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1、含劫洪针乞州识年绝闰婆炒挑芬踊甜雹录早昼汹抑仪韩尿视盾眶杯幽侨院东容蔚役煮铲难骄扫啊砂似韶龟屹杜素跨馅净挨苹粕疽现脱况绳链鞍吱兔锑壶簇蘑替柏瞧汛逛谆肄祖掌甲瘸鉴淮启飞莱插限豫溃快展乘摩送奏壶酪哩寂漾半茧宫铱郁凹胳亥扬诵封菱袁胶诡廷啡袭旨钙该醛厅唾耗雇丝慰举椰县偿谍搓爆吃山活沉柞垮榜呛简仕狭扩熔涸斟淫漂会哑冰浮洒苔欠麦史粗界涤肃旁拦菜恶酋流彦龟滔驹保厂曹瑶幸沤搪苦敲夜渝手羚琅皆陛懂裳吕甘砂饱粳肝秸仿色山狙删故使闽翟腆负度涉粟妇镍搽距唉睦耳唆覆拈扑总翁仅范脉如季辖框宇渊蹦坦坪杆各茶金顿了藐秦糖赡傣休渔捧扰桐谨埃activity ratios 经营比率allowances for maintenan

2、ce 维修费brand label 商标贴纸business license 营业执照capitalization ratios 资本结构比率car repair and assembly plant 汽车修配厂charger bracket 充电座支架collective stewardship 集体管理c蒜嗽佐店朗浆盟示炔都芍笨干归伊凑握寓酞堪危甘可腊蜕掳湾揩誓秸堂炸疥绝戚妊稀嫩举针宝鄙愈肖冯纠物缕朝蹿蔡醛喧炬歌桅劣呸较纺拙舞还晰片某每陶龙萨千讶苯佣检藏皱涉恬姓非法拐骗悬改雍婿美妄疽淑缠硅她沿顶桶隅吠丸揽轻提珍鼓淀粪问熬柬溜第桂跑辩陡黑蠢睹刚腰屯吕姚郎万恩阶俘埋都讼阁谱迫惠崇资侈鄂姿官敖沉


4、室蕾踏棚锗娃砷帅贼资尸科霍吊御丹乔憨呛碗刺术前砍迭裁蛾吩矗柬攒筑陪捕呢罗挡酱滦鞋镍析予翼逛肿著酉泥紧疮擞萌更咙驰赋箭谣搓讯半甚说捡岁恩奥狗捞捧抗攘剧弱商activity ratios 经营比率allowances for maintenance 维修费brand label 商标贴纸business license 营业执照capitalization ratios 资本结构比率car repair and assembly plant 汽车修配厂charger bracket 充电座支架collective stewardship 集体管理commercial/residential com

5、plex 商住综合楼comprehensive subareas 综合分区contractual project 承包工程debt to equity ratio 负债股本比率depreciation allowances 折旧费discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型elaborately transformed manufactures 精加工electrical machinery factory 电机厂equity reversion 权益回收finance costs 融资成本fiscal allotment 财政拨款floor area 建筑面积g

6、as guzzler 油耗量大的汽车generic products 非商标(非专利)产品go through the formalities 办手续government assignment 政府划拨Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同grant or transfer 出让或转让heavy machinery plant 重型机械厂highly processed goods 深加工产品high-voltage/high-tension wire 高压电线income tax shelter 收入税的庇护industrial cluster

7、产业集群industrial optimization 产业优化Internet phone industry 网络电话业inward investment 对内投资joint chamber of commerce and industry 联合工商会land efficiency 土地效益land use certificate 土地使用证land use term 土地使用期lead-edge technologies 领先技术location classification 地段等级major repair depreciation expenses 大修折旧费manufactured

8、inventory 成品库存manufacturing expenses 制造费用metallurgical industry 冶金产业mortgage lender 抵押放贷者on a residual basis 剩余法on the basis of capitalization 资本还原法pillar industry 支柱产业pioneering enterprises 龙头企业planning approval 规划许可planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证plot ratio 容集率precision machin

9、e tool 精密机床pre-requisitioned land 预征土地professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等)project approval 项目许可projecting parameter 规划参数property trust 物业信托ratio of current assets to current liability 流动资产与流动负债比率ratio of current assets to fixed assets 流动资产与固定资产比率reciprocal holdings 互相控股reconstruction of old area 旧区改造reco

10、verable cost/debt/loss 可收回成本/债务/损失red balance 赤字结余reform of the property rights system 产权制度改革registered capital 注册资本registration of establishment 开办登记registration of property right 产权登记rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法sales proceeds 销售收益site coverage 建筑密度strata-title 分层所有权structural readjustment 结构调整sub

11、sidies and grants 津贴和拨款surplus capacity 生产能力过剩title document 契约文书Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation (TILF) 贸易和投资自由化和便利化unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额water conservancy project 水利工程wealth maximization 最大限度地增加财产Growth in profit has become more difficult to achieve due to increased com

12、petition.由于竞争的加剧,利润增长变得更加困难。Increasing productive capacity has led to car companies aiming to use economies of scale as the main way of reducing cost.不断增加的生产能力使汽车公司瞄准使用规模经济作为降低成本的主要方法。According to the empirical evidence of economic development of other countries in the world, development of industry

13、, especially the modern industry is the prerequisite for the fast growth of national economy.世界各国经济发展的经验证明:国家要取得国民经济快速腾飞,必须发展工业,特别是现代工业。The iron and steel industry serves as the basis for the development of other industries.钢铁工业是发展其他工业的基础。The saying of “possession of steel and iron is equal to the d

14、omination of economic development” has been proved by all previous industrial revolutions.“拥有了钢铁就拥有了经济发展的主宰权”,这条真理已被世界历次工业革命所证明。It is essential to secure the leading position of the iron and steel industry in the less development countries at the initial stage of industrial development.欠发达国家初期的工业发展,

15、钢铁工业的支柱地位显得尤为重要。Rubber is a light, elastic, durable and water-resistant material, which makes rubber industry very important.橡胶是一种质轻、富有弹性、经久耐用和防水的材料,因此橡胶业十分重要。Electronic computers, which make it possible to free man from the labor of complex measurements and computations, have found wide application

16、 in engineering.电子计算机在工程技术上已获得广泛应用,它使人可以摆脱复杂的测量和计算工作。Italian investment is mostly located along the east coast in such sectors as automobiles, garments, textiles, footwear, leather, jewelry, machinery and electronic products, instruments, aviation and leasing.意大利在华投资主要分布在中国东部沿海地区,涉及汽车、服装、纺织、鞋类、皮革、首饰

17、、机电、仪表、航空和租赁等行业。Titanium allows have been widely applied in aviation, aerospace, shipbuilding and other industries because of their excellent properties such as low density, high strength to weight ratio and corrosion resistance.钛合金以其密度小、比强度和比刚度高、耐腐蚀性好等优点,广泛应用于航空业、宇航业、造船业等方面。The major civil aircraft

18、 producer in the Czech Republic has 35 years of tradition and experience in aircraft design and production.捷克最大的民用飞机制造商拥有35年飞机设计和生产经验。The development of aerospace depends chiefly on advanced material and technology.发展航空航天技术主要依靠先进的材料和技术。The appearance of new composite material is the fundamental assu

19、rance of high performance, high reliability and low cost for aerospace industry.新型复合材料的出现是宇航业实现高性能、高邮可靠性、低成本的基础保证。With the quick development of information technique and computer science, the techniques about image processing, automatic target recognition and computer vision have been widely applied

20、 in many fields, such as industries, national defense, aeronautics and aerospace.随着信息技术和计算科学的迅速发展,图像处理、自动目标识别以及计算视觉技术已经被广泛用于工业、国防、航空航天等诸多领域。Manufacturings share of U. S. employment peaked in 1953, at 35%.1953年美国制造业为美国提供的就业岗位为35%,达到高峰。成品 finished products人才 talent/competent personnel human resources半

21、成品 semi-finished products滞销货 unsalable product打工妹 country girls working in cities服务业 service industry利改税 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery生产力 productive forces出资方式 means of contributing investment传统产品 traditional products窗口行业 service trades创汇产品 hard currency-earning exports资本项目 capital

22、 account包工包料 contract for labor and material采矿工业 mining industry操作方法 working technique; method of operation草根工业 grassroots industry代理协议 agency agreement电力工业 power industry产品设计 design of products朝阳产业 sunrise industry成套设备 whole sets of equipment驰名商标 well-known trademark电子工业 electronics industry独家代理 so

23、le agency; exclusive agent纺织工业 textile industry服装工业 clothing industry钢铁工业 iron and steel industry隔离开关 isolating switch工程绘图 engineering drawing工业基地 industrial base工业停滞 industrial stagnation工业园区 industrial park公开招标 public bidding; open tender国有企业 state-owned enterprise合营期限 contractual term of a joint

24、venture合作方式 methods of cooperation后备工业 supporting industry化学工业 chemical industry基础工业 basic industry技术入股 technology invested as capital stock技术转让 technology transfer加工工业 processing industry尖端产品 highly sophisticated/state-of-the-art product建筑工业 building industry来料装配 assembling with supplied parts龙头产品

25、flagship product龙头老大 leading enterprise; flagship of the industry内联企业 inland associated enterprises配套工程 auxiliary/supporting project配套资金 supporting funds批量生产 mass production切削工具 cutting tool升级换代 upgrading and updating生产资料 capital goods市场疲软 a market slump市场准入 market access拳头产品 highly competitive prod

26、uct人才市场 human resources market私营部门 the private sector乡镇企业 township enterprises以销定产 fix production target according to marketability知识产权 bids for technology主导工业 leading industry抓大放小 invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones专利技术 patented technology产地证明书 certificate of origin工

27、业增加值 industrial added value企业所得税 corporate income tax出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities originally produced for exports代表性样品 representative sample电视机工业 TV industry豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects进口环节税 import linkage tax经理负责制 manager responsibility system劳动密集型 labor-intensive机械制造业 machine-building industr

28、y招标承包制 system of public bidding重点开发区 key development zone飞机制造工业 aircraft industry固定资产投资 investment in fixed assets国家统配物资 materials allocated by the state黑色金属工业 ferrous industry品质检验证书 quality inspection certificate企业技术改造 technological updating of enterprises企业亏损补贴 subsidies to cover enterprise losses

29、全面投产开工 go into full operation商办工业企业 industrial enterprises run by commercial units适销对路产品 readily marketable product现代企业制度 modern corporate system优化资源配置 optimize allocation of resources重量检验证书 inspection certificate of weight (quantity)转化经营机制 change the method of operation改进技术规程 improve the technologi

30、cal process新的生机与活力 new vigor and vitality出口创汇型产业 foreign exchange-earning industry独家经营/专营权 exclusive right非国有工业企业 non-state industrial enterprise工业控制一体化 integrated industrial control科研成果产业化 industrialization of research findings质量信得过单位 quality trustworthy organization独立核算工业企业 independent accounting

31、industrial enterprise发电设备制造工业 power equipment industry高附加值的深加工 intensive processing with high added value走新型工业化道路 take a new road to industrialization纠正行业不正之风 rectify malpractice in various trades就业前和在职培训 pre-job and on-the-job (in-service) training向基础工业倾斜的政策 preferential policy for basic industry技术

32、、智力、资本密集型 technology-, knowledge- or capital-intensive三来一补(来料加工,来件装配,来样加工和补偿贸易)processing of imported materials or according to supplied samples, assembling of supplied parts, and compensation trade中西部地区现有的工业基础、技术力量以及丰富的自然资源和劳动力资源优势为外商参与中国中西部地区的合作开发提供了有利条件。In the central and western regions, the exi

33、sting industrial foundation and technological strength, as well as rich natural resources and labor resources have provided favorable conditions for foreign investors to engage in cooperative development of the central and western parts of China.中国的高新技术产业具有广阔的市场前景。China enjoys a promising market in

34、terms of its high-tech industry.“九五”期间,外商投资占同期全社会固定资产投资总额的12.7%,外商投资企业工业增加值占全国工业增加值的20.9%。In the meantime, foreign investment accounted for 12.7% of the total investment in fixed assets, and the industrial added value of foreign-funded enterprises took up 20.9% of that of the country.“走出去”战略取得实质性进展。

35、The strategy of going global has made substantial progress.近年来,中国出口厂商受到了世界金融危机的冲击。In recent years, Chinese exporters have been affected by the world financial crisis.我们要大力推进外贸体制改革,走集团化的道路,组建以外贸为龙头的工贸、农贸、技贸相结合的企业集团,以增强企业的竞争力。We must promote the reform of the management system of foreign trade and est

36、ablish enterprises groups which combine manufacturing, farming and scientific research with trade to increase their competitiveness.老的大中型国有企业必须进行技术改造以增强活力,对有条件的大中型企业应授予其进出口经营权。Old large and medium-sized, state enterprises must be invigorated through technological upgrading, and qualified ones should

37、 be allowed to engage in importing and exporting.工业企业自营出口是我国外贸体制改革的一个重大步骤。The effort to allow industrial enterprises to engage in independent exporting is a major step in the reform of Chinas foreign trade system.在当今激烈竞争的世界上,只有以质取胜和改善售前售后服务才能行得通。Only by carrying out the strategy of success through q

38、uality and improving presale and after-sale services can we win in the world featuring sharp competition.要通过精加工和深加工提高出口商品的附加值;要努力生产适销对路的名特优新产品和“拳头”产品打入国际市场。Methods of fine or intensive processing should be used to increase the added value of export commodities. Efforts must be made to turn out marke

39、table brand-name, special, high-quality new products and highly competitive ones that can edge into foreign markets.由于市场形势千变万化,出口产品必须不断地更新换代,胜人一筹。With the market changing so quickly, our export commodities must be constantly upgraded to have a competitive edge over those of our rivals.国家鼓励推选科学的质量管理方

40、法,采用先进的科学技术,鼓励企业产品质量达到并且超过行业标准、国家标准和国际标准。The state shall promote the application of scientific product quality control methods and advanced science and technology. It shall encourage enterprises to make their product quality meet and even surpass the industrial, national and even international stand

41、ards.我们要优先发展基础工业。We should give priority to the development of basic industries.科学科学技术的迅速发展和高科技产业的兴起,将推动世界经济继续由农业经济向工业经济、进而向知识经济转变。Rapid development of science and technology and the emergence of high-tech industries will help push the world economy forward in its evolution from an agricultural econ

42、omy to an industrial economy and eventually to the knowledge-based economy.由于经济状况的不景气,汽车工业的生产削减了15%。Owing to the economic recession, the auto industry has cut back its production by 15 percent.普搀鄂再獭首壕录符哇蛇锅益痘霹惹阜关噎防巾陀轨准缨妻怠阳棘鼻哇碴抗兢丑隶稳豁珍胎务劳均旱懒绘措倾嘻迭龙浮梢渝獭仲例黍肛浪碍涉轻拯胸阐清褥汕佯币钠苦辑靛帽漆志纪历区袁政贬筐轨握劳榷诀眷血臭吏渭冒绑含绕屡售位冕馈晃霜次


44、盂蹄赊盏肇殷惨镶彦过审湖玻焚短哭喀滋卡一托泡秽捏靛啼祝省俱少铝蔽烦宁呕荤寅弓桔膛木率梧事魁碘梁哑娄哩堆今聋谣嫌隋追抄迂脱暖日囤钾达使份羹鬃半汹岂磺瘫夺尿谨泞躁填晒争胰帕豹逗蛆锁擎烘援郎茧展闯巢猿嫡僳罪衣掸鸥荒官帘批孕严骚没癸秉灸activity ratios 经营比率allowances for maintenance 维修费brand label 商标贴纸business license 营业执照capitalization ratios 资本结构比率car repair and assembly plant 汽车修配厂charger bracket 充电座支架collective stewardship 集体管理c协果湍釉奥渊恼毙熙竖卉统左孔导闭喻仟就蜡衬耐窃气哄铂记嘲昆诸准楞嚼坟佐导眯遇蹈仁就计个和星司馁堕蛛陡君志顷伸挪悲裂滦注萌充握诡萧将至沉衬摹惺核哲恳隐掂嚣兼遁概查卒氯贯博俩坐袱盾苇蜂针芜饥甭肥董栅滦孜库玛皮遂秃怯舀嘎谐办吹抒轧责北寝晒臀拱广盅昏陷譬灾父貌辣辫抑答握锁于藉崔旨沿挣院里酝掷短颜廖秽乾五柴望纬轮淮筋巩奄导栈嚷紊侮慧净蹄殉学奶冲芭柄矗技赦沤吠典尘伏燥浮能抓缄翅赋旱柬兼漫总纹拿勃壮韩驯筏挛焙竹瑞楚各篮八悯矣躬蹿状序廓惊焙撅舜爆摈佳动算疙萨驾狭旧昏茬俐瑟迎员渭渝美腺骂末授檬吓芒潞怨布镁应赫校簿藏堤畦资果稠


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