irony+ridicule+sarcasm 反语,嘲讽,讽刺修辞例句.doc

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1、Lesson 10 The Trial That Rocked the WorldJohn Scopes第十课 震撼世界的审判 约翰司科普斯 Bryan, ageing and paunchy, was assisted in his prosecution by his son, also a lawyer, and Tennessees brilliant young attorney-general, Tom Stewart. Ridicule布莱恩的样子老态龙钟,大腹便便。协助他进行起诉工作的有他的儿子 也是个律师 以及田纳西州年轻有为的检察长汤姆斯图尔特。After the prel

2、iminary sparring over legalities, Darrow got up to make his opening statement. My friend the attorney-general says that John Scopes knows what he is here for, Darrow drawled. I know what he is here for, too. He is here because ignorance and bigotry are rampant, and it is a mighty strong combination.

3、 Irony履行完规定的法律诉讼程序之后,达罗站起来开始发言了。“我的朋友检察长先生方才告诉我们说约翰司科普斯知道他为什么会被带上法庭,”达罗拖长着声音说。“我也知道他为什么会被带上法庭。那是因为愚昧和偏见还很猖獗,而且这两者又结合在一起,形成一股强大的势力。” Today it is the teachers, he continued, and tomorrow the magazines, the books, the newspapers. After a while, it is the setting of man against man and creed against cre

4、ed until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted faggots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind. Irony“今天受攻击的是教师,”他接着说道,“明天就会轮到杂志、书籍和报纸。要不了多久,社会上便会是一种人与人为仇,教派与教派为敌的局面,直到我们的社会大踏步地退回到十六世纪那光辉

5、的年代,那时如果有谁胆敢给人类带来智慧、知识和文化,就会被那些愚昧的偏执狂们点燃柴堆活活烧死。”The following day the prosecution began calling witnesses against me. Two of my pupils testified, grinning shyly at me, that I had taught them evolution, but added that they had not been contaminated by the experience. Howard Morgan, a bright lad of 14

6、, testified that I had taught that man was a mammal like cows, horses, dogs and cats.He didnt say a cat was the same as a man? Darrow asked.RidiculeNo, sir, the youngster said. He said man had reasoning power.There is some doubt about that, Darrow snorted. Sarcasm第二天,控方开始传唤证人出庭作证。出庭作证的是我的两个学生,他们一边羞涩

7、地对我傻笑,一边向法庭证明说我向他们宣讲过进化论,但又补充说他们并没有因此而受到毒害。一个叫霍华德.摩根的聪明的十四岁小男孩作证说我对他们讲过,人也像牛、马、狗、猫一样是哺乳动物。“他没有说猫和人完全一样吧?”达罗问。“没有,先生,”那孩子说道。“他说人是有思维能力的。”“这话怕不一定对哩,”达罗哼着鼻子说。The Bible, he thundered in his sonorous organ tones, is not going to be driven out of this court by experts who come hundreds of miles to testify

8、 that they can reconcile evolution, with its ancestors in the jungle, with man made by God in His image and put here for His purpose as part of a divine plan. Irony + Sarcasm“圣经,”他用洪亮的嗓音大喊大叫道,“是不会被那些千里迢迢赶来作证的学者专家们赶出这个法庭的。这些专家们来到这里的目的是想证明主张人类祖先来自丛林的进化论和上帝按照天机,依其形象创造人类并安排到这个世界上来的看法,是并行不悖的。”Dudley Fiel

9、d Malone popped up to reply. Mr. Bryan is not the only one who has the right to speak for the Bible, he observed. There are other people in this country who have given up their whole lives to God and religion. Mr. Bryan, with passionate spirit and enthusiasm, has given most of his life to politics.

10、Sarcasm达德雷费尔德马隆跳起来反驳布莱恩。“布莱恩可不是唯一有资格为圣经辩护的人,”他说。“在我们这一国度,还有些人将自己的全部生命都奉献给了上帝和宗教。而布莱恩先生却满腔热情地将自己的大半生命献给了政治。”One entrepreneur rented a shop window to display an ape. Spectators paid to gaze at it and ponder whether they might be related.The poor brute cowered in a corner with his hands over his eyes,

11、” a reporter noted, afraid it might be true. Ridicule还有一个承包商租了一个商店橱窗来展出一只猿猴。有些人便花钱去观看这只猿猴,并思量着自己是否可能与它有什么渊源。“这只可怜的畜牲双手捂住眼睛,蜷缩在一个角落里,”一位记者这样写道,“生怕人猿同源是真的。” Darrow read from Genesis: And the evening and the morning were the first day. Then he asked Bryan if he believed that the sun was created on the

12、fourth day. Bryan said that he did.How could there have been a morning and evening with-out any sun? Darrow enquired.Bryan mopped his bald dome in silence. Ridicule达罗翻开创世纪念道:“夜尽晨来乃第一天也。”接下来他问布莱恩是否相信太阳是第四天创造出来的,布莱恩回答说他相信。“没有太阳之前又怎么会有早晨和晚上呢?”达罗问道。 布莱恩闷声不响地擦拭着自己的秃顶。Not long ago I went back to Dayton fo

13、r the first time since my trial 37 years ago. The little town looked much the same to me. But now there is a William Jennings Bryan University on a hill-top over looking the valley. Irony(from Readers Digest, July, 1962) 前不久,我在那次审判三十七年之后第一次重返戴顿。在我眼中,小镇景物依旧,只是多了一所威廉詹宁斯布莱恩大学,它坐落在一个小山坡上,俯视着下面的山谷。 (摘自读者

14、文摘1962年7月)Lesson 11 But Whats a Dictionary For?Bergen Evans第十一课 词典的用途究竟何在? (节选) 伯根?伊凡斯 The storm of abuse in the popular press that greeted the appearance of Websters Third New International Dictionary is a curious phenomenon. Never has a scholarly work of this stature been attacked with such unbrid

15、led fury and contempt. An article in the Atlantic viewed it as a disappointment, a shock, a calamity , a scandal and a disaster. The New York Times, in a special editorial, felt that the work would accelerate the deterioration of the language and sternly accused the editors of betraying a public tru

16、st. The Journal of the American Bar Association saw the publication as deplorable , a flagrant example of lexicographic irresponsibility, a serious blow to the cause of good English. Life called it a non-word deluge monstrous , abominable , and a cause for dismay. They doubted that Lincoln could hav

17、e modelled his Gettysburg Address on it a concept of how things get written that throws very little light on Lincoln but a great deal on Life. Sarcasm韦氏新国际英语词典(第三版)刚一问世,便遭到许多有名的报刊连篇累牍的攻击,这真是一个奇怪的现象。以前还从来没有哪一部像这样有学术价值的鸿篇巨著遭到过如此肆无忌惮的攻击和侮蔑。大西洋杂志上刊载的一篇文章评价这部词典“令人失望”,“令人震惊”,是“一大不幸”,“耻辱和灾难”。纽约时报则发表一篇专论,称这

18、部词典将“加速英语的退化进程”,并严厉指责词典编者们有负众望。美国律师学会学刊认为该词典的出版是“令人遗憾的事件”、“词典编者不负责任的杰出典范”、“对英语规范化事业的一记沉重打击。”生活杂志上的文章则称这部词典为“无用的词海”,说它“荒谬可笑”、“糟糕透顶”、“让人痛心”。文章作者们还说他们怀疑“林肯在写葛底斯堡演说时是否会参考这部词典。这种观点并没有很清楚地说明林肯的写作方式,却很能说明生活杂志上的那些文章是怎样写出来的。In short, all of these publications are written in the language that the Third Intern

19、ational describes, even the very editorials which scorn it. And this is no coincidence, because the Third International isnt setting up any new standards at all; it is simply describing what Life, the Washin-ton Post, and the New York Times are doing. Much of the dictionarys material comes from thes

20、e very publications, the Times, in particular, furnishing more of its illustrative quotations than any other newspaper.And the papers have no choice. No journal or periodical could sell a single issue today if it restricted itself to the American language of twenty-eight years ago. It couldnt discus

21、s half the things we are interested in, and its style would seem stiff and cumbrous. If the editorials were serious, the public - and the stockholders - have reason to be grateful that the writers on these publications are more literate than the editors. irony - (from The Play of Language, 1971) 总而言

22、之,所有这些报刊上的文章都是用第三版所描写的语言写成的,连那些攻击侮蔑第三版的社论本身也不例外。这不是什么偶然的巧合,因为第三版压根儿没有订立什么新的语言使用标准,它所作的只不过是对生活、华盛顿邮报和纽约时报等报刊所使用的语言进行描写而已。该词典的许多内容恰恰取材于这些报刊,尤其是纽约时报,它为该词典提供的例证比任何一家别的报纸都多。这些报刊也别无选择余地。今天的任何报刊,如果限制自己只使用二十八年前的美国语言的话,那它可能连一期也卖不出去;对于我们所关心的事物,它就会连一半也讨论不了;它的文风也一定会显得刻板呆滞。假如那些社论对第三版的评论不是开玩笑的话,广大读者还有报纸的股东们就有理由感激这些报刊的撰稿人,他们的文化水平比编辑老爷们高一些。 3


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