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1、Visiting Jiuzhaigou,Jiuzhaigou,History Jiuzhaigou was inhabited by Tibetans and Qiangs for centuries but had notbeen disturbed until the end of the 1960s when large groups of lumber workers arrived there. In 1975, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry sent a team to Jiuzhaigou to investigate the

2、field. The team were extremely impressed by its natural beauty and immediately published their surveys and comments: Jiuzhaigou has rare animals and rich plant resources, and most of all, it is a beautiful “fairyland valley“.,In December 1978, the State Council promulgated a document (Code No. 256),

3、 officially announcing that four belts of Jiuzhaigou are listed as the National Nature Reserve, and any lumbering activities within the valleys are strictly prohibited. In 1979, the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve Administration was officially established. In 1984, the State Council listed Jiuzhaigou as t

4、he National Key Place of Scenic Interest. In 1992, it was included by the UNESCO in the World Natural Heritage list.,Weather The scenic area of the park is situated at a height of between 2,000 and 3,000 metres. In summer the winds blow predominantly from the south and in the winter from the north.

5、Umbrellas and wet weather clothing are highly recommended as the weather at these altitudes is fickle.,五彩池,Five Flower Lake Rize Gully Five Flower Sea is even more magnificent. Surrounded by mountains, the sea looks like a huge calabash infusing colorful water continuously into the foot of the mount

6、ain. The strange part is that on the belly of the calabash, there is a ten-meter long light blue design which looks like the leg of a deer. Legend has it that it is the residing spirit of a spotted deer which slipped and fell down the cliff.,珍珠滩,珍珠滩布满了坑洞,沿坡而下的激流在坑洞中撞击,溅起无数朵花,在阳光照射下,点点水珠似珍珠洒落,“珍珠滩”之名

7、由此而来。,熊猫海,熊猫海位于四川九寨沟,海拔2587米,深14米,面积9万平方米。这儿常有熊猫活动。熊猫海在箭竹海下坡不远处。大熊猫被视为吉祥物,深得九寨沟藏民的驯爱。据说九寨沟的大熊猫最喜欢来这里游荡、喝水、觅食,因此这一片海子被叫做熊猫海。,天鹅湖,天鹅海海拔2905米,是半沼泽湖泊。在广阔的湖上,野草茵茵,山花灿灿,一弯清流蜿蜒其间,时有天鹅起落,野鸭群游。这一带水草肥美,故引得生性孤高的天鹅钟爱,常常在这里栖息繁殖。天鹅来时,常在湖面悠然自得,缓缓游动,因此这个海子就被称为天鹅海。,Colorful Forest Colorful Forest is something you ca

8、nt miss. With more than 2000 different plants, beautiful flowers, lovely grass and numerous rare species the forest is unique in China and is the stuff fairytales are made of. In deep autumn orange trees, golden yellow birches and red maples flourish in warm autumnal glory. In winter, the forest becomes a twinkling wonderland of grace and elegance.,Food and drink,Welcome to Jiuzhaigou,


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