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1、工作计划 WorkPlan,1.1货源 New Products,全程跟进生产、货运、检验检疫环节,确保金装在6月10号、超级金装(第2柜)6月15日前到广东仓库; Throughout the follow-up production, transportation, inspection and quarantine areas, to ensure that Gold in June 10, Super Gold (2 counters) June 15 to Guangdong warehouse;,1、IDP项目 在5月份完成产品的包装设计、完成审批手续,确保产品于6月份进入中国;

2、IDP project in May to complete the product packaging design, completion of the vetting procedures to ensure that products entering China in June; 2、酸奶、冰激凌项目 5月份完成产品的设计、审批手续,确保产品于5月份进入中国市场; yogurt, ice cream project in May to complete the design, approval procedures, to ensure that products entering

3、the Chinese market in May;,一、与总部的工作衔接 ONE、Work connection with the Headquarters,1.2新产品 New Products,5月底前完成设计、货源等的筹备工作,并完成选址工作,计划6月底前在广州开在中国的第一家“100% New Zealand”新西兰健康食品专卖店; Before the end of May to complete the design, supply and other preparatory work, and complete site work, plans 6 in Guangzhou b

4、efore the end of the first in China, “100% New Zealand“ New Zealand health food stores;,1.4专卖店项目 Store items,全面完成13大区域的市场布局工作,加大各 部门人员考核力度,实行周、月排名制度,奖优 惩劣,不断提高团队工作效率,5月底前确 保80%以上的区域完成客户招商工作! Fully completed the layout of 13 major regional markets and increase the intensity of the department staff as

5、sessment, the implementation of weekly, monthly ranking system rewards the superior and inferior punishment, and continuously improve the efficiency of the team, 5 more than 80% before the end of the area to ensure complete customer investment work!,确保在5月底前完成代理商区域的分销商布 局,为保证效果,在重点区域实行“百城千 店”飓风行动!以点带

6、面,强势出击,占据 市场主动权! Ensure to finish before agents in the end of may. The distributor cloth regional Bureau, to ensure the effect, in key region “hundred cities 10 thousand Shop “hurricane action! Point to an area, a strong attack, occupies Market initiative!,二、市场规划布局 Second、 market planning and layout

7、,3.1样板市场 Model market 1、每个区域认真分析,通过“百城千店”活动打造样板市场,带动全区域市场 ,有关样板市场的建设情况,公司全称跟进考核,全国排名,责任到省区负责人 each area careful analysis, through “hundred cities 10 thousand shop“ activities make model market, driving regional market, the present situation of the construction of relevant model market, the company f

8、ull follow-up evaluation, the national ranking, responsibility to provinces chief. 2、样板市场的上报工作,由综管部在5月底之前汇总,5月份开始跟踪考核。 the model market report by ensemble management department, in summary, by the end of May 5. Beginning in tracking assessment 3.2薄弱区域 Weak area 攻坚薄弱区域是“通过样板市场拉动,以点带面”策略的最终目标,可以采用 “中

9、心开花”的方式操作,坚决消灭空白市场! Storming fortifications weak area is “through the model market pull, point to an area“ strategy, can use the ultimate goal “Center of flowering“ way operation, resolutely destroy blank market,三.样板市场及攻坚薄弱区域 Three. Model market and crucial weak area,四.“百城千店”飓风行动 Four. “hundred citi

10、es 10 thousand shop“ hurricane action,4.1实习生 贮备 internsreserve,1、上海总部招聘应届大学生,建立人才储备库制度; the Shanghai headquarters recruiting fresh university student, establishes the talent pool system,1、加强分公司区域培训会的培训频次 strengthen regional training training frequency branch,五.人员储备和培训 5. Researchers reserves and tra

11、ining,4.2培训部 training,“百城千店”飓风小组的搭建,应届大学生的招聘和储备;早教机构的活动合作谈判与签约;临促队伍的储备培训。 “Hundred cities 10 thousand shop“ hurricane team building, fresh college students recruitment and reserves; The activities of the development agency negotiating and signing cooperation; The teams reserve training promoting,4.3

12、各省区飓风团队 provinces and regions hurricane team,六、基础数据报表管理 Six, basic data report management,1、日零售数据管理,上报总部,总部每天统一汇总评比; Japanese retail data management and reporting headquarters, headquarters; every unified collect comparison 2、“飓风行动”周报表管理,各分公司每周一上报活动计划和上周活动总结,总部汇总统一评比; “hurricane action“ weeks statem

13、ents Monday, each branch management report activity plan and last week activity summarized, consolidated unification appraisal; headquarters 3、销售业绩周报表管理,综管部负责统计评比下发。 sales management, ensemble tube weekly statements issued by statistical comparison is responsible,工作总结Working summary,3 5 月份 3 5 month

14、s,1.1规划产品 planning products,1、IDP 2款 (idps paragraph 2 ) 2、酸奶 4款 (yogurt 4 ) 3、冰激凌 2款 ( paragraph 2, ice cream ),1.2推进进度 Promote progress,IDP 5月份完成产品规划、审批,争取7月上旬产品上市; Completed in May in the product planning, examination and approval, strive for the July a products listed; 酸奶(yogurt ) 5月份完成产品规划、审批,6

15、月份上市; Completed in May in the product planning, examination and approval, June listed; 100% New Zealand 新西兰健康食品专卖店 New Zealand (100% of New Zealand health food stores 5月份规划产品及注册设计等,6月份筹备在中国开第一家店,在2011年度计划完成5家专卖店的布局。 5 months planning products and registered design, preparation in China in June, open

16、 first store in 2011 annual plan completed five store layout.,一.产品规划进展 ONE. Product planning progress,2.1部门调整 2.1 department adjustments,增设综管部,强化总部服务职能,负责市场推广、公司日常管理、行政等职能; the additional ensemble management department, aggrandizement headquarters service functions, responsible for marketing, the co

17、mpany daily management and administrative functions; 设网络推广部,负责公司的网络推广,并且对于公司的形象标准化设计方面予以支持。 a network department, responsible for the companys network promotion for the image of the company, and to support the standard design aspects. 设置新产品销售部,负责IDP、酸奶项目的运营 set up the new product sales, responsible

18、for idps, yogurt project operation,2.2筹备部门 2.2preparatory department,(1)筹备专卖店运营中心,负责专卖店项目的启动和运营 preparation stores operation center, responsible for store the start of the project and operation,二.上海公司运营架构 second. Shanghai company operation architecture,1.1总部 headquarters,1、初步完成了总部架构和人员的招聘工作; initial

19、ly completed headquarters structure and staff recruitment; 2、启动总部培训生计划,培养、储备8-10人的市场人员 start headquarters trainee program, cultivation, reserves of 8-10 people market personnel,1.2分公司 controlled company,1、部分公司完成了人员招聘工作,其中完成较好的有上海、北京、西安。 some company completed the recruiting staff, including complete

20、 work better with Shanghai, Beijing, xian. 2、部分公司招聘工作有进展,有山东、浙南、浙北、江苏、湖南; part company recruitment, shandong, a progress of south and north, jiangsu, hunan;,三. 团队建设 Three. Team construction,Three. Team construction,1、完成了上海、宁波、杭州、山东、北京、湖北、 陕西、江苏市场的布局,绝大部分市场工作 开展相对顺利,在前期市场招商工作中基本完成了 60%以上的工作! complete

21、d the Shanghai, ningbo, hangzhou, shandong, Beijing, hubei, Shanxi, jiangsu market layout, most market work Develop relatively smoothly, and the merchants inviting work of the previous market is almost done More than 60% of work! 2、市场的网络填补和精耕细作、终端动销工作的 跟进、“百城千店”的落地 market network fill and intensive

22、cultivation, terminal dynamic pin work,1、华中:湖南、湖北 (huazhong:huna、hubei) 2、西南:四川、重庆 (xina:sichuan、chongqi) 3、华南:广东、福建 (huana:guangdong、fujian),3.1强化布局区域 Strengthening layout area,4,四、市场布局 Four, market layout,3.2 重点突破区域 Breakthroughs in key areas,5.1各省区渠道建设进度(截止4月底),五、渠道拓展进度 Five, the channel developi

23、ng progress,Every province channel developing progress (By the end of April ),5.2各区域市场渠道拓展柱状图分析,Regional market channel developing histogram analysis,渠道点评 (Channel comment on ),1、完成较好的公司有: complete good companies are: 广东、上海、西安、浙南在代理商的拓展方面表现优秀; 上海、浙北在分销渠道拓展方面表现优秀; 针对以上公司:广东、上海、西安、浙南、浙北5家公司提出表扬,分别奖励50

24、0元 Guangdong, Shanghai, xian, south of the agent to do well; expanding Shanghai, introduces aspects in distribution channel expanding outstanding According to the company: guangdong, Shanghai, xian, south, north five companies are praising 500 yuan respectively, reward 2、完成较差的公司有: complete with poor companies are: 江苏、山东、湖南、四川,通报批评,特别督促加快拓展进度! Jiangsu, shandong, hunan, sichuan, criticized, special supervise accelerate development progress!,六、各区域销售指标进度,6.1各省区销售指标进度表(代理商部分,截止4月份) provinces and regions sales target schedules (agent part, by April),Six. Regional sales index progress,


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