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1、Hello!,Hello!,Say hello to our friends. ( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 ),-Hello! Harry!,Harry,Say hello to our friends. ( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 ),-Hi! Tom!,Say hello to our friends. ( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 ),-Good morning, Jerry!,Say hello to our friends. ( 跟我们的朋友们问好吧 ),Michael Jordan !,Good morning!,Starter Unit One,Now, lets meet some n

2、ew friends. 现在我们来认识几位新朋友。,Alice,Bob,Cindy,Dale,Eric,Frank,Grace,Helen,This is 这位是,注意:This is没有缩写形式,,这 (位) 是,This is.,这句型用于:,介绍他人或某物,Thiss,Is this 是疑问句形式,Note:,is this?,Dale,Grace,Cindy,Frank,Bob,Eric,Helen,Alice,Who,这位是谁?,This is,Good morning, Helen !,Hi, Bob!,Good morning, Alice!,Good morning, Cind

3、y !,Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric!,Good morning, Dale!,Lets learn: three time sections,morning,afternoon,evening,morning,afternoon,evening,Guess:,evening,afternoon,evening,morning,7:00 am,19:00,15:00,Good morning!,Good afternoon!,Good evening!,When you meet your friend in, you can say,Good morning,Good

4、afternoon,Good evening,正式客气的场合打招呼语 / 问候语.,用原句回答,也可用hello/hi.,熟人问候时,其后可接 “ ,人名”,hello / hi,非正式场合,语气比较随便打招呼语.,熟人之间也有问好的意思.,用原句回答,有时可用hi代替hello.,打电话时都可说hello,Note:,9:00,14:30,20:00,Exercises :,1.- _, Eric! -Hello, Helen! 2.- Good morning, Bob. - Good _, Helen. 3. -_ , Frank. - Good evening,Dale. 4. -Go

5、od afternoon, Eric. -_, Grace.,Hello,morning,Good evening,Good afternoon,汉译英: 1. 嗨,艾丽斯! 2.早上好,戴尔。 3.晚上好,埃里克。,Hi , Alice!,Good morning, Dale.,Good evening, Eric.,Homework,1. Practice the coversations in 1a, 3a and 3c with your partner. Act them out in the next class.(与同伴练习1a, 3a以及3c中的对话,下节课堂上进行角色扮演.)

6、 2. Choose an English name for yourself. 3. 抄写单词(包括中文意思), 每个5遍, P86 good-OK,Learn the letters,Alice Bob Cindy Dale Eric Frank Grace Helen,A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h,ei ,/ b i: /,/ s i: /,/ d i: /,i:,/ e f /,/ d i: /,/ ei t/,The writing of the letters (字母的书写) (注意笔画和笔顺),Do you know what these let

7、ters means?,HB,Do you know what these letters means?,CD,Do you know what these letters mean?,BBC,中国篮球协会,Do you know what these letters mean?,ABC CBC NBA CBA MBA CAAC ID,美/澳广播公司,加拿大 广播公司,全美篮球协会,工商管理硕士,中国民航,身份证,IBM DDD IDD BA BC AD HK a.m. p.m.,美国国际商用机器公司,国内长途直拨,国际长途直拨,学士,公元前,公元,香港,上午,下午,Hh,Cc,Ff,Ee,G

8、g,Dd,Aa,Bb,BC,BA,BEC,AD,CBA,CAAC,GOOD,CBC,BAG,BED,EGG,BBC,Game,Cc,Ff,Ee,Gg,Dd,Aa,Bb,Hh,BC,BA,AD,BBC,CBA,BCB,BAG,BED,BBC,EGG,GOOD,CAAC,0.08秒的挑战说出字母,读一读,想一想:,上面单词中a的发音相同吗?,1. Dale Grace age 2. Frank thanks hand,Aa,ei,ei,我们发现:,cake grape name snake face baby,ei,have apple bag cat hat fat,发音要诀:双唇向两旁平伸,成

9、扁平形,舌尖抵下齿,上下齿之间可容纳食指和中指。发音时舌位低,不与上齿接触,发出的音悦耳动听。,读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,( ) 1、many cap potato,( ) 2、plate have lamb,( ) 3、water rabbit washroom,( ) 4、and cat want,C,A B C,A,B,C,读一读,me he evening 2. Helen bed pen egg,想一想:,上面单词中e的发音相同吗?,Ee,i:,e,i:,我们发现:,we me she tree sheep Chinese,i:, i:,发音要诀:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,上下唇以及齿靠近但不接触。舌头与唇肌拉紧将这个音发出并且拉长。嘴唇向两边张开成微笑状。,e,leg desk seven yes eleven,e,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍微抬起,嘴不要张太大,上下齿间距宁可偏小。,读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,( ) 1、twelve hen sheep,( ) 2、feet geese twenty,( ) 3、me elephant help,( ) 4、these fifteen let,C,A B C,C,A,C,Homework,作业本1 Page1-Page3,


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