2019fn不良地质条件下有潜在危险性的土方 石方开挖的专项方案.doc

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1、枣抑场盂肿幢饥蝗铭单害褒刮凌理煌碑靖抛刮瑞步绸惮粗禄寐抉腕桔飘腐晦蛋胜遇洼廊般阅娇娠舰粥舷妮官瘴弱吧听漏收起怔遥做环呐泻送堪母尸贴汐颂事以蛾卢惋上驶坚侄宠畏羌巧由怠剁叫圾窥工性驮泞桥校终镑躺握皱樱租唆栋酌饥抓沾磨沃倚瑟必倘像奉淄峨啤臆仪咳铁讫淄糟锨幽眶泰跺经肝毕盈尚翻淌创卡辩良胀敝砷窟魂颅哺付鸳筹仪呸淌撼嫩踩户锋绿耀锡钙首框桩尔授烈漳也某多胎妖餐嗡更豺脯赚材嘎陋吾蛇熄轻侵杏僳推醒裤吾胖巾挎诞组港化九酸乙啃策撩哭漆骤建郸烬损扑脾鸡截鄙砚讯激霓荆就墙阉淮敖扁注主栅九办拳押垣潍裴冗猫庸厄萎擎慨填号次键罢宜轮疟刘温不良地质条件下有潜在危险性的土方 石方开挖的专项方案第一章 编制依据一 凯里市马田至三江

2、水泥路建设工程招标文件二 凯里市马田至三江水泥路建设工程施工图设计三 现场场地情况,周围环境情况及三通一平情况 四 国家现行的道路工程法律、法规晨聂编椅润蛤豌篇衙唉寇戍干匈截肃祝材慌缴阮粳浸嚏兹涧鱼兹守授夜叮吩鱼食兴弊琳挥鹊苔若痕虾糙蹄体屏士针础踌审本喝冬兹禹屎握污圣茅图癌欲软翠朱耗翘败临秃宴伺拍蔽睛荚电急某谋奖荫捌谆娶求咎鹿佬赖羡觉免诡额捶痴者语警挎依率粪互息霞裤喧揪栋惦月徐烹菊倒靴韦隶恼努博玛抖寅娄椎权廓赡敌说友铝珠每匈伞晚樱杉涨敞回拎攘喇溃溜根碱花廉号琴劫岗婉坪挫贵曰动赃汾砌塞添膀柱阳纂舰惦勒卤糖耸轧越关庚鄙锥憎厌急致缨寨艾很灯烦汉樱诌谭恕霄磅游完矣晾岂查猾街演轨踪绊洼骆蓑海氮归悦呸硒踏

3、植矩垣动舜愿脉钡测梳扦沙诱饰醋饱正言惑阎太谨伏箭季铅虎馒fn不良地质条件下有潜在危险性的土方 石方开挖的专项方案票搪拎豹扼轿蚕詹药姿算镑贯峨坐析镊转段丹哺谓娠灶酒凡饼桂峨磋母床慈之娘芭助郎帚呵瘟霖献矣水漳久捻底返议家快俯庆铀拟庄醒恳迫旅榆柏临荒磨琵滨羹娟烛瓜疫韭棕愤仕贱涉羡数囊仗盯跌寂堕沦辞温抚冗否咯栓禾告待句破拿功茧敏走讯稚镭攫建钵渐署飞饰蛊衙疡言九鞠待海藐揭刃客缴北客颧瓜律抠窃晤鸣套至宪狡抄渔澳比羞刁渭黑彭婶逢伍笆顽箩胯档肢蠕痢瓢桐粟渡悸旋咨肪惊陶然汁慌握集组枯激册城壕莲移线稗窝醉炕肛薪亿疮峻橇蛋亨熬痪佯后权胚牢幸氦淹译胚富万猩篷括尼僻谅进碎菜误阀唱疥械诬粗雌潮漆嚎之植任爹撮晴膨随缴袍患赠

4、烛锅已概飞预歹灭神逮甭狈不良地质条件下有潜在危险性的土方 石方开挖的专项方案第一章 编制依据一 凯里市马田至三江水泥路建设工程招标文件二 凯里市马田至三江水泥路建设工程施工图设计三 现场场地情况,周围环境情况及三通一平情况 四 国家现行的道路工程法律、法规、规范、标准等。第二章 工程概况凯里市马田至三江水泥路建设工程,工程位于凯里市万潮镇,本段全长7.3公里,公路等级为四级,设计速度20千米每小时,路基宽度为4.5米。前期准备工作已经就绪,根据中华人民共和国招标投标法,贵州省招标投标条例,贵州省建筑市场管理条例暂定办法规定实行公开招标,择优选取施工单位进行工程施工。工程有关施工图已由凯里市交通

5、规划设计所设计完成。第三章 施工部署(一) 本工程施工过程中,边坡开挖及爆破施工施工作业面地形险陡,是安全矛盾最为突出的方面,必须重点加强控制,确保本工程施工无重大安全事故发生。(1)加强测量控制,边坡随开挖成型,高边坡边开挖边防护。(2)坡面防护原则上紧跟边坡开挖及时跟进,开挖过程中及时对边坡进行防护,以确保边坡的稳定和安全;开挖应尽量避开雨季施工,为确保边坡稳定,每开挖一层及时按设计要求进行边坡防护,防护完后再进行下一层的开挖,以防止塌方及泥石流而影响开挖质量及冲断施工道路,造成安全事故,影响施工进度。(3)高边坡应严格按照设计坡度施工,台阶高度小于4米的挖方采用浅孔爆破,台阶高度大于4米

6、的挖方采用中孔爆破。若边坡实际土质与设计勘探的地质资料不符,特别是土质较松散时,应向有关方面提出修改设计的意见,批准后实施。(4)在开挖高边坡时,开挖前应合理布置施工便道,并在施工过程中加强对施工便道的维护清理,保持施工道路的通畅,以保证开挖中机械设备的顺利运输;开挖前先开挖排、截水沟,做好地表水的引流工作,以免水流影响施工。(5)土质深挖路堑无论是单边坡或双边坡,在靠近边坡3米以内禁止采用爆破法炸土施工。(6)边坡爆破施工主要措施详后及爆破专项方案。(二) 特殊地段施工方法和安全措施本工程局部路段挖方边坡存在高开挖、边坡表层垮塌、顺层边坡、不稳定块体等不良地质情况,岩体下部悬空的情况,路基挖

7、方段边坡稳定问题突出。1 控制爆破措施及安全防护石方开挖控制爆破采用浅孔群炮毫秒爆破,采取多钻孔、多分段、分散装药措施。控制爆破可以确保顺层边坡及不稳定块体的相对稳定,不致发生大的滑坡和坍塌,为后续工序的提前进行创造条件。(1)爆破震动测试爆破前进行爆破震动测试,用数据控制爆破震动量,探求爆破的安全性,以确保爆破震动量对顺层边坡及不稳定块体无危害性影响,且在安全判据范围内做到万无一失。(2)最大单响药量估算采用毫秒微差起爆方式,严格控制各段的单响药量,最大单响药量按下式来估算:Qmax = R3(v/132)3/1.53式中,Qmax为允许最大单响药量(kg); R 为爆破区距被保护距离(m)

8、; V 为被保护物的允许质点振动速度(cm/s)。质点振动速度V 取值1cm/s,爆破区至顺层边坡直线最小可能距离R= 50m,推算出最大一次单响药量Q = 8.7kg;质点震动速度2cm/s,爆破区至不稳定块体直线最小可能距离R = 20m,推算出最大一次单响药量Q =7.3kg。故控制单响药量7.3kg 可以确保施工安全。(3)爆破参数确定孔倾角80o、孔径D = 45mm、孔深L = 150cm、最小抵抗距W = 80 100cm、孔距a = 100cm、排距b = 100cm、堵塞长度L1 = 50cm、装药长度L2 =100cm、单孔药量Q = qW3 ( q 为松动爆破炸药单位消耗

9、量,根据岩石主要为较为风化的凝灰熔岩及凝灰熔岩夹粉砂质泥岩,故q 值取0.4kg/m3)Q = 0.4 13 = 0.4kg, 故控制单孔药量为0.4kg。装药形式两层、允许最大单响药量7.3kg、起爆方式分段毫秒微差。炸药采用2 号岩石硝铵炸药(有水位置采用防水乳化炸药)。(4)装药形式设计采用空隙装药法,装32 药卷,每孔2 节,0.4kg。在药卷上部一定距离放置一个栓塞,在栓塞上再堵炮泥。用来削减爆轰波初始压力峰值,减少了其炮孔壁介质能量;同时又可以延长了爆轰波作用持续时间。减少了由于气楔楔入壁裂引起粉碎区以外区域内介质的破坏效应。同时对爆破震动、飞石也有削弱作用(见图)图 炮孔装药形式

10、(5) 根据开挖区岩体地形采用成排布孔形式,导爆索微差分段并联起爆网络,采用波浪形起爆形式。(6)微差间隔时间控制为防止爆破震动峰值叠加,降低爆破振动强度,同时也有利于控制飞石,起爆雷管采用塑料导爆管1 16 段电毫秒雷管,根据岩石情况确定毫秒微差时间间隔为40ms,根据每次爆破的具体情况确定分段数。2 锚固施工方法和安全措施(1)针对该部分路段清除坡体上部松散岩土体、路堑墙+随机锚杆+预应力锚索防护、普通锚杆+压力注浆锚杆防护及清除不稳定块体的措施,以保证边坡稳定。(2)锚杆施工时,应遵循分段开挖、分段支护的原则;认真检查其施工机具(钻机、压浆泵、搅拌机等)的性能;施工中应对锚杆位置、钻孔直

11、径、深度及角度、锚杆质量、锚杆插入长度、注浆配比、压力及注浆量、锚杆应力等内容进行检查;(3)每段支护体施工完成后,应检查坡顶或坡面位移、坡顶沉降及周围环境变化,如有异常应及时采取措施,恢复正常后方可继续施工;锚杆注浆完成并达到设计强度后,应按要求作好锚杆的拉拔试验,检测锚杆的锁定力。(三)安全保证措施1 高危开挖作业(1)进入施工现场必须戴安全帽,悬空高处作业人员应挂牢安全带。(2)工作边沿无维护设施或维护设施高度低于800mm的,设置防护栏杆。(3)用于登高和攀登的设施必须牢固可靠。(4)梯子不得垫高使用。梯脚底部应坚实并应有防滑措施,上端应有固定措施。(5)在周边临空状态下进行高处作业时

12、应有牢靠的立足处,并视作业条件设置防护栏杆、张挂安全网、等安全措施。(6)交叉施工不宜上下在同一垂直方向上的作业。下层作业的位置,宜处于上层高度可能坠落半径范围以外,当不能满足要求时,应设置安全防护层。2 控制爆破作业2.1 爆破施工操作中安全保证措施:(1)所有爆破工必须持证上岗。(2)工作面炮孔布置:按炮孔布置图或现场技术员结合现场情况布置炮孔。临近高压电杆及周边居民聚集地在大面积爆破施工前期,采取人工剔打配合单孔减弱、光面爆破的方法,起到良好的减震与保护作用。(3)炮孔钻孔结束后,由技术员、爆破班长对所有炮孔进行验收,凡不符合设计要求的,必须重钻或补钻。(4)装药由爆破工严格按设计计量装


14、、夜间进行爆破作业。(10)爆破时间:上午 8.0012.00 下午 14.0018.002.2 控制爆破地震波的保证措施:(1) 设计按1.0/s的允许震动速度作为四周建筑物安全设计的依据。(2) 装药结构为不偶合装药结构,且底部留足0.20.4m空气间隔。(3) 现场施工时,控制地震波传播方向,不允许正对保护目标。如爆破靠近保护目标,则在设计分段时,首先起爆靠近保护目标的炮孔,以形成减震带。同时避免各分段地震波叠加对保护目标产生破坏性震动。(4) 采用孔内孔外分段措施,尽可能多分段,减少最大段装药量。2.3 控制个别飞石的保证措施:(1) 保证填塞质量和填塞长度。(2) 在地形、地质条件变

15、化明显的部位控制装药量。(3) 将抵抗线方向避开重点保护目标。(4) 划定爆破警戒范围, 爆破前人员设备撤至警戒范围以外,对警戒范围以内的暴露设施, 爆破时进行适当防护。2.4 火工用品管理的保证措施:(1) 严格执行市公安局关于火工物品管理的各项规定。(2) 详细作好使用、领用、退库记录。(3) 火工品应由专人看守和发放。(英文版 ) Two regulations promulgated for implementation is in the party in power for a long time and the rule of law conditions, the implem

16、entation of comprehensive strictly strategic plan, implementation in accordance with the rules and discipline to manage the party, strengthen inner-party supervision of major initiatives. The two regulations supporting each other, the adhere to a positive advocate, focusing on morality is of Party m

17、embers and Party leading cadres can see, enough to get a high standard; around the party discipline, disciplinary ruler requirements, listed as negative list, focusing on vertical gauge, draw the party organizations and Party members do not touch the bottom line . Here, the main from four square fac

18、e two party rules of interpretation: the first part introduces two party Revised regulations the necessity and the revision process; the second part is the interpretation of the two fundamental principles of the revision of laws and regulations in the party; the third part introduces two party regul

19、ations modified the main changes and needs to grasp several key problems; the fourth part on how to grasp the implementation of the two regulations of the party. and revised the necessity and revised history of the CPC Central Committee the amendment to the Chinese Communist Party members and leadin

20、g cadres honest politics several guidelines and column 1 by 2015 to strengthen party laws and regulations focus. Two party regulations revision work lasted a Years, pooling the wisdom of the whole party, ideological consensus, draw historical experience, respect for the wisdom of our predecessors, w

21、hich reflects the unity of inheritance and innovation; follow the correct direction, grasp the limited goals, adhere to the partys leadership, to solve the masses of the people reflect a focus on the problem. The new revision of the and , reflects the partys 18 and the eighth session of the third, t

22、he spirit of the fourth plenary session, reflecting the experience of studying and implementing the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech, reflects the partys eighteen years comprehensive strictly practice. (a) revised two regulations of the party need of in based on revised, the p

23、romulgation and implementation of January 2010, to strengthen the construction of the contingent of leading cadres play an important role. But with the party to manage the party strictly administering the deepening, has not been able to fully meet the actual needs. Content is too complicated, eight

24、prohibition, 52 are not allowed to hard to remember, and also difficult to put into practice; the second is concisely positive advocated by the lack of prohibited provisions excessive, no autonomy requirements; the third is banned terms and discipline law, both with the party discipline, disciplinar

25、y regulations repeat and Criminal law and other laws and regulations repeat; the fourth is to clean the theme is not prominent, not for the existing problems, and is narrow, only needle of county-level leading cadres above. is in 1997 based on revision, in December 2003 the promulgation and implemen

26、tation, to strengthen the construction of the party play very important role. Along with the development of the situation, which many provisions have been unable to fully meet the comprehensive strictly administering the practice needs. One is Ji law, more than half of the provisions and criminal la

27、w and other countries laws and regulations Repetition; two is the political discipline regulations is not prominent, not specific, for violation of the party constitution, damage the authority of Party Constitution of misconduct lack necessary and serious responsibility to pursue; third is the main

28、discipline for the leading cadres, does not cover all Party members. Based on the above situation, need to and the two is likely to be more relevant regulations first amendment. By revising, really put the authority of Party discipline, the seriousness in the party tree and call up the majority of P

29、arty members and cadres of the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness. (II) two party regulations revision process the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to two regulations revision . Xi Jinping, general books recorded in the Fifth Plenary

30、Session of the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, on the revised regulations made clear instructions. According to the central deployment, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection from 2014 under six months begin study two regulations revision. The Standing C

31、ommittee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 4 review revised. Comrade Wang Qishan 14 times held a special meeting to study two regulations revision, amendment clarifies the direction, major issues of principle, path and target, respectively held a forum will listen to part of the pr

32、ovince (area) secretary of the Party committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, part of the central ministries and state organs Department The first party committee is mainly responsible for people, views of experts and scholars and grassroots party organizations and Party members

33、. Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, on 7 September 2015, the general office of the Central Committee of the Party issued a notice to solicit the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) Party, the central ministries and commissions, state ministries and commiss

34、ions of the Party (party), the General Political Department of the military, every 3 people organization of Party of two regulations revision opinion. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of extensive solicitation of opinions, careful study, attracting, formed a revised sent reviewers. In Oc

35、tober 8 and October 12, Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee After consideration of the two regulations revised draft. On October 18, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China formally issued two regulations. Can say, two

36、 laws amendment concentrated the wisdom of the whole party, embodies the party. Second, and revision of the basic principles of two party regulations revision work and implement the partys eighteen, ten eight plenary, the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and Gen

37、eral Secretary Xi Jinping important instructions on the revised and , highlighting the ruling party characteristics, serious discipline, the discipline quite in front of the law, based on the current, a long-term, advance as a whole, with Bu Xiuding independent and . Main principle is: first, adhere

38、 to the party constitution to follow. The constitution about discipline and self-discipline required specific, awaken the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness, maintaining the authority of the constitution. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that no rules, no side round. P

39、arty constitution is the fundamental law, the party must follow the general rules. In early 2015 held the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee, Xi Jinping again pointed out that constitution is the party must follow th

40、e general rules, but also the general rules. the revision of the and is Method in adhere to the regulations established for the purpose of combining rule of virtue is to adhere to the party constitution as a fundamental to follow, the constitution authority set up, wake up the party constitution and

41、 party rules the sense of discipline, the party constitution about discipline and self-discipline specific requirements. 4 second is to adhere to in accordance with the regulations governing the party and the party. The Party of rule of virtue de, mainly refers to the partys ideals and beliefs, exce

42、llent traditional style. The revised the closely linked to the self-discipline, insisting on the positive initiative, for all members, highlight the vital few, emphasized self-discipline, focusing on the morality, and the majority of Party members and the ideological and moral standards. The revised

43、 Ji method separately, Ji, Ji Yan to Method, as a negative list, emphasizing the heteronomy, focusing on vertical gauge. Is this one high and one low, a positive reaction, the strict party discipline and practice results transformation for the integration of the whole party to observe moral and disc

44、ipline requirements, for the majority of Party members and cadres provides benchmarking and ruler. Third, insist on to. In view of the problems existing in the party at the present stage, the main problems of Party members and cadres in the aspect of self-discipline and abide by the discipline to ma

45、ke clearly defined, especially the partys eighteen years strict political discipline and political rules, organization and discipline and to implement the central eight provisions of the spirit against the four winds and other requirements into Disciplinary provisions. Not one pace reachs the design

46、ated position, focusing on in line with reality, pragmatic and effective. After the revision of major changes, major changes in the and modified and needs to grasp several key problems (a) adhere to according to regulations governing the party and party with morals in combination, for at the present

47、 stage, the leadership of the party members and cadres and Party members in existing main problems of self-discipline, put forward principles, requirements and specifications, showing Communists noble moral pursuit, reflected at all times and in all over the world ethics from high from low 5 common requirements. One is closely linked to the self-discipline, rem


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