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1、,高中英语阅读理解解题指导 -猜测词义,Dealing with new words or phrases in reading comprehension (阅读理解),Ignore (忽略) them and continue reading,Look them up in the dictionary,Guess the meaning,Using word formation(构词法),prefix (前缀),Suffix (后缀),un-,base word (词根),forget,-able,e.g. With their shining brown eyes, wagging t

2、ails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence.,unconditional:,无条件的, 绝对的 adj.,condition,conditional,情况,条件 n.,有条件的 adj.,unconditional:,nonjudgmental:,没有判断力的,judge,judgment,judgmental,判断 v.,判断 n.,adj.,nonjudgmental:,同义词、近义词 反

3、义词 定义、解释或举例 因果关系 标点符号 经验和常识,Using context(上下文) clues(线索):,1、同义词、近义词,e.g. Doctors believe that smoking is detrimental to peoples health. They also regard drinking as harmful.,作者可能会用一个近义词或者同义词去解释另一 个更难的词,以便使他的文字意思更清楚,近义词 往往出现在同一句或者同一段落中。,also,harmful,e.g. At the beginning they did not have enough capi

4、tal to start a business, nor were they able to borrow the amount of money they needed from the bank.,money,同义词、近义词,nor,2、反义词,e.g. He had been getting better but during the night his condition deteriorated.,With the help of words like: unlike, but, however, while, instead, rather than, on the other h

5、and.,getting better,but,Rather than liking the movie, as I expected them to, all my friends abhorred it.,Rather than,liking,反义词,3、定义、解释或举例,通过定义,定语从句/同位语/词或词组 (is, was, mean, that is, thats to say, or, namely, in other words, to put it another way; i.e., such as, like, especially, for instance, for e

6、xample )来确定词义,e.g. It will be very hard but also very brittle, that is, it will break easily.,that is,The word “adolescence” means the period between childhood the adulthood.,means,4、因果关系,With the help of conjunctions like: because, as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,therefore,so that.,e.g. - since yo

7、u are my superior(上级), it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do . (2005年上海卷) Afull of respect Btoo confident and rude Clacking in experience Dtoo shy and quiet,5、标点符号(冒号;破折号;括号),e.g. You can take any of the periodicals: The World of English, Foreign Language Teaching in Schools, or Engl

8、ish Learning. A.dictionaries B. story-books C. magazines D. newspapers,:,e.g. But the new study looks at the 25 “hotspots” areas that contain a big concentration of plants and animalsand predicts that 11.6 percent of all species-,6、经验和常识,e.g. In spite of the fact the fishermen were wearing souwesters, the storm was so heavy that they were wet through.,Using word formation Using context (上下文) clues(线索),同义词、近义词 反义词 定义、解释或举例 因果关系 标点符号 经验和常识,


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