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1、,Section B,词 汇 点 睛,句 型 透 视,Section B,1 travel v&n. 旅行,游历,词 汇 点 睛,观察 Id like to travel around the world. 我想周游世界。 Travel gives us a worthy and improving pleasure. 旅行给予我们一种高尚有益的快乐。,探究 travel可用作不及物动词,travel around the world是固定结构,意为“环游世界”;另外travel也可以作名词。,拓展 traveler n. 旅行者 Many travelers have the dream o

2、f traveling around the world.很多旅行者有环游世界的梦想。,Section B,2 keepto oneself 保守秘密,观察 If people have problems, they should try to keep them to themselves.如果人们有麻烦,他们应当把这些烦恼留给自己。 She always keeps her ideas to herself. 她总是不把自己的想法告诉别人。,探究 keep sth to oneself意为“保守秘密”,也可以表示“不将某事说出去”。,Section B,3 angry adj.生气的,发怒

3、的,观察 If I tell my parents, theyll be angry! 如果我告诉我的父母,他们会生气的! I was angry with him for keeping me waiting a long time. 我很生他的气,因为他让我等了很久。 He was angry at what I said. 他对我所说的话感到生气。,探究 angry作表语时,常和介_或at/about连用。常见搭配:be angry with sb 生某人的气 be angry about/at sth因某事而生气,with,Section B,4 solve v解决,解答,观察 We

4、should always try to solve them. 我们应该尽力解决它们。 Will you please help me to solve this math problem? 请你帮我解决这道数学难题好吗?,探究 solve强调找到处理问题的方法,解决困难和难题。其名词形式为solution。如: It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。,Section B,5 experience n. 经验,经历,观察 Students often forget th

5、at their parents have more experience than them.学生们经常忘记一点:他们的父母比他们有更多的经验。 I went to the USA last year. Its a good experience for me. 去年我去了美国,这对我而言是一段好的经历。,探究 experience用作不可数名词时,意为“经验”。表示“在做某事方面有经验”时,可构成have(some) experience (in) doing sth。experience指“经历,阅历”时,是_(可数/不可数)名词。,可数,1 Sometimes they have pr

6、oblems with their schoolwork 有时候他们在学业上会遇到困难,探究 have problems with sth意为“在某事上有困难”,也可以用“have problems (in) doing sth”结构,意为“做某事有困难”,其中problems可以用difficulties替代。如: Kate had difficulties/problems finishing the work. 凯特在完成这项工作上遇到了困难。,句型透视,Section B,Section B,活学活用 你在学英语方面遇到困难了吗? Did you _problems/difficult

7、ies_ _ English?,have,problems/difficulties,learning,2 Unless we talk to someone, well certainly feel worse. 除非我们跟人聊聊,否则我们肯定会感到更糟糕。,Section B,辨析 (1)unless为连词,意为“除非;如果不”,本身表示否定,在意义上相当于“ifnot”,其引导的条件状语从句可与“ifnot”互换使用。 (2)unless引导的条件状语从句可位于主句之前或之后。位于主句之前要用逗号与主句隔开;如果位于主句之后,中间不必用逗号。它和if引导的条件状语从句用法一样,主句为将来

8、时,从句用_表示将来。如:,一般现在时,I wont pass the exam unless I study hard. 我考试不会及格除非我努力学习。 My baby sister wont cry unless shes hungry. My baby sister doesnt cry if she isnt hungry. 我妹妹不会哭,除非她饿了。,Section B,活学活用 (1)2013绍兴 Your aunt often walks a dog in the morning. Yeah, _ bad weather stops her. Awhen Bunless Cbec

9、ause Dsince,答案 B,Section B,活学活用 (2)2013潍坊 May I go to Jinbao Park with you next Sunday? No, you cant, _ you have a ticket. I have only one ticket. Aif Buntil Cunless Das soon as,解析 C 考查连词的用法。if 表示“如果”; until 意为“直到为止”; unless 意为“除非”;as soon as 则意为“一就”。根据“No, you cant”及“I have only one ticket.”可知用unle

10、ss。,Section B,3 Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself. 她的爸爸说他自己有时也会犯粗心的错误。,Section B,探究 (1)careless为形容词,意为“粗心的;大意的”,在句中作定语或表语,反义词为_,副词形式为_。如: Dont be careless when you ride your bike. 你骑自行车时不要粗心大意。 He is a careless boy. He always does things carelessly. 他是一个粗心大意的男孩儿。他做事情总是粗心。,careful,carefully,Section B,(2)mistake为可数名词,意为“错误”。make a mistake/make mistakes意为“犯错误”,前面可用形容词或其他限定词修饰,用以说明所犯错误的程度。该短语后也可接由about或in引起的介词短语,表示在某方面出错误。如: He often makes mistakes in grammar. 他经常在语法上出错。,


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