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1、轻骨料混凝土现场拌制工艺标准(419-1996)范围 本工艺标准规定了轻骨料混凝土现场拌制的施工准备、操作工艺、质量标准和质量验收资料等。本工艺标准适用于工业与民用建筑的轻骨料混凝土的现场拌制。施工准备 2.1材料及主要机具:2.1.1水泥:水泥的品种、标号、厂别及牌号应符合混凝土配合比通知单的要求。水泥应有出厂合格证及进场试验报色。2.1.2砂:砂的粒径及产地应符合混凝土配合比通知单的要求。砂中含泥量;当混凝上强度等级C30时,其含泥量应3%;混凝土强度等级C30时,其含泥量应5%。砂中泥块的含量(大于5mm的纯泥):当混凝土强度等级C30时,应1%;混凝土强度等级0。若必须小于-50mm,

2、应按设计要求加大甩筋长度。搁置长度的状态见图4-40。3.5.3在砖混结构中,板伸入支座的长度一般宜大于50mm。3.6按设计规定,整理叠合板四周甩出的钢筋,不得弯90,亦不得将其压于板下。质量标准 4.1保证项目:4.1.1构件吊运时混凝土强度必须符合设计要求和施工规范的规定。检查方法:检查构件出厂证明和同条件养护试块的试验报告。4.1.2叠合板接缝处的混凝土必须计量准确,浇捣密实,养护充分,其强度必须达到设计要求或施工规范的规定。检查方法:观察和检查标准养护龄期28d试块抗压试验报告及施工记录。4.1.3叠合板的型号、位置、支点锚固必须符合设计要求,已无变形损坏现象。检查方法:观察或尺量检

3、查和检查吊装记录。4.2基本项目:叠合板的标高、坐浆、板缝宽度,应符合设计要求和施工规范的规定。检查方法:观察、足量检查。4.3允许偏差项目,见表4-37。表4-37项次 项目 允许偏差(mm) 检查方法 1 轴线位置位移 5 尺量检查 2 层高 10 用水准仪或尺量检查 3 板搁置长度 10 尺量检查 抹灰5 不抹灰3 成品保护 5.1叠合板的堆放及堆放场地的要求应严格按2.2.4条执行。5.2现浇墙、梁安装叠合板时,其混凝土强度要达到4MPa时方准施工。5.3叠合板上的甩筋(锚固筋)在堆放、运输、吊装过程中要妥为保护,不得反复弯曲和折断。5.4吊装叠合板,不得采用“兜底”、多块吊运。应按预

4、留吊环位置,采用八个点同步单块起吊的方式。吊运中不得冲撞叠合板。5.5硬架支模支架系统板的临时支撑应在吊装就位前完成。每块板沿长向在板宽取中加设通长木楞作为临时支撑。所有支柱均应在下端铺垫通长脚手板,且脚手板下为基土时,要整平、夯实。5.6不得在板上任意凿洞,板上如需要打洞,应用机械钻孔,并按设计和图集要求做相应的加固处理。质量记录 本工艺标准应具备如下质量记录:6.1混凝土构件出厂合格证。6.2结构吊装记录。6.3预制构件吊装工程预检。6.4分项工程技术交底。6.5分项工程质量检验评定。Opinions and suggestions on the partys mass line educ

5、ational practiceAccording to the central and provincial, municipal unified deployment, according to municipal Party committee about carrying out the partys mass line educational practice activity in the citys implementation opinions, the spirit of the partys mass line educational practice activities

6、 from 20* in January to 99 months, carried out at all levels of departments and directly affiliated institutions and grass-roots party organizations. According to my actual County, the county to carry out the education practice put forward the following implementation opinions.First, the overall req

7、uirementsCounty county education practice to the eighteen Party of eight, the spirit of the the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee as the guidance, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping book series of important speech, earnestly implement the Centr

8、al Committee really, opinions and advice , party implementing the guiding ideology of opinions to determine the objectives and requirements, step method, in accordance with the look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of for the people pragmatic honest people

9、 as the theme, in carrying forward the spirit of Zhuanglang Zhuang, improve their work style, service to the masses of the people, the foundation of consolidating grassroots, promote transformation across efforts, to further implement the central eight regulations and The opposition party and govern

10、ment austerity waste regulations , double section provincial regulations, municipal provisions of the twelve plan and the implementation measures for on improving the work style of close ties with the masses law, highlight style building, carry out the whole wind spirit, resolutely oppose formalism,

11、 bureaucracy, hedonism and wasteful extravagance to solve the problems, Party members and cadres of the style and the masses of people strong, the Ministry of Party members and cadres to further improve their thinking and understanding, to further change the style of the wind, the masses to close, h

12、onest and pragmatic people honest image to further establish the foundation to further reinforce the basic level. Style of the building of the new results to promote the construction of a powerful force of the county and the ecological culture of the county and county construction.In educational practice activities of the unit is mainly: the county and below county departments under the organs, enterprises and institutions directly under the township, street, and community, village, non-public economic organizations, social organizations and other grass-roots organizations. Agenc


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