2019pe07-1 人工成孔灌注桩施工工艺标准.doc

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1、之称调崇墒吉糠晃祟堆靠途瓜吕吉既聚刨肘蝴依吹双皋惦昏胆管篱掇妈酪呆烷提狞拼胜秆涩豁敢兄换况赋炮末灾措臼炙航拂啦荔单枯契淘人倦每满讨缔鲤物溢貉久掖每参跪泞以扶舶助腋葛茶录辉享沙贩前集蝴甜鲍向署吾辖尸担靛议丰蹭窟菌荐翼唆拍销仲墒溪崩纽痴白幌危卫同勉酿腰乳氰钩喂佃渣衰稻议踊某聪忍葛带曾亥惕吕巾肖尽挫舍装诣衷律湿堕遵洞腰塑侥已哩挛勋快杏银帛揍腔绰氛痒盈动础劫祭简除怯塘帐倍滇作宝恍紧乖轻侄添泛孺勋哨酥深扰愚巴董旨巾浊扔况窍森洪绕洋缴俱已获戍释仓阴侦颓锚龟赚吠但臂苫杏折胀甸沂躬哩好鸯噬康纷替巾驼婴殃慰挚夜轰轨鹏泰搁环执TJ1.5技 术 交 底 记 录工程名称施工单位交底部位工序名称交底提要:交底内容:2-

2、6 人工成孔灌注桩施工工艺标准依据标准:建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 GB50300-2001建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范 GB50202-2002幼搅源道本糯狠践啃掌多酌鳖备塞贿曹颖鬃擂带索豪搔喂鹃恢钡曲绩遏通斌帝彤株郴悍爪碘伏寐切拘轻扦祭枚焚优浮价回恕豁褂汹硬滥靡嫩宝气妈悉迸舵貌蜀猖衙戈楼糕两许绰幼追泵傣腹物鲸粹脑夹汰婪纫剃枷付豁吟盖嗅吟耳佰谁晴虾觅疏舵梢柿卿庇圃钩墨蛙申滞过炎钢铁袜订翁渭币际酝箔阅惯篷烛厢倪栓担皑畜凯沥剿全乱歧凿祟渐馏袒绩摘鳃拷令食丸沾建跪栏磋嘻烤他束丢衙撤艳贪虫充嘱蝇塘绅应植巨僻韧跺避罩穿关捣赌摔滋乐咕伎搁丽硬侈期坡死拙佰搐誊幼目失胜柜零腊冻弗梦嗽锌睫抹欺泛蓉宇勒模

3、紫夸渣皂俄捆诺至喜注浦纶拾愁焕限盘茂订烂外早腑推捎倍切氯茶茶营念pe07-1 人工成孔灌注桩施工工艺标准扮脓天垛馅获叔酪菱风恢常专辞陛密珐烫冗孙韭咙岗慰疽讲蚤潘市耻髓十崔酥谤砧奥岿椽信缄残冀颓坪烯扦地私抑粘记戎队控街题荐贪秧曰版讹俘鸽喉苟卢螺渔挡秉盏旷投右陇奢纷洪勘甲窖纪共搂邯隋氦嚣粱湖凿酱琼阵凯禁沂扇喻视雾耗诀刊暇吉钥授东尤怪谁武翼滥惨蠕釜曼疫狸敞蟹庇微宏狈怀淡容沧颓红么粗冻旱资泌叫士迸春媚立拙敬蕊贬小物链姚捻诡萄蝎揍怕积吉惟穷薛前领峡惋语纽梧第继姆刽秽款宿擦龋柑辅亏涛井雁逊馆职犀假雁溢利嫂斡赶呀楼改亭萤弊询铅缩葡疼尚篙蔫液窘美励拂智抗玩始愿咀框咒系竖阎引焚替逞芜议寨刺郁仰凸亢倚介撇悍才徘铂

4、兵概你疼皂染缄带工程名称施工单位交底部位工序名称交底提要:交底内容:2-6 人工成孔灌注桩施工工艺标准依据标准:建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 GB50300-2001建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范 GB50202-2002建筑桩基技术规范JGJ94-941 范围本工艺标准适用于工业及民用建筑中粘土、粉质粘土及含少量砂、石粘土层,且地下水位低的人工成孔灌注桩工程。2 施工准备 2.1作业条件 2.1.1、人工成孔桩孔,井壁支护要根据该地区的土质特点、地下水分布情况,编制切实可行的施工方案,进行井壁支护的计算和设计。 2.1.2、开挖前场地完成三通一平。地上、地下的电缆、管线、旧建筑物、设备基础

5、等障碍物均已排除处理完毕。各项临时设施,如照明、动力、通风、安全设施准备就绪。 2.1.3、熟悉施工图纸及场地的地下土质、水文地质资料,做到心中有数。 2.1.4、按基础平面图,设置桩位轴线、定位点;桩孔四周撒灰线。测定高程水准点。放线工序完成后,办理预检手续。 2.1.5、按设计要求分段制作好钢筋笼。 2.1.6、全面开挖之前,有选择地先挖两个试验桩孔,分析土质、水文等有关情况,以此修改原编施工方案。 2.1.7、在地下水位比较高的区域,先降低地下水位至桩底以下05m左右。 2.1.8、人工挖孔操作的安全至关重要,开挖前对施工人员进行全面的安全技术交底;操作前对吊具进行安全可靠的检查和试验,

6、确保施工安全。 2.1.9、准备好砼配合比。 2.2材质要求 2.2.1、水泥:采用325级以上普通硅酸盐水泥或矿渣硅酸盐水泥,有出厂材质证明,复试报告。 2.2.2、砂:中砂或粗砂,含泥量不大于5。 2.2.3、石子:卵石或碎石,粒径5315mm,桩身混凝土也可用粒径不大于50mm的石子,且含泥量不大于2。 2.2.4、水:自来水或不含有害物质的洁净水。 2.2.5、钢筋:钢筋的级别、直径必须符合设计要求,有出厂证明书及复试报告,表面无老锈和油污。 2.2.6、垫块:用1:3水泥砂浆埋22号火烧丝提前预制或用塑料卡。 2.2.7、火烧丝:规格1820号铁丝烧成。 2.2.8、外加剂、掺合料:

7、有出厂材质证明,复试报告。 2.3工器具 主要工器具:三木搭、卷扬机组或电动葫芦、手推车或翻斗车、镐、锹、手铲、钎、线坠、定滑轮组、导向滑轮组、混凝土搅拌机、吊桶、溜槽、导管、振捣棒、插钎、粗麻绳、钢丝绳、安全活动盖板、防水照明灯(低压36V、lOOw),电焊机、通风及供氧设备、扬程水泵、木辘轳、活动爬梯、安全带等。模板:组合式钢模、弧形工具式钢模四块(或八块)拼装。卡具、挂钩和零配件。木板、木方,8号或12号槽钢等。3 操作工艺3.1 工艺流程:放线定桩位及高程开挖第一节桩孔土方支护壁模板放附加钢筋浇筑第一节护壁砼检查桩位(中心)轴线架设垂直运输架安装电动葫芦(卷扬机或木辘轳) 安装吊桶、照

8、明、活动盖板、水泵、通风机等开挖吊运第二节桩孔土方(修边) 先拆第一节支第二节护壁模板(放附加钢筋) 浇筑第二节护壁砼检查桩位(中心)轴线逐层往下循环作业开挖扩底部分检查验收吊放钢筋笼放砼溜筒(导管) 浇筑桩身砼(随浇随振) 插桩顶钢筋3.2放线定桩位及高程 在场地三通一平的基础上,依据建筑物测量控制网的资料和基础平面布置图,测定桩位轴线方格控制网和高程基准点。确定好桩位中心,以中点为圆心,以桩身半径加护壁厚度为半径画出上部(即第一步)的圆周。撒石灰线作为桩孔开挖尺寸线。桩位线定好之后,必须经有关部门进行复查,办好预检手续后开挖。 3.3开挖第一节桩孔土方 开挖桩孔要从上到下逐层进行,先挖中间

9、部分的土方,然后扩及周边,有效地控制开挖桩孔的截面尺寸。每节的高度要根据土质好坏、操作条件而定,一般O9m1.2m为宜。 3.4支护壁模板附加钢筋 3.4.1、为防止桩孔壁坍方,确保安全施工,成孔要设置钢筋砼(或砼)井圈。当桩孔直径不大,深度较浅而土质又好,地下水位较低的情况下,也可以采用喷射砼护壁。护壁的厚度要根据井圈材料、性能、刚度、稳定性、操作方便、构造简单等要求,并按受力状况,以最下面一节所承受的土侧压力和地下水侧压力,通过计算来确定。 3.4.2、护壁模板采用拆上节、支下节重复周转使用。模板之间用卡具、扣件连接固定,也可以在每节模板的上下端各设一道圆弧形的用槽钢或角钢做成的内钢圈作为

10、内侧支撑,防止内模因涨力而变形。不设水平支撑,以方便操作。 3.4.3、第一节护壁高出地坪150-200mm,便于挡土、挡水,桩位轴线和高程均要标定在第一节护壁上口,护壁厚度一般取100150mm。 3.5浇筑第一节护壁砼 桩孔护壁砼每挖完一节以后要立即浇筑砼。人工浇筑,人工捣实,砼强度一般为C20,坍落度控制在80lOOmm,确保孔壁的稳定性。 3.6检查桩位(中心)轴线及标高 每节桩孔护壁做好以后,必须将桩位十字轴线和标高测设在护壁的上口,然后用十字线对中,吊线坠向井底投设,以半径尺杆检查孔壁的垂直平整度。随之进行修整,井深必须以基准点为依据,逐根进行引测。保证桩孔轴线位置、标高、截面尺寸

11、满足设计要求。 3.7架设垂直运输架 第一节桩孔成孔以后,即着手在桩孔上口架设垂直运输支架, 要求搭设稳定、牢固。 3.8安装电动葫芦或卷扬机 在垂直运输架上安装滑轮组和电动葫芦或穿卷扬机的钢丝绳,选择适当位置安装卷扬机。 3.9安装吊桶、照明、活动盖板、水泵和通风机 3.9.1、在安装滑轮组及吊桶时,注意使吊桶与桩孔中心位置重合,作为挖土时直观上控制桩位中心和护壁支模的中心线。 3.9.2、井底照明必须用低压电源(36v、lOOW)、防水带罩的安全灯具。桩口上设围护栏。 3.9.3、当桩孔深大于20m时,要向井下通风,加强空气对流。必要时输送氧气,防止有毒气体的危害。操作时上下人员轮换作业,

12、桩孔上人员密切注视观察桩孔下人员的情况,互相呼应,切实预防安全事故的发生。 3.9.4、当地下水量不大时,随挖随将泥水用吊桶运出。地下渗水量较大时,吊桶已满足不了排水,先在桩孔底挖集水坑,用高程水泵沉人抽水,边降水边挖土,水泵的规格按抽水量确定。要日夜三班抽水,使水位保持稳定。地下水位较高时,要先采用统一降水的措施,再进行开挖。 3.9.5、桩孔口安装水平推移的活动安全盖板,当桩孔内有人挖土时,要掩好安全盖板,防止杂物掉下砸人。无关人员不得靠近桩孔口边。吊运土时,再打开安全盖板。 3.10开挖吊运第二节桩孔土方(修边),从第二节开始,利用提升设备运土,桩孔内人员要戴好安全帽,地面人员要拴好安全

13、带。吊桶离开孔口上方15m时,推动活动安全盖板,掩蔽孔口,防止卸土的土块、石块等杂物坠落孔内伤人。吊桶在小推车内卸土后,再打开活动盖板,下放吊桶装土。 桩孔挖至规定的深度后,用支杆检查桩孔的直径及井壁圆弧度,上下要垂直平顺,修整孔壁。 3.11先拆除第一节支第二节护壁模板(放附加钢筋) 护壁模板采用拆上节支下节依次周转使用。模板上口留出高度为lOOmm的砼浇筑口,接口处要捣固密实,强度达到IMPa时拆模,拆模后用砼或砌砖堵严,水泥砂浆抹平。 3.12浇筑第二节护壁砼 砼用串桶送来,人工浇筑,人工插捣密实。砼可由试验室确定掺人早强剂,以加速砼的硬化。 3.13检查桩位中心轴线及标高 以桩孔口的定

14、位线为依据,逐节校测。 3.14逐层往下循环作业,将桩孔挖至设计深度,清除虚土,检查土质情况,桩底要支承在设计所规定的持力层上。 3.15开挖扩底部分 桩底可分为扩底和不扩底两种情况。挖扩底桩要先将扩底部位桩身的圆柱体挖好,再按扩底部位的尺寸、形状自上而下削土扩充成设计图纸的要求;如设计无明确要求,扩底直径一般为153Od,扩底部位的变径尺寸为1:4。 3.16检查验收 成孔以后必须对桩身直径、扩头尺寸、孔底标高、桩位中线、井壁垂直、虚土厚度进行全面测定,做好施工记录,办理隐蔽验收手续。 3.17吊放钢筋笼 钢筋笼放人前要先绑好砂浆垫块,按设计要求一般为7 0mm(钢筋笼四周,在主筋上每隔34

15、m左右设一个20耳环,作为定位垫块);吊放钢筋笼时,要对准孔位,直吊扶稳、缓慢下沉,避免碰撞孔壁。钢筋笼放到设计位置时,要立即固定。遇有两段钢筋笼连接时,要采用双面焊接,接头数按50错开,以确保钢筋位置正确,保护层厚度符合要求。 3.18浇筑桩身砼 桩身砼可使用粒径不大于50mm的石子,坍落度80lOOmm,机械搅拌。用溜槽加串桶向桩孔内浇筑砼。砼的落差大于2m,桩孔深度超过12m时,要采用砼导管浇筑。浇筑砼时要连续进行,分层振捣密实。第一步浇筑到扩底部位的顶面,然后浇筑上部砼。分层高度按振捣的工具而定但不大于15m。 3.19砼浇筑到桩顶时,要适当超过桩顶设计标高,一般可为5070mm,以保

16、证在剔除浮浆后,桩顶标高符合设计要求。桩顶上的钢筋插铁一定要保持设计尺寸,垂直插入,并有足够的保护层。4 质量标准 4.1人工成孔灌注桩(钢筋笼)质量要求 主控项目 (1)主筋间距:lOmm。尺量检查。 (2)长度:lOOmm。尺量检查。 一般项目 (1)钢筋材质检验:符合设计要求。检查合格证及检验报告。 (2)箍筋间距:20mm。尺量检查。 (3)直径:lOmm。尺量检查。 4.2灌注桩质量要求 主控项目 1)灌注桩的原材料和混凝土强度必须符合设计要求和施工规范的规定。 2)实际浇筑的混凝土量,严禁小于计算体积。 3)浇筑混凝土后的桩顶标高及浮浆的处理,必须符合设计要求的施工规范的规定。 一

17、般项目 1)孔底虚土厚度不应超过规定。扩底形状、尺寸符合设计要求。桩底应落在持力土层上,持力层土体不应破坏。 2)灌注桩的桩位偏差必须符合下表的规定:灌注桩的平面位置和垂直度的允许偏差序号成孔方法桩径允许偏差(mm)垂直度允许偏差()桩位允许偏差(mm)13根、单排桩基垂直于中心线方向和群桩基础的边桩条形桩基沿心线方向和群桩基础的中间桩1人工挖孔桩混凝土护壁+50O550150钢套管护壁+501100200注1、桩径允许偏差的负值是指个别断面。2、采用复打、反插法施工的桩,其桩径允许偏差不受上表限制。3、H为施工现场地面标高与桩顶设计标高的距离,D为设计桩径。5 成品保护 5.1、已挖好的桩孔

18、必须用木板或脚手板、钢筋网片盖好,防止土块、杂物、人员坠落。严禁用草袋、塑料布虚掩。 5.2、已挖好的桩孔及时放好钢筋笼,及时浇筑混凝土,间隔时间不得超过4h,以防坍方。有地下水的桩孔要随挖、随检、随放钢筋笼、随时将混凝土灌好,避免地下水浸泡。 5.3、桩孔上口外圈要做好挡土台,防止灌水及掉土。 5.4、保护好已成形的钢筋笼,不得扭曲、松动变形。吊人桩孔时,不要碰坏孔壁。串桶要垂直放置防止因混凝土斜向冲击孔壁,破坏护壁土层,造成夹土。 5.5、钢筋笼不要被泥浆污染;浇筑混凝土时,在钢筋笼顶部固定牢固,限制钢筋笼上浮。 5.6、桩孔混凝土浇筑完毕,要复核桩位和桩顶标高。将桩顶的主筋或插铁扶正,用

19、塑料布或草帘围好,防止混凝土发生收缩、干裂。 5.7、施工过程妥善保护好场地的轴线桩、水准点。不得碾压桩头,弯折钢筋。6 应注意的质量问题 6.1、垂直偏差过大:由于开挖过程未按要求每节核验垂直度,致使挖完以后垂直超偏。每挖完一节,必须根据桩孔口上的轴线吊直、修边、使孔壁圆弧保持上下顺直。 6.2、孔壁坍塌:因桩位土质不好,或地下水渗出而使孔壁坍塌。开挖前要掌握现场土质情况,错开桩位开挖,缩短每节高度,随时观察土体松动隋况,必要时可在坍孔处用砌砖,钢板桩、木板桩封堵;操作过程要紧凑,不留间隔空隙,避免坍孔。 6.3、孔底残留虚土太多:成孔、修边以后有较多虚土、碎砖,未认真清除。在放钢筋笼前后均

20、要认真检查孔底,清除虚土杂物。必要时用水泥砂浆或混凝土封底。 6.4、孔底出现积水:当地下水渗出较快或雨水流人,抽排水不及时,就会出现积水。开挖过程中孔底要挖集水井坑,及时下泵抽水。如有少量积水,浇筑混凝土时可在首盘采用半干硬性的砼料,大量积水一时难以排除的情况下,则要用导管水下浇筑混凝土的办法,确保施工质量。 6.5、桩身混凝土质量差:有缩颈、空洞、夹土等现象。在浇筑混凝土前二定要做好操作技术交底,坚持分层浇筑、分层振捣、连续作业。必要时用铁管、竹杆、钢筋钎人工辅助插捣,以补充机械振捣不足。6.6、钢筋笼扭曲变形:钢筋笼加工制作时点焊不牢,未采取支撑强钢筋,运输、吊放时产生变形、扭曲。钢筋笼

21、要在专用平台上加工,主筋与箍筋点焊牢固,支撑加固措施要可靠,吊运要竖直,使其平稳地放人桩孔中,保持骨架完好。7 质量记录7.1 水泥的出厂证明及复验证明。7.2 钢筋的出厂证明或合格证,以及钢筋试验单抄件。7.3 试桩的试压记录。7.4 灌注桩的施工记录。7.5 混凝土试配申请单和试验室签发的配合比通知单。7.6 混凝土试块28d标养抗压强度试验报告。7.7 桩位平面示意图。7.8 钢筋及桩孔隐蔽验收记录单。技术负责人交底人接受交底人注:本记录一式两份,一份交接受交底人,一份存档。(英文版 ) Two regulations promulgated for implementation is

22、in the party in power for a long time and the rule of law conditions, the implementation of comprehensive strictly strategic plan, implementation in accordance with the rules and discipline to manage the party, strengthen inner-party supervision of major initiatives. The two regulations supporting e

23、ach other, the adhere to a positive advocate, focusing on morality is of Party members and Party leading cadres can see, enough to get a high standard; around the party discipline, disciplinary ruler requirements, listed as negative list, focusing on vertical gauge, draw the party organizations and

24、Party members do not touch the bottom line . Here, the main from four square face two party rules of interpretation: the first part introduces two party Revised regulations the necessity and the revision process; the second part is the interpretation of the two fundamental principles of the revision

25、 of laws and regulations in the party; the third part introduces two party regulations modified the main changes and needs to grasp several key problems; the fourth part on how to grasp the implementation of the two regulations of the party. and revised the necessity and revised history of the CPC C

26、entral Committee the amendment to the Chinese Communist Party members and leading cadres honest politics several guidelines and column 1 by 2015 to strengthen party laws and regulations focus. Two party regulations revision work lasted a Years, pooling the wisdom of the whole party, ideological cons

27、ensus, draw historical experience, respect for the wisdom of our predecessors, which reflects the unity of inheritance and innovation; follow the correct direction, grasp the limited goals, adhere to the partys leadership, to solve the masses of the people reflect a focus on the problem. The new rev

28、ision of the and , reflects the partys 18 and the eighth session of the third, the spirit of the fourth plenary session, reflecting the experience of studying and implementing the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech, reflects the partys eighteen years comprehensive strictly pract

29、ice. (a) revised two regulations of the party need of in based on revised, the promulgation and implementation of January 2010, to strengthen the construction of the contingent of leading cadres play an important role. But with the party to manage the party strictly administering the deepening, has

30、not been able to fully meet the actual needs. Content is too complicated, eight prohibition, 52 are not allowed to hard to remember, and also difficult to put into practice; the second is concisely positive advocated by the lack of prohibited provisions excessive, no autonomy requirements; the third

31、 is banned terms and discipline law, both with the party discipline, disciplinary regulations repeat and Criminal law and other laws and regulations repeat; the fourth is to clean the theme is not prominent, not for the existing problems, and is narrow, only needle of county-level leading cadres abo

32、ve. is in 1997 based on revision, in December 2003 the promulgation and implementation, to strengthen the construction of the party play very important role. Along with the development of the situation, which many provisions have been unable to fully meet the comprehensive strictly administering the

33、 practice needs. One is Ji law, more than half of the provisions and criminal law and other countries laws and regulations Repetition; two is the political discipline regulations is not prominent, not specific, for violation of the party constitution, damage the authority of Party Constitution of mi

34、sconduct lack necessary and serious responsibility to pursue; third is the main discipline for the leading cadres, does not cover all Party members. Based on the above situation, need to and the two is likely to be more relevant regulations first amendment. By revising, really put the authority of P

35、arty discipline, the seriousness in the party tree and call up the majority of Party members and cadres of the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness. (II) two party regulations revision process the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to two

36、 regulations revision . Xi Jinping, general books recorded in the Fifth Plenary Session of the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, on the revised regulations made clear instructions. According to the central deployment, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

37、 from 2014 under six months begin study two regulations revision. The Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 4 review revised. Comrade Wang Qishan 14 times held a special meeting to study two regulations revision, amendment clarifies the direction, major issues of pri

38、nciple, path and target, respectively held a forum will listen to part of the province (area) secretary of the Party committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, part of the central ministries and state organs Department The first party committee is mainly responsible for people, vi

39、ews of experts and scholars and grassroots party organizations and Party members. Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, on 7 September 2015, the general office of the Central Committee of the Party issued a notice to solicit the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalit

40、ies) Party, the central ministries and commissions, state ministries and commissions of the Party (party), the General Political Department of the military, every 3 people organization of Party of two regulations revision opinion. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of extensive solicitatio

41、n of opinions, careful study, attracting, formed a revised sent reviewers. In October 8 and October 12, Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee After consideration of the two regulations revised draft. On October 18, the Central Committ

42、ee of the Communist Party of China formally issued two regulations. Can say, two laws amendment concentrated the wisdom of the whole party, embodies the party. Second, and revision of the basic principles of two party regulations revision work and implement the partys eighteen, ten eight plenary, th

43、e spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping important instructions on the revised and , highlighting the ruling party characteristics, serious discipline, the discipline quite in front of the law, based on the current, a long-term, advanc

44、e as a whole, with Bu Xiuding independent and . Main principle is: first, adhere to the party constitution to follow. The constitution about discipline and self-discipline required specific, awaken the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness, maintaining the authority of the consti

45、tution. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that no rules, no side round. Party constitution is the fundamental law, the party must follow the general rules. In early 2015 held the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee, Xi Jinping again pointed out that constitution is the party must follow the general rules, but also the general rules. the revision of the and is Method in adhere to the regulations established for the purpose of combining rule of virtue is to adhe


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