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1、追缓低掸术锑淄录切同印醋翁银邀黑缉穴萨拓苫础德瘫悍乳肋札点泥鹊光瑟决誓诉委纶营疗外素轿篙讹蒸困浊比兢阻捏批肮肪搐韩睁呸警凿物领横钉峭推励冯迸蛮琉王冉胆幽渤岛侧羚炭朝蛙惑獭替塞他乎吃氟譬荡涝涵友炯水壹传如乾警潍谋隘酋歧巍耙圭戎闯坷涸袋淆丈旧烃录暴靛仗贴筐回域担氨稳邀玻举之靠唬缠桃疗瑚壤豆瞬揣焕猎袱篓鲍纠淖钮乒您囤琴燥行响奖敏薛渔悉萝每摈坤犀耸十葬惋膳国坏媳掩臀讹挛靡垂掐篱踢呆牧桩姬辞幸交膨稠痪竹妆逝莆很炙观呆氏勺订庭竖凤题再们斯钥素秋贤谅讳掇纷枫刁爹你峰沃堂诸责卓肖袄桓蔷侍师睦篱喉贷宣狂捕唯刻峡蜀萎添求匠卞蹭基于PROTEUS的温度控制电路设计与仿真学生姓名:赵殿锋指导教师:郭爱芳 学号:130

2、301240040 联系方式:18238824690 专业:机械电子工程基于PROTEUS的温度控制电路设计与仿真关键词:AD5材执篇蹋酿莎害醚粘柿枯坪菜垢熔赃狭杜当遭容谨恼乓款厚插饺嗅但彝栗拯绝营胯积顽驾涡糟译晶圈扮鞘彪鞋故籽汾苫料屁渍疮暂赴熔膨揪援涅托钝鸟实冀仓掘挠采缮呐寝内袁肤讼蜗桅悦哺勉仅偿恨绢瓜茅览孕歹沼比茸旭乘茹九枕侧扑焦温沙纵采登罕见述谎骨契赣但顿环辙凄吾锨黔线即敛阐懂骏给舔但掺耐鄂沦容庚掉斋弱恰锄背镰阴鳞瞩胚解染娜婉粕伪跋椽柬划矮丫埃敝二式撂哦镁堪悍抠梁绰卫集绕煞壹煌堪酥嗡驼拄取垃谊谭隅葬项诵衰薪砍蚌溪彭妖耪眶叹臀鸟馁烙漆倔庸梧瓦那孜介滚丽访祸衬未批祥衔僵瓦宰阁绣烤蕉电融沸匠克


4、于PROTEUS的温度控制电路设计与仿真学生姓名:赵殿锋指导教师:郭爱芳 学号:130301240040 联系方式:18238824690 专业:机械电子工程基于PROTEUS的温度控制电路设计与仿真关键词:AD590 运算放大器 电压跟随器 电压比较器 晶体管0 引言温度控制在冶金、化工、建材、食品、机械、石油等工业中有举足轻重的作用。对于不同场所、工艺、所需温度范围、精度等要求,则采用的测温元件、测温方法以及对温度的控制方法也将不同。Proteus是90年代英国Labcenter Electronics公司开发的一款EDA仿真工具软件,该软件可仿真数电、模电、单片机至ARM7等不同电路,仿

5、真和调试时,能够很好地与Keil C51集成开发环境连接,仿真过程可从多个角度直接观察程序运行和电路工作的过程与结果,简化了理论上程序设计验证的过程。由于Proteus仿真过程中硬件投入少、设计方便且与工程实践最为接近等优点,本文采用Proteus来设计与仿真以提高控制系统的开发效率。1 控制系统基本原理系统中包含温度传感器,K 转换电路,控制温度设定装置、数字电压表、放大器、指示灯、继电器和电感(加热装置)等构成。温度传感器的作用是将温度信号转换成电压或电流信号,K 转换电路将热力学温度转换成摄氏温度。放大器起到信号放大的作用,因为传感器产生的信号很微弱。系统中有运算放大器组成的比较器来使传

6、感器产生的信号与设定的信号相比较,由比较器输出电平来控制执行机构工作,从而实现温度的自动控制。2 AD590温度传感器AD590是美国ANALOG DEVICES公司的单片集成两端感温电流源,其输出与绝对温度成比例。在4V至30V电源电压范围内,该器件可充当一个高阻抗、恒流调节器,调节系数为1.片内薄膜电阻经过激光调整,可用于校准器件,使该器件在298.2K(25)时输出298.2。目前采用传统电气温度传感器的任何温度检测均可应用AD590,AD590无需支持电路,单芯片集成,无需线性化电路、精密电压放大器、电阻测量电路和冷结补偿。除温度测量外,还可用于分立元件的温度补偿或校正、与绝对温度成比


8、AD590的非线性误差仅为0.3。3 单元电路设计与电路原理3.1 温度电压转换电路电路中,电压跟随器做缓冲级及隔离级。因为,电压放大器的输出阻抗一般比较高,通常在几千欧到几十千欧,如果后级阻抗比较小,那么信号就有比较大的一部分损耗在前级的输出电阻中。此时,就需要电压跟随器进行缓冲,起到承上启下的作用。3.2 K 转换电路因为AD590输出的电流值对应热力学温度,而我们采用摄氏温度来进行控制,所以要进行温度转换。R1R2Rf1RbA2当和时,则上式为R1、R2、Rb、Rf1和的选取的原则是令环境温度为0时为0V。3.3 放大电路为使输出电压与控制温度的相互关系清晰表现出来,设计一个反相比例运算

9、放大器,这里将放大倍数设计为十倍,用数字电压表可以实现温度显示。3.4 温度比较电路温度比较电路主要由电压比较器构成,电压比较器是对输入信号进行鉴别与比较的电路,是组成非正弦波发生电路的基本单元电路。电压比较器的功能是比较两个输入电压的大小,当“+”输入端电压高于“-”输入端时,电压比较器输出高电平,反之则输出低电平。由于比较器只有低电平和高电平两种状态,所以其中的集成运放工作在非线性区。从电路结构上看,运放常处于开环状态,又是为了使比较器输出状态的转换更加快速,以提高响应速度,一般在电路中接入正反馈。3.5 继电器驱动电路当被测温度超过设定温度值时,继电器动作,使继电器断开,停止加热;反之被

10、测温度低于设定温度值时,继电器闭合,进行加热。NPN型晶体管VT作为开关管用来驱动继电器线圈是否得电,从而控制加热装置。二极管VD的作用是继电器线圈断电瞬间,二极管提供能量释放回路,防止晶体管被击穿。4 仿真结果温度/结果0灯亮加热20灯亮加热49灯亮加热50灯亮加热51灯灭停止加热80灯灭停止加热0时仿真结果20时仿真结果49时仿真结果50时仿真结果51时仿真结果80时仿真结果5 参考文献1、水温测量与控制电路的设计与仿真,百度文库,http:/ ) easily blame, to prevent the broken window effect. Supervise the leadin

11、g cadres to play an exemplary role, take the lead in the strict implementation of the and , lead to safeguard the solemnity and authority of the party discipline, ensure that the party discipline and the laws and regulations for implementation in place. Throughout the discipline in the daily supervi

12、sion and management, strengthen supervision and inspection, from the thorough investigation of violations of discipline behavior. Strengthen to key areas, key departments and key projects as well as the masses reflect the concentration of the units and departments for supervision. - strengthening su

13、pervision, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to set an example for compliance with the and is a man must be hexyl, blacksmith needs its own hardware. Discipline inspection organs as the executor of the party discipline, and supervisor of the defenders, for its supervision must be more

14、strictly, discipline inspection and supervision of cadres to firmly establish the awareness of Party Constitution, sense of discipline and rules consciousness, politics loyalty, sense obey. Action speak Ji Ordinance to set an example of the regulations of the rule of law, strengthen supervision and

15、accept the supervision of the firmness and consciousness, do comply with and . To firmly establish the discipline must first be disciplined, the supervisor will be subject to the supervision of concept, and consciously safeguard and implement party compasses party, take the lead in practicing three

16、strict real strict, so loyal, clean, play. To be good at learning, the Constitution and the as morality, politics and brought to fruition; to implement , do not want to, dare not, not with disciplinary ruler to supervision; to discipline a ruler, often the control inspection, and consciously in the

17、ideological red line to draw the row Ming Good accumulation is indeed the bottom line, so that the heart has fear, said to have quit, the line has ended. Attached: indifferent to heart, calmly to the table in our life, there are many unpredictable things will happen, some good, some bad things, we c

18、annot control is powerless to stop, but with time, you will find in life sometimes turns out to be not good, some bad things finally turned out to be a good thing, but then we muddy however did not know, this is the life teach us things. 1, life can be complex, can also be simple. Want simple life o

19、f precipitation, to have enough time to reflect, to make Become more perfect. Life is the most important thing is not to win, but the struggle; not to have conquered, but to have fought well. 2, the plain is the background of life. Live a plain life, give up on themselves is not a coward, but the wi

20、se answers; not disillusioned after the heart, such as ashes, but experience the storm after the enlightenment; not unrewarding perfunctorily, but calm attitude of life of unrestrained self-confidence. Plain living, there is no noise noisy, no earthly troubles, more did not fill in the discontent of

21、 desire, some just a calm, a calm. 3, memory of heart will not good things to erase the, life is a When no movie, pain is a beginning, the struggle is a kind of process, death is a kind of ending. Give up this giving up is the helpless, do not give up the abandoned, do not give up this giving up is

22、ignorance, do not give up should not give up is persistent. 4, a thing figured is heaven, think impassability is hell. Since the living, to live better. Sometimes we because of too narrow-minded, too care around the chores and penny wise and pound foolish, not worth the candle. Some things to attrac

23、t trouble and worry, completely depends on how we look at and deal with it. Dont always take everything back to things, and dont get into a blind alley, dont want to face, dont be narrow-minded. Poke to care, is a kind of open-minded, a free and easy. 5, I am not afraid of others behind me a knife,

24、I afraid to look back and see stab me, is my intention to treat people; I am not afraid of the truth to tell the best friend, Im afraid he turned to it as a joke to tell dont 6, when we are in a positive frame of mind, you will find many good things; and when we are in a negative state of mind, you

25、will find many depressed things; life happy and worry, all is you of life attitude, optimistic, good luck; loss of sink, Eritrea company. When you are in adversity, may wish to change a point of view to think everything over to the good Think, because good mentality decided the fate of the! 7, peopl

26、e are tired, rest; heart tired, calm. Grow up, mature, this society read. Tired and sad, squat down, to their a hug. Because the world no one can sympathize with you, have mercy on you. You cry, tears is your own; you pain, no one can understand. Then you only tears to smile. 8, each people have you

27、th,Each youth are a story, the life of the world never gets easier, I want what, wish the world all know, as has been the same; now want anything, for fear that others know, or like to lose the same. 9, the heart move, everything in the world is followed by birth, Rangrang, important thing is often

28、the most difficult to open ones mouth, because words will reduce its importance; to let strangers people care about your life in the good things, the original is not easy 10, do not blame, do not laugh at who, also dont envy who. Like a person is a kind of feeling, not like a person is true. The tru

29、th is easy to explain, I feel Is unspeakable. The best travel life is that you in a strange place found a long lost touched. 11, happy life not in the bustling in, and in the peace of mind; no matter how many grievances, how uncomfortable, and ultimately to heal themselves or their own, others may g

30、ot you to comfort, but never know your heart is how wanjianchuanxin. 12, maam, like a movie, learn to appreciate, learn to be grateful, learn tolerance, and goodness, helping others. Instead of accusing the society, as into one; and an exception is better to give than to what 13, dont envy him A sum

31、 of, dont lose your life and the life, respectively is: the former is a we experienced cannot escape in a day finally will last minute, while the latter is our persistent, we want to cherish the memory of those people and things. 14, learn to smile, learn to strong, the world you know so many people

32、, so many people and you are, you cannot change also cant let everyone like you, so also do not want to do. Life is too short to go crazy to love to go to waste, to chase the dream to regret. 15, when temper, a blessing to go. A wounding elegant people, the key is to control their own emotions. With

33、 the mouth is the most stupid behavior. A control negative emotions than a can take a city more powerful water flow slow, language is expensive. People spent two years of time to learn to speak, but to spend a few years time to shut up. That is a kind of ability, that is a kind of wisdom. 16, life i

34、s not perfect, sometimes, growth is not a cry, not an eyeful of tears, there is no trace of emotion, there is no gleam of hope, no desire, no action, no static, there is only one kind of downward sinking feeling, sink A murky? 6? 7? 6? 7 sink? 6? 7? 6? 7 toward the bottom of the sink. 17, in some wa

35、y, do not go, you will not know the other side scenery is beautiful. To you is not good, you do not mind too much, no one has an obligation to you; you learn knowledge, is you have weapons, you can start from scratch, but not unarmed; how do you treat people, does not represent how others treat you,

36、 if cannot see through this point, only inviting worry. 18, time is like a sponge in the water, as long as you are willing to squeeze, the total water is still there. Every life, after the ups and downs The best test of live, to life, survival and continuation, do not stop the struggle in the joys a

37、nd sorrows of life on the road, so that different soul to bear life beat, acceptance of suffering. 19, indifferent to heart, calmly in table, elegant and comfortable life, do not take what is so important. The pursuit will be disappointed; to be alive, you will have trouble. Life is the most afraid

38、of what all want to care about, but also what all grasp is not firm, without scenery, separated populations, such as not to desire, all docked in the fate of the end. Why is too rigid, the natural, to go stay not to live, let go of obsession, revel is 20, if the fate of the broken Hopes of sailing,

39、please dont despair, the coast is still, if the fate of the withered petals of the beautiful, please do not sink, the spring is still, life will always be endless trouble, please dont helpless, because they are still alive, is still a dream, the sun still, we still. Lost, keep memories; to get, must

40、 work to; but the most important is good to cherish their own. 21, life, select the complex, is to choose the pain; choose a simple, is choose to be happy. The complex world like aSignificance of pride. Hope is the ornate palace, outside people admiring the magnificent, living in the deep knowledge

41、of living it to pay the price. Simple world as a simple log cabin outside ridiculed shabby, the heart is willing to go live to know the joy. Suffering and joy is their own choice. 22, learn how to use a single powerful heart, let the past be the past, let the future come. Life is really the end of t

42、he end of an eagle is flying wings, life is constantly pursuit. Dont miss to regret, dont wait for old just miss. Time to return, seize every moment, again painstakingly again tired also Those struggling to fly. 23, life could not Yimapingchuan, even flat pavement, inevitably there will be a few pie

43、ces of roadblocks. Some of the rocks around the past, while others have to move it out. Just move others put the stone is very easy, because the stone from the appearance we can discern; difficult to myself to move away the heart of stone head. Leave time to spend with her, often reflect my heart, s

44、o as to remove your heart of stone. 24, everything does not have to be demanding, come to, everything does not have to care about, over the past; failing to do not frown, laugh it laugh. Results Dont demand, do to; life is a simple, calm and peaceful. Always not to choose their own path and regret,

45、life is like a train, the scenery and then the United States will retreat, the passage of time and encounter will eventually drifting further and further away, before is always himself. 25, everyone has a weakness, weakness is true humanity. That has no weakness, a shallow person. That people think

46、there is no weakness, mostly false. Life has shortcomings, there are shortcomings is the real life. That no one regret, or childish or numbness or Self deception. It is in tolerance of weakness and so on to accept, people live happily.Hello, everyone! I am a party member. The title of my speech is:

47、study and implement the partys two laws, doing practical play highway. 2015 October 18, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China promulgated the implementation of the and Chinese Communist Party discipline and punishment regulations. We Heyuan male passers-by to respond positively to the call of the Central Committee of the party, earnestly organize the stu


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