新人教必修三Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld[课件] (2).ppt

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1、Unit1 Festivals around the world,FESTIVAL,New Year,National Day,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,Mid-Autumn Festival,Childrens Day,Valentines Day,Dragon Boat Festival,Teachers Day,Spring Day,Halloween,Army Day,International Womens Day,Easter,April Fools Day,第一部分:听一听,Be held as an honor to famous people or

2、 the gods,Satisfy and pleased the ancestor,Decorate,February,the coming of the spring,第二部分:要点浏览,1.产生 2.为了纪念 (怀念) 3.(使)盛装 4.耍阴谋,诡计 5.期望 6.日日夜夜 7.仿佛/好像 8.与开玩笑 9. 出现 10.遵守诺言 11. 屏住呼吸 12.不用谢 13, 碰巧,take place in memory of dress up play a trick look forward to day and light as if /as thought have fun wit

3、h turn up keep up ones words hold ones breath Its my pleasure/a pleasure/dont mention it 13. happen to,第三部分: 考点解读 Part 1 One: Word,1.Mean v. 意欲,打算, v. 意味着 V. 做 解释 具有重要性 N. 平均值 Adj . 平均的/卑鄙的,低 下的 固定结构: have meant to do sth. be meat for be meant to do something mean business,mean + n./ pron ;mean to d

4、o ;mean sb to do,mean + doing /n/ that clause,mean + n (不用于进行时态),本来打算,特意为 准备的,必须干某事,当真的,自主反思: , 我们中国人向来说话算数。 2,why didnt you tell Anna the turth ? - I _ . ( 我本来打算)But I was lacking in the courage . 3. You _ ( 应该) attend your sisters wedding .why didnt you come ? 4. 进入实验室时必须脱掉你的鞋子。 5, 我说过要帮你, 我说话算数。

5、6, In some crowded city like New York ,missing a bus means to wait for almost an hour .(R or w),We Chinese always mean what we say .,I meant to have,be meant to,Your are meant to take off your shoes when you enter the laboratory .,I said I would help you and I meant it .,_,waiting,2.Catch A. 逮住,钩住 B

6、.赶上 C.偶然遇见 D.听清楚,领会 他考试作弊时被逮住了。 2)你听懂我的意思了吗? The boy _ was severely punished. ( catch steal ) when I got off the train , a gold en watch _ my eyes .( catched / caught attracted/ fixed/ invented) 3)The beauty of the lake _ attracted/ caught )thousands of visitors a year,He was caught cheating in the

7、exam,Do you catch my meaning ?,caught stealing,satisfy (vt) “满足,使满意”, 不用于进行时态。satisfaction,satisfy ones needs 满足某人的需要 be satisfied with sb/sth 对感到满意 be satisfied to do sth sb乐意做,注意: satisfied (adj.)(人)满足的,满意的 satisfying (adj.) (事物)令人满意的 Eg. The little girl gave a satisfied smile. Its a very satisfyi

8、ng feeling when you have done a good job. 当你做好一件工作时,会有一种愉快的满足感。,3. Satisfy v. satisfied adj. Satisfying satisfactory adj. satisfaction n.,自主反思: 1) 我国政府千方百计满足人们对蔬菜的需求。 2)得到及时的答复,我感到很满意。 3) what he has done is _ ( 远非让人感到满意)。 4)_,(让我们感到满意的是)she got the first place in the exam .,Our government tried in

9、every to satisfy the need of the people for vegetable .,We were satisfied to get a timely answer .,far from satisfactory,To our satisfaction,lead to 通向,引领。to 为介词。 Eg. This bridge leads to the island. All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。(殊途同归) b. 导致,招致 Eg. Careless driving led to this accident.,lead sb t

10、o +n 带领通往/到 Eg. This street leads you to the station.,lead sb to do sth 使做 Eg. What led you to believe it?,4. lead V.领导,通向;V. 导致;V. 过. 生活;N.首位,主角 铅,提示,自主反思: 1)勤奋就能成功,而懒惰导致失败。 2)什么使你改变了主意? 3)在旧社会, 大部分的农民过着困苦的生活。,Hard work leads to success ,while laziness leads to failure .,What lead you to change you

11、r mind ?,In the old days , most peasants lead a dogs life,短语: 过的生活lead a life 带领某人做 lead sb in doing 带路 lead the way 引入歧途lead away,第四部分: 考点解读 Part Two : Phrase,1.dress up dress up in / dress up as,1)The child try to _ his mother 2)On the new year eve the men _ red in order to show their strength Cf:

12、 dress / put on / wear / have on _ his coat , he went out . She looks very beautiful _ the red coat . She cooked the meat and _ the boy in a hurry .,dress sb / sb be dressed in + 衣服,dress up as,dress up in,Putting on,wearing /having on,dressed,2. Turn up 出现,露面 2)把音量开大 3)向上翻 尽管 晚了将近一小时, 他最终还是出现了。 农民正

13、忙着翻地 准备种新农作物。 类比延伸: 关小一些 使某人失望 上交 结果是 求助于 转变为,Though late for almost an hour , he turned up at last .,Farmer s are busy turning up the soling for planting,turn down,turn in,turn to sb .,turn down,turn out,turn into,自主反思: Take it easy , your wallet will _ some where in your office . Dr. Brown is a pr

14、ofessor of teaching English as a second language program and he often _ to hear how English is taught.,turn up,turn up,第五部分: 考点解读 Part Three :Structure,1.On this important festivals are held to honour the dead or satisfy and pleased the ancestor , who could return either to help or to do harm. With

15、的复合结构with + 宾语(O) + 宾语补足语(OC 补充宾语的情况或状态) 1)_ ,(有这许多的问题决 ) the newly elected president will have a hard time . 2) we found his house easily _( 有一位农民带路) 3)With all his homework _ , he can enjoy his time of the holiday,With so many problems to settle,with a villager leading the way,finished,4) With so

16、many things _(do ) he will spend a long tine busy . 5) He finished the homework with the door is open ( W or R) 6) As the production up by 60% ,the country has had an excellent year .(R or W),to do,/,With,_,第六部分: 课堂练笔,Speaking and writing,Work in groups. Imagine that you and your classmates are goin

17、g to set and celebrate a new holiday together. Write a short passage to tell us : 1,what kind of day will you set to celebrate ? 2,when and why do you decide to celebrate the day ? 3, what you will do at that day ?,1.Peace Day no fighting or conflicts are allowed. People learn and talk about peace.

18、2.Happiness Day People must only do things that will make others happy. People Learn about happiness. 3.Friendship Day No arguments or fights are allowed. People learn about friendship. 4.Nature Day No pollution or destruction of nature is allowed. People learn and talk about nature.,speaking ,Usefu

19、l expressions,In my opinion, we should. I dont think it is necessary to. I hope we can make a decision to. I believe we should We must decide that to. If we do this, we can. Read the following sentences: 1. In my opinion, we should have nothing to hide and no fear of open discussion. 2. I believe we

20、 should all laugh more. 3. I dont think its necessary to drink so much coffee,Student A: I think that the new holiday should be a Peace Day. On this day, no fighting or conflicts are allowed. People will learn and talk about peace. The holiday will celebrates on _and people will celebrate it by_ . I think this is the best idea because_.,Example,


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