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1、Unit 4 Dont eat in class. Section A(1a-2d),. 选句子配图 A. Keep quiet. B. Dont arrive late for school. C. Dont listen to music in class. D. Dont run in the hallways. E. Dont fight. F. Dont eat in the classroom.,答案: 16. FBCAED,. 句型展示 1. 我们必须按时到。 We be . 2. 在我们学校有很多规则。 a lot of in our school. 3. 我们能把音乐播放机带

2、到学校吗? 不, 我们不能。 we music players school? No, we . 答案: 1. must; on time 2. There are; rules 3. Can; bring; to; cant,4. 我们不得不总是穿着校服。 We always wear the school uniform. 5. 我们也必须在图书室保持安静。 We in the library. 答案: 4. have to 5. also have to be quiet,1. Dont arrive late for class. 上课不要迟到。 【自主领悟】(1)arrive意为“到

3、达”, 是不及物动词, 跟地点名词作宾语时要加介词。例如: I can arrive here at 8: 00. 我能在八点钟到这里。 (2)arrive late for相当于be late for, 为固定短语, 意为“(做某事)迟到”。例如: Dont arrive late for the meeting. 开会别迟到了。,【用法辨析】arrive与get的异同点,【活学活用】 Our teacher arrives school at 7: 30 every morning. A. in B. to C. at D. of He gets to the city by train.

4、 (改为同义句) He the city by train. 答案: arrives in,2. You must be on time. 你必须准时。 【自主领悟】on time“准时”, 指按照规定的时间做某事。例如: Please come here on time tomorrow. 请明天按时来这里。,【用法辨析】on time与in time的区别 in time及时(在时间到来之前) on time按时(在规定时间内),The doctors arrived in time and saved the injured man. 医生及时到达, 救了那位受伤者。,She goes

5、to work on time every day. 她每天按时上班。,【活学活用】 Its important to be for the meeting. A. on time B. in time C. at any time D. at the same time The firemen got to the factory and put out the fire. A. on time B. in time C. for the first time D. all the time,3. Dont listen to music in class. 在课堂上不要听音乐。 【自主领悟

6、】(1)listen“听”, 是不及物动词, 其后接宾语时要加介词to。例如: Listen to the teacher carefully in class. 在课堂上认真听老师讲课。 (2)in class是固定短语, 意为“在上课; 上课时”。例如: Dont talk in class. Listen to the teacher. 不要讲话。注意听讲。,【用法辨析】listen与hear的区别,【活学活用】 听! 你能听见汤姆正在唱歌吗? ! Can you Tom singing now? 不要在会上听收音机。 Dont the radio in the meeting. 答案:

7、 Listen; hear listen to,4. We cant wear a hat in our school. 在我们学校里不允许戴帽子。 【自主领悟】wear“穿; 戴”, 表示状态。相当于be in。例如: He is wearing a black T-shirt. 他穿着一件黑色的T恤衫。,【用法辨析】wear与put on的区别,【活学活用】 Tom often a black sweater. A. puts on B. wears C. on D. in 请穿上你的雨衣。外面正在下雨。 Please your raincoat. Its raining outside.

8、 答案: put on,. 从方框中选词或词组并用其适当形式填空 be quiet have to on time listen to wear 1. I often music before going to bed. 2. You must get there . 3. Please . The baby is sleeping. 4. Our teacher often black pants. 5. My bike is broken(坏了). I walk to school. 答案: 1. listen to 2. on time 3. be quiet 4. wears 5. h

9、ave to,. 单项选择 1. take these books out of the library. A. Not B. Cant C. Doesnt D. Dont 2. We can arrive the station before five oclock. A. at B. on C. in D. for 3. My brother doesnt get up so early on Sundays. A. have to B. has to C. had to D. must,4. Please your dictionary here tomorrow. I want to use it. A. take B. bring C. give D. make 5. we eat in the classroom? Sorry, you cant. A. Must B. Do C. Can D. Does,


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