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1、女:My honored judges and distinguished guests, good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Now you are watching the first “Tiedao university” Cup English speech contest. Thank you for coming.男:This month is the English activities month. During this month we will hold many activities. Such as watching English

2、 movies, foreign poetry and prose recite and so on. Tonight we get together to enjoy this meaningful contest-the first “Tiedao university” Cup English speech contest.女:本月是我们的英语活动月,在活动月中我们组织了许多丰富多彩的英语活动。像英语电影赏析、外文诗歌散文朗诵等。那今晚我们在此欢聚一堂共同见证第一届“鉄大杯”英语演讲比赛的举行。We want to create a pure English environment fo

3、r you to practice and improve your oral English and we hope all of you can join and enjoy our activities. 男:我们就是想营造一个纯粹的英语学习环境,希望对大家的英语口语的学习有所帮助。我希望大家都参与进来并乐在其中。Now let me introduce the distinguished guests we invited today. They are the vice president professor Du yanliang,杜彦良 welcome!女:director of

4、 students affairs division professor Gao xiaofeng, 高晓峰welcome!男:educational administration director professor Zhao rongxian, 赵荣宪welcome!女:deputy director general professor Wang keli,王克丽welcome!男: deputy director general professor Yang chunyan, 杨春燕welcome!女:and director of research department of the

5、higher education professor Li ying 李英welcome!now, lets give the floor to the vice president Du yanliang. Welcome! Thank you for your wonderful speech Mr. Du. 女:Lets warmly welcome the judges of tonights contest. the dean of English department professor Wang lijun, 王立军男:the deputy dean of English dep

6、artment, associate professor Wang xiaoling,王晓玲welcome!女:associate professor Li yujie,李玉洁 welcome!男:associate professor Bao guiying, 包桂影welcome!女:associate professor Zhu xiouli 朱秀丽welcome!男: and foreign teacher Ted. Welcome! 女:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声欢迎以上嘉宾及评委的到来。Now I see every one of you has got a piece of pap

7、er, on which you can see todays competitors information. You can give all of them your won score. 男:我看到大家每人手里都有一张参赛选手的名单,待会儿请大家为他们打分。At the end of contest, field operators will collect your list and then our dean 王 will draw 3 of you and give away the prizes. 女:在比赛的结束之前,我们的工作人员将会把大家的打分条收集起来,我们的王主任将会

8、从中抽取3名幸运观众,并为他们颁奖。Besides we will choose the best audio whose result is the closest to the final result. We will inform this lucky person tomorrow and also gave away him a prize. 男: 另外,我们还将选出一位和评委打分最接近的观众作为最佳现场观众,最终结果我们将于明天通过您之前填写的联系方式与您联系,并送上精美礼品。女:Now I am honored to announce that the first “Tieda

9、o university” Cup English speech contest begins! Lets warmly welcome the contestant NO.1 XXX,contestant NO,2 gets ready. 男:lets warmly welcome the contestant NO.2 XXX,contestant NO,3 gets ready. 女:the final score of contestant NO.1 is Congratulations. Lets welcome the contestant NO.3 XXX,contestant

10、NO,4 gets ready. .p.s. from civil engineering institute/ mechanical engineering institute/economic management institute/humanities institute/ College of Traffic and Transportation/ College of information Science and Technology/ Architectural and Art/ Department of Engineering Mechanics/ school of ma

11、terial science and engineering/ School of Electricity &Electronic Engineering/ Department of Mathematics and Physics. 男:the final score of contestant NO.# is congratulations. 女: all the contestants had done their jobs, now our field operators will collect your lists . I hope you have got the closest

12、 answer. 男:as everyone knows English is very important. The theme of our English activities month is “join and enjoy “. We do hope everyone can join more and more English activates and enjoy yourselves very much. 女:on 26th Nov. we will hold the foreign poetry and prose recite. At that time, the fore

13、ign poetry fans can join us. 男:now, lets give the floor to the dean of English department Mr.Wang . Welcome! .女:thanks for Mr. Wangs wonderful speech. Now lets welcome our dean 王 to draw 3 persons and give away the prizes.男:获奖者分别是# # 和#。 恭喜他们!另外我们的工作人员也会尽快统计出各位的打分结果,如果您是那位幸运的观众的话, 我们将会在明天和您取得联系,并有精美

14、礼品奉送!女: now the final result has come out. Some players performance very well. They get the honorable mentions. They are #and #.男:获得优秀奖的选手是。 有请# 为获奖选手颁奖。Next, I would like to announce the third winners they are#and #女:获得三等奖的选手是。恭喜他们。有请# 为获奖选手颁奖。And then, the second winners. They are # and # 男:获得二等奖的

15、选手是。恭喜他们。 有请# 为获奖选手颁奖。Ladies and gentlemen, here comes the most exciting moment. Now I am going to announce the champion of the first “Tiedao university” Cup English speech contest is XXX. 女:女士们先生们,获得首届“鉄大杯”英语演讲比赛一等奖的是。恭喜他。有请。为她颁奖。Also we will award the best organize prize. They are #and # #.有请# 为获奖单位颁奖。男:让我们用热烈的掌声祝贺以上获奖选手及单位。 女:how time flies! It is time for us to say goodbye. Join and enjoy! Thanks for coming tonight. See you next year! 男:see you !


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