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1、大学英语(一)课程简介本课程主要是针对大学初级阶段的学生而设置的。它既是一门基础课,又是一门综合课。通过该课程的学习旨在帮助学生掌握一定的词汇量和语法,达到相应的阅读水平,并具有一定的写作和翻译能力,使学生的英语语言能力得到全面的提高,为更高阶段的英语学习打下良好的基础。 本课程是包括词汇、语法、阅读、练习的综合课程。每个单元以课文为基础,将词汇积累、语法学习结合起来,并且配有单元练习,从而巩固和检测学习效果。此外还通过讲授一些丰富的文化知识来帮助学生在语言学习的同时拓展语言使用的文化背景。课程大纲学习目的和要求 本课程主要是针对大学初级阶段的学生而设置的。它既是一门基础课,又是一门综合课。通

2、过该课程的学习可以帮助学生掌握一定的词汇量和语法,达到相应的阅读水平,并具有一定的写作和翻译能力,使学生的英语语言能力得到全面的提高,为更高阶段的英语学习打下良好的基础。 学生在学习该课程之前,应该已经掌握英语的基本语音和语法知识,以及一定的单词量,并且具有初步的听、说、读、写的能力。要求学生熟悉课文内容;掌握课文中所学常用词和词组的用法;熟练掌握一些常用的前缀、后缀等构词法以扩大词汇量;培养阅读技能;掌握一些英语常用句型以提高表达能力;锻炼连词成句的能力和段落写作的能力。课时分配课程学习学习单元(一)学习目标:本单元的学习目标具体分为以下几个方面:一、词汇重点:二、句型重点:(一)、this

3、 is not necessarily the case(二)、listen to what the teacher says(三)、it is important to It is +a(形容词)+to do sth(四)、as soon as you can(五)、remain confused about(六)、Improving your study habits will improve your grades(七)、spend time(in)doing sth(八)、helpwith三、阅读技巧重点:正确的阅读习惯四、语法重点:本单元的语法学习重点是英语的基本句型。SVC(主语动

4、词主语补语)SV(主语动词)SVO(主语动词宾语)SVOiOd(主语动词间接宾语直接宾语)SVOCo(主语动词宾语宾语补语)课前预习一、问答题:What are the 6 techniques to improve your study habits?答:The 6 techniques are:1plan your time carefully2find a good place to study3skim before you read4make good use of your time in class5study regularly6develop a good attitude

5、about tests二、单选:选择下列句子中划线单词的正确释义。1He is not very clever,nor stupidHe is only an average student(A)A普通的B平均的2She is leading a normal life(B)A平凡的B正常的3His time was occupied by something more important(A)A占用B占领4The schedule makes her aware of how she spends her time(B)A发现B意识到5Tests can make your new know

6、ledge permanent(A)A持久B经常三、填空:根据提示对下列单词进行词语变形。1additionadditional(形容词)2sideaside(副词)3entertainentertainment(名词)4ableenable(动词)5confuseconfused(形容词)6helphelpful(形容词)7activeactivity(名词)8weekweekly(形容词)9concentration-concentrate(动词)10comprehendcomprehension(名词)课程学习一、词汇新单词1.average aordinary 普通的;中等的例如:Sh

7、e is an average student她是个中等生。2.intelligence n ability to learn and understand 智力例如:Use your intelligence to solve the problem!用你的智慧来解决这个问题!3.necessarily ad inevitably 必定例如:A good-looking person is not necessarily a kind person长的好看的人不见得是善良的人。4.case n what has really happened;actual condition 实情例如:In

8、 Johns case,he didnt pass the exam because of his poor health约翰的情况是,他因为身体不好而没能通过考试。5.additional a added 附加的,额外的 addition n例如:Marys boss always gave her a lot of additional work玛丽的老板总是给她很多额外的工作。6.weekly a occurring every week每周的;一周一次的例如:This weekly meeting is very important for us这个每周一次的会议对我们很重要。7.sc

9、hedule n timetable 时间表例如:The teacher asked the students to make a schedule老师要学生们订一个时间表。8.chart n (sheet of paper with)information written or drawn in the form of a picture 图(表)例如:There is a sales chart on the wall of his office他办公室的墙上挂着一张销售表。mit vt指定用于例如:This company has committed its entire resourc

10、es to this project这家公司把所有的资源都投入到这个项目中了。10.aside ad to the side 在旁边;到(向)一边例如:I had to step aside to let the car pass我不得不站到一边好让汽车通过。11.etc (Latin,shortened form for et cetera)and other things 等等例如:My little sister likes fruits such as apple,banana,peach,etc我妹妹喜欢苹果,香蕉,桃子等水果。12.normal a. usual 正常的例如:At

11、that moment,I was driving at normal speed当时我正以正常速度驾驶。13.reading n the act or practice of reading阅读例如:In order study English well,we have to do a lot of reading为了学好英语,我们必须做大量的阅读。14.assignment n sthgiven out as a task(布置的)作业例如:MissSmith got angry because none of us finished the assignment史密斯小姐很生气,因为我们

12、都没完成家庭作业。15.occupy vt take up 占用例如:Housework almost occupied all her free time家务活几乎占去了她所有的空余时间。16.relaxation n (sthdone for)rest and amusement 休息;娱乐 relax v例如:My dad likes to do some sports for relaxation我爸爸喜欢做运动来放松。17.hobby n what one likes to do in ones free time 业余爱好例如:Everybody has his or her ow

13、n hobby每个人都有自己的爱好。18.entertainment n show,party,etcthat people enjoy 娱乐 entertain vt例如:The aim of this TV show is to entertain the public这个电视节目的目的是娱乐大众。19.solve vt find an answer to(a problem)解决(问题)例如:He believes that all the problems will be solved finally他相信所有的问题都会最终解决的。20.aware a having knowledge

14、 or understanding 知道的;意识到的例如:Mothers are often quite aware of the changes of their children母亲通常都能注意到孩子的变化。21.furthermore ad moreover;in addition 而且;此外例如:Milk tastes very good;furthermore,its good for your health牛奶口感很好,而且对健康很有好处。22.enable vt make(sb)able(to do sth)使(某人)能(做某事)例如:Airplanes enable us to

15、 go to places far away in only a couple of hours飞机使我们能在几个小时内到达很远的地方。23.activity n sth(to be)done 活动例如:Those kids are very interested in this activity孩子们对这个活动很感兴趣。24.adequate a as much as one needs;enough 充分的;足够的例如:She is too busy to have adequate time for her son她太忙了而没有足够的时间和她儿子在一起。25.distraction n

16、sththat draws away the mind or attention 分心(或分散注意力)的事物例如:There are so many distractions here that I cant think clearly这里分心的事太多,我无法清楚的思考。26.concentrate(on or upon)vipay close attention(to)全神贯注(于) 例如:You should be able to concentrate on your work你应该专心工作。27.skim vt read quickly to get the main ideas(of

17、)略读例如:He only skimmed the letter他只是浏览了一下那封信。28.preview vt have a general view of(sth)beforehand 预习例如:The students are asked to preview the text before class学生要求在课前预习课文。29.content n what is written in a book,etc内容例如:We can infer the content of the text from the title我们从题目能推断课文的内容。30.organize vt form

18、into a whole 组织例如:They are organized into two groups他们被组织成两组。31.later ad后来;以后例如:We shall talk about this later我们以后再谈这个问题。32.skip vt pass over 略过例如:Are you sure you didnt skip any important information?你确定没有漏掉什么重要信息吗?33.portion n part;share 一部分;一份例如:They are sitting in the front portion of the train他

19、们坐在火车的前部。34.double v make or become twice as great or as many(使)增加一倍例如:In five years,his income had doubled五年来,他的收入增加了一倍。prehension n the act of understanding or ability to understand 理解(力)例如:Skimming improves your comprehension of the text略读能增加你对课文的理解。36.mention vt speak or write about(sth)in a few

20、 words 提及例如:My mother never mentioned I had an uncle before妈妈以前从未提起我有个舅舅。37.confused a mixed up in ones mind 迷惑的,混淆的 confuse vt例如:Linda was confused about the two words.琳达容易把这两个单词混淆。38.textbook n a standard book for the study of a subject 教科书;课本例如:We got the new textbooks on the first day of the new

21、 term我们在新学期的第一天拿到了新课本。39.performance n achievement 成绩例如:Peter had excellent performance in the final examination彼得期末考试表现很优秀。40.meaningful a having important meaning or value 富有意义的例如:We should think how to make our lives more meaningful我们应该想想怎样让生活更有意义。41.attitude n what one thinks about sth态度,看法例如:Di

22、fferent people have different attitudes towards this problem不同的人对这个问题有不同的看法。42.purpose n aim目的,意图例如:The purpose of a test is to check how well we have studied考试的目的是检验我们学的怎么样。43.excessively ad too much过多的,过分的 excessive a例如:The old woman worried excessively about her daughter那个老太太过度担心她的女儿了。44.permanen

23、t a lasting for a long time;never changing 持久的,永久的例如:He gave me his permanent address他给了我他的永久地址。45.technique n way of doing sth技巧,方法例如:There are some techniques to improve our study habits有很多改进我们学习习惯的技巧。46.helpful a useful;providing help or wiling to help有益的;给予帮助的,肯帮忙的例如:A dictionary will be very he

24、lpful in English study字典在学习英语时是很有帮助的。短语表达:1.fill in write in 填写,填充例如:Please fill in this form请填表。 2.decide on make a choice or decision about 选定,决定例如:We have decided on Hong Kong for our next holiday我们决定下次假期去香港。3.set aside save for a special purpose 留出例如:He always set aside some time for his childre

25、n他总是留出一些时间来陪儿子。4.as well also,too;in addition 也,还;同样例如:Music entertains us and helps us to relax as well音乐可以使我们娱乐,同时可以帮助我们放松。5.be aware(of) know(sth);know(what is happening)知道,意识到例如:He is not aware that his mother was standing behind him他没注意到他母亲站在他身后。6.concentrate on direct ones attention,efforts,et

26、cto 全神贯注于例如:I tried to concentrate on what I am doing我试着集中精力做手头的工作。7.look over examine(quickly)把看一遍,过目例如:Steve looked over the paper and didnt find what he wanted斯蒂夫看了一眼那张纸,没有发现他需要的东西。8.go over review 复习例如:I went over the textbook before the exam我在考试前复习了一遍课文。9.lead to result in 导致例如:His carelessness

27、 led to a serious result他的粗心大意导致严重的后果。二、课文学习(一)、阅读技巧正确的阅读习惯要保证阅读的速度和准确性,就要采取正确的方法,摒弃那些不利于提高阅读效率的不良习惯,如头随着每行的开头到结尾左右摆动(head-moving),手指指着每一个单词逐字往前移(finger-pointing),或在阅读时嘴巴随视线的移动而逐字默读或轻轻地将每个词读出声来(lip-reading)。这些都是不良的阅读习惯,影响阅读速度。一般来讲,良好的阅读习惯应将头固定,手指离开书本,让眼睛来回移动,默读,这样可以提高阅读速度。阅读时,我们的双眼在对成行成句的文字进行扫描。这种扫描

28、是跳跃式而不是逐词进行的。眼睛跳跃式地不断把成组的信息传送到大脑,由大脑完成真正的阅读和理解过程:对由眼睛传来的信息进行分类和识别,并将之组成连贯的句子思想。这两个过程是同时进行的,因此,眼睛扫描的速度越快,阅读的速度也就相应加快,而且理解也就越准确和完整。相反地,一目一词的阅读方式不仅速度慢,而且影响理解,无法形成完整的概念。如果能以意群或句子为单位进行阅读,我们的阅读速度可以大幅度的提高。所谓意群,指的是那些有意义的语法结构或词组。高效的阅读是将眼睛从一组词移向另一组词,即一个意群一个意群地阅读。如下面用斜线分隔开意群的段落:Successful language learning/is

29、active learning/Therefore,/successful learners/do not wait/for a chance/to use the language;/they look for such a chance/They find people/who speak the language/and they ask these people/to correct them/when they make a mistake/They will try anything/to communicate/They are not afraid/to repeat/what

30、 they hear/or say strange things;/they are willing/to make mistakes/and try again/When communication is difficult,/they can accept information/that is inexact or incomplete/It is more important/for them to learn/to think in the language/than to know the meaning/of every word如果我们用一次一个意群,成组视读的方法去阅读这段文


32、阅读技巧,再加上自己的努力,相信一定会有很大的提高。 (二)、课文结构(三)、引子Want to know how to improve your grades without having to spend more time studying? Sounds too good to be true? Well,read on这段文字出现在文章之前,因此是我们将要学习的课文的引子。提出问题是写文章时常用到的开篇方法。通过问题,可以给读者一个大概的概念:我们将要读的这篇文章,可能要讲的是什么内容。同时,还可以激发我们的主动思考和阅读的兴趣。两个问句都是省略句,补充完整分别应该是Do you w

33、ant to know how to improve your grades without having to spend more time studying? 和 It sounds too good to be true? 用省略句是为了表现一种很随意的方式。第一个句子是一个一般疑问句,而第二个句子是以陈述句加问号的形式表现疑问,这在英语中是很常见的。而且在口头表达时,要用升调来突出疑问的语气。1want to do sth想做某事例如:I want to go shopping想去逛街。2improve 提高例如:improvement n例如:This article helps

34、us to improve our study habits这篇文章帮我们改进学习习惯。3grade 分数,水平例如:improve grades 提高分数或水平4have to do sth不得不做某事例如:I am lateI have to go我要迟到了,我得走了。5spend time(in)doing sth花时间做某事例如:He spends too much time playing computer games他花太多的时间玩电脑游戏了。6how to do sth怎样做某事例如:The teacher taught me how to use an English dict

35、ionary老师教我怎么用英语字典。7sound 听起来例如:Your idea sounds great你的想法听起来还不错。8too good to be true 太好了而不像真的 tooto太而不(以至于不)例如:She is too old to take care of herself她年纪太大了,无法照顾自己。9read on 继续读下去 介词on 和动词构成动词短语,常有“继续”的意思。例如:go on 继续carry on 坚持下去keep on 保持,继续(四)、第一课:Perhaps you are an average student with average inte

36、lligenceYou do well enough in school,but you probably think you will never be a top studentThis is not necessarily the case,howeverYou can receive better grades if you want toYes,even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional workHeres how:这是文章的第一段,起到introduction开篇介绍的作用

37、。下面我们分句子来阅读。Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligenceYou do well enough in school,but you probably think you will never be a top student1average 普通的,中等的;平均的例如:I was average in my class我在我们班上属于中等。 What is the yearly income of an average family in china?中国中等家庭的年收入是多少? The average ag

38、e of the students in this class is 19这个班学生的平均年龄是十九岁。2intelligence 智力 intelligent a聪明的,有智力的例如:These researchers are very intelligent这些研究者非常聪明。3well enough 足够好例如:Her boss was not satisfied though she had done well enough她已经做的够好了,可老板还是不满意。4sure enough 果然,果真例如:They all said it would fall down and sure e

39、nough it did他们都说那东西会倒下来,它果然倒了。5top student 优等生 top musician 顶级音乐家 top floor 顶楼 top marks 最高分This is not necessarily the case,howeverYou can receive better grades if you want toYes,even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional workHeres how:1this is not necessarily the

40、case 实际情况未必如此(1)、necessarily必定 necessary a必要的,必定的例如:Great books are not necessarily bestsellers好书不一定是畅销书。 A dictionary is necessary for English learning学英语字典是必需的。(2)、case 实情;病例;法律案件例如:He thought he had found the right answer,but that was not the case他以为找到了正确答案,但事实上不是这样的。 Five cases of flu have been

41、reported有五个流感病例的报告。 The murder case attracted his attention。那件谋杀案引起了他的注意。短语:1.in any case 在任何情况下例如:I am ready to help in any case我随时准备帮忙。 in case of 如果例如:In case of emergency,call me at this number如果有紧急情况,打这个电话找我。 in case 以防,以免例如:He carried his raincoat with him in case it rains他带着雨衣以防下雨。 in no case

42、 在任何情况下都不例如:In no case should you lose heart任何情况下你都不应该灰心。2additional 额外的 add v. 加,增加 addition n增加物例如:If we add 2 and 3 we get 52加3等于5。 They are making addition to the list他们不断补充清单。3heres how诀窍如下(五)、第二课:第二部分是改进学习习惯的六个诀窍。我们首先看第一点。Plan your time carefullyMake a list of your weekly tasksThen make a sche

43、dule or chart of your timeFill in committed time such as eating,sleeping,meetings,classes,etcThen decide on good,regular times for studyingBe sure to set aside enough time to complete your normal reading and work assignmentsOf course,studying shouldnt occupy all of the free time on the scheduleIts i

44、mportant to set aside time for relaxation,hobbies,and entertainment as wellThis weekly schedule may not solve all of your problems,but it will make you more aware of how you spend your timeFurthermore,it will enable you to plan your activities so that you have adequate time for both work and play同样分

45、句子阅读。Plan your time carefullyMake a list of your weekly tasksThen make a schedule or chart of your timeFill in committed time such as eating,sleeping,meetings,classes,etcThen decide on good,regular times for studying1make a list of 列出清单例如:My mother usually makes a list before shopping妈妈通常在购物前先列个清单。 make a schedul


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