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1、 考研复试英语口试前你要准备什么 一. 了解报考院校专业往年的英语口试形式各院校各专业的复试口试形式各不相同,一定要对症下药。可以通过询问以前考过的师兄、师姐们来了解复试口试的形式,可能的话,了解一下口试中常出现的问题。总的来说,复试口试有这样几种类型:自我介绍;读某篇英文文章,然后进行翻译或回答相关问题;抽到某个话题进行演讲、阐述;两三人就同一个话题进行讨论、辩论(多人一起复试的情况);自由问答(可能是专业或与专业相关的时事热点问题,也可能只是了解个人情况)。二. 了解导师/考官首先必须了解导师在该专业的研究方向,可能的话,看看他们写的书,因为在专业问题上,导师一般都会往自己研究方向上靠拢;

2、其次,了解导师在口试中常问的一些问题及习惯(这个又得求助于师兄师姐们了);最后,可以给导师打电话,让他/她知道你是谁,有你这么一个考生参加复试。三. 对以下几个方面要多加注意,适当练习几遍1、见面问候语:Good morning / afternoon, dear professors. I am XXX. (Nice to meet you。)。告别用语:Thanks for your time. / Thank you for giving such a chance. I hope to see you again and soon。2、自我介绍篇(重点)。基本上每个院校每个专业的口试中

3、都会涉及这一方面。考官其实是要借此了解你的口头表达能力以及你的报名表之外的一些信息。自我介绍时间以2-3分钟为宜。思路要清楚,要突出重点,口语尽量流利(不要太流利了,有背诵之嫌)。1) 考官要求你作自我介绍时,不要用let me introduce myself briefly / please allow me to introduce myself to you等句子,重复、啰嗦。开头可以只用一句话引入:Dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here.然后就可以进入主题,介绍姓名、年龄等等。2) 自我介绍的主体内容 姓名。介绍

4、自己姓名时,发音一定要准(南方考生要多加注意)。 年龄。年龄可以跟在姓名后带过(I am XXX, 25 years old)。 原来的院校、专业。注意:一定要把原来学校的英文名称、专业的英文名称弄清楚(尤其是跨校、跨专业的学生)。 性格、能力。可以着重强调你的个性对你报考的专业有何积极的作用。如果报考的是学术性的专业,可以说自己细心(carefully,detail-oriented)、条理分明(logical)、踏实(steady)等;如果是研究性、应用性更强一点的专业,可以说自己负责(responsible)、可靠(dependable)、有效率(efficient)等。其他的一些表示性

5、格、能力的形容词有:active, aggressive(有进取心的), adaptable, amicable(友好的), analytical(善于分析的), cooperative, creative, disciplined, dutiful, energetic, faithful, gentle, independent(有主见的), innovative, motivated, modest, objective, precise, punctual, precise(一丝不苟的), temperate等等。 爱好。All work and no play make Jack a

6、 dull boy. 除了强调你的学习的重视,同时也要避免给考官一种“书呆子”的感觉。一般可以从体育、音乐、电影等方面来说,同时要简单说明这些爱好对你的积极意义(build my body, relax myself, open my mind);注意避免提到那些可能引起考官反感的爱好,如:playing computer games,watching TV等。 你对报考的专业有兴趣(be interested in/be fascinated with/be obsessed with),可适当举出一些例子,如经常看相关的书籍、论文、文章、新闻等。在职考生可以强调知识教育对工作的影响: In

7、 my work, I find it necessary to broaden my horizons in communication. Thats why I long for entering your prestigious university.3) 结束时可以用说:Thats all about me. / Well, thats who I am. Thanks for your attention.3、关于自己家庭、家乡、原来的学校的一些情况,尤其要注意原来学校的英文名称。1) 家庭。需要注意的是,考官并不是为了做人口调查而提出这个问题的,所以应该避免流水账似地介绍家庭成员;

8、要尽量说明家人(尤其是父母)对你造成哪些方面(性格、职业规划、做事风格等)良好的影响。可以参考以下句式结构:Just like my father, I am especially interested in history. / Though my father is an ordinary worker, his responsible attitude towards work has a great influence on me.2) 家乡。正所谓“一方水土养育一方人”,考官实际上是想从你对家乡的介绍中找出有关你性格、志向的线索。可以从历史、历史人物、著名景点、独特风俗或特产等方面来

9、简单介绍,注意要表达热爱家乡的情感。3) 学校。如果是本校考生的话,在自我介绍中就可以点到(拉近跟考官的关系)。如果是外校,考官通常会问:Why did you choose our university? 那么我们就可以说说它与报考院校之间的异同,然后说明为什么你选择这个学校(I do love the atmosphere in your university. It is full of youthful spirits.);要注意的是:一定要说明你对在原来的院校接受教育心存感激之情appreciation(从好的方面说一说),着重强调希望能被录取,表达自己坚定的决心、展望一下未来。4、

10、 未来规划学习规划(研究生以后的方向),人生规划(短期、长期)5、 意外情况没听清,你应该怎样要求老师再说一遍(Pardon?/ Sorry, I cant follow you. / Sorry, I lost you. Can you repeat that question again?);需要时间思考、整理思路的时候,不要出现沉默,可以用一些hmm, err, well等语气词;不会回答某些问题时,千万不要不懂装懂,可以明确地告诉老师你不知道(Sorry, but I have no idea about it。)。6、跨专业问题老师通常会对跨专业的学生问这样一个问题:为什么会选择这个

11、专业?不要前篇一律地回答只说“我对这个专业感兴趣”,可以把每个人都会谈到的原因简要地罗列一下,对具有自己特色的原因则可大谈特谈,详细地阐述自己的观点,让老师印象深刻。7、专业知识在英语口试中(非英语专业),如果老师提问专业问题,通常不会指望你能进行流利的、专业性强的阐述;但是一些专业术语的英文说法还是有必要了解一下的。提出问题在面试快结束的时候,一般老师都会问,你有没有什么要问的(Do you have any questions to ask?)。一般不适合说“I dont have any question。”可以问考官一两个你关心的问题。四常见问题集考研原因 (reasons for m

12、y choice) There are 2 reasons for my choice.In my opinion, the first reason is there are many famous professors in our university . The second one is its a pleasure to be with my favorite work for lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision. In a word, I am looking forward t

13、o making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.研究生期间你的计划 (plans in the postgraduate study) First, I hope I can improve ability. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future professio

14、n after two years study here.介绍你的家乡(about hometown) I am from XXX, a famous city with many trees. It is called green city because there were lots of trees. The city lies in the middle part of the province. It is the center of politics, economy and culture. In addition, . There is my beloved hometown

15、.你的家庭(about family) There are 3 members in my family: my parents, my mother and me. My father is driver. He often goes out on business , most of the housework is done by my mom. my parentslove and support have always been my power and I hope in the future I wil be able to repay them.你的大学(about unive

16、rsity)my University is GX university for nationnalities. It was founded in1952. There many trees in our Camus.and there are many beautiful building . For example, the library like a 1. Where do you come from?2. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? 3. What do you do during the Spring Festi

17、val?4. Tell me something about the customs of your hometown. 5. Could you tell me something about your family? 6. What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take?7. Which kind of professor do you like best?8. What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people do you make friend with?9

18、. What is your major? How do you like your major? 10. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?11. What impressed you most when you were at university?12. What is the best university in your opinion?13. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to pr

19、esent-day society? Why ?14. What do you do for a living?15. What are your job prospects? 16. If you had the opportunity to change your subject, what would you do with it? 17. What are your spare time interests?18. Where have you been traveling to? Which place interested you most? 19. What kind of di

20、fferences in the system of higher education between China and other countries? 20. Do you think you will be able to cope with English-demands of your intended study program? 21. What difficulties do you think youll encounter in your studies? 22. Why did you choose our university? 23. If there were a

21、n opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do?24. Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please.25. What do you intend to do after you finish studying?26. How serious is unemployment among young people and what will you do if you cannot find a job after graduation

22、? 27. In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life?28. What do you think have been the most important changes in your study field over the past 5 years? 29. How do you afford your tuition?30. Does your family support your decision on studying? What help do they off

23、er?五自我介绍例子(不可直接使用,这些已经用烂,老师一反感)Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is song yonghao,i am 22 years old .i come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicent city.my undergratuade period will be accomplished in changan university in july ,2004;an

24、d now,i am trying my best for obtaining a key to tongji university.Generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it ver

25、y hard . to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what

26、 the weather was like.and just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.Well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. also english is my favorate.i often go to english corner to practise my oral english on every thursday,and write compositions to

27、 improve my witten ability .but i know my english is not good enough ,i will continue studying.Ok, that is all,thank you for your attention.My hometown-luoyangI am from luoyang,a beautiful city in henan province. it is famous as the capital of nine dynasties and enjoy yhe honer that luoyang peony is

28、 the best in the world.luoyang played a very important role in chinese history. so it has a profound cultural background and many great heritagesites have been well reverved. such as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china ang white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chnese bud

29、dhism.luoyang peony is world-famous. every year, many tourists travel to luoyang to see the beauty of peony .the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world.i like my hometown very much. Good morning, my name is Jack. It is really a great honor to have thi

30、s opportunity, and I believe I can make good performance today and consequently be enrolled in your prestigious university. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 21 years old,born in Hei Longjiang province, northeast of China, and I am a senior student at Beijing XX University. My major is packa

31、ging engineering. And I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in June. In the past four years, I spent most of my time on study. I passed CET4/6 with a ease and acquired basic theoretical and practical knowledge of packaging and publishing. Besides, I have attended several packaging ex

32、hibitions held in Beijing, which really showed our professional advantages. I have taken a tour to some big factories and companies, through which I got a deep understanding of domestic packaging industry. Compared to developed countries, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress s

33、ince 1978, our packaging industry is still underdeveloped, messy and unstable, and the situation of employees in the field is awkward. But I have full confidence in its bright future if only our economy can be kept at the growth pace still. I guess you may be interested in why I choose law as my fut

34、ure major and what is my plan of graduate life. I would like to tell you that to pursue law is one of my lifelong goals. I like my major packaging and wont give it up. If I can pursue masters degree here, I will combine law with my former education. I will work hard in such fields as patent, tradema

35、rk and copyright on the basis of my years study in packaging and publishing. As to my character, I cannot describe it well, but I know I am optimistic and confident. Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading and listening to the music, but I am not lonely, for I like to chat with my classmates about

36、 almost everything. My favorite pastime is to play volleyball, to play cards or to surf online. From life at university, I learn how to balance study and entertainment. By the way, I was an actor in our amazing drama club. I have a few glorious memories on stage. That is my pride. Good morning. I am

37、 glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is , 28. I come from Liaocheng, It is a beautiful city of Shandong Province. I graduated from the mechanical engineering departmentCollege in July ,2000. I have been working in for six years and I am a manager of APMP(Alkali

38、 Peroxide Mechanical Pulp)project of Tralin paper group .I have been engaged in my specialty since graduation. In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interviewed by you . I am open-minded, quick

39、in thought and very fond of sport. During my work time, I improved my practical skills and broadened my knowledge of many aspects such as foundation, electricity, automation. I accomplished many translations of English documents about APMP Project. Especially, I finished my design work perfectly and

40、 could draw mechanical graphics by computer freely. In addition, I delivered two articles about mechanical equipments used in factory, the articles were published in the magazine named China Paper.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. Of course, if I am given

41、a chance to study in this famous University, I will spare no effort to master knowledge, improve ability and acquire achievement。1.开场白 Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview. 2.姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院 My name is Ive finished my undergraduate education in University, Electronic Scie

42、nce and Technology in the college of Technical Physics. 3.性格,爱好,实践经验 I am open-minded, willing and have broad interests like basketball, reading and especially in engineering such as software programming, website design, hardware design. For example, during the past four years, I have accomplished t

43、wo websites: one is the website of our school, and the other is the website of the doctor forum of china 2007. Furthermore, I am interested in C plus plus programming language and have written some application programs. In July in the last year,I finished my graduate project with flying colors,which

44、 was a software application about Image Process . In addition, I have also finished some projects about embedded system by using MCU when I was a junior. 4.为什么想读研,将来愿意从事的方 向,读研时的打算 Although I have broad interests in many aspects and grasp the essential knowledge of the major, but I think at present,

45、 I can do many things in a superficial level, but not be competent to do things professionally owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability. So I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. The major that I hope pursue for my further education is IC design. Because I find integ

46、rated circuits are playing a more and more important role in our modern society. And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, our domestic integrated circuits industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us. I plan to concentrate on study and research in thi

47、s field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of micro electronics and IC design technology and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here. 5.结束语 OK, thats all. Thank you very much.考研英语复试之英语自我介绍Good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i

48、am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is song yonghao, i come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicent city.my undergratuade period will be accomplished in changan university in july ,2004;and now,i am trying my best for obtaining a key to tongji university.Generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard . to weaver a homepage for m


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