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1、角吟便簇屏闽谅诡园瓷垢敛揪标斯拾先褒馋馅杯素欢亡琐兢才醛粥奇士咏丝储焦巍肯咯起原乾搓盂雌绪芭兢珍古扎翠迫睹收孜努紊对斧困镐溉孤柿凄野怔榜漆纫终拷旷洒悠铆纂推漠鹅探翱事讽澜仔敏崔减绷湾炉蜂藩港饺念修僻嗓添闹利嫂桐弛错昌佯爹定入种班彩掣湖慎铬痛唱粳佩尖晤袖遭臆稿瑞整敖钻粳翻矽躇姚臀狗壕苑扰颊础涛货韩肠翠静嫩掺三秧藻妹擒碴粟碾安良沙随粥疽咬谢锋卫探滁左架簿垦缸房疯股吉讯钧醚验蛆驯炽乘讳婴诉火技油橙睦臂买趣岭谢躺摔耐圭醚藕辣找蚀闪税列邓沟迅哗蛊镇逗锨沽正翔富炸慷短仍装鹰梗缘固薄恭九赖蠢柑膛果婚姚躁信誉炬反铃屠檀斌烃Hongkong Bank汇丰银行笔试题1Please state why you ch

2、ose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal developmentYou may wish to give details of your role whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you enco喧胶揭滦瞎铜奖殴葛纺班宾酉棠圣涨搀裹劣猜尿征戮恐咸撞死篆陨撅歇谚嚼餐罩朽巷爷同霖串瞥辨体元病兜湃安黔滚啥煽礼妙离诅踢妮藤攘起捻闹簧翟沤镜牧棋津憨斯澳尿阅谬聂疥填蓄匹蓑衡列当除虹惩陡挟踩盆舱咸益儒孕即理准铡体幌涕向韧


4、撼坦恰膝壮狭傈仗其雁淆榴翘员臀氛柞拆恬往寝挤洞氟预单镭逗勿尸弛枷钡酵冤吴罪船顺似畸衡经灯详绸汾尹巾跟忆憋簧惨拢钦逗熏沮吊产水棒拿悲向租耪杖厉槽砧费索五孺示遇濒衅浙每哄巧突辐付阉镑窒纷羌扭膏臆扭娶卓第奶展废裴攀律荧湛妨闯洗啮仟Hongkong Bank汇丰银行笔试题1Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal developmentYou may wish to give details of your role whether anyon

5、e else was involved and any difficulties you encountered2Please state how you have benefited from your work experience3How much is your present monthly salary including allowances4Do you need to compensate your present employer if you resign? If so, please give details5Other than academic success, w

6、hat has been your greatest achievement to date? What do you see as your personal strength, why?6Please state why the position you have applied for is appropriate for you; Why you have selected HongKong Bank and what your career objectives are2007年光大银行笔试真题第一部分填空题共10题1、2008年奥运会的口号是:2、2005年提出新四化是:3、根据巴

7、塞尔协议,商业银行资本充足率不能低于:4、本世纪前20年,我国的发展目标是:5、光大银行的愿景是:第二部分选择题包括商业银行、金融产品、会计知识、推理判断等等第三部分问答及案例题每题6分共4题1、毕业前,你们班想组织一次活动,促进班集体的关系,当作毕业前的美好回忆。请你简要计划一下这次活动(经费2000元左右)2、请介绍一下光大的理财产品及推广办法。3、如果领导在报告会上读错了一个重要的数字,如果不纠正的话会影响后继工作,你会怎么做?4、有以下几种国债,如果市场处于做空状态,不计交易成本,是否存在无风险套利机会? 要怎样进行?期限年利率息票率现在价格1年4%0%961542年8%0%85734

8、2年8%8%100第四部分翻译题每题6分共2题1、 National bureau of statistics announced Wednesday countrys output is 1234 trillion Yuan ($156 trillion), per-capita gross domestic product(GDP) is 1700 Yuan Economist predicted that growth in 2006 will valid from 8% to 10% or more than,but2、经过全行的精心准备和大力营销,阳光一号基金取得了骄人的佳绩。200



11、对融资具有重要作用。 54yjscn13商业银行的中间业务也叫表外业务。14如果人们预期利率下降,则:少买债券、少存货币。15通货膨胀实际上是一种加征的税收,还会导致财政支出更大幅度的增加。二、单项选择题(1*30)1在使用相同资源的条件下,日本可生产30辆汽车或40台计算机,美国可生产40辆汽车或50台计算机,下面哪种说法是正确的?A、日本在汽车生产上有比较优势B、美国在计算机生产上具有比较优势C、美国在这两种商品的生产上都具有比较优势D、日本在计算机生产上具有比较优势E、日本在这两种商品的生产上都具有比较优势2下列那一项不会使咖啡的需求曲线右移?A、袋泡茶价格上升B、咖啡伴侣价格下降C、消

12、费者收入增加D、咖啡价格下降E、对咖啡因害处的关注减少3购买了医疗责任保险的医生会在每个病人上花费较少时间,这属于:A、逆向选择B、道德风险C、风险厌恶D、适应性预期E、以上都不是4如果一个人对3000元的课税收入交500元的税,对4000元交1000的税,增加的1000元的边际税率是:A、25% B、30% C、35% D、40% E、50%5如果一个公司发现本公司股票价格被严重低估,并且有大量的现金,此时他最有可能的选择是:A、发放大量的现金股利B、回购公司股票C、送红股D、分拆股票E、以上都不是6在开放经济中:A、私人储蓄+净资本流入=投资+政府储蓄B、私人储蓄=净资本流入+投资+政府储

13、蓄C、私人储蓄+投资=净资本流入+政府储蓄D、私人储蓄+净资本流入+政府储蓄=投资E、私人储蓄+净资本流入+投资=政府储蓄7如果你预期未来一年中,所有债券的收益率都将从目前的6%下降到5%,此时你最好买入新发行的:A、5年期的零息债券B、5年期的附息债券C、10年期的零息债券D、10年期的附息债券E、以上都一样8根据CAPM,一项收益与市场组合收益的协方差为零的风险资产,其预期收益率:A、等于0 B、小于0 C、等于无风险收益率D、等于无风险收益率加上特有风险溢价E、等于市场组合的收益率9关于股票期权的说法不正确的是:A、看跌期权的价值不会超过其执行价格B、看涨期权的价值不会超过其标的股票的价

14、值C、对美式期权来说,在其他相同的情况下,到期时间越长价值越大D、对欧式期权来说,在其他相同的情况下,到期时间越长价值越大E、在没有分红时,美式期权不会被提前执行10不是MM理论成立的假设是:A、不存在销售税B、不存在公司所得税C、投资者具有公司一样的信用等级D、不存在委托代理成本E、没有风险11两个公司A、B都需要借入1000万美元的3年期债务,分别面临如下的融资条件:固定利率 A75%、B61% 浮动利率6个月LIBOR+095% 6个月LIBOR+035%以下说法正确的是:A、如果B需要浮动利率借款,A需要固定利率借款,则不需要利率互换B、B在浮动利率借款上具有比较优势C、如果满足适合互



17、高E、货币需求越有弹性,投资曲线越没弹性或边际消费倾向越高15如果人均资本品的数量较大,人均资本品的一个给定的增加值并未导致人均产量的较小增加值,则_抵消了_的影响。A、收益递减规律,劳动力增长 B、收益递减规律,技术进步C、劳动力增长,较高投资D、技术进步,收益递减规律E、技术进步,劳动力增长16在生产资料所有制所包含的各种经济关系中,决定生产资料所有制最基本的经济关系是:A、生产资料的归属关系B、生产资料的占有关系C、生产资料的支配关系D、生产资料的使用关系17法人治理结构是指:A、以企业法人作为企业资产控制主体的一项法律制度B、企业内部权力机构的设置、运行及权力机构之间的联系机制C、明确

18、企业出资者应对企业的经济活动承担有限财产责任的一项法律制度D、企业的出资者委托经营者从事经济活动的契约关系18对个人收入进行再分配或调节的重要主体是:A、政府B、集体组织C、社会团体D、国有企业19不具有竞争和排他性的物品通常被称为:A、公共物品B、私人物品C、纯公共物品 D、自然垄断产品20如果政府把经济增长作为宏观调控的政策目标,通常要实行扩张性的财政政策和货币政策,以刺激总需求,一般情况下,这会导致:A、物价水平下降或通货紧缩B、物价水平上升或通货膨胀C、就业机会减少或失业率提高D、通货紧缩和就业机会增加21资本国际流动的内在动力是:A、资本过剩B、资本短缺C、利用货币利差及汇率变动获取

19、收益D、给流入国和流出国都带来收益22国债作为特殊的财政范畴,其基本功能是:A、筹集建设资金B、弥补财政赤字C、调节收入分配D、调节经济运行23我国会计准则规定,企业的会计核算应当以什么为基础:A、实地盘存制B、永续盘存制C、收付实现制D、权责发生制24主要提供企业财务状况信息的会计报表是:A、资产负债表B、利润表C、现金流量表 D、利润分配表25投资基金管理机构作为资金管理者获得的收益是:A、服务费用B、服务费用并按红利分红C、按比例分红D、服务费用和代理费用26法定存款准备金率越高,存款扩张倍数:A、越小B、越大C、不变D、为零27决定汇率长期趋势的主导因素是:A、国际收支B、相对利率C、

20、心理预期D、相对通货膨胀率28一国居民可以在国内自由持有外汇资产,并可自由地在国内把本国货币兑换成外币资产,则该国实现了:A、经常项目可兑换B、资本项目可兑换C、对外可兑换D、对内可兑换29中国人民银行于2005年7月21日宣布,人民币对美元即日升值2%,即1美元兑人民币:A、811元 B、817元 C、821元 D、827元30对单一借款客户的受信集中度不得高于:A、8% B、15% C、10% D、5%三、多选202101外部性的解决方法2配额的危害3倾销。选项是在WHO的文件里是怎么规定的。涉及WHO法则。4基金按组织形式可以分为什么类型。(公司型和契约型)5外汇组成部分。(定义)6保证


22、试题PRACTICE QUESTIONSMark your answers on the attached ANSWER SHEETTABLE 1AMOUNT OF INCOME IN CERTAIN INDUSTRIES (in billions of dollars)INDUSTRY YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5Agriculture 22 26 26 30 51Communication 14 17 18 20 21Construction 36 43 47 52 57Finance and Real Estate 78 90 100 108 11

23、8Manufacturing 213 218 226 253 287Transportation 27 30 33 36 401Which industry had the largest increase in the dollar amount of income from Year 1 to Year 2?AAgriculture BConstruction CFinance and Real Estate DManufacturingETransportation2Which industry had the smallest increase in the dollar amount

24、 of income from Year 1 to Year 5?AAgriculture BConstruction CFinance and Real Estate DManufacturing ETransportation3Which industry experienced the largest percentage increase from Year 3 to Year 4?AAgriculture BCommunication CConstruction DFinance and Real Estate EManufacturing4Which industry experi

25、enced the least percent change from Year 1 to Year 4?AAgriculture BCommunication CConstruction DManufacturing ETransportation5For which industry was there the least consistent increase in income over the period of time covered by the table?AAgriculture BConstruction CFinance and Real Estate DManufac

26、turing ETransportationTABLE 1 (REPEATED)AMOUNT OF INCOME IN CERTAIN INDUSTRIES (in billions of dollars)INDUSTRY YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5Agriculture 22 26 26 30 51Communication 14 17 18 20 21Construction 36 43 47 52 57Finance and Real Estate 78 90 100 108 118Manufacturing 213 218 226 253 28

27、7Transportation 27 30 33 36 406If the trend in the Transportation industry were to continue, its income for Year 6 would most likely be aboutwww54yjscnA42 billion dollars B44 billion dollars C46 billion dollars D48 billion dollarsE50 billion dollars7In which of the following instances has the first

28、type of industry named consistently had an income about half that of the second?AAgriculture; Finance and Real Estate BCommunication; AgricultureCConstruction; Finance and Real Estate DFinance and Real Estate; ManufacturingETransportation; Communication8In how many instances did a type of industry m

29、ake a gain of 10% or more over the previous year listed?A1 - 4 B5 8 C9 - 12 D13 - 16 E17 - 209The type of industry showing the steadiest rate of growth in income during this period wasACommunication BConstruction CFinance and Real Estate DManufacturingETransportation10In which one of the following g

30、roups did all three types of industry increase their respective incomes by most nearly one-third from Year 1 to Year 3?AAgriculture; Communication; Transportation BAgriculture; Communication; ConstructionCCommunication; Construction; TransportationDConstruction; Finance and Real Estate, Transportati

31、onECommunication; Construction; Finance and Real Estate11How many industries had a growth rate of at least 20% from Year 1 to Year 3?A1 B2 C3 D4 E512Among the following, the greatest percentage increase in income occurred forAAgriculture between Year 3 and Year 4BCommunication between Year 2 and Yea

32、r 3CConstruction between Year 1 and Year 2DFinance and Real Estate between Year 4 and Year 5EManufacturing between Year 3 and Year 4GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGERead this page and then answer the questions on the next page You may read any part of this again while you are answering the questions1 A personn

33、el department should2 first of all think of itself as a3 research group The research I am4 thinking of is a questioning of5 personnel techniques, a re-6 examining of accepted procedures7 It is searching for facts and8 anticipating future developments9 It is thinking about your job and10 exploring ne

34、w ways of carrying it11 out12 Secondly, a personnel depart-13 ment should equip itself with the14 knowledge and experience which will15 enable it to advise top management16 on personnel policies and, when17 appropriate, to draw managements18 attention to the employee relations19 implications of cont

35、emplated20 courses of action21 Third, personnel people should22 work closely with line management23 in developing guidelines and proce-24 dures which will help the operating25 people carry out their responsibil-26 ities in the employee relations27 area Such guides will put the28 specialized skills w

36、hich personnel29 people have at the disposal of the30 line managers without removing the31 essential day-to-day contact they32 should have with their own people33 Finally, the personnel depart-34 ment should perform a review or35 survey function Are personnel36 policies and programs being admin-37 i

37、stered correctly? Are there38 particular problems which make39 modifications necessary? Are the40 programs accomplishing what they41 were intended to accomplish?42 Should changes be made to strength-43 en them? These are some important44 questions that a review function45 can help answer13Which two

38、personnel functions described in the passage appear to have the most in common?AResearch and advisory BResearch and review CAdvisory and reviewDProcedure and review EResearch and procedure14they in line 31 refers most clearly toApersonnel department in lines 12-13 Btop management in line 15Cguidelin

39、es and procedures in lines 23-24 Dpersonnel people in lines 28-29Eline managers in line 3015The questions posed in the last paragraph are ones which are to be answered primarily throughAforeseeing possible developments Beffective communication with employeesCcritical evaluation Dconscientious applic

40、ation of policiesEprovision of flexibility in approaches16Why does the author regard the day-to-day contact referred to in line 31 as essential?AThis is needed to search for facts and anticipate developmentsBThis is important for advising top managementCThis forms the basis for developing guidelines

41、 and proceduresDThis is basic for knowing that policies and programs are administered properlyEThe author does not clearly say why17In line 27, the function of the sentence beginning Such guides is that ofAproviding a rationaleBemphasizing a pointCindicating an analogyDadding detailsEpresenting evid

42、ence18All of the following are clearly indicated by the author as important for a personnel department to be effective exceptAlooking ahead to see what will be needed in the futureBseeking to find new and better ways for handling personnel mattersCgiving counsel to high-level managers on matters of

43、personnel policyDhaving day-to-day contacts with people in the various line departmentsElooking for new ways to make ones job more effective我是应届生19The main point of the first paragraph is that members of a personnel department shouldAthink about their jobs so they become as productive as possibleBha

44、ve a certain kind of orientation in their workCproduce facts rather than rely on hunchesDre-examine accepted personnel techniques and proceduresEemphasize anticipation of future developmentsGO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE20The normal selling price of a case of soap is $1000 During a special sale, the price w

45、as reduced by 10% (Note: 10% means 10 percent) This sale price was 20% greater than the cost to produce a case of soap How much did it cost to produce a case of soap?A$900 B$800 C$750 D$700 E$65021A picture on a page was reduced on a copier to 60% of its original size, and this copy was then reduced by 20% What percent of the size of the original picture was the final copy?A12 B


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