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1、MODULE 10 Unit 2 Shes got an orange sweater.,orange,brown,green,white,an sweater,a skirt,trousers,a sweater,a shirt,Look and say!,blue,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Shes got,an orange sweater.,Shes got a blue skirt.,Shes got a pink shirt.,Shes got a red sweater,Hes got _,a brown sweat

2、er,a brown skirt.,brown shoes.,_ has got a green T-shirt.,He She,Look and choose!,He,_ has got a red dress.,She,_ has got a brown hat.,He,_ has got an orange sweater.,She,Has she got a red sweater?,Yes, she has.,No, she hasnt.,Has she got a.?,Guess,trousers,dress,skirt,Learn the text:,Red, blue, whi

3、te , black.,Green, brown, black, white.,But Ive got an orange bike.,Have you got a yellow cap?,Ive got a yellow cap.,Have you got an_ kite.,No, I_. No, I havent,orange,havent,Lets chant!,Yes, I_. Yes, I _.,have,have,Homework,2、Describe the clothes you like. 描述自己喜欢的衣服.,1、读熟今天所学的内容。,Thank you! Bye-bye!,


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