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1、A Survey of English Lexicology,Word-formation(2),其他构词法,缩略法 abbreviation / shortening 逆生法 back-formation 拟声法 onomatopoeia,缩略法 (abbreviation / shortening),把词的音节加以省略或简化而产生的词通称为缩略词,这种构词方法成为缩略法. 截短词 clipping 首字母缩略词 initialism 首字母拼写词 acronym 拼缀词 blending,截短词(Clipping): shortening a longer word by cutting

2、a part off the original and using what remains instead. 1.截除词尾 apocope: ad- advertisement auto- automobile bike-bicycle coke-coca cola demob-demobilize disco-discotheque doc-doctor dorm-dormitory exam-examination expo-exposition fax-facsimile gas-gasoline gent-gentleman heli-helicopter hippo-hippopo

3、tamus Jap-Japanese,2. 截除词首 (aphaeresis) burger- hamburger bus-omnibus cello-violoncello chute-parachute coon-raccoon copter-helicopter cycle-bicycle dozer-bulldozer drome-aerodrome fiche-microfiche phone-telephone plane-areoplane quake-earthquake scope-telescope van-caravan wig-periwig,3. 截除首尾( fron

4、t and back clipping) flue-influenza fridge-refrigerator script-prescription tec-detective dept-department asst-assistant 4. 截除词腰 (syncope) fluidics-fluidonics fossilation-fossilization Note: changes in spelling and pronunciation fridge, bike, mike, coke,首字母缩略 initialism: 用词的第一个字母代表一个词组的缩略词.如: BBC, I

5、OC, CIS, EEC, OAU, UN, OPEC, ISBN, GATT, GEM, GMT, TV, CD, CAD, IT, MTV, IDD, GHQ, TB 专有名词: AP, UPI, AFP, DPA, USIS, ANSA, MENA 科技词语: PVC, FRP,DDT, DNA Note : Initialisms are usually pronounced letter by letter.,首字母拼写词 Acronymy: joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizati

6、on or special noun phrases and technical terms. 如: 机构组织名称: NATO, ASEAN, UNESCO 科技术语: laser, maser, ROM 其它: radar, sonar, colidar, hipar, ladar, secar sodar, sofar, SALT, WASP, BASIC, GASP, PEN Note: Acronyms are pronounced as a normal word . Some acronyms are formed with the initial letter of the fi

7、rst word plus the whole of the second. G-man, N-bomb, V-day,拼缀词 blending: 组成复合词的各词中,一个词失去部分或各个词都失去部分音节后连接成的新词.,Galumph: gallop + triumph Chortle: chuckle + snort Camcorder: camera + recorder Comsat : communication + satellite Autome: automobile + home Brunch: breakfast + lunch Smog: smoke + fog Mote

8、l : motor + hotel Telex: teletype + exchange Psywar: psychological +warfare Videophone: video + telephone,逆生法 (Back-formation): removing the supposed suffixes,Automation: automate donation: donate Television: televise negation: negate Beggar: beg appreciation: appreciate Diagnosis:diagnose enthusias

9、m: enthuse Reminiscence: reminisce editor: edit Laser: lase lazy: laze Cosy: cose drowsy: drowse Greedy: greed puppy: pup Difficulty: difficult,拟声法 (onomatopoeia): 模拟事物的声音而造词的方法.,Here it comes sparkling, And there it lies darkling Eddying and whinking, Spouting and frisking, And rattling and battlin

10、g, And guggling and struggling, And bubbling and troubling and doubling, And rushing and flushing and brushing and gushing, And flapping and rapping and clapping and slapping. And thumping and pumping and bumping and jumping, And dashing and flashing and splashing and dashing, And at once and all ov

11、er with mighty uproar, And this way the water comes down at Lodore. From “How Does the Water Come Down at Lodore” -by Robert Southey,Alexander Pope 在论及声音和意义的关系写道: True Ease in Writing comes from Art, not Chance, As those move easiest who have learnd to dance Tis not enough no Harshness gives Offence

12、, The Sound must seem an Echo to the Sense. Soft is the Strain when Zephyr gently blows, And the smooth Stream in smother Numbers flows; But when loud Surges lash the sounding Shore, The hoarse rough Verse shoud like the Torrent roar.,模拟人发出的声音: giggle, titter, mummur, whimper, hiss, babble 模拟动物鸣叫: c

13、uckoo, cricket, howl, squeal, twitter 模拟事物声音: bubble, splash, clink, tinkle, clash, thump, bang,gr-开头的词表示 “沉闷而令人不快的声音”, 如: groan, grouse, grudge, growl, grumble, grunt, 以-ump 结尾的词表示 “沉重的碰击”,如: bump, clump, dump, lump, plump, stump, thump 以-ush 结尾的与水有关的词,如: flush, gush, lush, mush, rush, slush, crush 以fl- 开头的与火焰有关的词,如: flame, flare, flash, flicker, 以sl-开头的与滑有关的词,如: slide, slick, sleek, slip, slippery, slope, slither, slur, slime, sloppy, slosh, slush, sludge, sly,Thank you !,


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