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1、复习,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday,Review.,on Mondays on Tuesdays on Wednesdays on Thursdays on Fridays on Saturdays on Sundays,在(的时候),复习,morning afternoon evening,Review.,in the morning in the afternoon in the evening,在(的时候),Look and read.,看一看,读一读。,play football,play basket

2、ball,play table tennis,go swimming,go to school,go to work,ride a/my bike,watch TV,eat meat,sleep,火眼金睛,sleep,go swimming,play football,watch TV,on Sundays,ride my bike,in the afternoon,in the morning,Play a guessing game.,What do you do on Sundays?,Module 1,Unit 1,练一练。,Module6-Unit1-活动一.swf,Module6-

3、Unit1-活动二.swf,Practise,Activity 3 & 4,What do you do ? What do you do ? On Sundays . On Sundays. I go swimming. I go swimming. I play football. I play football. What do you do ? What do you do ? In the moring. In the morning . I ride my bike. I ride my bike . I watch TV . I watch TV.,Lets sing!,两只老虎

4、版,学以致用跟跟看.,play football,go swimming,sleep,watch TV,What do you do on Sundays? I _ on Sundays.,What do you do in the afternoon? I _ in the afternoon.,What do you do in the morning? I _ in the morning.,What do you do on Mondays? I _ on Mondays.,watch TV,More practice.,1. What do you do _ Sundays? A. in B. on 2. I go swimming _ the afternoon. A. in B. on 3. I _ in the morning. A. sleeps B. sleep 4. _ you play football? A. Does B. Do,B,A,B,B,抄一抄。,Copy.,做,干 去游泳 吃肉,睡觉 看电视,在上午 在下午,Goodbye!,Thank you! You are great!,


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