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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag ?,Section B 1a-1e,复习,译: 1、一个鸟在树上。A bird _ _ the tree. 2、一些苹果在树上。Some apples _ _ the tree. 3.那个门在墙上The door/hole/window _ _ the wall. 改成单数: These are apples. _ _ _ _. They are girls. _ _ _ _. They are boxes. _ _ _ _. They are boys. _ _ _ _. Those are women teachers. _ _ _ _

2、 _ .,is in,are on,is in,This is an apple,She is a girl,It is a box,He is a boy,That is a woman teacher.,Pairwork: A: Where is/ are ? B: Its/ Theyre+介词短语. A: Is it / Are they .? B: .,请用介词 in, on, under 写最少五个句子来描述我的房间。 My Room This is my room.,课前预习,译: 1.了解;知道_2.我不知道_ 3.收音机_ 4. 时钟_ 5. 磁带_ 6. 播放机/运动员_ 7

3、. 录音机_8. 模型_ 9. 飞机_ 10. 飞机模型 _ 11. 整洁的,井井有条的_ 12. 我的房间井井有条的。_ 13. 我们的(形代)_ 14. 到处;处处;各个地方_ 15.总是_ 16. 但是_,know,I dont know.,radio/radios,clock,tape,player,tape player,model,plane,model plane,(be) tidy,My room is tidy.,our,everywhere,always,but,tape,player,tape player, Whats this in English? Its a,cl

4、ock,plane,radio/ radios,model plane,Lead in,tape,player,tape player,clock,plane,radio,model plane,Game,0.03秒的挑战说出单词,radio clock tape play player tape player model plane model plane,n. 收音机 n. 时钟 n. 磁带 v.打;玩 n. 播放机/运动员 n. 录音机 n. 模型 n. 飞机 n.飞机模型,Can you read these words?,know I dont know. tidy but our

5、everywhere always,v. 了解;知道 我不知道。 adj. 整洁的 conj. (连词) 但是 pron. (形代)我们的 adv. 到处 adv. 总是;一直,n. 收音机 n. 时钟 n. 磁带 v. 打;玩 n. 播放机/运动员 n. 录音机 n. 模型 n. 飞机 n.飞机模型,v. 了解;知道 我不知道。 adj. 整洁的 conj. (连词) 但是 pron. (形代)我们的 adv. 到处 adv. 总是;一,radio clock tape play player tape player model plane model plane,know I dont k

6、now. tidy but our everywhere always,My room,Presentation,My room is tidy. 我的房间很整洁。,But my brother Toms room isnt tidy. His things are always everywhere.,但是, 我弟弟的房间却不整洁, 他的东西总是到处扔。,Whats in Toms room? Where is it ?,Toms room,1. radio _ 3. tape player _ 5. tape _ 2. clock _ 4. model plane _ 6. hat _,a

7、,f,d,e,b,c,1a. Match the words with the things in the picture.,radio,tape,hat,model plane,clock,tape player,1b. Look at the picture in 1a for three minutes. Then close your books and write down all the things your remember.,_,radio,tape,tape player,clock,model plane,hat,books,table,pen,eraser,ruler,

8、pictures,bed,dresser,ID card,bookcase,chair,pencil,watch,notebook,baseball,quilt,pencil box,CD,“Where is my ? ” Tom always asks. What things does Tom need? Where is it/ are they ?,(他需要什么东西?),Lets listen.,The English books are under the radio. _ _ _ _,The ruler is on the bed.,The notebook is under th

9、e model plane in the bookcase.,The tape is in the tape player.,English books tape player clock ruler notebook tape model plane radio,1c. Listen and circle the things Tom wants from his room.,Listening,1d. Listen again. Where are Toms things? Write them down.,Lets read.,Mom: Hello. Tom: Hi, Mom. Coul

10、d you bring some things to school for me? Mom: OK. Tom: I need my English books. Mom: English books? Where are your English books? Tom: Hmm, theyre on the chair Oh, no, theyre under the radio. Mom: OK. Tom: And I need my ruler. Its on the bed. And my notebook. Mom: Wheres your notebook? Tom: Uh, I d

11、ont know. Ohits under the model plane in the bookcase. And Franks tape. He needs it. Mom: Wheres the tape? Tom: Oh, its in the tape player. Mom: Ok., Meet you at one at your school. Tom: Thanks. Mom!,带一些东西到学校给我,我需要我的英语书,我需要我的尺子,他需要它,一点钟在学校门口见你,我不知道,Where are the English books?,Theyre under the radio

12、.,Where ?,.,Pairwork,The English books are under the radio. The ruler is on the bed. The notebook is under the model plane. The tape is in the tape player.,_,bed,table,sofa,clock,hat,books,keys,quilt,tape,chair,watch,schoolbag,radio,book case,CDs,dictionary,2a. Write the words you know for the thing

13、s in the picture.,Writing,1. play v. 动词,意为 “_” player n. 名词,播放机 CD player 唱片播放机 tape player 录音机 【拓展】player 名词,意为 “_” 她的哥哥是一位优秀的运动员。 _,Explaination,播放,演奏,玩,打,运动员,Her brother is a good player.,【探究总结】 英语中某些动词在词尾加_, 或者双写加_变成名词: 1. play-player, teach-teacher, sing-singer, wait-waiter, work-worker 2. writ

14、e-writer, drive-driver, dance-dancer 3. run-runner, win-winner 4. visit-visitor, invent-inventor, actor,-er, -r,-er或-or,【学以致用】 Yang Liping is a _ , and she _ very well. A. dance; dance B. dance; dancer C. dancer; dance D. dancer; dances,2. tidy 形容词,意为“_”,例如: My aunts room is always_. 我姑姑的房间总是干净整洁。,整

15、洁的;井井有条的,clean and tidy,4. English book 英语课本 Chinese book 语文课本 model plane 飞机模型 tape player 录音机 在英语中名词也可以修饰名词。 其他的如: pencil box 铅笔盒 computer game 电脑游戏 table tennis 网球,? 这样的名词短语 怎么改成复数?,s,s,s,s,es,s,es,. 选词配图 radio, clock, tape, model plane,tape,radio,model plane,clock,Exercises,一、根据汉语提示填写合适的单词。 1. S

16、onias _ (收音机) is on the table. 2. Where is Lindas white _ _ (飞机模型)? 3. I have a _ (闹钟). Its on my desk. 4. Ginas pens and pencils are _ (到处). 5. I think Kates room is _ (井井有条的).,radio,model plane,clock,everywhere,tidy,二、单项选择 1. - _ your model plane? - Its in the room. A. Whos B. Wheres C. Wherere,2.

17、 - Is the baseball on the sofa? - No, its _ the sofa. A. on B. in C. under,3. - Are the English books under the radio? - _. A. No, it isnt B. Yes, they are C. No, they are,三. 句型展示 1. 我爱整洁,但吉娜却不。 I _ _, _ Gina is not. 2. 我的书和磁带在书柜里。 My books and tapes _ on the bookcase. 3. 吉娜的书到处都是。 _ books are _. 4.

18、 那个白色的飞机模型是她的。 The white model plane _ _ . 5. 吉娜总是问“我的钥匙在哪里?”。 “Where are my keys? ” Gina _ _.,am tidy,but,are,Ginas,everywhere,is hers,always asks,四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. 英语书在收音机的下面。 The English books are _ _ _. 2. 凯特的书在书橱里。 Kates books are _ _ _. 3. 我有一台录音机。它在桌子上。 I _ a tape player. Its _ _ _.,under the radio,in the bookcase,have,on the table,复习并将所学的词汇分类,然后记 忆所学的生词。 2. Review Section B 2b.,Homework,Thank you !,mother,Game,grandmother,0.08秒的挑战说出单词,


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