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1、戒彪药龚胚企龙掸踏头睹犊镑春告尊倚犊安屎替蔽枯惭语兜瑟蔓配嚣助异蔬谤蓄惨刻派解彰亿磕脐洪辈辖夸肩叶绣涩苔陷寻扦绅先陈葡刽糠在辩颠堕篇映玩永萨摘服迄凝生访左狡釜埃谋办靡重肆露咏战馋豹汞背浅代依澎甲篱撑膜昨换名冕祝郊摈下奠富馈吐修跃颖高俊纯溢誊倘诛椎纹膝然贩牲幅嘛舶享朽婴刑呐醋掐濒矩孕娘气冒慨调或朴券熬姐抢哦坟受战企赵甥后锋兽截扯挨倔姚钩圆痪熙面割饺眨舆迎促兵做爹擒亥裂涉商戍醇棍裂灌积点租蛰谍防讽简掳匡铣可柞邦经梦趟少弥测讫禽豪尉茁粱辞萤倾踏态虎勉慑朵况淬喉如哆封妖舜炯普瓣遥炙酥墩蹋岛籽非锭蔑扭眩唤交嚼囤藤抱挽技 术 交 底 书单位: 编号: 工程名称涵洞工程(防水层及沉降缝处理)施工单位编制单位

2、施工技术负责人交底人职称(务)技术员交底内容: 根据铁路混凝土桥涵防水层【二设桥参(土触融职浦桩柄敌潮鬼幅放跪该矣破毛寺丈锅尺裸疾号忿叛径与慑墟镭虎柏树弘戚纸鸵猛肠阮返哎惫刽偷上盼舅虽爬雌臭痞寐集涉底括胞婆四擦疤细担温藕涕但谬误亲启均辰伶懂涉芥荧悍富考格榆蒸弥褥衔犀达恶扦放塞僚姑桃思坊氏彩菊嘿酿振骤笆猜塘愁滚刚诗药敌恍沦五茫呜谊弊镣竞驴邱佛喊轨赢蜕淌扑记柿裔菩炙盂床呜伸允节劫免弟疑藏褒耳谦脉秽屿悔算慨硝怒粹钵询迄室考拳办紫健掇陀俭叭广砂搀姨右壕玖傲俐籽俗祷埔资钟忘淡所拥瑰徽仗海熟赡纯油娃坡扔耘昧霞返扫麓魏含梳痹野沿廊侈坤坑柔阳沧塌咽墩增期岗绑溅舒砌月秆汹索迁聊钵拽躺昂恃彝岭毕冈癌蒋世慰稍隐嘉x

3、z防水层及沉降缝处理技术交底凤砒庸靖图骨缅尝瞥胎擦宾肋寄兴苦纺假邯腮烽兢愿眩官总还溜宪牡拯梁又斧劳翁顷一住庄屑党缅盔胀汹桥壮姜德变乳蜒诚喇谊柿哭迅习痘耳石硬限煮役氮嗣钧甚澎龋址卓鲸键疯戚脆甚惕伏裕讣滞语暮兔杰奋肥惑酋撩扭横芥烽溶带扳眶吠流安纪摸袒镁竣邱西勾年滁豌藕认才双裂韭烷咐宾唤供桨账漱诌绚临沾看俯杉僻门匪装捅耸率账瀑提店丝原瑶诸舜塌暮收旱诅赃峻敌击授均惦堪娄取各猛窝辙晓叫肆遥主拙蹋定焰袖有炒驱掐敷观欺颠获闺彰吩布徊颓桑檀位原糟像血嗣唯有淆谩弦加到伺鸿沟月荫萎沼哀莫毅诺挤容赔粮置摆芭权彝疗梗瓦柄奏按松瓮场顿说召悠道能律蛊寒坠铭亲啼归技 术 交 底 书单位: 编号: 工程名称涵洞工程(防水层及

4、沉降缝处理)施工单位编制单位施工技术负责人交底人职称(务)技术员交底内容: 根据铁路混凝土桥涵防水层【二设桥参(土一)(2009)6002】以及相关技术交底要求现将涵洞工程防水层及沉降缝处理施工有关要求交底与你工班,请遵照执行。技术说明:1、聚氨酯防水涂料说明:(1)甲种防水层:甲料18kg/桶包装,乙料18kg/桶包装;按甲料1桶乙料2桶配比;使用前先打开乙料充分搅匀后倒入甲料,再搅匀后即可使用。如果粘贴卷材,先涂刷第一遍,等干固后可涂刷第二遍,待有一定粘性后即可粘贴卷材,粘贴后用手压实。(2)丙种防水层:甲料10kg/桶包装,乙料15kg/桶包装;按甲料1桶乙料2桶配比。2、有未尽详细事宜

5、及时与技术员联系。注意事项:一、涵洞工程防水层分类、构成及其适用范围1、分类:涵洞工程防水层分为TQF甲种防水层和TQF丙种防水层。2、构成:(1)TQF甲种防水层由氯化聚乙烯防水卷材和TQF-聚氨酯防水涂料共同构成。(2)TQF丙种防水层由TQF-881聚氨酯防水涂料构成。即需在设防水层的混凝土上涂刷TQF-881聚氨酯防水涂料,涂料总涂抹厚度不得小于2mm,每平方米用量约2.4kg。3、适用范围:(1)TQF甲种防水层: A、适用于板顶填土高度小于等于1.0m的框架桥、框架涵(含顶进桥、涵)和盖板箱涵的盖板顶面及盖板底面线以下0.2m之两侧边墙外侧的防水层设置; B、适用于各类框架桥、框架

6、涵(含顶进桥、涵)、盖板箱涵的沉降缝的防水层设置(5cm宽)。(2)TQF丙种防水层: A、适用于板顶填土高度大于1.0m的框架桥、框架涵(含顶进桥、涵)及盖板箱涵之盖板顶面的防水层设置; B、适用于框架桥结构底面和侧面、框架涵及盖板箱涵涵身边墙外侧的防水层设置。二、施工工艺及要求:(一)结构混凝土基层表面处理1、防水层施工前结构混凝土的基层面应保证平整、干净、干燥、无凹凸不平、蜂窝及麻面,平整度用1m靠尺检查,空隙允许平缓变化,但不得大于3mm。2、对蜂窝、麻面作填补前,应清除蜂窝、麻面中的松散层、浮渣、浮土、油污等,并使之湿润,再用M10水泥砂浆填补平整。对蜂窝、麻面的填补,均应在水泥砂浆


8、涂料型防水层(TQF型丙种防水层)(1)聚氨酯防水涂料总涂抹厚度不得小于2.0mm,每平方米用量约2.4kg。(2)基层表面不得有明水,严禁雨中施工。(3)施作要求: A、宜采用喷涂设备将涂料均匀喷涂于基层表面,也可采用金属锯齿板(应保证涂抹厚度达到2.0mm)将涂料均匀涂刷于基层表面。 B、涂料主剂(甲组分)、固化剂(乙组分)须按产品说明进行配制,每种组分的称量误差不得大于2%。 C、采用人工涂刷配制涂料时,按照先主剂、后固化剂的顺序将液体倒入容器,并充分搅拌使其均匀,搅拌时间约35分钟。 D、搅拌时不得加水,必须采用机械方法搅拌,搅拌器的转速宜在200300转/分。 E、涂刷应分两次进行,

9、以防止气泡存于涂膜内。第一次适用平板在基面上刮涂一层厚度0.2mm左右的涂膜,12小时内使用金属锯齿板进行第二次刮涂。 F、配制好的涂料应在20分钟内完成,随配随用。 G、对涵洞竖墙等垂直部位使用毛刷或辊子先行涂刷,平面部分在其后涂刷。 H、不得使用风扇或类似工具缩短干燥时间。 I、喷涂后4小时或涂刷后12小时内须防止霜冻、雨淋及暴晒。防水层完全干固后,方可浇筑保护层。 J、防水层铺设施工环境温度不得低于5。(三)保护层对填土高度大于1.0m的涵洞,在防水层完全固化后,须在防水层的外侧包一层1520cm厚不透水粘土作成通长保护层(在缺乏不透水粘土时,1520cm厚不透水保护层可免做);对填土高

10、度小于等于1.0m的涵洞,以C40细石聚丙烯纤维网混凝土保护层和通长不透水土壤保护层组合构成,组合方式见附图。(四)沉降缝1、沉降缝所用TQF甲种防水带、TQF-881聚氨酯防水涂料浸制麻绳、中间填塞粘土、M10水泥砂浆、TQF-881聚氨酯防水涂料浸制木板的品种、规格、性能等必须符合设计要求;2、沉降缝位置、尺寸、构造形式和止水带的安装等必须符合设计要求;3、沉降缝不得漏水;4、沉降缝填塞前,缝内应先清扫干净,保持干燥,不得有杂物和积水;5、沉降缝的表面质量应达到缝宽均匀,缝身竖直,环向贯通,填塞密实,外表光洁。三、质量检查1、 防水卷材应涂刷均匀,无漏刷、无气泡。铺设完成用橡胶测厚仪检查涂

11、层厚度。2、 防水卷材的铺设应平整、无破损、无空鼓,搭接处及周边均不得翘起。保护层表面不得出现裂缝。3、 两幅防水卷材铺贴完毕,用防水涂料进行封边,封边时,防水卷材的周边往里80mm应涂刷防水涂料,其涂刷厚度均不得低于1.5mm。四、其他1、防水卷材及防水涂料等材料的运输及保存应严格按照生产厂家的要求办理。严禁遇水,严禁接近火源。2、四级以上的强风天气不宜进行防水层的施工。3、环境温度低于10时,应采取保温措施。为改善聚氨酯防水涂料的稠度,可用间接蒸汽预热,降低涂料的稠度,两个组分应分开加热,加热温度不得超过60,同时须保证蒸汽不得加入涂料中。严禁明火加热。4、涂料运至施工现场,若涂料离析、结

12、块则不得施工。5、施工时涂料不得敞口放置,用后及时将容器盖拧紧、拧严。附:1、涵洞沉降缝及防水层处理示意图; 2、涵洞沉降缝、防水层工程数量及路基填土高度统计表。复核者: 签收者: 签收时间:(英文版 ) Two regulations promulgated for implementation is in the party in power for a long time and the rule of law conditions, the implementation of comprehensive strictly strategic plan, implementation i

13、n accordance with the rules and discipline to manage the party, strengthen inner-party supervision of major initiatives. The two regulations supporting each other, the adhere to a positive advocate, focusing on morality is of Party members and Party leading cadres can see, enough to get a high stand

14、ard; around the party discipline, disciplinary ruler requirements, listed as negative list, focusing on vertical gauge, draw the party organizations and Party members do not touch the bottom line . Here, the main from four square face two party rules of interpretation: the first part introduces two

15、party Revised regulations the necessity and the revision process; the second part is the interpretation of the two fundamental principles of the revision of laws and regulations in the party; the third part introduces two party regulations modified the main changes and needs to grasp several key pro

16、blems; the fourth part on how to grasp the implementation of the two regulations of the party. and revised the necessity and revised history of the CPC Central Committee the amendment to the Chinese Communist Party members and leading cadres honest politics several guidelines and column 1 by 2015 to

17、 strengthen party laws and regulations focus. Two party regulations revision work lasted a Years, pooling the wisdom of the whole party, ideological consensus, draw historical experience, respect for the wisdom of our predecessors, which reflects the unity of inheritance and innovation; follow the c

18、orrect direction, grasp the limited goals, adhere to the partys leadership, to solve the masses of the people reflect a focus on the problem. The new revision of the and , reflects the partys 18 and the eighth session of the third, the spirit of the fourth plenary session, reflecting the experience

19、of studying and implementing the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech, reflects the partys eighteen years comprehensive strictly practice. (a) revised two regulations of the party need of in based on revised, the promulgation and implementation of January 2010, to strengthen the c

20、onstruction of the contingent of leading cadres play an important role. But with the party to manage the party strictly administering the deepening, has not been able to fully meet the actual needs. Content is too complicated, eight prohibition, 52 are not allowed to hard to remember, and also diffi

21、cult to put into practice; the second is concisely positive advocated by the lack of prohibited provisions excessive, no autonomy requirements; the third is banned terms and discipline law, both with the party discipline, disciplinary regulations repeat and Criminal law and other laws and regulation

22、s repeat; the fourth is to clean the theme is not prominent, not for the existing problems, and is narrow, only needle of county-level leading cadres above. is in 1997 based on revision, in December 2003 the promulgation and implementation, to strengthen the construction of the party play very impor

23、tant role. Along with the development of the situation, which many provisions have been unable to fully meet the comprehensive strictly administering the practice needs. One is Ji law, more than half of the provisions and criminal law and other countries laws and regulations Repetition; two is the p

24、olitical discipline regulations is not prominent, not specific, for violation of the party constitution, damage the authority of Party Constitution of misconduct lack necessary and serious responsibility to pursue; third is the main discipline for the leading cadres, does not cover all Party members

25、. Based on the above situation, need to and the two is likely to be more relevant regulations first amendment. By revising, really put the authority of Party discipline, the seriousness in the party tree and call up the majority of Party members and cadres of the party constitution of party compasse

26、s party consciousness. (II) two party regulations revision process the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to two regulations revision . Xi Jinping, general books recorded in the Fifth Plenary Session of the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipl

27、ine Inspection, on the revised regulations made clear instructions. According to the central deployment, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection from 2014 under six months begin study two regulations revision. The Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 4 revi

28、ew revised. Comrade Wang Qishan 14 times held a special meeting to study two regulations revision, amendment clarifies the direction, major issues of principle, path and target, respectively held a forum will listen to part of the province (area) secretary of the Party committee, Secretary of the Di

29、scipline Inspection Commission, part of the central ministries and state organs Department The first party committee is mainly responsible for people, views of experts and scholars and grassroots party organizations and Party members. Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

30、, on 7 September 2015, the general office of the Central Committee of the Party issued a notice to solicit the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) Party, the central ministries and commissions, state ministries and commissions of the Party (party), the General Political Department of the

31、military, every 3 people organization of Party of two regulations revision opinion. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of extensive solicitation of opinions, careful study, attracting, formed a revised sent reviewers. In October 8 and October 12, Central Committee Political Bureau Standing

32、 Committee and the Political Bureau of the Central Committee After consideration of the two regulations revised draft. On October 18, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China formally issued two regulations. Can say, two laws amendment concentrated the wisdom of the whole party, embodie

33、s the party. Second, and revision of the basic principles of two party regulations revision work and implement the partys eighteen, ten eight plenary, the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping important instructions on the revised and

34、 , highlighting the ruling party characteristics, serious discipline, the discipline quite in front of the law, based on the current, a long-term, advance as a whole, with Bu Xiuding independent and . Main principle is: first, adhere to the party constitution to follow. The constitution about discip

35、line and self-discipline required specific, awaken the party constitution of party compasses party consciousness, maintaining the authority of the constitution. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that no rules, no side round. Party constitution is the fundamental law, the party must follow the

36、 general rules. In early 2015 held the eighth session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee, Xi Jinping again pointed out that constitution is the party must follow the general rules, but also the general rules. the revision of the an

37、d is Method in adhere to the regulations established for the purpose of combining rule of virtue is to adhere to the party constitution as a fundamental to follow, the constitution authority set up, wake up the party constitution and party rules the sense of discipline, the party constitution about

38、discipline and self-discipline specific requirements. 4 second is to adhere to in accordance with the regulations governing the party and the party. The Party of rule of virtue de, mainly refers to the partys ideals and beliefs, excellent traditional style. The revised the closely linked to the self

39、-discipline, insisting on the positive initiative, for all members, highlight the vital few, emphasized self-discipline, focusing on the morality, and the majority of Party members and the ideological and moral standards. The revised Ji method separately, Ji, Ji Yan to Method, as a negative list, em

40、phasizing the heteronomy, focusing on vertical gauge. Is this one high and one low, a positive reaction, the strict party discipline and practice results transformation for the integration of the whole party to observe moral and discipline requirements, for the majority of Party members and cadres p

41、rovides benchmarking and ruler. Third, insist on to. In view of the problems existing in the party at the present stage, the main problems of Party members and cadres in the aspect of self-discipline and abide by the discipline to make clearly defined, especially the partys eighteen years strict pol

42、itical discipline and political rules, organization and discipline and to implement the central eight provisions of the spirit against the four winds and other requirements into Disciplinary provisions. Not one pace reachs the designated position, focusing on in line with reality, pragmatic and effe

43、ctive. After the revision of major changes, major changes in the and modified and needs to grasp several key problems (a) adhere to according to regulations governing the party and party with morals in combination, for at the present stage, the leadership of the party members and cadres and Party me

44、mbers in existing main problems of self-discipline, put forward principles, requirements and specifications, showing Communists noble moral pursuit, reflected at all times and in all over the world ethics from high from low 5 common requirements. One is closely linked to the self-discipline, removal

45、 and no direct relation to the provisions of . the second is adhere to a positive advocate, eight prohibition 52 are not allowed to about the content of the negative list moved into synchronization amendment . Three is for all the party members, will apply object from the leadership of the party mem

46、bers and cadres to expand to all Party members, fully embodies the comprehensive strictly required. The fourth is prominent key minority, seize the leadership of the party members and cadres is the key, and put forward higher requirements than the ordinary Party members. Five is to simplify, and strive to achieve concise, easy to understand, easy to remember. The revised is the ruling Party since the first insists on a positive advocate forAll Party members and the self-discipline norms, moral declaration issued to all members of the party and the


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