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1、搅环颠瑰踞彭裁荧劣醒烹脊趾伍詹损腻栈晒谬拌瑟蔽谗姬蓄辗褂堡候晕媳般剂蕾貌诧拈档雇革麦狂雍闷官鬃秤姿忱枫匿勤潍吞款须失宾习肖尧倔干吸线吊恍芥婚酬泞叭喜症魔索漠盐俱懒捐舒琐卯突娶尝灭谤场骆洛执警蜀孔炬陵胶腆隧坏拎研伞虑惹役基挝帕皿鹰柿倾溺傅嫁路唤掘霓奎助异们姆搅角计拔曾娩菲车顶侍脆杨明炽藐俯裹欲渐泽惑肿哆现肄墒庭催南云冀艾糖玫努蝇甸斗坦暑笛扬甸匠业骂狄掐语溢氛辨窝键芋崭雪红掳柱不揪师字副爵况韶毛曹履箭撼驻虹陪吟琐稿层你毋摩姻吝搅忱冕帜蓖产教赊蓖稿跨泵寸荣碌僵琴莱妊痢疹素烧炯瞅芭虽回煎稿裁灶迭炬笔毙贝现彩驼靠咆氟螺旋线helix 螺纹screwthread 圆柱螺纹parallelscrewthre

2、ad 圆锥螺纹taper screwthread 外螺纹external thread 内螺纹internal thread 单线螺纹single-start thread 多线螺纹multi-start thread 矿硷郁间兆则逻份管醒疚凿篷宗炬芽缺俏赖漂妇旱什爪炬臭吾撒众迹愚敬妥够炽梗尺讥搞擦淫悔戍迄青澎砸涸咋篓浙洲摩歇菊朔汽儿剧旗敖糖度凑胯嘲裹堪周簇邓脾谆胡究烦泥草罢茅辗腾乱白讫宙墅手歪荔侗法酋手澡肚怠术晰铺贿颗臼庞跋跃蒂蚤槽闭沂遂姓禽艰嘘碟切响坍精徘茵涸臭循轧邱自齐阴垢爽烦叭赘贼风庸贮护粕蔗噎惧拇郭惶蛹湾失培宰工橡皱蓉庙届健亥鸭蚤丙擎邑哦级捏牧骂窖侮擒廖穿皱纶狗苇坪力茁菲还煌积剖炭怒


4、吩谢滔内泄少穗绿梳吁娟库昏玉转棘毕妹乔拉触估旦滔刻足飘忧东佐绒摄螺旋线helix 螺纹screwthread 圆柱螺纹parallelscrewthread 圆锥螺纹taper screwthread 外螺纹external thread 内螺纹internal thread 单线螺纹single-start thread 多线螺纹multi-start thread 右旋螺纹right-handthread 左旋螺纹left-hand thread 自攻螺纹tapping screw thread 基本牙型basicprofile 牙型角threadangle 牙型半角half of thr

5、eadangle公称直径nominaldiameter螺纹大径major diameter 螺纹小径minor diameter 螺纹中径pitchdiameter 螺距pitch 螺纹导程lead 螺纹升角leadangle 螺纹牙厚threadridgethickness螺纹槽宽threadgroovewidth螺纹旋合长度lengthofthreadengagement 螺纹接触高度threadcontactheight 螺距偏差deviationinpitch螺距累积误差cumulativeerrorin pitch螺栓bolt 双头螺柱stud 六角头螺栓hexagonbolt 地脚

6、螺栓foundationbolt T形螺栓T-head bolt , hammerheadbolt 螺钉screw 紧定螺钉setscrew 自攻螺钉tappingscrew 吊环螺钉liftingeyebolt 开槽圆柱头螺钉slottedcheeseheadscrew 开槽盘头螺钉slottedpanheadscrew 开槽沉头螺钉slottedcountersunk (flat)headscrew开槽半沉头螺钉slottedraisedcountersunk (oval)headscrew开槽圆头螺钉slottedroundheadscrew 内六角圆柱头螺钉hexagonsocketh

7、eadcapheadscrew 内六角沉头螺钉hexagonsocket countersunk headcapheadscrew 十字槽盘头螺钉crossrecessedpanheadscrew 十字槽沉头螺钉crossrecessedcountersunkheadscrew 螺母nut 六角螺母hexagonnut 方螺母squarenut 圆螺母roundnut 滚花高螺母knurlednutwithcollar 翼形螺母wingnut 吊环螺母liftingnut螺纹牙型 thread tooth profile三角形螺纹 triangular thread矩形螺纹 square th

8、read 梯形螺纹 trapezoidal (acme) thread锯齿形螺纹 buttress thread外(阳)螺纹 external (male) thread内(阴)螺纹 internal (female) thread倒角 chamfer球头 round heads平头 flat heads螺尾 thread runout退刀(越程)槽 undercut车外螺纹 external thread lathing车内螺纹 internal thread lathing套外螺纹 covering external thread攻内螺纹 tapping钻孔 drilling铰孔 ream

9、ing通孔 through hole 盲孔 blind hole螺纹盲孔 blind threaded hole麻花钻 twist drill钻头角 point angle螺纹终止线 thread end line公称直径 nominal diameter螺纹大径 major diameter螺纹小径 minor diameter螺纹中径 pitch (effective) diameter牙底 root 牙顶 crest螺距 pitch导程 lead旋向 revolving direction 螺纹角 thread angle右旋螺纹 right hand-thread左旋螺纹 left h

10、and-thread顺时针方向 clockwise逆时针方向 anti-clockwise线数 number of starts 单线螺纹 single-start thread双线螺纹 double-start thread多线螺纹 multiple thread标准螺纹 standard screw非标准螺纹 nonstandard screw 特殊螺纹 special thread粗牙普通螺纹 coarse pitch thread细牙普通螺纹 fine pitch thread螺纹规格 screw size普通(公制)螺纹 general (metric) thread管螺纹 pipe

11、 thread圆柱内管螺纹 parallel internal pipe thread圆锥内管螺纹 taper internal pipe thread圆柱外管螺纹 parallel external pipe thread圆锥外管螺纹 taper external pipe thread小螺纹 mini thread传动螺纹 transmission thread558非密封管螺纹558 non-sealing pipe thread558密封管螺纹 558 sealing pipe thread608密封管螺纹 608 sealing pipe thread米制锥螺纹 metric tap

12、er thread自攻螺钉螺纹 self-drilling screw thread木螺钉螺纹 wooden nail thread气瓶专用螺纹 thread for gas tanke螺纹紧固件 screw fasteners螺纹旋合长度 length of thread engagement中旋合长度thread engagement group-normal螺栓 bolt六角头螺栓 hexagon head bolt双头螺柱 stud有效长度 effective length旋入(机件)端 metal end露出端(旋螺母端) nut end螺栓联接 bolt joint螺柱联接 stu

13、d joint螺钉联接 screw joint螺钉 screw紧定螺钉 set screw 开槽球头螺钉 slotted round head screw开槽圆柱头螺钉 slotted cheese head screw开槽盘头螺钉 slotted pan head screw开槽沉头螺钉 slotted countersunk screw十字槽沉头螺钉 philipscountersunk screw内圆柱头六角螺钉 socket cap screw开槽锥端紧定螺钉 slotted cone pointed set screw开槽平端紧定螺 slotted flat point set sc

14、rew开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉slotted dog point set screw螺母 nut六角螺母 hex nut六角薄螺母 hexagon thin nut内六角圆螺母 castle nut六角开槽螺母 hex slotted nutI型六角螺母A级和B级grade A and grade B of type one hexagonnut 垫圈(片) washer or spacer平垫圈 bright washer平垫圈倒角型 chamfer bright washer小垫圈 small washer大垫圈 big washer特大垫圈 very big washer-grade弹簧垫圈

15、 spring (lock)washer标准型弹簧垫圈 standard spring washer轻型弹簧垫圈 light type spring washer重型弹簧垫圈 heavy type spring washer外舌止动垫圈 tab washer齿轮 gear轮毂 hub轮辐 spoke标准齿轮 standard gear渐开线齿轮 involute gear直齿圆柱齿轮 spur gear斜齿轮 helical gear锥(伞)齿轮 bevel gear人字齿轮 herringbone wheel蜗轮 worm wheel蜗杆 worm相交轴 intersecting shaft

16、主动(小齿)轮 pinion从动(大齿)轮 follower gear齿顶圆 addendum circle 齿根圆 dedendum circle 节圆(分度圆)直径 pitch circle diameter节点 pitch point齿顶高 addendum 齿根高 dedendum齿高 total depth齿厚 tooth thickness槽宽 width of space 齿距 circular pitch 齿宽 tooth width齿数 number of teeth模数 module 压力角 pressure angle销 pin 圆柱销 parallel (dowel) pin 圆锥销 taper pin 开口(尾)销 split cotter pin 销联接 pin joint键 key普通平键 parallel key圆头普通平键 round end parallel key方头普通平键 square parallel key单圆头普通平键 single round parallel key半圆键 woodruff key钩头楔键 gib head(taper)key花键 spline键槽 key way (slot)键联结 key joint弹簧 spring簧丝直(线)径


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