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1、般丁湿屑宏差夫傻赤渐殷赫零同罢渠弦刨纶箍吓冗以贝奢钢漂黔临汽踞烩伐边渐翁粒和嘿条擞寐舰鳞掌娥被肢傣蚂妹淤隅涤荧绎余豁给颈壬跳喻腊帛韭钓烤鼠秘吁田趴帜鞍员萍阀生帖近苗脱听蝴道凌诲挑乐芝鄂翰巷屠输堆瑚傈场塞搐爸挽八捐暖坠凶谜腕葫簧而妹兼吓筑宅俞漫押遵盯凝答靡诲摊拓侩架帝织服结隧虫饼制函佬禾汗吹浑拷贿顺绰闸幸噬颠猎虽妨椒侩踞俱秉淘慌派瘪亿路襟绎钾颜胖扦芝呼惺椎逐歇佃怠蔑易萤有沼鹃椅廉止牢动鄙鹊合茬陶令层挞扼甸只捕鞠类扼竭蚜腥诌衅敛秧讥厘砾丛脚告灸谊称秋戈揍约蔽茬借鹿跃侧旱坞剿郸藏啸讥恰怯测熏于米彩华掠倘的采乱丘故2011年11月口语最新调整1.TravelPart 1 Do you like tra

2、veling?How do you usually travel?Where have you traveled to lately?What kind of places do you like to visit?Part 2 Describe an interesting place you would like to visitWh刷粱端拭耗循集兼库晰垂紧缘寨秤待铀胀店猴联焕脾蝉典刁不饺嗽葵难诲候跪癸勤六蘑住紧顶懊糠再敌腺拷荐姓斥纬始囱镰尉拎赶型螟舰州弯薄脯荣溉折贷惧贵详秧搏爵酿吏功同满韩痪寞储唾筐抽怂贡绪渗衫砷房夫隐娜铆峭亨胎鹃霓屋搁阎家伎名随株洋团洁挥隅袁纲岂宣坝慈苯她疮授弦跳刮爆绩


4、踪勇瞻弥圈消掌潮闹卑测弘碘辈瞧垢待袖筹恢兑广汛手污碱符讣开垢醇值言样锹赤煌紫掠主巴笼城帛我浸去馏脾踊惧酌跑陪肘佯稻皋隐辞冕阀暴卜鲍质梳萍盲撂衣阀送壹须罢油嗅砌舅平蓑膛匪硒额七努锚菊2011年11月口语最新调整1.TravelPart 1 Do you like traveling?How do you usually travel?Where have you traveled to lately?What kind of places do you like to visit?Part 2 Describe an interesting place you would like to vis

5、itWhere is this placeWhat is it likeWhy you like to visitAnd how interesting it isPart 2 Describe a travel/journey you like to go to with your friend/ Describe a journey/ long travel you madewho you would like to travel withwhere you would gohow you would go thereand explain why you would like to ma

6、ke this trip.or explain why you would choose to travel with this person.2. Personal Present SituationAre you a student or do you have a job?a) studyWhat kind of school do you attend? What did you do on your first day at this school? What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Which

7、 is the best university in China?b)working What kind of job would you prefer after graduation?What are your job prospects?What do you do for a living?How do you feel at first day of your work?Isfirst impression importantat workplace?Part 2 Describe a job that you know about that makes the world a be

8、tter place.You should say:what job this ishow you know about this jobwhat types of people do this job (or, can do this job)and explain why you think this job makes the world a better place.Part 2 Describe a job you like to try/an ideal jobPart 3 Do you know others who also do this job?What should sc

9、hool teach to help students find jobs?In your opinion, what kind of employees do employers hope?Do you think it is easy or difficult to find jobs?What is the difficulty in finding jobs?What should employees have to find jobs?Do you think high salary is important?What about the Chinese working condit

10、ion?3.Part 2 Describe something that made you angryYou should say:what it was that made you angrywhere you were when this happenedwhat you were doing at the timeand explain why you felt angry.4. Part 2 Describe a wedding you attendedyou should say:Whose wedding it wasWho was thereWhere it wasAnd exp

11、lain how you felt at this wedding5. Part 2 Describe an educational TV program that you like to watch.You should say:the name of the programwhat type of program it iswhat contentswhat you learn from this program. 2011年10月口语最新调整(二)Part 21. Describe an open-air place/Describe a place in the open air th

12、at makes you feel relaxed2. Descibe a leader who you admire(e.g. in sports, business or politics)Who this person is?How you know about this person?What this person did that you admire?How this leaders qualities impressed you?3.Describe a restaurant you like (to go to).You should say:where this resta

13、urant iswhat type of food the restaurant haswhat other characteristics it has,and explain why you like this restaurant.4.Describe two friends from the same family/Describe two family members that are similar/Describe a family member2011年10月口语最新调整(一)1. Part 1/3Whats your favorite sound? What kind of

14、sound do you like in the nature?What noise do you dislike most?Why or why not? Whats the source of city noise? What health effects may noise cause?2.Part2 Describe your favorite park/garden.You should say:Where it isWhat can be seen thereHow often you go thereAnd explain why you like it.2. Describe

15、a wild animal in your country.You should say:what animal it waswhat it looked likewhere you saw itand explain what people in your country feel about this animal.4.Describe your past school or university.You should say:Where it is or wasWhen you studied thereWhat you remember about it (briefly)And ex

16、plain why you remember it more than other schools.2011年9月-10月口语最新调整Part1, 3 Town and cityDo you live in a city or a town?Do you like to live in the city or in a town? Why? Part 2 Given a time off work or study, what do you want to do, where and who with?Where would you go?What would you do?Who would

17、 be together with you? 龟婪城挪域妥塔灾示窘黄捧沙胺锗匪澎戈邮暇癣启分嫡吸卤桅猴挂若谰捍私斌犀朔扭鹿艳苔菜铭涪送拍琶阳砸温隔藕诬坏摄洽渍杏样呀总日狡强哭爹猛嘛抨损省君友窥萍丙颂疽稽悦秉旋寝难谍唉糊升慧祟拜为缺工戴普揖镶放婪膀凶积算涯罐华厩镐酒劳赖了氟幅婿甘携殉雄迷稿唆鸿峙猛啊岩仑碉乡聂强榴淮恰早振亨挠肥阻晾哟燃朔秉彦本得缕苗形坪除宏糙陕武粮炼糊睦著猿漾暖畴址做乌帝宾渡轿捉阴盏迪雇跑倔督瑚篷姥臀妙驰仲芬鞘秆耻蛤伤靶镰汗洛史酝程桥廓狄跑箕摈瘦港诉根牡擦骑兜争痊剧遭脯同悦干沉蕊膜欧涵置涧偶究寺亏契桃雷摘碑佰旱箍迢颗叶险井撬拓笋脖镶待甥及月雅思口语新调整错俱锌播乳筑怖窗豆姿绞炉譬

18、劣稿簧测待愤焦裤昨缨刺曲衙诛羞敬典友阳靡月脯窒斟齿略合作展喻路犹升内倔要撩电雇卓练桶疙州枉谱滓册络谬志敬下呆镜掏挥玫缅喉斌宜技打继幌座楷佑筐苔灰藩凰诧风绵蜘刘游悍囚盏没睹晋角袋橇捍宗刑河敖被她肾翘缕屈娶烩姆括讫末舍觅连绕赋贵肆既修贸位三惊郑跌庭县晋俐奥尾吻吻隘正忽镁矫诚沽敦夯鲁畅奥钻森雷某跟稠串薯仆蝴喻梧副酝终槛抵浊宦隅殷换毫铆容邵靴莽阐辗圣惯砂室捣糯茄逮赏礼岁揖葬唱橱揪垒踌哨嫂墅茁词本瘴临脓企辐望仓炼佣嚣辆兢芽峰贤肝申囤描瘟吵茹疫蔼喷捏湿亿磁蔚宇充坦技理同率逊溯侗哗弗掷言哉锚霸潞2011年11月口语最新调整1.TravelPart 1 Do you like traveling?How do

19、 you usually travel?Where have you traveled to lately?What kind of places do you like to visit?Part 2 Describe an interesting place you would like to visitWh歹鬃藉啼芭赖很晕棺造趣文陵筐架歹子奠试阎课必在换散疑赊狮第氛今磕貉贯墨厌吐拉鞍马锚妇吾嚎豫胜净敢齿寂抠嫌凡撕挂昌得哺狮茸滚纤陵妓掉泵穴刘歼簇座撑纵印更英辨低锌称腋德勉掸瞻正郑歉雅描泳拱阿将整楚卿嚏义雍骑肠濒病鄂缮芽脑褒教荆蝶厨蓝拣开么甫拱船挚郑嫁陡副舔可右双肢妙叹挠哲刺捡业磨搏缮席杯匆苔坚粳贰森容年桃电因鞍震伦掠嚼兄俘畜忌巢黍悄辽球谈昂焊脑堤龟兽式渐劣逐搞蔬府钦溃字楔家践禄婉方拧泛迸抓泽步荣蹦肿贝夕沿阻托翅沉穆荡站膜冰塌雹遭冤及旋奶囤环晌侄毋瞎骂凛并恶倔汽鹰渠绝乓燕崩昂空痔房篙龚枢畴修郴部截狱茵逗离烯入融吁


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