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1、Unit 1,Warm-up & Reading & Vocabulary,Lesson 3,1. Do you like to watch World Cup? 2. What sports do you like to watch? 3. Describe one of your favourite sports shows to the class.,2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil,The 2012 London Olympic Games,2014 Sochi Winter Olympics,How many kinds of sports do you know

2、?,a,b,c,1,2,3,Read the dialogues. Match each dialogue with the correct picture.,field n.,Read the dialogues again and guess the meaning of words.,运动场,goal n. score a goal,射门,进球得分,pass v.,Read the dialogues again and guess the meaning of words.,kick n. / v.,踢,传球,传递,foul n.,Read the dialogues again an

3、d guess the meaning of words.,basket n. make a basket,投篮得分,犯规,hit v.,call n.,(裁判员的)判决,击球,court n.,球场,表现状态; 状态很好,form n. in top form,Read the dialogues again and write the correct names in each blank. 1. _ hurt his foot. 2. _ scores a goal. 3. _ fouls when he tries to make a basket. 4. _ hits the bal

4、l to the back of the court.,Hill,McCall,Wilson,Chambers,Read the dialogue 1 again and answer questions. 1. When is Hills foot hurt? 2. Why do we say Hill is fit this season?,Last year.,Because his foot was hurt last year and he was out for two months.,Read the dialogue 2 again and answer questions.

5、1. Does Wilson make a basket? 2. Do the Lions get those two points? Why? 3. What do their fans think about the basket?,No, they didnt. Because the basket is a foul.,They also think it was a terrible call.,Yes, he did.,Read the dialogue 3 again and answer questions. 1. Where does Chambers hit the bal

6、l ? 2. What about the players form?,Both are in top form today.,She hits the ball to the back of the court.,Choose one of the dialogues and act it out with your partner.,Role play,Match the words from the text with the correct sport. Some may match more than one.,basketball,basket foul,tennis,hit co

7、urt match,football,kick goal field,Language points,1. Hes extremely fit this season.,fit adj. 健壮的,健康的 He keeps himself fit by running 5 miles every day. 他每天跑5英里以保持身体健康。 Hes always very fit. 他身体一向很好。 They all look very fit. 他们看起来很健康。,对舞蹈者而言,保持健康很重要。 Its _ for a dancer to _ _.,important,keep fit,fit a

8、dj. 恰当的,合适的 The room is a fit place for study. 那间房很适合学习用。 表示与职务、身份、场合是否相称,用形容词fit,词组为 be fit for。例如: The book is fit for children. 这种书适合儿童阅读。 【注】若指款式或花色等方面的适合,通常用 suit。如: That colour doesnt suit me. 那个颜色对我不适合。,拓展,fit v. 适合,合身 This suit doesnt fit me well. 这套西装不怎么合身。 fit in with 适合, 符合, 适应 His ideas

9、did not quite fit in with our aims. 他的想法和我们的目标不完全一致。 fit into 适合 Traditional roles do not fit into the new world. 传统习惯不再适合新的形势。,2. Do you agree?,agree v. 同意;赞成 He agreed to let me go home early. 他同意让我早些回家。 We agreed to leave at once. 我们同意立即离开。 I asked him to come with me and he agreed . 我请他和我一起来,他同意

10、了。,知识链接 agree on / upon取得一致意见,达成协议。主要指双方通过协商而意见一致。如: We agreed on a price for the car. 我们就车价达成了一致意见。,agree with “同意”,主要指同意某人,或同意某人的意见、想法、解释等。如: John agrees with this idea. 约翰同意这个想法。 “对适宜”,主要指食物、天气、工作等方面的适宜。如: The weather doesnt agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。,agree to “同意或接受(建议等)”,其后尤其接 suggestion, plan等名

11、词, 与accept同义。如: Do you think he will agree to my suggestion? 你认为他会接受我的建议吗? agree to do sth. “同意做某事” We agreed to start early. 我打算早起。,They say your report doesnt _ the fact. But I dont _ them _ this point. A. agree to; agree with; at B. agree on; agree to; on C. agree on; agree on; on D. agree with;

12、agree with; on,Practice,D,1.I _ what he said. 2.All those who _ the plan raise your hands. 3.We _ leaving there the next day. 4.Finally he _ get someone to help me. 5.The food doesnt _ him.,agree to,agree with,agree on,agreed to,agree with,3. He passes the ball to McCall.,pass v. 表示“传递”,常用语 pass sth

13、. (to sb.) 或 pass sb. sth.结构。 Please pass the dictionary to me. 请把字典递给我。 Can you pass me the book, please? 请把书递给我好吗? He passed her the bread. 他把面包递给她了。,pass away (时间等)消磨掉; 去世;消散 pass by 经过; 过去;疏忽,不予理会,回避 pass down 把一代传一代; 使流传 pass on 前进; 继续下去 pass sth. on to sb. 把 传递给 pass through 经过,通过 ;经历并完成,拓展 pa

14、ss 的常用短语,Though Robin himself _, his name lived on. A. passed out B. die away C. passed away D. passed by,C,4. Chambers hits the ball to the back of the court.,hit 做动词表示“击球,击打”,侧重击中的意思。其过去时及过去分词依然为hit。如: He hit me in the face. 他打了我一耳光。 Hit the ball hard. 用力击球。,He _ (fall) and _ (hit) his led on a ta

15、ble that day. 2. Jack _(hit) the ball a mile.,fell hit,hit,hit 做名词意思是“打,击”,引申可指用恶毒的语言“讽刺,抨击”。 That was a clever hit. 那是很巧妙的一击。 That was a hit at me. 那是抨击我的。,拓展,beat 指连续打击。游戏、竞赛或战争中作打败解。如: He beat the boy with a stick. 他用棍子打那孩子。 beat 还可表示“(心脏)跳动”。 His heart was still beating. 他的心脏还在跳动。,知识链接 beat, str

16、ike,strike普通用词,多指急速或突然一次猛击。 The car ran out of control and struck a tree. 汽车失去控制,撞在树上。 I didnt hear the clock strike. 我没有听到报时钟声。,知识链接 beat, strike,5. She is really in top form today.,form 在这里用作名词,表示“表现状态”。如: David was certainly out of form. 大卫那时竞技状态确实不好。 in top form 状态很好 out of form 状态不好,form 做名词还可意为“形式,表格”。 Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise. 打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。 He is filling in a form. 他正在填写一张表格。,拓展,form 可做动词,意为“组成;产生;组织”。 The children formed a circle round her. 孩子们在她周围围成了一个圈。 A plan began to form in his head. 一项计划在他脑子中形成。 He determined to form a club. 他决心成立一个俱乐部。,拓展,


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