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1、关键词:形容词副词 基本用法 词序 辨析级别,形容词、副词是中学语法的重要内容,也是高考考查的热点。现将其主要考点分为四个部分讲解,以帮助同学们系统复习。,一、形容词、副词的基本用法 形容词在句中一般作定语、表语、补语、状语,而副词在句中一般作状语。 1The dumplings taste and sell Agood;well Bwell;well Cgood;good Dwell;good,【解析】taste是系词,后接形容词作表语,而sell是动词,后接副词作状语。,二、形容词、副词的词序 (1)多个形容词的顺序为:限定词+描绘性形容词。限定词排序是:allbothhalfdouble

2、倍数、分数+冠词、指示代词、物主代词、名词所有格someanynoeveryeach+基数词序数词littlefewlastnextotheranothermore;描绘性形容词排序是:大小、长短、高低、新旧、颜色、产地、材料、用途、类别。 2On her desk there is a clock Anice new brown Bnew nice brown Cbrown new nice Dnice brown new 【解析】对照上述规律,即可找出答案。,(2)形容词、副词混和排序 3He is that he seldom speaks in public Aa such shy b

3、oy Ba boy so shy Ca too shy boy Dso shy a boy,【解析】牢记以下句型,答案便可迎刃而解: sohowthattooas+adj+aan+n+that;suchwhat+aan+adj+n。,三、形容词、副词的辨析 高考主要是在语境中考查词义辨析,解题时要分析具体语境,综合考虑词的基本词义、注意惯用法或固定搭配等。 4一I always drive very carefully 一Thats rightYou cant be careful Avery Benough Ctoo Dso 【解析】“cannotcan nevertoo“为固定结构,意为“

4、怎样也不过分”。 5Jim is always about the things that he doesnt know Acurious Bstrange Canxious Dworried 【解析】结合语境可知,吉姆对不知道的事情怀有好奇心。,四、形容词、副词的级别 形容词、副词的级别分为原级、比较级和最高级,比较级要有比较对象,最高级要有三者或三者以上的比较范围。 60f a11 the students,he spent hours but made progress Amost;most Bmore;more Cfewes,:most D1east;fewest 【解析】根据题干中o

5、f all的提示,可知应选最高级。 7There arent enough apples for usWe need Amuch more Bsome Cmany more Dmany 【解析】结合语境可知,我们需要的苹果比现在的要多,由此确定应为比较级,因为apple可数,故排除A。,使用级别时应注意的几个问题: (1)级别前的修饰语 8一Are you feeling better? 一No,Im feeling worse Aby far;quite Bmore;very Cfairly;rather Dany;even,【解析】比较级前的修饰语有程度副词(even,still,yet,

6、rather,slightly,far,greatly,much等)、名词短语(a lot,a little,a great deal,a bit等)、数词(倍数、分数、百分数)等,其中any用在疑问和否定句中;最高级前的修饰语有much,by far,nearly,almost,by no means,ever,the firstsecond,not really,not quite等。,(2)级别前的冠词问题 9This is my ideaCan you think of one? Aa good Bthe better Ca better Dthe best,【解析】结合语境可知,此题

7、应选比较级,冠词a为泛指,而B项中the为特指。,(3)与比较级有关的特殊表达法 否定+比较一最高级morethan“与其不如”n0 better than“两者都不”the morethe more“越越”other than“除了“rather than“而不是“。 10What do you think of his teaching? No one teaches Awell Bbetter Cbest Dthe best 【解析】“否定+比较”相当于最高级,该句意为“没有比他教的再好的人了,即他教的最好。,练习 1一It is said your niece is very love

8、ly 一Not She is than lovely Aexact:cleverer Bexactly;more clever C exactly;cleverer Dexact;more clever 2I cant afford computer Athat good a Ba that good Cthat an good Da good that 3A11 countries should be to each other Aequal Bfair C average Dfamiliar,4The new factory is the old one Athe size of twic

9、e than B.as big as twice Ctwice bigger than Dhalf more as big as 5The nurse with a pair of glasses is of the two Amore patlent Bthe more patient C most patient Dthe most patient 6The more we looked at the picture, Athe less we liked it Bwe like it 1ess Cbetter we liked it Dit 100ked better (注:以上习题下划线部分为答案),谢谢指导,


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