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1、第九章 糖代谢一、填空题1生物体内的物质代谢包括 作用和 作用,一般前者能量,后者能量。2在酵解途径的第一阶段,6-磷酸葡萄糖经过和的作用而产生一个能被分解成两个的磷酸丙糖的糖分子。3在磷酸戊糖途径的氧化阶段,被脱羧和脱氢氧化产生、和。4分解代谢提供给细胞的三个主要产物是、和例如葡萄糖分解成乳酸的主要产物是和。(建议换题目)5TCA 循环中整个系统的底物只有一种。三羧酸循环每循环一次,总共生成分子ATP,其中分子ATP是由于氧化磷酸化生成的,分子ATP是由于底物水平磷酸化生成的。TCA 中有次脱氢作用。6在糖酵解和糖原异生作用中都起作用的酶有、。(建议换题目)7糖酵解是在细胞的中进行,其过程是

2、将葡萄糖变为,同时生成的一系列酶促反应。8琥珀酰CoA 在作用下,形成琥珀酸,同时生成,该酶属于酶类。9在无氧条件下,1 mol葡萄糖经EMP途径可净生成 mol ATP;如在有氧条件下,经EMP途径可净生成 mol ATP。10在葡萄糖的彻底氧化过程中,1分子葡萄糖经底物水平磷酸化可形成个ATP,糖活化时用去molATP,包括氧化磷酸化在内,总计净产生个ATP。 二、判断题11由于生物进化的结果,与EMP途径不同,TCA循环只能在有氧条件下进行。12联系三大物质代谢的中间产物是乙酰CoA。13肌肉细胞中,如果有足够氧能使NADH进行有氧氧化,那么酵解途径中的最后一步(乳酸脱氢酶)是不起作用的

3、。14在己糖中只有葡萄糖才能沿EMP 途径被降解。15就光合作用总反应而言,生产的葡萄糖分子中的氧原子最终来源于水分子。16-酮戊二酸脱氢酶系的功能是催化-酮戊二酸的脱氢氧化。17在TCA 循环中,琥珀酸脱氢生成的NADH 在线粒体中进行氧化磷酸化时其P/O为3.0。18酵母细胞在进行有氧氧化时,一分子葡萄糖彻底氧化将产生38个ATP。19葡萄糖经TCA 循环后,仅产生比糖酵解多2分子的ATP,大量的能量被贮存在还原型辅酶中。20TCA 循环上脱掉的2分子CO2 均来自草酰乙酸而不是来源于进入TCA 循环的乙酰CoA。21TCA 循环可以产生NADH和FADH2,但不能产生高能磷酸化合物。22

4、无氧糖酵解中生成ATP的机制是底物水平的磷酸化。23暗反应只能在没有光照的条件下进行。24在有氧条件下,柠檬酸能变构抑制磷酸果糖激酶。25糖酵解反应在有氧或无氧条件下都能进行。三、选择题26饥饿能诱导肝脏下述哪条代谢途径的酶活性增高?( )A 磷酸戊糖途径 B脂肪合成 D糖酵解 D糖异生27糖异生作用可出现的组织细胞是:( )A红细胞 B肾 C骨骼肌 D肝28将体内糖、脂、蛋白质三大物质代谢联系起来的是:( )A糖酵解 BTCA 循环 C乙醛酸循环 D-氧化29糖酵解的特征为:( )A在厌氧条件下,哺乳动物肌肉中葡萄糖变为乳酸B在需氧条件下,在酵母中葡萄糖转变为CO2 和乙醇C不需要氧但有氧化

5、还原反应D在需氧条件下,每摩尔葡萄糖经此途径代谢只生成1 摩尔ATP。30柠檬酸要通过几次三羧酸循环才能彻底氧化成CO2 和水?( )A2 B3 C4 D131与能量有关的反应不在线粒体中进行的是:( )A 三羧酸循环 B电子传递 C糖酵解 D氧化磷酸化32下列各种酶所催比的化学反应中,由底物水平磷酸化形成ATP的是:( )A琥珀酰CoA合成酶(琥珀酸硫激酶) B琥珀酸脱氢酶 C延胡索酸酶 D异柠檬酸脱氢酶33糖原中一个葡萄糖单位转变成2分子乳酸时,净生成ATP分子的数是:( )A1ATP B2ATP C3ATP D4ATP34糖酵解中,下列哪一种酶不参加?( )A丙酮酸激酶 B磷酸果糖激酶

6、C葡萄糖激酶 D丙酮酸脱氢酶35促使三羧酸循环向一个方向进行的酶主要是:( )A柠檬酸合成酶 B苹果酸脱氢酶 C琥珀酸脱氢酶 D琥珀酸硫激酶36参加戊糖磷酸途径的酶有:( )A延胡索酸酶 B-酮戊二酸脱氢酶 C己糖激酶 D6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶37下列因素中,不影响三羧酸循环运转的是:( )A草酰乙酸的水平 B NAD+的水平 CADP/ATP 的浓度比值 D每个细胞中线粒体的数目38下述有关糖原代谢叙述中,不正确的是:( )AcAMP 激活的蛋白激酶促进糖原合成; B磷酸化酶激酶由磷酸化作用被活化C磷酸化酶b 由磷酸化作用被活化D肾上腺素和胰高血糖素活化腺苷酸环化酶从而使cAMP水平升高39在

7、哺乳动物中,两分子乳酸转变成葡萄糖需几摩尔ATP?( )A2 B3 C4 D5 E 640糖酵解中对氟离子的抑制作用最敏感的酶是:( )A己糖激酶 B醛缩酶 C丙酮酸激酶 D烯醇化酶四、名词解释41、酵解(glycolysis)与柠檬酸循环(citric acid cycle)42、底物水平磷酸化(substrate phosphorylation)与光合磷酸化(photophosphorylation)43、糖异生作用(gluconenogenesis):44、戊糖磷酸途径(pentose phosphare parhway):45、碳三途径与碳四途径:五、计算及解答题46存在二硝基酚的情况

8、下,计算-酮戊二酸转变为琥珀酸的PO 理论值(把GTP 和ATP 等同看待)。47酵母抽提液和100 mmol葡萄糖,200 mmolADP, 20 mmol磷酸盐及少量的ATP 和NAD+一起培养,达到平衡时,问;(1)葡萄糖、乙醇的浓度各是多少?(2)怎样才能将所有的葡萄糖都转化为乙醇?48列出葡萄糖分解代谢的三个阶段。49、蔗糖经磷酸化酶催化产生G-1-P和F,假定它们进而代谢成乳酸,试问需要消耗多少ATP和该产生多少ATP?50、在“搏斗或逃逸”时,肾上腺素的释放促进肝、心肌和骨骼肌中的糖原降解,在肝脏中糖原降解的终产物是葡萄糖,而在骨骼肌中的终产物是丙酮酸。(a) 为什么糖原在这两种

9、组织中会生成不同的终产物?(b) 有机体在“搏斗或逃逸”时,具有这两种不同的糖原降解途径的优越性是什么?六、翻译下列学习摘要:Chapter 9.CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISMPolysaccharides and oligopolysaccharides can transfer to monosaccharides by hydrolysis (extracelluar degradation) or phosphorolysis (intracellular degradation). Monosaccharides which are absorbed into blo

10、od are named blood glucoses. The component of blood glucose. Glucose supply ATP for cell by oxidation-decomposition in cell; Blood glucose can be used to synthesis glycogen and store in liver, muscle and kidney. Gluconeogenesis refer to that some non-saccharides substance can transfer carbohydrate b

11、y the way of carbohydrate metabolism.1. The way of degradation of carbohydrate include aerobic decomposition and anaerobic decomposition. Anaerobic decomposition is the process that glucose transfer to lactic acid (glycolysis) or alcohol (fermentation) without oxygen. It is a kind of incomplete deco

12、mposition. Aerobic and anaerobic decomposition have a same stage which named EMP (EmodenMeyerbofParnas pathway) refers to the tentage reactions that glucose transfer to pyruvatic acid. The terminal hydrogen receptors of aerobic and anaerobic decomposition are different: the terminal hydrogen recepto

13、r of glycolysis is pyruvatic acid; the terminal hydrogen of fermentation is ethyl aldehyde but oxygen is the terminal hydrogen receptor of aerobic decomposition.The major way of aerobic decomposition is tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA). The secondary ways of it are hexose monophosphate shunt (HMS) and

14、 glyoxylate cycle.2. EMP and HMS of eukaryotic cell exist in cytoplasm, TCA exists in stromas of mitochondrion. Glyoxylate cycle exists in glyoxysome of some mincroorganisms and plants. No mailer eukaryote and prokaryote, 1 mole glucose can produce 2 mole ATP by fermentation and glycolysis. Eukaryot

15、ic cell produce 38 or 36 mole ATP by aerobic decomposition. Prokaryotic cell produce 38 mole ATP by aerobic decomposition.EMP and TCA are pivot of mass metabolism of carbohydrate, lipid and protein. They also provide carbon source and energy source for protein, nucleic acid and some active substance

16、 synthesis.The main physiology meaning of HMS is that NADPH can provide reducing power for many substance synthesis and transformation. It can keep the reducing state of protein (enzyme) with sulfhydryl group. It can contact pentose metabolism, nucleic acid metabolism and photosynthesis. It also can

17、 provide energy for cells.3. The adverse pathway of glycolysis is the basic pathway of carbohydrate synthesis. Glycogenesis is that glycogen is compounded by glucose; Glyconeogenesis is that carbohydrate is synthesis by lactic acid, glycerol and alanine. When the blood sugar of mankind and animal is

18、 higher than 6.7m mol/l (such as after meal), glycogen is compounded and stored by glycogenesis. When blood sugar is lower than 4.4m mol/l (such as hunger), it can adopt glycogen decomposition and glyconeogenesis to keep the normal level of blood sugar.4. Carbohydrate metabolism is regulated by some

19、 key enzymes (ratedetermining enzyme). The basic regulation element is energy state of call .It is depended on the ratio of ATP/AMP (or ATP/ADP) and NADH/NAD+. The key enzymes of EMP are phosphofruectokinase-1, pyruvate kinase and hexokinase; The key enzymes of TCA are isocitrate dehydrogenase, -ket

20、oglutamate dehydrogenase system and citrate synthase; The key enzyme of HMS is glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; The key enzyme of glycogen synthesis is glycogen synthetase; Thy key enzymes of glyconeogenesis are diphosphofructose phosphatase and pyruvate carboxylase.七、英文习题选摘1. The first step in th

21、e detoxification of ethanol in the liver is its oxidation to form acetaldehyde. This reaction, catalyzed by alcohol dehydrogenase, produces large amounts of NADH. One common effect of alcohol intoxication is the accumulation of lactate in the blood. Can you explain why this effect occurs?2. Cataboli

22、sm consists of three steps. Describe what is accomplished in each step.3. An individual has a genetic deficiency that prevents the production of hexokinase D. Following a carbohydrate meal, would you expect blood glucose levels to be higher, lower, or about normal? What organ would accumulate glycogen under these circumstances?4. Why is fructose metabolized more rapidly than glucose? 4


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