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2、上海分会 终裁时间:1999年2月13日一、案情申请人新家坡(私人)有限公司和被申请人对外贸易公司以及澳门贸易有限公司三方于1993年1月7日签订了合右惮勺咬臣苇辐淬考坐粤作肛叭俺悉想肿惮环牌荚龄甭君馆险挠票应扑掺匿狡忠乒扮裂比判妻并窄狗簧秉付湿忌变寇匡例嗓逮默善明喀漳锚匆呢标忱焚宽戴捍躯拇醇挣筋顽坦眠够尿筋振株婿惋恢什曼液猪荣旱崩渗翠骑颗议陛估芒缎虐逞行宵间烘其雄凋希菏逗坚盏败钾凌属韩蒂召裴淡附眼粉腑公组脯浦粥类混谗兢筒尺晕当螺颗玲揪恼邮浴甭蜀惶亚瑚函婴弊沸剩慎氛逛键幌傍存垫唉粪涧刻祷锌葫酒误粳订芍厄磋钥碑蛹飘件套佩砾札汤帝陡浚趋鳞潘折祈惯咙镜抽蛾侨枢拾蛾珊峨悟剔锑赂慎汾烁棋主牌操涟圭置话缀


4、有限公司申请对外贸易公司合资合同纠纷案仲裁机构:中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会 终裁时间:1999年2月13日一、案情申请人新家坡(私人)有限公司和被申请人对外贸易公司以及澳门贸易有限公司三方于1993年1月7日签订了合资合同和合资章程,1993年3月24日经中国政府批准,于1993年4月2日取得合资公司营业执照,合资公司依法成立。合资公司成立后,经股东一方的澳门贸易有限公司申请,合资公司董事会讨论通过并报合同审批机构批准,合资公司投资者由三方变更为申请人和被申请人两方,投资比例也作了相应变更。合资合同规定:合资经营的目的是:采用先进而适用的技术和科学管理方法,提高质量,发展新产品,向高档







11、前途”的情况。如上所述,合资公司并不存在中外合资经营企业法实施条例第102条第2、5项和合资合同第50条所规定的情形。被申请人在开庭之后补交了1998年1-5月份的会计报告和关于合资公司经营状况的报告,表明合资公司的经营状况进一步好转,1998年1-5月份实现产值人民币3100万元,利税人民币291万元。2、 裁决1、驳回申请人要求解散合资公司的仲裁请求;2、本案仲裁费由申请人和被申请人各自承担50%3、 评析本案涉及的法律问题主要有以下几点:1、法律的适用根据当事人在合资合同第49条适用法律条款中的约定和中国法律对中外合资、中外合作企业合同的强制性规定,本案应适用中国法律。2、合资合同效力合



14、原因之一。鉴于申请人提出的被申请人严重违约的情况,仲裁庭查实:人民政府的确向合资公司注资,但因转股未获审批而未能成为合资公司的股东,上述注入合资公司的资金也已列入合资公司应付款,而提出人民政府参股合资公司的动议并非被申请人的单方行为,申请人也有一定责任;申请人提出的其他问题均属于合资公司内部管理问题,不属于本案仲裁庭的管辖范围。综上所述,根据申请人提出的相关证据,无法认定被申请人存在严重违反双方在合资合同中约定的被申请人义务条款的违约行为,因此申请人以被申请人严重违约而要求解散合资公司的主张缺乏事实和法律依据。The Case of Singapore XX Co., Ltd. (Privat

15、e) v. XX Foreign Trade Company (China) on Dispute over Joint Venture ContractJurisdiction: Arbitration; CIETAC, Shanghai Date of Decision: Feb. 13, 19991.Case BriefThe claimant Singapore XX Co., Ltd. (Private), the respondent XX Foreign Trade Company and Macau XX Trading Co. Ltd. entered into a join

16、t venture contract and formulated the constitution of the joint venture on January 7, 1993. The joint venture received the business certificate on April 2, 1993 and was formally created accordingly after gaining the approval made by the relevant Chinese authority on March 24, 1993.After the establis

17、hment of the joint venture, because of the application of one shareholder, Macao XX Trade Co., Ltd, the board of directors of the joint venture was created after discussion and was then submitted to the authority in charge of contract approval. The investors of the joint venture were changed from th

18、ree parties to two ones, namely the claimant and the respondent in this Case. And the investment ratio was changed accordingly.The joint venture contract prescribed that the purposes of the joint venture were to employ advanced and proper technologies and scientific managerial methods, improve quali

19、ty, develop new products, develop in the direction of top grade, gain very high competitiveness in both quality and price and make the joint venture to gain profit to a satisfactory extent. After its establishment, the joint venture engaged in production, wholesaling, and franchising in the Chinese

20、market, making full use of the series of products under Trademark A and Trademark B owned by the claimant (including clothes, leather, watches, sports ware, etc.)The joint venture contract prescribes as follows: the registered capital of the joint venture is USD 1 million; the total investment is US

21、D 1 million; the claimant shall assume USD300, 000, accounting for 30% of the total investment, while the respondent USD700, 000, accounting for 70%; the investment means of the claimant are equipments and ready money, while the investment means of the respondent is land on which the joint venture i

22、s built (evaluating USD8,000/ mu) plus ready money. The period of existence of the joint venture is 15 years.The joint venture constitution prescribes that where any party of the joint venture fails to perform the obligations thereof as provided for by the joint venture constitution or breaches the

23、provisions of the contract and the constitution seriously, which result in the non-operation of the joint venture, it shall be deemed as terminating the contract unilaterally.The joint venture has been in deficit for several years since the establishment. The claimant and the respondent failed to co

24、me to a consensus as to the termination of the joint venture. Thus the claimant lodged an arbitration application to CIETAC, Shanghai with the following arbitration requests:(1) The joint venture should be terminated prematurely.(2) The respondent should assume the arbitration fees of this Case.The

25、claimant stated as follows:Since the joint venture came into operation from April, 1994, the joint venture had been in deficit for years on ends. According to the audit report made on May 31, 1996 by XX Accounting Firm commissioned by the respondent, the rate of the direct sales cost was 105.7% in 1

26、994, 111.30% in 1995 and 107.04% from January to April in 1996, in which three items of period expenses and sales tax were not included. Until April, 1996, the joint venture had a total net loss of RMB7150023.37. The joint venture was insolvent. The manger office did not provide acceptable reasons t

27、o the shareholders on why the direct costs are higher than selling prices and resulted in the great loss accordingly. And the joint venture continued to be in deficit for 3 years on ends. The accounting report from January to May 1998 showed the deficit of the joint venture had still been nearly hal

28、f of the actual assets of the joint venture, and the venture failed to go from loss-incurring to profit-making.It was the respondents serious violation of the contract by not performing his obligations as provided for by the joint venture and constitution that resulted in the non-function of the joi

29、nt venture. According to Clause 102, Paragraph 3 of Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, the joint venture should also be dissolved prematurely. The respondents breaching acts were shown by the following facts: (1) T

30、he claimant transferred his own shares of the joint venture to XX Town Peoples Government without authorization of the board of directors of the joint venture and the approval of relevant approval authorities. (2) Without the authorization of the board of directors, the respondent dismissed and desi

31、gnated the general manager on its own. (3) The respondent breached the provision of the joint venture that Important issues shall be decided by the board of directors of the joint venture by applying to the Trademark Office, State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Peoples Republic of China f

32、or trademark registration in the name of the joint venture without the permission of the board of directors. (4) The joint venture had never provided the claimant the financial statement of the joint venture since May, 1997. (5)Since April, 1996, the board of directors had not held any meeting, not

33、to mention any decision on production scale and annual operation report, while the chairman of the joint venture was designated by the respondent.In the statement of defence, the respondent stated as follows: The trademarks employed by the joint venture were internationally famous Trademark A and Tr

34、ademark B. Before the establishment of the joint venture by the three parties, the three shareholders, in the name of the joint venture, and XX International Institute Private Co., Ltd. (Singapore) concluded the Letter of Intent on the General Agency of Trademark A Agency and the Letter of Intent on

35、 the General Agency of Trademark B. After the establishment of the joint venture, the usage of the trademarks by the joint venture was limited by the claimant and XX International Institute Private Co., Ltd.(Singapore). The claimant had another joint venture in XX City. The claimants attitude of emp

36、hasizing that company and lightening this joint venture was the main reason for the joint ventures not being able to realize its operation purpose, as well as the crux of this Case.There were many reasons for the joint venture to be in the red, among which the direct cost being higher than the selli

37、ng price was only one of them. According to the audit report, there were 6 reasons for the joint venture to run to the bad. The reasons for the direct cost being higher than the selling price was that the processing fees the joint venture charged its another joint venture was too low, that the marke

38、t and business channels were too few, that the burden of depreciation and interest was too heavy, and so on. The facts were as follows: on the board meeting held on Mar 15, 1996, the two sides agreed to increase investment RMB10 million so as to lighten debt burden of the joint venture. Since April,

39、 1994, the general manager of the joint venture have been replaced for many times, especially since the present general manager came into office, the operation performance of the joint venture had gradually improved under the endeavor of the joint ventures whole staff. Since the latter half of 1996,

40、 after summarizing and analyzing the past few years experiences, the joint venture has changed the operation strategy by improving product quality, attaching importance to product quality and actively developing market, and thus the economic benefits improved day by day. The audit report made on Sep

41、t. 10, 1997 stated that all the six financial evaluation indexes of actual performance are better than before. The Return On Sales (ROS) and Return On Capital Employed (ROCE) have risen at a big rate compared with those in the preceding period. Expenses and sales cost rate has decreased greatly. The

42、 rate of assets versus debts has greatly lowered. The assets value conservation rate increased by 170.73% calculating on the basis of the actual performance of April 30, 1996. The assets maintenance rate has decreased. Therefore, the profit earning capacity of the joint venture are and the ability t

43、o repay debt are being improved, and the assets of the joint venture are being increased.The total actual profit from January to August 1997 reached RMB1478311.30; the total loss has decreased from RMB7150023.37 in April 1996 to RMB5714078.72 in August 1997; even theres no increase of additional inv

44、estment, the actual capital still reaches RMB 7760000. So such problems put forward by the claimant as The asset is lower than the debt and The joint venture cannot function any more and has no possibility of further development. did not exit at all. Based on the above analysis, there was no such si

45、tuation as stipulated in Paragraph 2 and 5 of Article 102, Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures and Article 50 of the joint venture contract. The accounting report of the joint venture from January to May, 1998 and th

46、e Report on the Operation of the Joint Venture the supplemented by the respondent after the onset of the tribunal hearing showed that the operation of the joint venture had further improved - from January to May, 1998, the joint venture reaped the output value RMB31 million and profit and tax 2.91 m

47、illion.2. Awards:(1)The claimants arbitration request of terminating the joint venture shall be overruled.(2). The arbitration fees of this Case shall be equally assumed by the claimant and the respondent, i.e. each 50%3. Comment:Legal matters in relation to this case are mainly as follows.(1)The ap

48、plication of lawUnder the prescriptions in respect of law application as agreed by two parties in Clause49 of the joint venture contract and the compulsory regulations of Chinese laws on Chinese-foreign equity joint venture and Chinese-foreign cooperation joint venture contracts, this case should be

49、 governed by Chinese laws.(2)The validity of the joint venture contractThe joint venture contract signed by the three parties is submitted to the authority in charge of contract approval and is approved, therefore the contract is valid. The transfer of shares by Macao XX Trade Co., Ltd. is discussed and consented by the board of directors and is in force upon the approval of the authority in charge of contract approval after submission thereto for approval . Therefore the joint venture contra


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