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1、高考听力应试策略,单 位:招远二中 授课人:臧红萍,Although loneliness has always been a_ of mine, im leaving my life in your hands, _say im crazy and that i am blind, risking it all in a glance how you got me blind is still a_ i cant get you out of my head dont care what is written in you history,mystery,As Long as You Lov

2、e (Backstreet Boy),friend,people,as long as youre here with me, i dont _who you are where youre from what you did as long as you love me, who you are where youre from dont care what you did as long as you love me every little thing that you should have said and done feels like its _within me doesnt

3、really matter if youre on the run it seems like were meant to be i dont care who you are where youre from what you did,deep,care,一、听力具体特征,、听力测试是考查学生理解口头语言能力的测试。因此,它的结构不像书面语言那么严谨,句子短,重复率高,冗余信息多。听力测试的材料比阅读材料要容易,基本上没有超纲的词语(但常会出现一些陌生的人名或地名)。 、大多数听力材料来源于英语国家的生活会话,题材广泛,涉及英语国家日常生活的许多方面,具有明显的口语特征,听起来自然真实,符合

4、在非测试状态下英语口语在社会生活中运用的真实情景。有利于全面有效的检测考生在不同生活实际环境下对所学语言的感悟和接受能力。 、对话或独白都通过具体语言内容表明一个特定的语境。理解语境是把握所听内容的关键,是理解材料内容的前提。 、材料一般由10段左右的对话和独白构成,总词数为850左右。除了一些专有词外,材料中一般没有生词。 、答案分布均匀,各选项的答案总数接近于平均值。 、语速一般为150170wpm。,二、听力考试形式及对考生的能力要求,听力部分共两节,测试考生理解英语口语的能力。 第一节 5小题,每小题1.5分,共7.5分。要求考生根据所听到的5段简短对话,从每小题所给的3个选项中选出最

5、佳选项。 每段录音材料仅读一遍。 第二节 15小题,每小题1.5分,共22.5分。要求考生根据所听到的5段对话或独白,从每小题所给的3个选项中选出最佳选项。 每段录音材料读两遍。 能力要求:山东卷考试说明明确规定,对于听力,考生应能: 1、理解主旨和要义;2、获取具体的、事实性信息; 3、对所听内容作出推断;4、理解说话者的意图、观点或态度。,三、高考命题趋势预测,由上表可知,近几年高考测试内容大多属于日常生活类,非常贴近生活,贴近时代,话题涉及的生活领域更广,短对话的层次将提高,语速相对增加,难度和梯度加大,涉及数字记忆和计算的试题将减少,提问方式更加注意整体。因此,我们可以大胆的预测,今后



8、 Where does the conversation take place? Where is the conversation most likely taking place? Where is the man woman now? Where are the two speakers? When will the visitors come? When will the man probably get to Beijing? When and where do they agree to meet finally?,考点示例,Where does this conversation

9、 probably take place? A、At a shop B、In a house C、At a restaurant,You will hear:,C、At a restaurant,涉及地点的对话可分为三类:对话双方在同一地点对话双方在或要去不同的地方对话双方的一方去了多个地方 通常所涉及如下地点: 1、At hospital:examine、headache、cold and flu、pill、blood pressure 2、In the post office:mail、post、stamp、envelope、package、airmail 3、At hotel:book

10、a room、a single/double room 4、At restaurant:menu、order、bill、beer、wine 5、In the library:book、magazine 6、In the bank:cash、check 7、At airport:flight、take off 8、At a shop:size、color、style、supermarket、discount、chain store 9、In a house:family、parents、kid、relative、housework、wife、husband,解题指导:,首先要明确时间的几种表达方

11、式:hour、minute、week、month、year、century、am、pm、half past six、a quarter to ten、nine twenty、after、before、early、late、delay 当涉及的时间有多个时,一定弄清楚谁在什么时候做了什么,弄清楚时间的先后顺序,有时候时间也涉及简单的计算。 做题时首先浏览问题与选项,看题目要求通过动作或事件判断时间,还是通过时间选定动作或事件,这样正确率会很高。,做时间题时的解题指导:,、 When can the woman get the computers?(年全国卷) 、n Tuesday B、 On W

12、ednesday C、.On Thursday,You will hear:,2、判断人物身份、职业和关系,提问方式:,What does the womanman do ? Whats the womansmans job? What is the manwoman? Whats the most probable relationship between the two speakers? Who are the two speakers?,、n Tuesday,常见的人物关系有: Doctorpatient waiter/waitresscustomer secretaryboss sh

13、op assistantcustomer driverpoliceman teacherstudent salesmancustomer husbandwife receptionisttourist lawyerclient 通常,在这几组人物关系中,我们会听到以下词或者词组: 、doctor and patient:trouble、check、pain、sore、fever、heart、stomach、lungs、blood test、prescription、light diet、when did it start、open your mouth 、husband and wife:de

14、ar、darling、sweetheart、my love、cook、picnic、TV、dinner 、shop assistant and customer:size、color、try on、price、discount、Can I help you?What size do you wear?Is that cash or charge? 此外,在听人物之间关系的题目时,说话人之间的语气尤其重要,如果是上司跟下属之间的关系,语气一般较强硬,有命令的意味;而如果是夫妻之间,则语气较为甜蜜,随意;朋友之间较亲切;服务员对顾客一般较尊敬。总之揣摩语气与做题能否成功也有很大的关系。,解题指导:

15、,考点示例,、What is the relationship between the two speakers? A.Boss and secretary B.Teacher and student C.Hairdresser and customer,You will hear:,、Whats the relationship between the speakers?(2006年全国卷) AFellow clerks B.Boss and secretary C. Customer and sales person,You will hear:,AFellow clerks,C.Hair

16、dresser and customer,3.数字判断和简单计算,提问方式:,When did the plane take off? When will the train arrive? What time is it now? How long did the meeting last? Whats the price of the car? How much per pound are the oranges? How much did the man spend on the tickets? How much does the woman have to pay for the d

17、ress?,考点示例,、How much will the man pay for the tickets?(2006年全国卷) A、75 B、15 C、50,、What time does the next bus leave for New York ? A、At 9:30 B、At 10:00 C、At 10:30,You will hear:,You will hear:,B、15,B、At 10:00,涉及数字计算的听力大致可分为三类: 加减法计算 乘除法计算 混合计算 无论是哪种计算,其特点是计算都较简单,一般不会超出口算和心算的范围。在做题的过程当中: 1最好做简要的笔记,依笔记

18、去区分或计算,计算速度很关键。 2这类题的特点是学生听到什么就选什么往往会错。 3-teen结尾的数词与以-ty结尾的数词容易混,要正确分辨。 4以-th结尾的序数词容易与其对应的基数词相混。我们可以根据语言知识判断,一般在日期,周年楼层的层后用序数词;而价格,房号,时间等用基数词。,解题指导:,4、逻辑推理,提问方式:,What does he/she mean? What does the man/woman imply? What is the most probable result of the conversation? What can we learn from what th

19、e speaker said? What can we infer (conclude) from the conversation?,、What can we learn from this conversation?(2005年全国高考卷) A、The woman does not get along well with the man. B、The woman does not get along well with her roommate. C、The man will take with the womans roommate.,You will hear:,、What does

20、the woman think of the shirt for the party?(2006年全国卷) A、The size is not large enough. B、The material is not good. C、The color is not suitable,You will hear:,C、The color is not suitable,B、The woman does not get along well with her roommate.,该类试题多为一个说话人提出问题,发出邀请或者表明观点等,另一个不做正面回答,而是说一些与表面上毫不相关的话,或用反问做答

21、,或重复对方话语的一部分,通过语气,语调表明自己的态度。我们必须要听懂说话者的弦外之音,做出正确判断。 1捕捉“弦外之音“,如降调表示赞同肯定;升调表示疑问否定。 2侧重but/however/though等词后的信息,这些词后往往表转折。 3注意一些语法结构的运用,如虚拟语气表示与事实相反;否定比较级结构表示最高级;定语从句对人和事进一步修饰。,解题指导:,5、理解主旨要义,提问方式,What are the two speakers talking aboutdiscussing? What happened to the man woman ? What did the manwoman

22、 do ? What are the speakers doing ? What has the woman done ?,考点示例,What is Anita asked to do? A. To play the piano B. To watch TV C. To see Disneyland,You will hear:,、What is the man going to do tonight?(2005年全国统一考试北京卷) A、Go to the cinema B、Attend a meeting C、Watch TV at home.,You will hear:,C、Watch

23、 TV at home.,这类题主要问的是该对话谈论的主题是什么。特点是对话双方都在谈一个内容。要求学生注意对话的完整性,在答题时把双方的内容联系起来考虑。要求考生有一定的提纲挈领的能力,内概括出对话的要点。,解题指导:,A. To play the piano,6、原因和结果,提问方式:,Why is she lateangrydisappointed? Why didntcouldnt he she go to the theatre? What is the reason for her leaving for New York?,考点示例:,、Why is David invited

24、to the party? A、To please the mans mother B、To help organize the party C、To control the conversation,You will hear:,、Why is the woman so disappointed? A、She wont have a chance to see the play. B、The man wouldnt go to the play with her. C、There are no good seats left in the theatre.,You will hear:,A、

25、To please the mans mother,A、She wont have a chance to see the play.,涉及因果关系的对话主要有两种情况:先结果,后原因;先原因,后结果。一般说来,涉及因果关系的题目的重点在原因上,因此要特别注意对话中后者的答语。做此类题目: 1熟练掌握表示因果关系的词或者词组:becausesince、so、as、because of、as a result of、cause、occur from、due to、owing to、on account of、now that、so that等。 2通过问题和选项预测,在听的过程式中注意表示因果关

26、系表达法、习惯用语、虚拟语气及分词的时态和语态,如-ing表示原因,-ed表示结果。,解题指导:,7、建议、行为与计划,提问方式:,What does the manwoman suggest the manwoman do? What does the manwoman mean?,考点示例,、What does the woman suggest that the man do? A、Pay the phone bill later B、Make a telephone call C、Pay several bills,You will hear:,、What does the man m

27、ean? 、The weather is going to be fine. 、He is used to wearing no hat. 、He is not afraid of being done harm to,You will hear:,C、Pay several bills,、He is used to wearing no hat.,涉及建议、行动与计划的对话大致可分为三类: 1、对话涉及一方行动。 2、对话涉及双方行动。 3、对话涉及他人行动。 特点:信息量多,不须推理,只须听清记准对话内容。若题目涉及一方,则要记清行为相对应的时间和先后顺序;若题目涉及双方,则要听清记准谁干

28、了什么或要干什么。,解题指导:,8、深层语篇理解,本考点要求考生具备以下能力: 理解说话人的意图、态度或观点理解说话人做某件事的真正原因理解否定词、反问句中隐含在字里行间的言外之意,考点示例,、What is the boy going to do? A、See a film B、Do his homework C、Play with his classmates,You will hear:,、How does the man feel about his driving to work? A、He is very satisfied with it B、The distance is a

29、little long C、It takes him too much time,You will hear:,A、See a film,A、He is very satisfied with it,What does the man/woman think of? How does the man/woman feel about?,提问方式:,听这类题目要注意: 1、首先要注意两个人的态度是否相同,如果不同,要分清各人的态度,因为这时问题往往问的是其中一人的态度或看法,不要混淆。 2、说话人态度没有明确表达,而是比较含蓄,通过语气、语调变化来体现。 3、注意对话中含委婉拒绝、含蓄反对或间接批评,其中否定意义是暗指而非明指,即”no”之类否定词常不出现。,解题指导:,GOODBYE,GOODBYE,


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