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1、Unit 2 This is my sister. Section B (2a2c),. 单词拼写 (根据图示或汉语提示写出本课单词) 1. 2. 3. 4. 这里 5. 下一个 (的) 答案: 1. girl 2. picture/photo 3. dog 4. here 5. next,. 短语互译 1. two nice photos of my family 2. in the next picture 3. 在第一张照片里 the first photo 4. 我的狗的名字 the name my dog 答案: 1. 两张我家人的漂亮照片 2. 在下一张照片里 3. in 4. o

2、f,. 句型填词 1. 这里有两张我家人的漂亮照片。 two nice photos of my family. 2. 我的兄弟鲍勃和埃里克在下一张照片里。 In the next picture my brothers, Bob and Eric. 3. 蔻蔻也是我家中的一位成员。 Coco is my family, . 答案: 1. Here are 2. are 3. in; too,1. How many people are there in Jennys family photos? _ 2. Whats the name of the dog? _ 答案: 1. There a

3、re eight people. 2. Coco.,1. picture n. 照片; 图画 【语境领悟】 *This is a picture of my family. 这是一张我的家庭照。 *I am in the first photo. 我在第一张照片里。,【自主归纳】picture/photo的异同,【图解助记】,【学以致用】 我的父母在第一张照片里。 My parents are the first . 我喜欢绘画。在我的卧室里有一张非常漂亮的孔夫子的绘画。 I like painting. There is a nice of Confucius (孔子) in my bedr

4、oom. 答案: in; picture/photo picture,2. Here are two nice photos of my family. 这里有两张我家人的漂亮照片。 【句型剖析】 这是here引起的倒装句, 其正常语序为: Two nice photos of my family are here. 。在英语中以here, there开头的句子常用倒装句式。here, there置于句首起强调作用。,【归纳拓展】 倒装句的结构,【学以致用】 看! 这是你的钢笔。 Look! your pen. 它们在这儿。 Here . 答案: Here is they are,. 单项选择

5、 1. I have aunt and uncle. A. a; a B. an; a C. a; an D. an; an 2. Here three pencils and a pen. A. am B. is C. are D. isnt 3. Are those your friends? . They are my cousins. A. Yes, they are B. No, they arent C. Yes, those are D. No, those arent,4. Is David your brother? . He is Bills brother. A. Yes

6、, he is B. No, he isnt C. Yes, it is D. No, it isnt 5. Is this a photo your mother? A. and B. of C. on D. to,. 完成句子 1. 这是你的朋友吗? Is friend? 2. 失物招领箱里的那个电子游戏是你的吗? Is computer game in the lost and found case? 3. 他们不是我的父母。他们是我的伯父和伯母。 arent my parents. Theyre my uncle aunt. 答案: 1. this your 2. that your 3. They; and,4. 这里有一幅两个女孩的照片。 a photo two girls. 5. 下一张照片里有我的表妹, 萨莉。 the next photo my cousin, Sally. 答案: 4. Here is; of 5. In; is,


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