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1、高二英语 UNIT 19 The Merchant of Venice,高二英语学生学习课件,年级科目:高二英语 教 师:荀稳年 学 校:西安市第三十中学,目 录,高二英语学生学习课件,WORD STUDY 词 汇 学 习,cruel adj. ready to give pain to others 残酷的,残忍的,痛苦的 be cruel to sb./sth. 对某人/某物残忍/残酷 The cruel man was hitting the donkey. 那个残酷的人正在抽打那头驴。 cruel treatment 残酷的待遇 Dont be cruel to animals. 不要

2、虐待动物。 同义词:heartless adj. 残酷的,残忍的 反义词:kind adj. 仁慈的,亲切地,2. mercy n. U kindness 仁慈,怜悯 C blessing 幸运,侥幸 The newspaper attacked him without mercy. 报纸对他进行了无情地攻击。 Mercy to the criminal is cruelty to the people. 对罪犯的仁慈就是对人民的残忍。 adj. merciful 仁慈的,慈悲的 The merciful king saved the young officers from death. me

3、rcy 所构成的词组: have mercy on ( upon ) 对 怜悯 show mercy to 对 怜悯 at the mercy of 任由摆布 without mercy 无情地;毫不怜悯地 beg for mercy 恳求 的怜悯,3. deny vt. 否定,否认 结构:deny doing sth. / deny that/ deny+名词+ to do sth Do you deny having stolen the bicycle? 你否认偷了自行车吗? Do you deny that you had stolen the bicycle? 你否认你偷了自行车吗?

4、 I dont deny that it is a serious problem. 我不否认那是一个严重的问题。 deny vt. 拒绝给与,不准 结构: deny n. / sb. sth He denied me permission to enter. 我被他拒绝入内。 知识拓展: 固定句型 There is no denying that =It is very clear that 不可否认,4. go about 开始做,着手做,从事于; 到处走动,流传 How shall we go about the job? 我们如何开始这项工作? How do you go about

5、repairing this machine? 你打算怎样修理这台机器? Bad colds are going about/around at the moment. 现在重感冒正在蔓延。 知识拓展 set out to do 开始/着手/动身去做某事 get down to doing 着手 set about doing 开始认真对待某事,5. pay back 1) 还钱给某人 句型: pay sb. back ( sth. ) / pay sth. back Ill pay him back with all my heart. 我将用我的生命向他偿还。 Have you paid

6、me back the money you owe me yet? 你把欠我的钱还完了吗? 2) 惩罚,报复 Ill pay him back for the trick he played on me. 他捉弄我,我将向他报复。 其它短语 pay off 还清;偿清 pay for 为而付款,6. as far as I know = so far as I know as far as 表示“就而论;在范围内;就而言” He has no brothers as /so far as I know. as far as Im concerned 就我而言;依我之见 as far as 还可

7、以表示“远到,直到(某地)” We walked as far as the top of the hill. as far as 还可以表示 “像那样远” He didnt go as/so far as the others. as far as 还可表示 “尽可能地”。 I will help you as far as I can.,7. at sea 在海上,在航海中;困惑,茫然不知所措,一窍不通 Weve now been at sea threes days. 我们在海上已经航行3天了。 Im afraid Im all/completely at sea with this m

8、aths problem. 对这道数学题我怕是一窍不通。 比较: at sea 在海上 at the sea 在海边 by sea 乘船,由水路 by the sea 在海边 go to sea 当船员,出航 go to the sea 去海边,8. envy vt. 羡慕;妒嫉 envied, envying envy sb./sth 羡慕/妒嫉 envy sb. sth. 羡慕某人的 How I envy you! 我多么羡慕你啊! I envy you your good health/fortune. 我羡慕你的好身体/运气。 n. 嫉妒, 羡慕,可羡慕的人或事 feel envy a

9、t 对感到嫉妒/羡慕 out of envy 出于嫉妒 with envy 羡慕地 the envy of sb. 可羡慕的人或物 He stared with envy at Toms new car. 他羡慕地盯着汤姆的新汽车。 Her beauty is the envy of her friends. 她的朋友都羡慕她的美貌。,9. revenge vt. 替某人报仇 (revenge sb. 为某人报仇) He revenged his dead brother/his brothers death. 他替死去的哥哥报了仇。 revenge n. 报仇;报复 have / take

10、ones revenge on sb. for sth. 因某事向某人报仇 do sth. in / out of revenge 报复性地做某事 10. accuse 指责, 谴责, 控诉 accuse sb. of sth. 指控某人某事 sb. be accused of sth. 某人被指控犯罪 The police accused him of murder /stealing. 警察指控他谋杀/偷窃。 What do you accuse of? 你起诉什么? the accused 被告 / accuser 谴责者,起诉者,11. troublesome adj. 令人烦恼的,

11、讨厌的 He is a troublesome boy. 他是一个讨厌的孩子。 My cold is rather troublesome. 我的感冒很烦人。 知识拓展 ask / look for trouble 找麻烦 be in trouble 陷入困境 get into trouble 陷入困境/遇到麻烦 get sb into trouble 使某人陷入困境 have trouble in 在方面有麻烦 make trouble 制造麻烦 put sb to trouble 给某人添麻烦 12. consequence n. 结果, 后果, 影响, 结局 as a consequen

12、ce 因而;结果 as a consequence of 因为 in consequence of 由于的缘故 take the consequence 承担后果,13. tear up 撕毁 , 撕碎 I believe the government intended to tear up its agreement with the unions. 我看政府打算撕毁它和工会达成的协议。 The magician tore up a 5 dollar note and then made it whole again. 魔术师把一张5美元的钞票撕碎,然后又使钞票恢复原样。 知识拓展 tear

13、 down 推倒(建筑物); 摧毁 tear off 扯掉 tear at 撕破,用力扯 tear apart 拆散,使分离 tear oneself away from 忍痛离而去,14. declare vt. 宣布, 宣告, 断言, 宣称, 声明 declare sth declare sb/sth (to be) declare that They will declare the results of the election soon. 他们很快就会宣布竞选结果。 America declared war on / against Iraq. 美国向伊拉克宣战。 The judge

14、 declared him to be the winner of the race. 裁判宣布他为比赛获胜者。 the Declaration of Independence 独立宣言 declare vi. 与for/against连用,表示“赞成/反对” I declared for/against his opinion. 我赞成/反对他的观点。,15. worthy (worth, worthwhile) 1) 有价值的,可尊敬的 a worthy man 高尚的人 2) 常作表语 值得的,配得上的,相称的 worthy of the name 名副其实的 常用表达方式 be wor

15、thy of sth. be worthy of being done be worthy to be done The place is worth visiting. The place is worthy of a visit. The place is worthy of being visited. The place is worthy to be visited. Its worthwhile visiting/to visit the place.,PHRASES & EXPRESSIONS 单 元 短 语 总 结,Explanation to the Texts: 教 材 解

16、 析,Warming up,1. To be, or not to bethat is the question. 生还是死这是个问题。 这句话是莎士比亚的戏剧哈姆雷特中的一个名句。意思可以理解为:To live or not to livethat is the question. 根据家喻户晓的成语或谚语,临时更换其中的某个部分,造成新的成语或谚语;或者根据古今名言警句,在保持其原句不变的情况下,更换其中部分词语,这种修辞方式叫仿拟。 又如: To lie or not to liethe doctors dilemma. 撒谎还是不撒谎医生的难题。 To do it or not to

17、do it is not the only question. 做还是不做这事不是唯一的问题。,2. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. 戴王冠的头是不能安于他的枕席的。 该句为倒装句,正常语序应该是The head that wears a crown lies uneasy. 其中lie为系动词,相当于be,表示“处于状态”。当表语位于句首时,句子采用全部倒装。其结构为:表语+系动词+主语。又如: Present at the meeting were Mr. Smith and many other professors. 出席会议的有史密斯

18、先生和其他许多教授。 Gone are the days when we had nothing to eat. 我们饿肚子的时代一去不复返了。 uneasy adj. 心神不安的, 忧虑的; 拘束的,不自在的 I feel uneasy about my sons future. uneasy manners 拘束的态度,3. Words, words, only words, no matter from the heart. 空话,空话,只有空话,没有一点真心。 这句话出自莎士比亚的剧作TROILUS AND CRESSIDA。原句为:Words, words, mere words,

19、no matter from the heart.其中no matter from the heart在此表示没有一点真心,matter在这里表示“实质的东西”。 联 想:no matter还可以作“不论,不管”解,常用于引导让步状语从句,用于下列句式中:no matter+what (when, how, who, where等)引导的从句主句。由 no matter引导的让步状语从句也可以放置在主句之后。 No matter what Jenny says, dont believe her. 不管詹妮说什么,都不要相信她。 Youll always be welcome, no matt

20、er when you come. 不管你什么时候来,你都是受欢迎的。,Listening &Speaking,What must Antonio give Shylock if he cant pay back the debt?如果安东尼奥没有能力偿还贷款,那么他要付给夏洛克什么 ? pay back(=pay off, pay out, serve out)报复;偿还;偿付 辨 析:pay off,pay out 支出 I paid out a lot of money for that car. 为了那辆汽车我花了不少钱。 pay up(不情愿地)付清;还清(债务) If you do

21、nt pay up, I will take you to court. 如果你不还清欠款,我就到法院告你,2. What makes a play a masterpiece is that the ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times. 一部戏剧之所以能成为著作,关键在于这部戏剧里所探讨的是各年龄阶段的现代人所关心的问题。 that the ideas behind the play are about pr

22、oblems是表语从句,这类些系动词有: be, look, remain, seem等 。 The reason why he was late for class was that he got up late. 他迟到的原因是因为他起晚了。 The problem remains that we cant get so many volunteers. 我们无法找到这么多志愿者,这个问题依然没解决。 of 表示所属关系“(属于)的”;表示“关于的”;表示同位关系;表示性质、内容 、状况等。,3. Despite the fact that nobody really likes Shyl

23、ock, the Duke does not want to kill him. 尽管事实是没人喜欢夏洛克,但是公爵并不想处死他。 despite prep. 不管;不顾;即使 Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday. 尽管天气不好,我们的假期仍过得很愉快。 He remains modest despite his achievements. 尽管他取得了成绩,却仍然保持谦虚。 同义词组: in spite of 虽然;尽管仍 We went out in spite of the rain. 尽管下雨我们还是出去了。,Reading,1

24、. Its useless trying to argue with Shylock. 跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。 Its no good/no use/no harm/no fun/useless/a waste of time 动名词: 做是没有好处/无用/无害/无趣/无用/浪费时间的。例如: It is no use learning without thinking. 学而不思则罔。 Its no use your telling me not to worry. 你告诉我不要担心,但那是没用的。(我还是很担心) Its no good crying over spilt milk. 后

25、悔是没有用的。覆水难收。 Its no good my talking to him.我同他谈没有用,2. You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. 你倒不如站在海滩上与大海争论。 may/might as well do sth. (as do sth. else) 还是做某事好,不如做某事。例如: We may as well have a try and see if it can be done. 我们还是试一试,看看能否办成。 There is nothing to do, so I may a

26、s well go to bed. 没什么事可做,我还是上床睡觉好了。,3. If you offered me six times what you have just offered,I would still take my pound of flesh. 即使你愿意给我六倍于你刚才提出的钱数,我仍然要拿我应得的那一磅肉。 time 作“倍数”解释时,是可数名词,用time表示“A是B的几倍大(长,宽,高,深等)”“A比B大(长,宽,高,深等)几倍”,常见的句型如下: (1) A is three (four,five,etc.) times the size (length, widt

27、h, height, depth,etc.) of B. The new road is four times the width of the old one. 这条新公路是旧路的四倍宽。 Asia is four times the size of Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。 (2) A is three (four,five,etc.) times as big (long, wide, high, deep, etc.) as B. The new road is four times as wide as the old one. 这条新公路是旧路的四倍宽。,Asia is

28、four times as large as Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍。 (3) A is three (four,five,etc.) times bigger (higher, longer, wider, etc.) than B. The school is five times bigger than that one. 这所学校比那所大四倍。(这所学校是那所的五倍大。) 拓展:time表示倍数,一般只用于表示三倍或三倍以上的数,表示两倍不用two times, 而用twice 或double。 My income is now double what it was. 我的收入

29、是以前的两倍。,4. How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? 如果你不宽恕别人,你自己怎能希望得到别人的宽恕呢? hope for 希望,盼望 If you hope for the best,please prepare for the worst. 如果你抱最好的希望,就要作好最坏的准备。 We all hope for good results after hard working. 努力工作后我们都希望得到好的结果。 when=if 知识拓展 1. when 表示“当.时候”,引导时间状语从句。 2. when 表

30、示“就在那时,突然.”,句型结构为: be going to do.when be doing when be about to do when 。,5. Please be seated. 请坐。 seat vt. 使就座,后接sb. 或oneself 作宾语,常用于被动语态be seated.。还有: “能坐(容纳)人”的意思。 n. 座位,席位 These children seated themselves on the bench. 这些孩子在长凳上坐下了。 The hall can seat three hundred people. 这个礼堂可容纳三百人。 知识拓展:表达就座的方

31、法还有: sit down take/have a seat take ones seat take ones place,6. I desire my pound of flesh. 我强烈要求得到我那磅肉。 desire 渴望,期望,希望,想要 句型结构: desire + n. desire + to do sth. desire + sb. + to do sth. desire + that + sb. (should) do sth. We all desire happiness and health. 我们都渴望幸福安康。 The Queen desires to see yo

32、u at once. 女王很想马上见到你。 What do you desire me to do? 你想让我做什么? She desires that I should do it immediately. 她希望我立即做这件事。,7. Ive kept my side of the bargain and I expect him to keep his. 我遵守了我的协议, 我希望他也能遵守他的协议。 bargain n. 协议, 交易, 成交条件; 便宜货, 廉价货 Weve made a bargain that he will do the shopping and Ill coo

33、k. 我们讲定了,他买东西我做饭。 The shoes are a real bargain at such a low price. 这些鞋价钱这么低,确实便宜。 bargain v. 讲价钱, 讨价还价 bargain with sb. about/over/for 与某人讨价还价; 洽谈成交条件; 谈判 Dealers bargain with growers over the price of coffee. 商人与种植者就咖啡的价格进行商谈。,Language study,Bassanio told Antonio that he was in love with Portia. 巴

34、萨尼奥告诉安东尼奥说他爱上了鲍西亚。 be in love with 爱上;与恋爱/相爱 fall in love with sb.爱上; 喜欢上 We fell in love with the garden as soon as we saw it. 我们一看见那个花园就喜欢上它了。 How long have you been in love with each other? 你们恋爱多久了? love n. U 爱 C 喜爱的事物,爱好,钟爱之人 a mothers love for her children 母亲对她孩子的爱 Music was one of the great lo

35、ves of his life. 音乐是他一生中的一大爱好。,2. However, he agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition. 他同意借钱给安东尼奥,但有一个条件。 He allowed me to do it on one condition. 他允许我做这件事情,但有一个条件。 知识拓展 on this/that condition 在这/那种情况下 on what condition在情况下 in condition 健康良好 out of condition 身体不佳 on no condition 决不,无论如何都不

36、on condition that 只有在的条件下;假若 conditions 形势,环境 working/housing/driving conditions 工作/住房/驾驶环境,3. I ask you to let him stand in my place and pass the judgement. 我要你让他代替我来宣判。 stand in ones place = take ones place 代替某人 My assistant will stand in my place while I am away. 我不在的时候我的助手将代表我处理事务。 pass/give jud

37、gement on 审判,判决,裁判 He passed/gave judgement on the guilty man. 他对那个罪犯作出了判决。,4. but Antonio treated them as a joke, 可是安东尼奥却把它们当作一个玩笑。 treatas = regard as The villagers treated the soldiers as their own sons and brothers. 老乡们把战士当作自己的亲子弟。 We treated this matter as one of the importance. 我们把此事视为重要问题之一。

38、知识拓展:表示“把当作” 的短语还有: regard as look on as consider as think of as consider to be take as ,Integrating Skills,1. Antonio has promised to give you a pound of his flesh. 安东尼奥许诺给你他身上的一磅肉。 promise vt./vi.允诺,答应,作出保证。 promise to do sth.; promise (sb.)+that clause; promise sb. sth. He promised to give my mon

39、ey back as soon as possible. 他答应尽快还我钱。 Tom promised that he would finish all the work on Sunday. 他保证会在星期天完成所有工作。 n. 允诺,诺言;有希望,作不可数名词。 She shows promise as a pianist.她渴望成为钢琴家。 The news brings little promise of peace. 这消息使和平无望。,:,联想:与promise有关的词组 make a promise 作出承诺; give a promise 许诺,承诺; keep ones pr

40、omise 遵守诺言; break ones promise 食言,违背诺言 carry out ones promise 履行诺言 flesh 和 meat 的异同 flesh和meat都可以作“肉”解,但是含义不同,flesh通常指人或动物身上的肉,也可指供食用的兽类身上的肉(区别于鱼或禽的肉)。meat是指供食用的肉的总称,通常不包括鱼和家禽,在具体指明“牛肉”“鸡肉”“羊肉”“猪肉”等时应用“beef”,“chicken”,“mutton”或“pork”。 Tigers live on flesh.老虎以肉为主食。 I like meat while my brother likes

41、fish. 我喜欢吃肉而我哥哥喜欢吃鱼。,2. You wanted justice, so you shall get justice, more than you wanted. 你要求公正,那么就让你得到公正,比你要的还要多。 该句中,shall用来表示“允诺、承诺”。so you shall get justice=then Ill let you have justice或then I promise to give you justice。 shall用于第一人称,可以表示将来。 We shall arrive tomorrow.我们明天到。 shall用于第二、三人称,表示决心、

42、规定、命令、警告、允诺、要求、义务等。 shall用于第一、三人称的疑问句,表示说话人征求对方意见。例如: Shall we go now? 我们现在走可以吗? Shall he come in? 可以让他进来吗?,3. He cried full of happiness. 他高兴地喊了起来。 full of happiness是形容词短语,表伴随状态。 形容词表伴随状态是一种很特殊的用法。又如: His father shouted to the boy full of anger. 那位父亲生气地对那孩子喊了起来。 The old man lay on the floor dead. 那

43、位老人躺在地上死了。 After the war, he was lucky to return home alive. 战后,他幸运地活着回到了家里。,4. Therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy. 因此你快快跪下请求公爵开恩吧。 therefore adv. 因此,所以,故而,由此得出.。它不能引导从句,不能当作连词来用。常和连词and连用,这时therefore可用逗号或不用标点符号;如果不与and连用,therefore前面用分号。例如: The birds are very rare and theref

44、ore protected by law. 这些都是珍禽,因此受到法律保护。 It rained; therefore the game was called off. 天下着雨,因此比赛取消了。,go down on ones knees= get down on ones knees 跪下,屈膝 Never go down on your knees before enemy. 在敌人面前决不能屈膝。 He went down on his knees and asked for his fathers forgiveness. 他跪下来请求他父亲的原谅。 beg (sb.) for me

45、rcy 请求宽恕 Her difficulties were so grave that she went personally and begged the king for mercy. 她遇到的麻烦如此严重,所以她只好亲自去国王那里请求宽恕。,5. Please forgive me for what I have said and done. 请宽恕我所说的和做的一切。 forgive vt./vi. 宽恕,原谅;赦免;免除 forgive sb. for (doing) sth. 因而原谅某人 forgive sb. sth. 原谅某人某事;免除某人债务 She forgave hi

46、m his rudeness. 她原谅了他的粗鲁。 Ill never forgive you for what you said to me last night. 我决不原谅你昨晚对我说的话。 The boss forgave me my debt. 老板免除了我的债务。 知识拓展 forgive and forget 不念旧恶,不记某人的仇 Its best to forgive and forget. 宽大为怀,不念旧恶最好。,6. Although youve not shown yourself worthy of our kindness, you will see the di

47、fference of our spirit. 虽然你并没有表明你是值得我们慈悲的人,但是你会看到我们心灵上的差异。 worthy adj. 值得,应得 常见结构: be worthy of + n. 值得, 配得上 be worthy of + being done 值得 be worthy to be done 值得做 be worthy to do 应得;配得上 例如: All these matters are worthy of attention. The girl is worthy to get such a beautiful gift. The city is worthy

48、 to be visited now.,知识拓展 比较 worth, worthy & worthwhile be worth + n. be worth + doing be worthwhile doing/to do 例如: Its worthwhile taking the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees. 给新雇员详细解释一下工作要求,费点事也是值得的。,7. Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her hu

49、sband. 夏洛克必须答应在他死后把这笔财产留给他的女儿和女婿。 upon prep.(其意与 on相同,但语气较为正式,在口语中多用 on)在高处;逼近;接触;紧接着 The village stands upon/on a hill. 那个小村庄位于一座小山上。 Upon/On his death,the Dukes house and other properties passed to his son. 公爵去世后, 房子和其他财产便传给了儿子。 The enemy was upon/on us. 敌人逼近我们。 Once upon a time, there was a political leader who wanted


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