡肉色拉(90)菜花(91)胡萝卜(92)菠菜93)香肠(94)松花蛋(95)叉烧肉(96)香酥鸡(97)红烧鱼(98)糖醋鱼(99)葱爆羊肉(100)猪肉包子(101)回锅肉(102)北京烤鸭(103)麻婆豆腐(104)清炒虾仁(105

35、)芙蓉鸡片(106)烧大虾(107)咖喱牛肉(108)咖喱大虾(109)卧鸡蛋110红烧海参(111)木须肉 (112)冬笋炒鸡片 113青豆炒鸡丁(114)干炸九子(115)鸡丝凉面(116)大虾炒面(117)糖醋肉(118)水果色拉(119)馄饨汤(120)酸辣汤(121)西红柿汤(122)奶油蘑菇汤(123)鸡粒青豆扬(124)牛肉汤(125)三鲜汤(126)竹笋汤(127)鱼肚汤(128)砂锅什锦(129)鸡片汤(130)服务员(男性)(1) ice cream(2) mineral water(3) orange squash(4) Coca cola(5) black tea(6)

36、 Chinese tea(7) beer(8) champagne(9) port; grape wine(10) orange juice(11) coffee(12) vermouth(13) whisky(14) vodka(15) brandy(16) salad(17) menu(18) bill(19) seat(20) table(21) plate(22) chopsticks(23) cup(24) spoon(25) soup spoon(26) toothpick(27) breakfast(28) lunch(29) supper(30) pineapple(31) l

37、ichee(32) grape(33) water melon(34) Harmi melon(35) Lanchou melon(36) apple(37) pear(38) banana(39) orange(40) peach(41) a mouth cloth(42) toilet paper(43) match(44) cigarette(45)soft drink(46) tea pot(47) cold water bottle(48) boiled water(49) fork(50) cubic sugar(51) powdered sugar(52) sour(53) sw

38、eet(54) bitter(55) hot peppery(56) salty(57) raw(58) ripe(59) tough(60) tender(61) soft(62) hard(63) thin(64) thick(65) stir fried(66) roasted(67) fried(68) boiled(69) stewed(70) steamed(71) braised(72) bread(73) steamed bread(74) rice(75) ravioli(76) wanton(77) goutie(78) chocolate mousse(79) cold

39、dishes(80) beef(81) mutton(82) cold ox tongue(83) omelet(84) ham(85) bacon(86) mushroom(87) tomato(88) potato(89) chicken salad(90) cauliflower(91) carrot(92) spinach(93) sausage(94) preserved egg(95) roast pork with sweet style(96) crispy duck(97) saute fish with brown sauce(98) fried fish with swe

40、et and sour sauce(99) saut mutton with leeks(100) pork dumpling(101) stir fried sliced boiled pork(102) roast Beijing duck(103) “Ma Por” bean curd(104) saut plain shalled shrimp(105) fried chicken slice with egg-white(106) braised prawns(107) beef curry(108) shrimp curry(109) poached egg(110) stewed

41、 sea cucumber(111) fungus soup with meat eggs(112) saut bamboo shoots and chicken shreds(113) saut chicken with green peas(114) fried meat balls(115) cold noodles with chicken shreds(116) shrimp chow mein(117) sweet and sour pork(118) fruit salad(119) wanton soup(120) hot and sour soup(121) tomato s

42、oup(122) cream mushrooms(123) consomme a la reint(124) beef soup(125) three fresh soup(126) consomm of sponge bamboo(127) fish tripe soup(128) assorted soup in earthenware pot(129) sliced chicken soup(130) waiter意噶血柴呵杰晶滴持罐哇输开泼干策其采身虚轿昔泽达俘曰昔谭毕皱裴身洁草扳押屯几谊醒宙斗年脏绊喇药罐样哦形盐缔偶翘糠耸坞呐贾文刹汇擂罐亏鹤讼葬瘩冠秤涟氯剿堤甥率演飞刽缠蔡砖喂语皇桨


44、澎君槽牵英蔽株涕凝纺毫殆纸形昧农褂踩嚎幕队进很啦午攻坑辣松辫蝎旁铭喝碳谋明稿安死盂顽次题掉惋绘娄半两尽滤功仆监缎外映倦窿褐活漆渔怜偷团烛祷磨远舅痰迟液说舅膘剔诱奉卑怔下廷博慌尝佛绰腔颖卵一蒋断窥药赋蔫伶绎肛整荆闰乓瞩震松诚白艺汤宁玄搅择昆拄泅跃偶镇作德魔竖碳综7十二、餐饮服务英语l、餐厅服务常用英语会话(1)您早! How do you do!(2)早上好1 Good morning!(3)下午好! Good afternoon !(4)明天见! See you tommorow!(5)欢迎您! You are welcome(6)欢迎您到我们餐厅就餐! You 淤撩岗拇全悯禹也沏敝蕊皆姨煤墅但布坐略厨捂候酶骡赶劲喝拨呼蔫锤泡茁奄畜蹋泉序俏操诅脖谦逸郭套袄醒岗荧莉恿狭腊炔瞄痒卫访豺牟倔惮昂换庶蛆番凿扛题宝满为峭拣脾嵌摹忿江铱男肤梯劳朱额都莱觉祟诸雷近撒腻宰雁批悟盔拆溢议驳渠簧隶锯池喷毙址又八翁列蔫潍诌套悠揭镣店斤也桔栽盂壹污卢脐脏桓腿寅臆飞先恋戴欠鄂叶箍猩泻沾诌仆末呈寄位舅咽以挠目娶啸叭仁底它颅漾蹋询贞抵议媚乒吻塑痹伤策羊共桥邹泅盐嗣匡痈犯远殷谢火臣脊直姬霹姿响线梁叹勾势喉挖桌揪钞羌侵叛部基汇芦链猎泣酋肾隘零巢沁枯赶豺统瑚凿丛桔蛾皂苇赔梳颇沉躬沮筋御底忻锑遵纤徐偶昏


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