三维设计2013届高考英语一轮复习针对训练:第二部分 第三讲 非谓语动词.doc

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1、专注数学 关注高中、中考、小升初.句子改错指出并改正句子中的错误1He is fat, and his brother is thin. _答案:and改为but或while 2. He doesnt like learning maths, so do I. _答案:so改为neither/nor 3Neither he changed his mind, nor will he do so._答案:第一个he前加has 4Not only he sings well, but also he dances well._答案:前一分句改为Not only does he sing well

2、5Seize the chance, and you will regret it._答案:and改为or或or else或otherwise .合并句子将下面各题中的两个分句合并成一个句子 1a. He could all day sit on a wet rock and fish. b. He did not say a word. _答案:He could all day sit on a wet rock and fish and he did not say a word. 或He could all day sit on a wet rock and fish, and he d

3、id not say a word. 2a. The university seemed small. b. The university had many great programs. _答案:The university seemed small, but it had many great programs. 或The university seemed small, yet it had many great programs. 3a. Stop smoking now.b. Your health will be ruined. _答案:Stop smoking now, or y

4、our health will be ruined. 或Stop smoking now, or else your health will be ruined. 或Stop smoking now, otherwise your health will be ruined. 4a. Kates parents were proud of her. b. Kate was the first member of the family to graduate from high school. _答案:Kate was the first member of the family to grad

5、uate from high school, so her parents were proud of her. 或Kates parents were proud of her, for she was the first member of the family to graduate from high school. 5a. Tom has always been interested in computer science. b. Tom is majoring in English now. _答案:Tom has always been interested in compute

6、r science, but he is majoring in English now.或Tom has always been interested in computer science, yet he is majoring in English now.翻译句子 1我的脸红了,我不知道如何是好。_答案:My face turned red and I didnt know what to do. 2她一定是病了,因为她今天早上没来上学。_答案:She must be ill, for she didnt come to school this morning. 3我爱喝黑咖啡,而她喜

7、欢喝加奶油的咖啡。_答案:I like drinking black coffee while she prefers it with cream. 4这不仅能提高小学生的效率,而且也激励学生比以前学习更努力。 _答案:Not only can it improve pupils efficiency but also it inspires pupils to work harder than ever. 5一定要选择一个好的并且适合的班级或老师,要不然的话,那将会浪费时间和金钱。 _答案:Be sure to choose a good and suitable class or teacher, otherwise it would be a waste of time and money. 更多精品资料尽在华芳教育http:/ 3


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