fdR12159 反应釜回流冷凝器焊接工艺 -159.doc

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《fdR12159 反应釜回流冷凝器焊接工艺 -159.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《fdR12159 反应釜回流冷凝器焊接工艺 -159.doc(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、rapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants duty consumption monetization reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty consumption monetization of carrier an

2、d approach to management has been resolved. Third, in recent years, exploring the monetization of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the comprehensive reform of the system of public servants duty consumption further. Implementing an hone

3、st canteen, standardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication expense management; elimination of County travel and countryside subsidies; research village officials capitalization management of corporate spending, and so on. Finally, group .18 session to be held in Beijin

4、g from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform and opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretar

5、y pointed out that Chinas reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut, dares to question the Rapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas

6、, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the five in one the General layout of socialist modernization requirements, 18 session of the decision was a five in one and the improvement of ov

7、erall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the partys construction in the area of institutional reform. The five in one programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of ins

8、titutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding time and place importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 ple

9、nary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made important deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of the CPC Central Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the partys Congress, on the theme person

10、nel, discussing election Centrals top leaders, such as the election of the Standing Committee of the political Bureau, through the Central Committee members, decisions, such as members of the Central Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election

11、, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the third烟台一方特种化工设备有限公司焊 接 工 艺 规 产品编号 R12159 项 目 用 户 位 号 图 号 R12159-17 名 称 反应釜回流冷凝器 版 次阶 段说 明修改标记及处数编制人及日期审核人及日期备 注接 头 编 号 表焊 接 工 艺 规 程G接头编号示意图 A-筒体纵缝 B-筒体环缝 C-法兰与筒体接管角焊缝 D-接管与筒体的角焊缝 E支座与筒体角焊缝E1S-10HP-03SMAW-Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef3JD13S-9 HP-21SMAW-

12、Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef4C7-C9,C12S-8 HP-36SMAW-Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef4PT-100%C10,C11S-7 HP-36SMAW-Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef4PT-100%D7-D12S-6HP-03SMAW-FeII-6FG-10/45-Fef3JC13C18S-5 HP-03SMAW-FeII-6FG-10/45-Fef3JD1-D6S-4 HP-09SMAW-Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef4C1-C6S-3HP-09SMAW-Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef4A1,A2,B1S-2HP-09SMAW-Fe-1G-12-Fef4RT-20%A

13、3A4B2-B4S-1HP-01SMAW-Fe-1G-12-Fef3JSAW-1G-07/08/19RT-100%接头编号焊接工艺卡编号焊接工艺评定编号焊工持证项目无损检测要求焊 接 材 料 汇 总 表焊 接 工 艺 规 程母 材焊条电弧焊SMAW埋弧自动焊SAW气体保护焊MIG/TIG焊条/规格烘干温度/时间焊丝/规格焊剂烘干温度/时间焊丝/规格保护气体纯度321/Q245RA132250/1H08AHJ431250/1J426350/1A302250/1容 器 技 术 特 性部 位设计压力,MPa设计温度,试验压力,MPa焊接接头系数容器类别备注壳程0.4500.7(液压)0.85管程-0

14、.1/0.31700.4(液压)0.1接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡 接头简图焊接顺序焊接工艺卡编号S-21焊前准备:按左图和电弧焊工艺守则图 号R121592焊前检查:组对质量及材料标记移植。接头名称纵、环焊缝3焊接:坡口表面及两侧应将水、铁锈、油污、积渣等有害杂质清理干净接头编号A3-A4,B2-B4,4焊接:坡口两侧各100cm范围内应刷涂料5焊接:注意层间温度,采用小规范焊接6焊后清理:清理焊渣、飞溅、毛刺。焊接工艺评定报告编号HP-017自检:焊缝尺寸及外观焊工持证项目SMAW-FeII-1G-12-Fef3JSAW-1G-07/08/198进行100%RT检测,II级合格检验序号本厂锅

15、检所第三方或用户母材Q245R厚度,mm10Q245R10焊缝金属J426厚度,mmH08A10焊接位置平位层道焊接方法填充材料焊接电源电弧电压(V)焊接速度(cm/min)线能量(KJ/cm)施焊技术牌 号直 径级性电流(A)预热温度()SMAWJ4263.2110-13022-2668层间温度()1、SAWH08A,HJ4314.0550-60032-364550焊后热处理2、SAWH08A,HJ4314.0600-65032-364550后热钨极直径喷嘴直径脉冲频率脉宽比(%)气体成分气体流量接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡 接头简图焊接顺序焊接工艺卡编号S-11焊前准备:按左图和氩弧焊工艺守

16、则图 号R121592焊前检查:组对质量及材料标记移植。接头名称纵、环焊缝3焊接:坡口表面及两侧应将水、铁锈、油污、积渣等有害杂质清理干净接头编号A1, A2,B1,4焊接:坡口两侧各100cm范围内应刷涂料5焊接:注意层间温度,采用小规范焊接6焊后清理:清理焊渣、飞溅、毛刺。焊接工艺评定报告编号HP-097自检:焊缝尺寸及外观焊工持证项目SMAW-Fe-1G-12-Fef48进行20%RT检测,级合格检验序号本厂锅检所第三方或用户母材321厚度,mm1032110焊缝金属厚度,mm A13210焊接位置平位层道焊接方法填充材料焊接电源电弧电压(V)焊接速度(cm/min)线能量(KJ/cm)

17、施焊技术牌 号直 径级性电流(A)预热温度()1、SMAWA1322.4110-13022-2668层间温度()2、SMAWA1323.2130-15022-2668焊后热处理3、SMAWA1324.0140-17022-26710后热钨极直径喷嘴直径脉冲频率脉宽比(%)气体成分气体流量接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡 接头简图:焊接顺序焊接工艺卡编号S-41焊前准备:按左图和电弧焊工艺守则图 号R121592焊前检查:组对质量及材料标记移植。接头名称接管与筒体角焊缝3焊接:焊余层,注意层间清理接头编号D1D64焊后清理:清理焊渣、飞溅、毛刺。5自检:焊缝尺寸及外观焊接工艺评定报告编号HP-096进

18、行100%渗透检测,I级合格焊工持证项目SMAW-Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef4检验序号本厂锅检所第三方或用户母材321厚度,mm103213.5/4焊缝金属A132厚度,mm焊接位置平位层道焊接方法填充材料焊接电源电弧电压(V)焊接速度(cm/min)线能量(KJ/cm)施焊技术牌 号直 径级性电流(A)预热温度()一、SMAWA1323.2130-15022-2668层间温度()二、SMAWA1324.0140-17022-26710焊后热处理三、SMAWA1324.0140-17022-26710后热钨极直径喷嘴直径脉冲频率脉宽比(%)气体成分气体流量接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡 接头

19、简图:焊接顺序焊接工艺卡编号S-31焊前准备:按左图和电弧焊工艺守则图 号R121592焊前检查:组对质量及材料标记移植。接头名称接管与法兰角焊缝3焊接:焊余层,注意层间清理接头编号C1C64焊后清理:清理焊渣、飞溅、毛刺。5自检:焊缝尺寸及外观焊接工艺评定报告编号HP-09焊工持证项目SMAW-Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef4检验序号本厂锅检所第三方或用户母材321厚度mm3213.5、4焊缝金属A132厚度mm焊接位置平位层道焊接方法填充材料焊接电源电弧电压(V)焊接速度(cm/min)线能量(KJ/cm)施焊技术牌 号直 径级性电流(A)预热温度()一、SMAWA1323.2130-1

20、5022-2668层间温度()二、SMAWA1324.0140-17022-26710焊后热处理三、SMAWA1324.0140-17022-26710后热钨极直径喷嘴直径脉冲频率脉宽比(%)气体成分气体流量接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡 接头简图:焊接顺序焊接工艺卡编号S-51焊前准备:按左图和电弧焊工艺守则图 号R121592焊前检查:组对质量及材料标记移植。接头名称接管与法兰角焊缝3焊接:焊余层,注意层间清理接头编号C13C184焊后清理:清理焊渣、飞溅、毛刺。5自检:焊缝尺寸及外观焊接工艺评定报告编号HP-03焊工持证项目SMAW-Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef3J检验序号本厂锅检所第三

21、方或用户母材20II厚度mm20焊缝金属J426厚度mm焊接位置平位层道焊接方法填充材料焊接电源电弧电压(V)焊接速度(cm/min)线能量(KJ/cm)施焊技术牌 号直 径级性电流(A)预热温度()一、SMAWJ4263.2130-15022-2668层间温度()二、SMAWJ4264.0140-17022-26710焊后热处理三、SMAWJ4264.0140-17022-26710后热钨极直径喷嘴直径脉冲频率脉宽比(%)气体成分气体流量接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡 接头简图:焊接顺序焊接工艺卡编号S-61焊前准备:按左图和焊条电弧焊工艺守则图 号R121592焊前检查:组对质量及材料标记移植

22、。接头名称接管与筒体角焊缝3焊接:焊余层,注意层间清理接头编号D7-D124焊后清理:清理焊渣、飞溅、毛刺。5自检:焊缝尺寸及外观焊接工艺评定报告编号HP-03焊工持证项目SMAW-6FG-10/45-F4检验序号本厂锅检所第三方或用户母材Q245R厚度,mm10203、2.5焊缝金属J426厚度,mm焊接位置平位层道焊接方法填充材料焊接电源电弧电压(V)焊接速度(cm/min)线能量(KJ/cm)施焊技术牌 号直 径级性电流(A)预热温度()一、SMAWJ4263.2130-15022-26710层间温度()二、SMAWJ4264.0140-17022-26710焊后热处理三、SMAWJ42

23、64.0140-17022-26710后热钨极直径喷嘴直径脉冲频率脉宽比(%)气体成分气体流量接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡 接头简图:焊接顺序焊接工艺卡编号S-101焊前准备:按左图和电弧焊工艺守则图 号R121592焊前检查:组对质量及材料标记移植。接头名称支座垫板与筒体角焊缝3焊接:焊余层,注意层间清理接头编号E14焊后清理:清理焊渣、飞溅、毛刺。5自检:焊缝尺寸及外观焊接工艺评定报告编号HP-03焊工持证项目SMAW-Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef3J检验序号本厂锅检所第三方或用户母材Q235-B厚度mm10Q245R10焊缝金属J426厚度mm焊接位置平位层道焊接方法填充材料焊接电源电

24、弧电压(V)焊接速度(cm/min)线能量(KJ/cm)施焊技术牌 号直 径级性电流(A)预热温度()一、SMAWJ4263.2130-15022-26710层间温度()二、SMAWJ4264.0140-17022-26710焊后热处理后热钨极直径喷嘴直径脉冲频率脉宽比(%)气体成分气体流量接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡 接头简图:焊接顺序焊接工艺卡编号S-91焊前准备:按左图和电弧焊工艺守则图 号R121592焊前检查:组对质量及材料标记移植。接头名称换热管与管板角焊缝3焊接:焊余层,接头编号D134焊后清理:清理焊渣、飞溅、毛刺。5自检:焊缝尺寸及外观焊接工艺评定报告编号HP-636进行100

25、%渗透检测,I级合格焊工持证项目SMAW-Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef4检验序号本厂锅检所第三方或用户母材321厚度,mm503213焊缝金属A132厚度,mm焊接位置平位层道焊接方法填充材料焊接电源电弧电压(V)焊接速度(cm/min)线能量(KJ/cm)施焊技术牌 号直 径级性电流(A)预热温度()一、SMAWA1322.590-11022-2468层间温度()二、SMAWA1322.590-11022-2468焊后热处理后热钨极直径喷嘴直径脉冲频率脉宽比(%)气体成分气体流量接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡 接头简图:焊接顺序焊接工艺卡编号S-71焊前准备:按左图和电弧焊工艺守则图 号R1

26、21592焊前检查:组对质量及材料标记移植。接头名称管板与筒体焊缝3焊接:焊余层,注意层间清理接头编号C10,C114焊后清理:清理焊渣、飞溅、毛刺。5自检:焊缝尺寸及外观焊接工艺评定报告编号HP-606进行100%渗透检测,I级合格焊工持证项目SMAW-Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef4检验序号本厂锅检所第三方或用户母材321厚度mm50Q245R10焊缝金属A302厚度mm焊接位置平位层道焊接方法填充材料焊接电源电弧电压(V)焊接速度(cm/min)线能量(KJ/cm)施焊技术牌 号直 径级性电流(A)预热温度()一、SMAWA3023.2130-15022-2668层间温度()二、三SM

27、AWA3024.0140-17022-26710焊后热处理四、SMAWA3024.0140-17022-26710后热钨极直径喷嘴直径脉冲频率脉宽比(%)气体成分气体流量接 头 焊 接 工 艺 卡 接头简图:焊接顺序焊接工艺卡编号S-81焊前准备:按左图和氩弧弧焊工艺守则图 号R121592焊前检查:组对质量及材料标记移植。接头名称筒体与法兰角焊缝3焊接:焊余层,注意层间清理接头编号C7-C9, C124焊后清理:清理焊渣、飞溅、毛刺。5自检:焊缝尺寸及外观焊接工艺评定报告编号HP-606进行100%渗透检测,I级合格焊工持证项目SMAW-Fe-6FG-10/45-Fef4检验序号本厂锅检所第

28、三方或用户母材321 /20厚度mm32110焊缝金属A132,A302厚度mm焊接位置平位层道焊接方法填充材料焊接电源电弧电压(V)焊接速度(cm/min)线能量(KJ/cm)施焊技术牌 号直 径级性电流(A)预热温度()13SMAWA3023.2130-15022-2668层间温度()4SMAWA1324.0140-17022-26710焊后热处理5、SMAWA3024.0140-17022-26710后热钨极直径喷嘴直径脉冲频率脉宽比(%)气体成分气体流量plenary session, each session of the Central Committee of national

29、institutions and personnel problems have been arranged, you can concentrate on national development and reforms. Previous plenary session is often branded with a central leading collective, often by looking at the third plenum of the initiative to found the current central leadership collective gove

30、rnance characteristics. From the analysis of the process of economic reform in China, plenary session, 12 session, 14, 16 plenary session have programmatic meaning, respectively, marking the four stages of Chinas economic reform, and that the start-up phase of reform, reform, construction phase and

31、perfecting the Socialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy. Previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of taking class struggle as the key link, shifted to socialist modernization; 12 session marked the change from rural to urban, established with

32、public ownership as the Foundation of a planned commodity economy; 13 session at a time when both the old and the new system change, governance and rectify the economic order; 14 . Fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system, safeguard the peoples interests. Legal authority to uph

33、old the Constitution, deepening the reform of administrative law enforcement, ensure that the right to exercise judicial power independently and impartially according to law the prosecution, perfecting the running mechanism of judicial power, improve the system of judicial protection of human rights. Plenary session, Affairs the right to adhere to t


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