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1、Unit 1,Topic 3 How old are you? Section C,A: Whats this in English? B: Its an apple. A: How do you spell it? B: A-P-P-L-E, apple. A: Is this an apple? B: No, it isnt. It is an orange.,a book,an egg,a map,a pencil,What are these in English? Theyre apples. -Are they oranges? -No, they arent. They are

2、apples. this these,What are those in English? They are books. -Are they book? -Yes, they are. that those,What are these/those in English? Theyre . -Are they -Yes/No,pencils,apples,erasers,boxes,Read, number and fill.,They are _.,Are they English books?,books,2,Are those English,books, too?,No, they

3、are maps.,1,Yes, they are.,Hi, Miss Wang! What are these?,Let me help you.,Thank you!,4,rulers and pencils.,They are,What are those?,3,A: What are these?,B: _ _ cars.,A: Thank you.,They are,Thats OK,B: _.,A: Are _ eggs?,B: Yes, _ _.,A: Thank you.,B: _ _.,these,they are,Thats OK,A: _ _ _? B: They are

4、 books. A: Thanks. B: _ _.,What are those,Youre welcome,A: Are those oranges? B: _, _ _. A: What are they? B: They are _. A: Thanks. B: _ _.,No they arent,apples,Youre welcome,Whats this/that in English? Its a/an,What are these/those? They are,Is this/that a/an? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.,Are these/

5、those? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.,that 那,Look and learn. Whats this/that? Its What are these/those? Theyre ,a book,two books,an orange,five oranges,an eraser,three erasers,a bus,six buses,a ruler,four rulers,a box,seven boxes,可数名词复数变形规则: (1) 例如: rulerrulers penpens pencilpencils bookbooks appl

6、eapples eggeggs,你知道吗,在一般情况下直接在词尾加-s;,(2) 例如: boxboxes (盒子) busbuses (公共汽车) classclasses (班级) watchwatches (手表) brush-brushes(刷子),以-s, -x, -ch, -sh 结尾的单词在词尾加-es;,1.学习this, that, these, those 的用法。 2.句型: What are they/those? They are Are they ? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 3.掌握可数名词的单数和复数形式。,Sum up,A: pencils?,B: Yes, they are.,A: What are in English?,B: pencils.,these,They are,Are they,B: No, . They are buses.,A: cars?,A: What are in English?,B: buses.,those,They are,Are they,they arent,(1)用本课所学句型编两则对话,写 在作业本上。 (2)朗读并背诵1a。,Homework,Goodbye!,


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