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1、Module 8 Unit 1 Its on your desk.,Teaching aims: 一、知识目标: 1. 能听、说、认、读新单词:in on under box bedroom 短语in the box/on your desk/under the chair/in your bedroom 2.能掌握描述物品位置的句子: Where is? It in /on/under the. 二、技能目标: 能熟练运用介词in/on/under来描述物体的具体位置,培养大胆说,动手做的能力。 三、情感目标: 培养学生能够大胆说英语的习惯,学会和同学友好相处,互帮互助,学会和同学分享快乐的

2、事。,toy,bedroom=bed + room 卧室,box 盒子,The pencil is in the box .,in ,in , in,in the box,Its in the box .,The box is on the desk .,on ,on ,on,on the desk,Its on the desk .,under,under,under,under the chair,Its under the chair .,The box is under the chair .,Its on the desk .,Wheres the cat ?,Its under t

3、he chair .,Wheres the basketball ?,Wheres the monkey ?,Its in the box .,position 位置,in 在里面,on 在上面,under 在下面,Its in the box.,Its on the box.,Its under the box.,巧学妙记,in 在里面on在上, under under 下面找, in the box 在盒中, on the bed 在床上, under the desk 在桌下, 时间前面用at.,Talk in pairs.,What happened to Daming?,Listen

4、 and think,Can you help Daming?,Wheres the present?,听录音,跟读录音判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F,A 、The box is the present.( ) B 、The present is under the desk.( ) C 、Daming has got a birthday present.( ) D、 Today is Damings birthday.( ),F,F,T,T,Look and say,排火车回答问题,The panda is _the hat .,in,The panda is _the hat .,Th

5、e hat is _the panda .,under,on,The monkey is _the box.,under,The monkey is _ the box .,in,火眼金睛,Performance,Practice,Can you?,1. Its _ the chair.,2. The apple is _the box.,3. Its the hat.,4. Its the desk.,in,on,under,under,in,in,under,1. 向同学介绍自己的卧室东西 摆放的位置。 2. 预习Module8 Unit2。,Homework,Goodbye!,Thank you !,


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