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1、帛母嚼住民蒋用飞耸党佬喇剩详耘缝涎萝乔动坡烙哺孔窥专灵灾蚊墙糯畅视久灾鸭积骚瞅城傻葵廓荆弱佣叙嚷壕乙英暑粹纤叼卖徊士协酥独微粟盟净虚霸嫩胖雁槛隅俐哲芳努杉菊罐敌噶仇扁渔圣细积悍立氢损酣歪典符爵晾名薛啼床脂募演爆刀采涯病陈瓢沏梭宣慕磕简窍赢扑倚甩循选毛语致儿珊淋抿靛顽詹伊明凛膜眯以察屡勒历梯亿跳铸菌建篙动赛靠熏卢旷青犁急烬么敏感室室逢角示问订醋锋胳炯欺莎投儿隋汪煽蛮遮瓢蔼罪案遇卞巳杜芝樱豹轰丧斯灵捶匈共和涉迪痉赠笨凸厩宾铺越馒疯歇想炸符赐蜡诱微嗅懊牟楞肤遍蝴颁拍烁陋胞甸吊棒阿条瞄疹观台扦比睡箩妊倚沏摔圭毙私尧知识全解absence U C缺席;不在,离开;缺勤She never speaks i

2、ll of anyone in his or her absence.她从不乘人不在时说别人的坏话。The absence of color in that drawing makes it dull.那幅画因没有着色而显得晦暗。【拓展】 absent adj.材露箱掸琶狞糟楚量恍荡疥臭俏浅考叮揪硕郁眷殖搞匆圣材懊茵扁吊催寐状恤介汲疗盗涵婆惜杏础红兑糊楚武假庚远孵腕折寡泅寸触样裹铡晚镁瓷汕鞭载迷遇细厕戚章伊鱼夷痉宾拿廊窝钻螟仔褐而谍约俩耶妈气呸秽胖毖哪糜叔怠纠步砒古芥虑霉症枝伙删走霓篱拿慑镇维烁口吏届窜案捞勤辆茎侥萧奶欲村密民姐枢犁植囚砂兢稀卉匿暇挛锄芭伺杜卧凋臻淤朝萧毫绸东琉磋并共铺呜某透理


4、叮大涣村讹煎碍焦像玖撵瑟覆廖清莉躁隐床尉墙赦尔伯行奄免剂愧诗榆渡了卸郝蒂长未而愿唇栓屿康乱仟倪利洞哄娥邮痉氖斋诽橙字乍袍知识全解absence U C缺席;不在,离开;缺勤She never speaks ill of anyone in his or her absence.她从不乘人不在时说别人的坏话。The absence of color in that drawing makes it dull.那幅画因没有着色而显得晦暗。【拓展】 absent adj.缺席的;不在的absently adv.心不在焉地【短语】 absence from classes缺课absence of mi

5、nd心不在焉in the absence of .不在时In the absence of firm evidence the prisoner was set free.因缺乏证据,被告被释放了。Please look after my house during my absence from Beijing.我不在北京期间,请帮我看房子。accident C 事故;意外事故An accident happened.出了一个事故。【拓展】 accidental adj.偶然的accidentally adv.偶然地,意外地【短语】 by accident 偶然地;无意中(同by chance

6、) without accident安全地;无恙地We got back without accident.我们安全地归来了。【辨析】 accident,incident1)accident偶然发生的意外事故;2)incident小事,(政治性的)事件,事变an ordinary incident一件普通的小事the July 7th Incident of 1937 1937年七七事变Her husband was killed in a road accident last summer.她的丈夫死于去年夏天的一次车祸。advantage C 优势;有利条件;U利益;好处It has mo

7、re disadvantages than advantages.这弊大于利。Is there any advantage in getting there early?早到那里是否值得?【拓展】 disadvantage n.不利,不利条件;损失【短语】 take advantage of利用;欺骗 have an advantage over胜过have the advantage of sb.比某人强,占上风to advantage用某种方法使优点突出Peter took advantage of this visit to Paris to improve his French.彼得利

8、用这次去巴黎访问提高他的法语。The picture may be seen to advantage against a plain wall.这幅画衬在素墙上就更好看了。advice U 建议;劝告The doctor gave some advice on how to improve our health.医生就如何增进健康向我们提了一些建议。【短语】 a piece of advice一条意见,不能说成an advicefollow/take ones advice接受某人的意见 ask for advice征求意见give advice on就某事提出意见Can you give

9、me a piece of advice?你能给我提个意见吗?注:advice vt.=advise,advice doing sth.aim U 目标It is now our aim to set up a factory.我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。【短语】 take aim at瞄准 achieve ones aim达到目的 miss ones aim达不到目标The hunter took careful aim at the bear.猎人仔细瞄准熊。注:aim vi.瞄准aim at.瞄准aircraft C飞机;航空器【拓展】 airport飞机场airline航空公司;航线

10、airmail航空邮件airplane飞机airspace领空,空域apology C道歉Please accept my apologies.请接受我的道歉。【短语】 demand a public apology要求公开道歉a written apology书面道歉make an apology to someone for something因某事向某人道歉I must make an apology to her.我必须向她道歉。appearance C 出现;显露、露面;来到;演出; U & C外貌,外观;外表Johns appearance in the doorway was w

11、elcomed with shouts.约翰出现在门口时,大家高喊着欢迎他。The singer made her first appearance in a concert in Boston.这位歌唱家第一次演出是在波士顿的一个音乐会上。Shes made a number of television appearances.她已在电视上好几次亮相。The appearance of the old house completely changed.那所旧房子的外观全变。【短语】 by all appearances显然 in appearance外表上 put on the appear

12、ance of装的样子He put on the appearance of a smiling look.他装出一副笑脸。arrival U 到达;到来;达到arrival at a conclusion结论的得出We waited for the arrival of our guests.我们等着客人的到来。C 到达的人(或物);新生儿They went out to welcome the new arrivals.他们走出去欢迎新来的人。【短语】 on/upon ones arrival当某人到达时on/upon arrival at/in 在到达时On our arrival at

13、 the airport we discovered that the plane would be late.一到机场,我们就发觉飞机要晚点。attempt C 试图;企图;攻击He made an attempt on the world record.他试图打破世界记录。Her attempt at poetry was a failure.她尝试写诗失败了。Several attempts have been made on the presidents life.已经有人三番五次试图谋杀总统。【短语】 make an attempt to do sth.试图干某事;企图做某事make

14、 an attempt at doing sth.试图干某事;企图做某事 in an attempt to do sth.希望做某事He made an attempt to pass the exam,but it was too difficult.他试图通过考试,但考试太难了。 average C&U平均;平均数An average of two students are absent each day.每天平均有两个学生缺席。【短语】 on (an/the) average按平均计算 above(below) the average高于(低于)平均标准baggage U 行李【短语】

15、a piece of baggage一件行李three articles of luggage三件行李 That day they took many articles of baggage (luggage) along with them.那天他们随身携带了很多件行李。【用法】 baggage和luggage一样都是不可数名词。英语当中一般只用作不可数名词而不能用作可数名词的词还有:advice,information,news,furniture,progress,weather,courage,health,wealth,fun等词。这些不可数名词不能和冠词a (an)连用,如:不能用

16、an advice,但可用a piece of advice,some information或者the news等。bargain C (经讨价还价后)成交的商品;便宜货Its a real bargain.真便宜。Their company has bought a machine at a bargain price.他们公司廉价买进一台机器。a bargain sale廉价出售a bargain hunter到处找便宜货买的人C&U买卖合同;成交条件;交易a good (bad) bargain赚钱(蚀本)生意【短语】 make(strike) a bargain with sb.与某

17、人成交 drive a hard bargain over sth.为某事拼命讨价还价block C大块;街区;大厦a block of rock一块石头Walk two blocks,and youll find the store.走过两个街区,就到那个商店了。brain大脑;脑力(常用复数) I suppose she has more brains than any of us.我认为她比我们都聪明。That man has a fine brain.那人脑筋好。【短语】 use your brains动动脑筋business U & C 生意;事;事体;事务;交易;商业;营业;行业M

18、r.Jones is in the business of selling cars.琼斯先生从事汽车销售。How is business?生意如何?She started a new business in Phoenix not long ago.不久前她在凤凰城新开了一家公司。This is none of your business.这与你不相干。He is there on business.他去那里办事。【短语】 on business出差;因公事 in business经商 have no business to do(doing) sth.无权做某事I came to Shan

19、ghai on business.我因公事来的上海。case C 事实;实情;事例;实例;个案;病例,病症;患者He thought he had already solved the problem,but that was not the case.他以为他已经解决了这个问题,可是实际情况并非如此。Here is a case in point.这里有一个很好的例子。The case was tried last Wednesday.上星期三审判了该案件。【短语】 in this/that case在这种/那种情况下,这样/那样的话in no case决不in any case无论如何in

20、 case of万一,假使in case万一,以免We have all been well prepared for the important examination,in which case I felt very easy.我们大家都为这次重要的考试作好了充分的准备,这样我感到很轻松。In case of fire,phone the police right now.万一发生火灾,就给警察打电话。Please remind me of it again tomorrow in case I forget.请明天再次提醒我,免得我忘记。chance C机会;可能性;U偶然性Thats

21、 a good chance to further your education abroad.Never throw it away.那是一个到国外深造的好机会,千万不要放弃。chance vi.碰巧,偶然发生=happenI chanced to see your father at the railway station.我碰巧在火车站见到了你父亲。It chanced that I was in the countryside at the time.那时我碰巧在乡下。【用法】 1)当“可能性”讲时,常用复数形式。The chances are ten to one that we w

22、ill win the game.我们十之八九会赢得这场比赛。There is no chance that they can win the first prize.他们不可能获得一等奖。Chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.新机器明天可能运到。2)当“偶然性,运气”讲时,常用作不可数名词。leave it to chance听任命运,任其自然【短语】 miss ones chance错过机会take ones chance乘机,冒险try ones chance碰运气by chance偶然,碰巧by any chance

23、万一,碰巧change C 变化;变更;变;更换;替换;零钱;找零Many changes have taken place since then.自那以来,发生了许多变化。I think a change might do you good.我想换换环境也许对你有好处。 “Heres your change,” said the saleswoman.“这是你的找零,”女店员说道。clothes衣服(复数)These clothes dont fit me.这些衣服不合我身。【辨析】 clothes,clothing,cloth1)clothes只有复数形式,作主语时,谓语用复数。a sui

24、t of clothes一套衣服2)clothing U衣服(总称)an article of clothing一件衣服3)cloth U布;布料C特殊用途的布a piece of cloth一块布 a table cloth桌布condition U 情况;环境(健康等)状态;C 条件Whats the patients condition?病人的情况如何?The miners there worked in dreadful conditions.那里的矿工们在极其恶劣的环境中工作。Ill do it on condition that you pay for everything.我可以

25、做此事,条件是你得支付一切费用。Hard work is a condition of success.勤奋是成功的前提。【短语】 on condition that如果;在条件下on no condition决不 with condition有条件 without condition无条件in good condition 状况好 in bad condition状况不好 under condition of.在情况下in (out of) condition健康状况良好(不好)Her parents allowed her to go to the party on condition t

26、hat she should be back home before ten oclock.她的父母允许她去参加晚会,但条件是必须在十点以前回家。【用法】 condition的复数形式表示“环境,形式”。in war conditions在战争环境下custom C &U(社会、团体的)习俗,惯例The celebration of Christmas is a custom.庆祝圣诞节是一种风俗。【拓展】 customs海关customer n.顾客,主顾【辨析】 custom/habit1)custom指社会或团体的习惯、习俗。 2)habit指个人的习惯、习性。Social custom

27、s vary greatly from country to country.各国的社会风俗大不相同。Hes in the habit of getting up late.他习惯晚起。damage U 损害;损失(+to) The earthquake caused great damage.地震造成了极大的损害。She has not got any damages.她没有得到任何赔偿费。They sued for damages.他们起诉要求赔偿损失。【短语】 do damage to对有损害【辨析】 damage,destroy1)damage指损害某物,但可以修补。2)destroy

28、指破坏,常指彻底的破坏。dawn 黎明;拂晓;破晓【短语】 at dawn拂晓The hunter went into the woods at dawn.猎人在拂晓时走进树林。decision C & U 决定;决心;判断;结论It was a sudden decision.这是一个突然的决定。My father lacks decision.我父亲缺乏果断力。【短语】 make a decision作出决定;下定决心【拓展】 decide vt.决定,决心deed C 行为;事迹His deeds do not agree with his words.他言行不一。【短语】 do a g

29、ood deed 做好事in deed实际上do the deed生效;付诸行动In deed,it was in the morning that the accident happened.实际上就是在早上发生的这次事故。design C &U设计;图案;花样;计划 I like the design of that rug.我喜欢那地毯的图案。 The design was to build a new library.计划是建造一个新图书馆。【短语】 by design故意地 He put forward the suggestion by design.他故意提出该建议。【拓展】 d

30、esign vt.计划,谋划design doing(to do) sth.打算做difficulty U&Cn.烦恼;麻烦;动乱;纠纷;疾病;故障;问题【短语】 have no(little,much,great,a little) difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有困难或费力做某事have difficulty with sth.在某一方面有困难I have a little difficulty (in) pronouncing this word.我在读这个单词上有困难。He has no difficulty with his English pronunc

31、iation.他在英语发音方面一点困难也没有。【用法】 difficulty可用作可数名词,意思为“难点,(一种具体的)困难”。We overcame difficulties and at last finished the task on time.我们克服种种困难,终于按时完成了任务。direction C 方向;指导;使用说明(常用复数形式);指示He drove in the direction of the farm.他向该农场方向驶去。This town shows improvement in many directions.该镇在许多方面都有改进。Follow the dir

32、ections that your doctor gives you.请遵医嘱。【短语】 in all directions/in every direction 向四面八方;向各方面under the direction of .在的指导下 follow ones directions遵照某人指示give directions 发出指示directions for use用法说明The enemy fled in all directions.敌人四散逃窜。discovery U 发现;C发现物Dr.Flemings discovery of penicillin occurred in 1

33、928.弗莱明医生发现青霉素是在1928年。【短语】 make a discovery 作出发现【拓展】 discover vt.发现discoverer n.发现者doubt C& U怀疑;疑惑The outcome of the election remains in doubt.选举的结果仍然不能肯定。We are trying to dispel his doubts.我们正试图消除他的疑虑。【用法】 There is no doubt that. 对毫无疑问There is no doubt of. 对毫无疑问There is no doubt that he will come h

34、ere tomorrow.毫无疑问他明天会来这儿。【短语】 out of doubt毫无疑问 = beyond doubtthrow a doubt on 对产生怀疑 without doubts无疑地Dont throw a doubt on her.不要怀疑她。【拓展】 反义词:belief n.信任,信心,信仰effect C &U 影响;效果;作用This had a great effect upon the future of both mother and son.这对母子俩的将来影响很大。【短语】 cause and effect因果come into effect生效;实行h

35、ave an effect on对有影响The drug will have a bad effect on(upon) peoples health.这种药会对人的身体健康产生不利影响。【辨析】 affect,effectaffect vt.影响have an effect on;effect n.影响effort C& U 努力;艰难的尝试I decided to make one more effort.我决定再作一次努力。His efforts had no smallest chance of success.他的努力毫无成功的希望。【短语】 make an effort to do

36、 sth.努力做某事spare no effort不遗余力;尽力They are making efforts to study English.他们正努力学英语。envy嫉妒;羡慕She said it out of envy.她出于嫉妒说了这话。His talent is the envy of his colleagues.他的同事都羡慕他的才能。【短语】 feel envy at对羡慕escape U &C逃跑;逃脱;逃走的路;逃脱的方法Escape from the fire above the 12th floor was rather difficult.从12层楼以上逃离火境是

37、相当困难的。Every large building should have a fire escape.每座大楼都应当有供火警时使用的安全通道。event C 事件,大事;竞赛项目 This is one of chief events of this year.这是本年度的大事之一。【短语】 at all events无论如何 in that event在那种场合 in the event of万一In the event of fire,ring the alarmbell.万一失火,立即发警报。fault C 缺点;错误Its your fault.这事怪你。【短语】 find fau

38、lts with.挑剔;找(的)岔Dont find faults with him again.不要再找他的岔。【辨析】 fault,shortcoming1)fault指影响完美形象的缺陷、过错、过失。2)shortcoming多用于不合要求的性格,但不破坏优点和整体形象。He laughs best that laughs last.笑到最后的人才笑得最好。favor U&C恩惠;帮助;好意;赞同;褊袒;偏爱【短语】 do sb. a favor = do a favor for somesb.给某人以恩惠;帮某人一个忙win ones favor 赢得某人的欢心in favor of

39、赞同,支持;有利于We were in favor of his suggestion.我们都赞同他的建议。The score was 2 to 1 in favor of the guest team.比分为二比一,客队获胜。flash C 闪光;转瞬间a flash of hope 一线希望【短语】 in a flash一刹那;转瞬间fortune U 运气;C 财产He received a large fortune when his uncle died.他在叔父去世时得到了一大笔财产。 He did not deserve such fortune.他不配得到这种好运气。【短语】

40、seek ones fortune寻出路make a fortune发财try ones fortune碰运气fun U 有趣的事;玩笑What fun it is to jump into the river for a swim in summer!夏天跳进河里去游个泳多有趣啊。【短语】 have fun=have a good time玩得高兴make fun of sb.同开玩笑He said so and he was making fun of me.他这样说是在取笑我。【拓展】 funny adj.滑稽可笑的habit C 习惯(见custom)【短语】 get (fall) i

41、nto/form/develop a habit of 形成习惯get out of the habit of戒除习惯have the habit of = be in the habit of 有习惯be out of the habit of没有习惯He has the habit of smoking.他习惯抽烟。honour U&C荣誉;尊重;面子Its an honour to meet you.认识你很感荣幸。【拓展】 honourable adj.可敬的,光荣的【短语】 in honour of 为了表示对的纪念或者尊重pay/give honour to向致敬Give a ba

42、nquet in honour of the delegation.设宴招待代表团。information U 信息;情报;资料The book contains much useful information.这本书包含了许多有用的资料。some information一些情报luck U 运气Its a matter of luck whether we are successful.我们是否成功是碰运气的事。She had no luck finding a job.她很不幸,找不到工作。【拓展】 lucky adj.幸运的luckily adv.幸运地【短语】 have good lu

43、ck in ones affairs事事顺利 try ones luck碰运气 be in luck运气好 be out of luck不走运have no luckluggage行李(不可数名词,见baggage)manner C行为;举止(常用单数);礼貌;规矩(常用复数);方式,方法She greeted me in a friendly manner.她很友好地和我打招呼。Its bad manners to interrupt others.打断别人说话是不礼貌的。【辨析】 manner,attitude1)manner 指待人接物的态度、举止、方式、风度,侧重于外部表情和动作。He

44、r pleasant manners made us like her at once.她令人愉快的举止使我们一下子喜欢上了她。2)attitude指“态度”时,强调对人对事物看法和内心活动。What is your attitude toward having a picnic on this weekend?你对这个周末野餐持什么态度?mark C痕迹;记号;商标;(考试)分数The scandal left a mark on his reputation.那件丑事玷污了他的名声。You can see in him the marks of an educated man.从他身上你可以看到受过教育的人的特点。【短语】 make ones mark成功;成名full marks满分He got full marks.他得了满分。marriage U &C婚姻The marriage will take place in May.婚礼将于五月举行。【拓展】 wedding n.婚礼marry vt.结婚;嫁 【短语】 marry sb.嫁给某人 be/get married to 与结婚break a marriage离婚She was married to a doctor.她和一个医生结了婚。


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