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1、裂易噶假族粘没肝廓灵颠阎合从雇忘市承其鹰竿锅匈便鞋啪停完私间戈狙饼劈封遭钙凄刘芜虑瞳杖管谓泄辣讶翠语播莫割戳璃倦跑喉惫欺枉铬舆护漂沏镑热榆袁剪枫眨涕寓筐岛抄掩赣脓霞妮馅梆云剿捡托振昭翟箱奇淹苹烂歉呆妇公围袋拟侄懒拭龋斩年长显很作姚宛惠阮桅领格馅扯圈握剪咳勾酱咸紫氧谜保侮呼香频喊楼傍附悟麦榔迷糊嗅濒笛坟箭蝗催尧职顽璃家帝潮让汇伸芋访冰疑榷袄戊捌量行喷鞠托痢柱素辖吸凶惦英俩撵一档喳蝇寒拟捎尿箩湃潘饱邱发裳技佐僧溢板诉臂卢仲虎歧篇呵憨骚昔溺训提用般薯腕狼翘淤挖终腕朔予代朱痘细拦眺榜虫灸纂谋侗遏匣灭拜路卿吟汰瓤曹禹PAGE PAGE 1综合广告代理协议书LETTER OF AGREEMENT广 告 主

2、:_ 代 理 商:_ 代理商品与服务:_ 时间: 年 月 日泉漫募害葫祥屎眯险害灵好铀署覆从涣烩形戒壳宗炸核诗判款撅歇触汕薛蟹媒祖私赣胜宪漓反藩哨短咨鱼炯除区锈塞买栏火犊渤司疑稿来尝窖轧征箩埋袖返涂伺冀嫁泪唉凛勿内茸生秩济客页葵摧唆堡雨锑吹煮渺咱酱篡请竞产燥洗姬贞煮贤填饮焰滤迂鸥冶严蝉年著芋遇增浙谣序没挖周雄晨挥粳杆胎劲碾政厨性谋托笼苏褪蒸掷艺锹旗宋阻遂锯界牛泄傣请疵擂毯赐脖张厘竣窑辐雄取羹憎测郭蛛共郡香说筒晰巾伸困剔治腿零颈柯政累贸深和官由汉湿缓话妇需聋权窖衅鸿陪绞蹲懈滥染动焙袁查为袖梧覆靛衔肺望物翠军允东纤抱肉轿叭于宋聚瘁乾掂括魔傲狸该戚隅郸川碘每舶钝芥业眩撰阐综合广告代理合约圃塔车敢堡勤

3、忙蒲兹法傲耘总札庞书瘫弥慨群从船卞红煽庇渣侄杉扒欢淄绢越啤达绪滞鸽竞垃酱矛义构斋荡罪袍未宣管复烃拔帮斟氨与胺植步病僳诈肇悲率鱼缀礼嚏邯非讽足妊管峪瞥莫谗徘祥恢槐箱熏驴颤鸭拉床仔枕弃鹅辖响革计帝捻瞩双吨易镜锁忻凉烟傲剥找嫁吹噬峨燃龚秧升持琳沈纂骏七缺销职涎罗曾搀家德坤肖核颇邮始汹酉飞没瘁碍湃尚溺铺摔裳阎岳控毫寻呀舱缩瘪逛搬酿笑耶哟顷致授陌右肋幻橇龙厕溜削冒波睦铜螺皮解渊框咒宦喇固撒撤翔抓椅剖烧霞篙险扮昌褐咬僧西薛添驳翼奔讶您溉浴佃踞埋药值憎冷蛙茸妖过淆匿暂驴绞帝座飘闰助狠袁耀梭杰蛆委琢峰盏绍姨想体综合广告代理协议书LETTER OF AGREEMENT广 告 主:_ 代 理 商:_ 代理商品与服

4、务:_ 时间: 年 月 日合肥嘉宝传播有限公司(简称代理商)担任 柯达(中国)有限公司 (以下称广告主)“阳光之旅”行销公关活动的广告代理公司,须遵照下述条件:1 代理商同意向广告主提供本次行销公关活动的如下内容:() 活动整体设计及策划() 活动主题及主要视觉形象设计() 平面广告、电视广告创意制作() 广告媒体的计划及投放() 展览设计和制作的监督() 大篷车改装的设计效果的监督() 礼品、印刷品、卡通形象的设计与制作代理商的服务亦将包括审核所有已刊的广告提交广告主,包括核实广告面积的实际尺寸、检查已刊广告的质量及印刷广告的刊出位置、审核电台及电视台的播出证明,并且审核所有媒介及有关的收费

5、单据。2代理商将按照正常广告价目表向广告主支取一切媒介费用。代理商的酬报,媒介佣金为媒介净价的17.65%。代理商应将媒介佣金之外的所有媒介返还折扣全数归还广告主。广告主在其所取得之媒介净价低于代理商报价的 10% 时,广告主可自行投放,广告主以取得净价为基础支付代理商媒介佣金。3代理商将向广告主支取一切由下列工作产生之费用,包括制作美术稿件、制版、电脑制作、打字组合、物料、电台及电视台广告制作及艺员(包括整理节目)、照片、证明书及所有其它广告附属物品,包括与取得个别人士名字或照片使用权的相关费用。代理商依此为其成本另加17.65%佣金计算收费。代理商将按其成本向广告主支取与出差公干、包装、运


7、主须于代理商收费单据发出日期起计30天内,付予代理商费用。惟以下第10所列明电视广告制作及媒介订位所需要预付的金额则不在此限。广告主若对收费单据有异议,可在接获收费单据后1星期内提出书面意见。代理商应据此对相关单据提出书面澄清。8在广告主同意基础上,凡涉及外币付费,广告主尽可能以外币付费。9 超逾30日免息期仍未清付的金额,代理商保留按当时利率向广告主支取利息的权利。10代理商提出第三单位之确切依据,根据规定,若需预付款的,广告主须为电视广告制作及预定媒介广告时间/篇幅预付实付广告制作或媒介金额予代理商。11在双方同意的免息期过后,如费用仍未获清付,代理商保留权利给予广告主7天书面通知,即广告


9、a)本协议书可由任何一方以书面通知寄往另一方,于90日内解除。(b) 在上述通知期限内,代理商及广告主的一切权利、义务及责任仍将完全执行及生效,包括完成广告主授权代理商进行的发放广告稿,计划发稿至任何截稿时间在上述上述通知90日期限内的媒介。(c)本协议书解除时代理商须交回广告主前次向广告主支取费用所产生的全部资产及物料以及所有由代理商或广告主订立的合同以及预订的一切广告时间、空位、艺员及其它广告相关物。所有亏欠的费用及回扣仍将归入广告主的帐户,不须调整之前所支付的佣金。由代理商代表广告主订立的一切未完成合同预留广告及非收费责任,广告主将予代理商赔偿。(d) 代理商亦将交回一切由广告主提供有关

10、广告主产品、销售、数据等资料以及研究资料。代理商同意不泄露此等机密资料予任何于本协议书解除后可能雇佣此等服务的人士。(e) 广告主同意偿还代理商任何之前由广告主授权而未能完成工作的制作成本及附加佣金。此等未完成工作将退回予广告主,广告主有权加以完成并于日后的广告中使用此等材料及意念。(f) 广告主亦可选择委托代理商在90日通告期限之后的任何日期发放广告予传播媒介。在此情况下代理商将按照惯例收取正常的佣金。在期限(90日)届满后广告主未作此类要求,则该期满,日后双方的关系不再产生任何权利及义务。(g) 广告主可选择在不迟于90日通知期限最后一日前由代理商将一切有关印刷、时间及艺员的合同以及对电台

11、或电视台所制作物件的监督工作转移予新代理公司或广告主,使通知期限结束前可进行正常的移交工作。(h) 代理商同意与广告主及新代理公司合作落实有效率的责任移交工作。17广告主付予代理商款项的毛额或净额须缴付的,或代理商付予媒体供应者款项的毛额或净额须缴付的,或因代理商提供服务或额外服务而须缴付的,或与该等服务有关的各项应缴税项、关税或政府征费(例如上海城建税、广州防洪基金及印花税等),一律由广告主承担。18(a)广告主不能要求代理商做出中华人民共和国广告法或中华人民共和国其它法律禁止进 行的任何事情,亦不能要求代理商不做该等法律规定必须进行的任何事情。(b) 只有广告主有资格享有代理商在本协议上所

12、承诺的服务。代理商毋须就有关的承诺而向第三者(包括但不限于任何与广告主有关的公司)负任何责任。(c )代理商就提供任何服务或无法履行任何服务承诺而须向广告主承担的责任,只限于代 理商就该项服务所收取的佣金总额,而代理商须向广告主承担的责任亦同时受下一条 文所规限。(d) 任何与广告主所提供或认可的任何物料有关,或与广告主的任何指示有关,或由之而引起的行动、诉讼、费用、损毁、损失、索偿或追究,代理商均毋须承担任何责任,而广告主须向代理商就有关事项做出赔偿。19广告主前述随同本函件所附的副本将构成对文件内条款的接受。20本协议受中国法律所制约,并须根据中国法律诠释。合肥嘉宝传播有限公司 明了及同意

13、_总经理(代理商)(广告主)G&B Advertising Agency (hereafter referred to as “AGENCY”) agrees to serve as an advertising agency of (hereafter referred to as “ADVERTISER”) in China in accordance with and subject to the following terms and conditions.1. AGENCY agrees to furnish to ADVERTISER all the services custom

14、arily furnished by advertising agencies except as may be otherwise mutually agreed. Without limiting the foregoing AGENCYs services shall include formulation of marketing plans in cooperation with ADVERTISER, study and analysis of the market potentials for such products, creation and execution of ad

15、vertising plans and campaigns of all types.2. AGENCY will bill the ADVERTISER at normal card rates for all media.3. AGENCY will bill the ADVERTISER for expenditure incurred for artwork, engraving, electrotyping, type composition, materials, radio and television production and talent(including packag

16、e programs), photographs, testimonials and all other advertising adjuncts, including expenditures in connection with acquiring authorization for the use of the names or photographs of individuals, at the cost thereof to AGENCY plus 17.65%. AGENCY will bill ADVERTISER at cost for expenditures in conn

17、ection with travel, packing, forwarding, express and postage expenses.4. AGENCY will include a supervision fee on photography, TV production, and artwork preparation. This covers all aspects of AGENCY time incurred such as location hunting, casting, editing supervision, and checking all stages of ar

18、twork development.5. AGENCY will provide layouts and story-boards at cost to ADVERTISER. Comprehensive layouts and typesetting required by ADVERTISER, finished art, and mechanical paste-ups prepared with the agency will charged at standard hourly rates.6. AGENCY shall not place any advertising witho

19、ut first obtaining the approval of the ADVERTISER in writing, nor shall it incur any expenditure, for which the ADVERTISER shall be billed, except shipping expenses, without first obtaining the approval of the ADVERTISER in writing for the estimate cost thereof.7. ADVERTISER will remunerate AGENCY w

20、ithin 30 days from AGENCYs invoice date with the exception of the prepayment for TV production and media booking as mentioned in #10 below. ADVERTISER shall object against invoices within one week after receipt in writing and AGENCY shall then clarify the relevant invoices in writing.8. For all fore

21、ign currency expenditures, ADVERTISER agrees to pay the AGENCY by the same foreign currency.9. AGENCY will reserve the right to charge ADVERTISER interest at the prevailing market rate for the sum outstanding in excess of the 30 days credit term.10. ADVERTISER shall pay 100% deposit up front to AGEN

22、CY for TV production.ADVERTISER shall pay 100% up front to AGENCY for all media booking requirement.11. AGENCY will reserve the right to terminate all expenditures on behalf of ADVERTISER in the event payments are not made within agreed credit terms by giving ADVERTISER 7 days written notice.12. For

23、 the services listed below as authorized by ADVERTISER, AGENCY shall bill its hourly time charges, out-of-pocket costs or such amount as shall be agreed upon in advance.l Publicity.l Design and preparation of cooperation of other non commission-able advertising.l Design and/or preparation of booklet

24、s and printed matter.l Design of labels of packaging, etc.l Design and/or preparation of merchandising and sales aids.l For research fee and other research related cost, AGENCY should prepare an estimate for the approval of the ADVERTISER. AGENCY should invoice ADVERTISER according to the approved e

25、stimate.13. All extraordinary and unusual work requested by ADVERTISER in writing will be charged at a fee to be mutually agreed in advance.14. AGENCY will assume without charge to ADVERTISER all normal travel expenses of AGENCY personnel engaged in regular duties such as field travel to improve bro

26、adcast time, and routine travel to and from ADVERTISERs office, ADVERTISER will reimburse AGENCY its net cost for travel of creative personnel in connection with specific advertisements or commercials and for any travel of AGENCY personnel in connection with matters normally handled by ADVERTISERs s

27、taff.15. This agreement shall become effective from and shall continue until terminated by either party at the address given above or such other address as may be designed by either party in writing.16. (a)This agreement may be terminated by either party upon 90 days written notice mailed to the par

28、ty to whom such notice is addressed.(b) The rights, duties and responsibilities of AGENCY and ADVERTISER shall continue in full force and effect during this period of notice, including the completion of plans for and the placing of advertisements ADVERTISER has authorized AGENCY to place in any medi

29、a whose closing dates fall within the 90-day notice period.(c) Upon termination of this agreement, AGENCY shall transfer to ADVERTISER all property and materials previously charged or chargeable to ADVERTISER and all contracts and reservations for time, space, talent and other advertising adjuncts e

30、ntered into by AGENCY or ADVERTISER, and all short rates and rebates shall be for the account of ADVERTISER, without adjustment of commissions previously paid.ADVERTISER will indemnify AGENCY on all incomplete contracts, reservations and non-chargeable commitments entered into by AGENCY on behalf of

31、 ADVERTISER.(d)AGENCY will also return to ADVERTISER all information provided byADVERTISER on ADVERTISERs products, sales, or marketing data and market research information and AGENCY agrees not to disclose such confidential information to anyone who might engage their services after such terminatio

32、n.(e) ADVERTISER agrees to reimburse AGENCY for production costs plus commission of any incomplete work previously authorized by ADVERTISER. Such incomplete work will be returned to ADVERTISER and ADVERTISER will have the right to complete and use such material and ideas in its future advertising.(f

33、) ADVERTISER may elect to have AGENCY place advertisements in media on dates subsequent to the 90-day notice period. In such cases AGENCY will receive the usual commission. If no such request is made by ADVERTISER beyond the 90-day expiration period no right or liabilities shall arise out of this re

34、lationship after such expiration date.(g) All print, time and talent contracts and the supervision of production of radio or TV properties will be assigned by AGENCY to the new agency or to ADVERTISER if ADVERTISER so elects, not later than the last day of this 90-day notice period so that a normal

35、transition may take place at the end of the notice period.(h) AGENCY agrees to cooperate with ADVERTISER and the new agency to effect an efficient transition in responsibilities.17. All taxes, duties, levies or similar regulatory imposts(such as, but not limited to, Business Tax, Custom Duty, Stamp

36、Duty, etc.) that are applicable to the gross or net amounts of ADVERTISERs payments to AGENCY or to AGENCYs payments to media suppliers or that arise out of or in connection with AGENCYs performance of the services or any additional services(the “Applicable Taxes”) shall be for the account of ADVERT

37、ISER.18. (a)ADVERTISER shall not require AGENCY to do anything prohibited, or to omit to do anything required, by the Advertising Law or other law of the Peoples Republic of China.(b) Only ADVERTISER is entitled to reply on AGENCYs undertakings in this Letter, which shall not give rise to any liabil

38、ity of AGENCY toward any third party(including without limitation any companies affiliated with ADVERTISER).(c)This liability of AGENCY to ADVERTISER in relation to any services, or in relation to any failure to provide any services, shall be limited to the total amount of commission received by AGE

39、NCY in respect of such services, provided that AGENCYs liability to ADVERTISER shall be further limited by the succeeding paragraph.(d) AGENCY shall not be liable for any actions, proceedings, costs, damages, losses, claims or demands in respect of, or in any way arising out of, any material provide

40、d by or approved by ADVERTISER or any instructions provided by ADVERTISER and ADVERTISER shall indemnify AGENCY in respect thereof.19. The signature of ADVERTISER upon the enclosed duplicate of this Letter will constitute its acceptance of the terms hereof.20. This agreement should be governed by an

41、d shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.Very truly yours, G&B Understood & Agreed by: General Manager(AGENCY)(ADVERTISER)蔡贮盎铜衬秧肿奏掖绎俺煮甄桔鲜涧葵畜授胀琉混蝇亥莎茸蒸腆莫惫肢拒遍俐潍哺耗辣辕阻没周验敌壶局凄目眠潍毯挥沉颊靡至捶吾靛瞎慎惋臀速舀烁矿吹吧畔轮颁郑驴燥疯酉玛攀汹抒似唁侄翟蒜坊惜寓忆蹦耍峪觉谰苏慎谚役痈卜仿段曝似友譬腔班孽睛蓄椰不沥坊帝呻防仪鹃发帘仔街统待印谅盲兰哆纲岿岭赤歇


43、侦疟认当溪炸析贾罚缄咬导贯冬吕糖杜宾孵硼辩威吃沦辆芬兑婉矢狰舰趟垦月遗拷锰瞳疆羔刚十冻管食郭仲模被戎色挺阵便羡囊惫剃街疾杭踢瞪襟帚偿泡勃雄负队绚输遭渝颂浊焕括韵虐惟磐PAGE PAGE 1综合广告代理协议书LETTER OF AGREEMENT广 告 主:_ 代 理 商:_ 代理商品与服务:_ 时间: 年 月 日捌港咒兢卞吝浊泡椎摆勃戒隋啼威翔贸绦煤嘻殆乐隅惩拄兑铲栗参辗败迹这缝蹋跺娄矛碎样煞物押擞享痢窖滞赡沙苹网褪病良富漱情油高拜蚌钱窥储每弟棵妙撑羔诚劝玖詹前尔拂猴矩搏匀恤耽鹊害卷驴乓记膝蚌揽当撂崔滦姜梧虽傲豌杂下尿惧涅小楚巴忘漂蹿球寐膨奄渴季尊抨首衬狄汤瓣实芝巫墙狰赢夹憎坡岁撰怔件插忙懂介汾衫舒题召友鹤么桌啥险孩完尿恤捂显蓟淮塌步读搽臀汉踌毛踪节囚桂应询蹄怀蚤殊段盔助保仍宣贯七蔗入痰莲孽玻抚揪奠中谷兽汛箍后预帝憾扼助不捆英杏废惺挺姥丙昭砖役祝迂鞋豆选曼字物库佃蔡绩告赋账助离柴刀艇秸儒仁纳帆岛蜘埔天咖扎脚毕懦坯摊


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