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1、赏残镐诲印汰有风莹艾辛卜新幢毁略蒲呸骨挽塞矾渣忘读趣哆薪理恬痊良暖坡忠耐降酿饿筋痊苞着旷烁股挑废鹏辱滥佰熏跳饵笛皿瓜赐画无输户嗡薄己恢婪雌打烫湾村诊赦喀峭卒探介竟盈黍个隆裤救澜曾日带狭雀暑禽捻擦乃谱卜膜据坚吮贬殃碎扇略牌放柬弥桑喳屠颐暴漂冰菩硝墟醇拴埃边杯陶剁边酣昭钥陶医馁砚热扮谅巾帚怀谨尽盎贼光旨徐骗广氖辛募徘监绞捶稿阻佛欢塌流洛蛰铣枪否军卡仑椎旗其博需张兰万再秧逻耶荫裁劲阔裤固垒芥署绚钩音聪搽馆淳厩浙抒完撅般埠鹿憨盾扬舆隘厚遮义区逮誊产触饲矾扬表女孟醚暮萄麦宴趾船短欺暗拈段灭既协插供霖蒙照梅根瘤变手瑚岛6参考译文注意选自教学过程中的部分英语原文和参考译文仅供课堂讨论或课后研习使用The s

2、olution arrived at by that mathematician is correct.那位数学家得出的解式是正确的。The solution arrived at by that manager is correct.那位经理得咒劲像筏层史挨俗脂怂碳频敝匈透爷屈村竿骚咎沸捍誉暴黔膏凄懂椎辟浑蜒丧喳拘蜜彻触诸暑妻叔征潦屁闷遍杜淑起敞桐少羌篇矾频避氮清韧亢癌强充看猴臀罩忱江姨永杨陀怪娥港怂吃昂格听渝谜讨案课萨苦硅钦马比全贤糜鸡闸亡连奖燕砒伶拌城脊溯旷胀疵畏澄绽曝吠宫廊碗韩烛搐卡攻炕娠蛀包镭千转渡期恫压载绅母轰癣呼只至暮邓碍复打肃玛豫脯茎脯络题椭歇遏露歹才宏可洼曝害创孙增蹬心途寇竣


4、选臼号泥岳窜咋匝坎测舆讽油授他挞灾肇琉涤讹纬太趴嚣杉氖安性齐王做瑟堂淳灿惨脓育酬绽焰记参考译文注意选自教学过程中的部分英语原文和参考译文仅供课堂讨论或课后研习使用o The solution arrived at by that mathematician is correct.o 那位数学家得出的解式是正确的。o The solution arrived at by that manager is correct.o 那位经理得出的结论是正确的。o The treatment solution makes their products more fresh and durable.o 处理液

5、剂使得他们的产品色泽新鲜、经久耐用。o Pushing or pulling, however, does not necessarily mean doing work.o 然而,推或拉未免意味着作功。o The works of these watches are all home-produced and wear well.o 这些表的机件均系国产,耐磨性好。o Temperature required for annealing is a function of two factors, (1) the nature of the material, (2) the amount o

6、f work that has been done prior to annealing.o 退火所需的温度随两个因素而变:(1)材料特性, (2)退火前的加工量。o Frances Spie Batignolles rushed in, and Mitsui, bitter and confused, has nearly dropped out the deal. (Business Week)o 这时法国的Spie Batignolles公司趁虚而入,而感到慌乱痛苦的三井公司几乎已经放弃这笔交易。o An advancing rate tempts potential sellers t

7、o hold their foreign funds off the market in the hope of securing a better rate, while potential buyers may rush to cover requirements before the rate goes higher. (Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade in Canada)o 看涨的汇率诱使潜在的卖汇人把外汇资金攥在手里不进入市场,以期卖得更好的价钱,而潜在的买汇人可能在汇率进一步攀升之前就赶紧补进所需要的头寸。o Some Japanese lea

8、ders blame Americas trade problems on our overweight, underworked, illiterate workers. Is it true? Lets concede the waistline points; after all, where else in the world is dieting big business? And thoughtful Americans have long argued that the illiterate faction of our work force is disgracefully h

9、igh. (Business Week)o The underwriter realizes this and certainly does not set out to make life difficult for his agency colleagues. However, he has a job to do. Part of that job is to ensure that people who attempt to buy policies because they expect to die soon do not succeed in fooling him and hi

10、s company. (Field Financial Underwriting Guidelines)o 一些日本领导人把美国的贸易问题归咎于我们本身机构臃肿、工作效率低下以及工人的素质太差。果真如此吗?让我们姑且退一步承认这一点吧,然而世界上到底还有什么别的地方在限制大型企业的经营活动呢?而老谋深算的美国人长久以来都在证明:我们劳动大军中的文盲人数之多实在令人汗颜。o 被保人意识到这一点,当然不会给他的代理同事出难题,但是他又有工作要做,其中部分工作是保证做到那些因预期不久会“死亡”而打算购买保单的人不能得逞,骗不了他本人,也骗不了他的公司。o Here the exporters ass

11、ets (the money due from the overseas buyer) will always match his liability (his foreign currency borrowing).o And for good reason: Lenders worry that theyll be throwing money down a black hole.o The digital camera is one of the most sensational developments in recent years.o A heavy steel rolling m

12、ill is being built.o When we speak, sound waves begin to travel and go in all directions.o The major problem in manufacture is the control of contamination and foreign materials.o 这样,出口商的资产(应收海外买方的款项)和自己的债务(海外借款)之间总是(保持)平衡的。o 其原因很清,放款者担心他们的钱会扔进一个无底洞。o 数码相机是近年来最为轰动社会的成就之一。o 一座大型轧钢厂正在建设中。o 我们讲话时,声波就会开

13、始传放,并向四面八方扩散。o 生产制造过程中的一个主要问题是控制污染和杂质。o The president does his best to keep his finger on the pulse of his companys activities.o 总裁竭尽全力去掌握公司的运转情况。(摸的脉搏?)o The weakness of the dollar reflects growing problems facing the US economy, one that seeks to pursue both guns and butter.o 美元疲软反映出美国经济一个力图使军事与经济

14、发展并重的经济体所面临的日益严重的一些问题。(大炮和黄油?)o Earnings per share have mushroomed at a 34% annual compounded rate. o 若以复利计算,则每股的利益每年激增了34%。(像蘑菇般地迅速增长?)o The emerging trends suggest USs grip on the steering wheel is slipping. o 正在出现的各种趋势表明,美国(对全球经济)的控制权正在削减。(美国对方向盘的掌握?) o All the wit and learning in the economic ci

15、rcle will be present at the seminar. o 经济界的所有专家学者将出席这次研讨会。(智慧与学识?)o Carter refused any comment on developments in China, saying only we have watched the situation with great interest. o 卡特拒绝在中国所发生的事情进行任何评论,只是说,“我们以极大的兴趣密切的关注形势。” (发展?)o Public opinion is demanding more and more that something be done

16、 about noise.o 公众舆论越来越强烈地要求为消除噪音应该采取某些措施。o The list of Western financial institutions relying on support from Asian reads like a Whos Who in international finance.o 将依靠亚洲支持的西方金融机构罗列出来,这个名单读起来会像是国际金融领域的“名人录”。(谁是谁;人们的情况,如姓名、工作、身份等?)o Marketing must not be understood in the old sense of making a sale,

17、telling and selling, but in the new sense of discovering and satisfying customer needs.o 营销不是传统意义上的“王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸”式地卖东西,其新理念为发展并且满足顾客的需求。(说和卖?)o Should you have further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.o 如果您的打印机还有其他问题,请与经销商联系。o Should you find interest in any of the items in ou

18、r catalogue, please do not hesitate to send enquiries.o 如对目录中的任何项目感兴趣,请径直寄来询盘。o These Rules shall govern the arbitration except that where any of these Rules is in conflict with a provision of the law applicable to the arbitration from which the parties cannot derogate, that provision shall prevail.

19、o 本规则应管辖仲裁,但若本规则任何条款同适用于仲裁而为当事人各方所不能违背的法律规定相抵触时,则该规定应优先适用。o Crest whitens white.o 佳洁士牙膏使牙齿白上加白。 o It is not just Britains breathing in which makes it so international, but also its breathing out.o Asian financial institutions may have some exposure to US structured credit risks, but there are region

20、al instances of over-extended credit markets. o E-banking will see use in peoples managing finance.o 英国之所以成为如此国际化的国家,不仅仅在于她大量地吸纳国外的人力和物力资源,而且还在于她大量地向国外输出其人力和物力资源。o 亚洲的金融机构可能会受到美国结构信贷风险的一些危害,但确实也有一些区域性的信贷市场拓展过度的例子。o 电子银行在人们的理财生活中得到应用。1. Provided you fulfill the terms of the credit, we will accept and

21、 pay at maturity the draft under this credit.2. Under federal law, medigap policies are policies that are specifically designed to complement your medicare benefits.3. We enclose our Shipping Instructions Form and shall be glad if you will fill this in and return it to us, together with a copy of th

22、e invoice for Customs Clearance abroad.4. A firms involvement in exporting products can range from a minimal commitment all the way to considering exports as necessary for the firms survival and growth. 5. We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street.6. The big multinational com

23、panies were able to cream off the best graduate students from the business schools in American universities because they paid more than the local companies.7. One of the major advantages of an individual proprietorship is the ease with which it can start. There are few formalities, relatively little

24、 red tape and few fees to pay.8. The combined volume of imports and exports increased from 325.2 billion US dollars in 1997 to 620.8 billion in 2002, raising China from the tenth to the fifth place in the world.9. Electronic businesses fall into two main groups: dot com companies and existing compan

25、ies that are undergoing business transformation.10.The distributors looked with favor on your sample shipment.o 在贵公司履行信用证条款的条件下,我行将承兑并于期满时支付信用证项下提示的汇票。o 在联邦法中,补充性医疗计划就是专门用来补充医疗保健福利的计划。o 随船寄装船指示单,请填妥后寄回,并附发票一份,供国外清关用。o 公司在产品出口过程中的参与程度迥异,从最小的出口量直到视出口量为公司生存和发展的必要条件,各种情况都存在。o 我们坚持主张国际贸易不应是有来无往。o 大型跨国公司挖

26、走了美国各大学商学院的尖子研究生,因为他们所提供的薪水比本地公司高。o 独资企业的主要优点之一就是企业启动比较容易,手续简单,相对而言无需太多的繁文缛节,所付手续费也较少。o 中国对外贸易进出口总额由1997年的3252亿美元增加到2002年的6208亿美元,世界排名由第十位上升到第五位。 ( imports and exports 进口和出口 进口的产品和出口的产品)o 电子商务分成两大类:建在网上的公司和正在经历商业变革的现有公司。(网络公司 )o 您发来的样货得到了经销商的赞许。o At a constant price, the supply of commodity is posit

27、ively proportional to its profit.o 价格不变,则一类商品的供应数量与其所获得利润成正比例。o The computer is mainly characterized by accuracy and quick computation.o 计算机的主要特点是计算快速、准确。o The description they make about the sales promotion of our products is usually the competition.o 他们对促销我们产品的描述,通常是为了竞争。o International trade is t

28、he exchange of goods and services produced in one country for goods and services produced in another.o 国际贸易就是将一个国家生产的商品和提供的服务与另一个国家生产的商品和提供的服务进行交换。o There is a big increase in demand for all kinds of consumer goods in every part of our country.o 目前,我国各地对各种消费品的需求量已大大增加。o Scientists are confident that

29、 all matter is indestructible.o 科学家深信物质是不灭的。o The export trade is subject to many risks. Ships may sink or consignments be damaged in transit, exchange rates may alter, buyers default or governments suddenly impose an embargo.o 出口贸易常遇到许多风险。例如船舶可能沉没,货物可能在运输途中受损,外汇兑换率可能有变动,买主可能违约,或者政府突然宣布禁运。o Official

30、 Moscow is going to object the proposal.o 莫斯科官方反对此项提议。o The new treaty would be good for 20 years.o 新条约的有效期为20年。o It was officially announced that they agreed on a reply to the USA.o 官方宣布,他们就给美国复函一事达成了一致意见。o The image must be dimensionally correct.o 图形的尺寸必须准确。o The oil in the tank is up.o 油箱里的油已经用完。

31、o Why should we let in foreign goods when Americans walk the streets because they cant sell their own goods?o 在美国人由于推销不出自己的产品而徘徊街头之际,为什么我们还要让外国货进口呢?o It is demonstrated that gases are perfectly elastic.o 已经证明,气体具有理想的弹性。o Be through with the discussion about all the details before the contract is sig

32、ned. o Before the payment of these tariffs, the imported goods will be in the custody of the customs.o The average diesel engine weighs about 15 pounds per horsepower.o A continuous increase in the trade volume of Chinas exports has lead to a continuous demand from some major developed countries of

33、the increase in the value of Chinas currency.o The economic environment is characterized by buyers, sellers and competitors.o The failure of the firm was caused by poor management.o That beverage is refreshing and nourishing.o Take a drive around New York or Los Angeles, and it wont come as any surp

34、rise that the U.S. has neglected its infrastructure.o 在签订合同之前,务必要把全部细节讨论完毕。o 交关税前,进口货物由海关保管。o 柴油机每匹马力的平均机身重量为15磅。o 中国出口贸易额度持续增加,已导致了一些主要发达国家不断要求中国货币升值。o 经济环境的特点是买卖和竞争。o 这家公司因管理不善而破产。o 这种饮料既有营养又提神。o 在纽约或洛杉矶开车绕城一周,你就会惊奇地发现,美国忽视了基础建设。o Round-the-clock service features at each of our service centers.o P

35、lease feel easy to contact us if you have any questions on the contract.o Your sales on our account have fallen considerably.o We always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.o We examine the quality of our products, which is why they are so reliable.o From a busin

36、ess process perspective, Electronic Commerce is the application of technology toward the automation of business transactions and workflow.o Loading on board may be evidenced by an on board Bill of Lading or by means of a notation to that effect dated and signed or initialed by its carrier or his age

37、nt, and that date of this notation shall be regarded as the date of loading on board and shipment.o 24小时服务是我们每个服务中心的特色。o 合同如果有什么问题,请随时和我们联系。o 贵方代理的我方产品的销售,有明显的下滑。o 我们与国外的贸易总是建立在平等互利的基础之上。o 我们检验产品很仔细,因此产品都很可靠。o 从商务过程来看,电子商务是利用技术手段自动实现商务交易和工作流程。o 表示货物已装上船的提单,或这样内容的通知,并经船公司或其代理人签字或简签并加注日期,均可作为已装上船的证据;而

38、这种通知的日期即可视为货物装上船的日期。o Pepsi Co is riding a sizzling ad campaign to a bigger share.o 百事可乐公司正在发起一场如火如荼的广告战以夺取更大份额。o Commercial banks other masterstroke was to stick with the bank branch concept in the dotcom boom when every other bank was trying to coax customers on to the web.o 商业银行的另一个高招是:在其他所有银行力图劝

39、诱客户上网办理业务的银行网站热中,它坚持银行分行的理念。o A great appreciation of the value of a strong financial department may eventually replenish the pool of talent.o 对一个强有力的财政部门价值的高度重视最终会弥补人才市场的匮乏。o The record performance of stock markets has enabled companies to finance major acquisitions on the strength of their inflate

40、d share prices.o 股票市场的空前繁荣使得各家公司可以依赖其上涨的股票价格去投资各种大规模的收购。o Draft and invoice are different instruments.o Markets can be good one year, bad the next.o Although it spent nearly $2 billion last year advertising its various brands around the globe, Coke saw its share of the critical U.S. cola market decl

41、ine.o The United States pays for Brazilian coffee with dollars, which Brazil can then use to purchase wool from Australia, which can likewise buy textiles from Great Britain, which can import tobacco from the United States in the same way. o 汇票和发票是两种不同的票据。o 市场可能今年看好,明年则不景气。o 尽管去年斥资20亿美元在全世界为它的各种品牌做广

42、告,可口可乐公司还是眼看着自己在重要的美国可乐市场上的份额下滑。o 美国用美元支付从巴西进口的咖啡,巴西用所得的美元去购买澳大利亚的羊毛,澳大利亚再用收取的外汇进口英国的纺织品,而英国再以同样的方式从美国进口烟草。o Companies that want to be successful in foreign markets have to be aware of the local cultural characteristics that affect the way business is done.o 公司要想在国外市场获得成功,必须对各地影响商务运作的文化特色有清醒的认识。o De

43、ll and Rollins were held up as a prime example of the companys two-in-a-box management structure, in which two leaders worked together.o 戴尔和罗林斯在公司“双首长制”的管理结构中堪称楷模,俩人并肩工作。o The cultural imperialism associated with earlier models of international business cannot prevail in a world where the customer i

44、s king.o 早期国际商务中出现的文化霸权主义在当今“顾客才是上帝”的时代已无法盛行。o Theres no better proof of a companys strong fundamentals than the evidence of the dividends it pays out year after year.o 衡量一家公司的实力, 最好的证据莫过于它每天分给股东的红利。o When a buyer purchases a business, he may expect to acquire not only the tangible assets of the bus

45、iness, but also the intangible asset of goodwill.o 买受者购买生意,期望获得的不仅有有形的生意资产,还有无形的良好声誉。o We cant see our way clear to advance our delivery.o Once the source of our raw materials supplying comes to its stable position, we will restore our normal production and then we will be able to accept large hatch

46、es of fresh orders.o It is our trade policy to do business with the friendly countries on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.o The radio station covers a very narrow range of frequencies.o It is rather important that your quotation should reach us no later than the en

47、d of this month in order that we could grasp the business opportunity firmly in hands and obtain the biggest profits.o We should make it clear that payment against document is made only in the light of our long and mutually beneficial relationship.o It is the Buyer who should effect the insurance un

48、der this Purchase Contract.o The design elements affect how a product looks rather than how it works.o 我们无法再加快交货。o 一旦原材料来源稳定,我方将立即恢复正常生产,之后就有能力接受大批新订单。o 我们的贸易政策是在平等互利、互通有无的基础上合各个友好国家进行贸易。o 这座电台的频率范围很窄。o 重要的是你方报价必须在本月末之前到达我方,一便我们抓紧商机,获取最大利润。o 我们必须澄清,接受凭单付款的方式只是鉴于我们之间长期互利的友好关系而已。o 在此购货合同中, 有买方投保。o 设计要素会影响产品的外观,而不是它的性能。o In his special Theory of Relativity, presented in 1905 and evolved in his spare time while he worked as an examiner at the Swiss patent offi


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