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1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Section A (Grammar Focus3c),1. play v. 参加(比赛或运动); 玩耍 【语境领悟】 *Lets play! 让我们玩吧! *Lets play basketball. 让我们打篮球吧。 *My sister plays the piano every day. 我妹妹每天弹钢琴。 *She is playing with her friends. 她正在和朋友们玩。,【自主归纳】 play的用法 (1) play意为“玩耍”。 (2) play意为“玩; 打; 踢”。后跟球类运动或棋牌类名词

2、时不用冠词。 (3) play与西洋乐器名词连用, 表示弹奏某种乐器时, 西洋乐器名词前必须带定冠词the。 (4) play with sb. 意为“和某人玩耍”; play with sth. 意为“玩弄、摆弄某物”。,【学以致用】 Peter can play soccer ball, but he cant play violin. A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D. /; a The father often plays chess his son. A. the; and B. the; with C. /; with D. /; and,2. s

3、ound v. 听起来好像 【语境领悟】 *That sounds good. 那听起来不错。 *She looks very young. 她看起来很年轻。 *The food tastes delicious. 食物尝起来很美味。,【自主归纳】 sound的用法 sound是连系动词, 意为“听起来”, 其后跟 (形容词/副词) 作表语。类似的连系动词还有: look“看起来”; taste“尝起来”; smell“闻起来”; feel“觉得; 摸起来”等。 答案: 形容词,【归纳拓展】不同的“声音”,【图解助记】,【学以致用】 Lets play volleyball. That sou

4、nds . A. well B. good C. nice D. B and C,【观察领悟】 观察下列句子, 思考含有动词have的一般现在时的用法。 1. I have a dictionary. 2. She has a computer game. 3. They dont have a basketball. 4. My father doesnt have a car. 5. Do you have a baseball bat? 6. Does he have a notebook?,【知识构建】 一般现在时态中have的用法 have意为“有; 拥有; 占有”, 表示所属关系,

5、 有人称和数的变化, 其主语一般是人, 有时也可以是物。它的一般现在时的各种句式如下:,1. 肯定句: 主语+ have/has. . . have用于复数名词、第一、二人称单复数或第三人称复数代词作主语的句子中; has为have的第三人称单数形式, 用于不可数名词、可数名词单数或第三人称单数代词作主语的句子中。 You have many good habits. 你有很多好习惯。 Tom has three baseballs. 汤姆有三个棒球。,2. 否定句: 主语+ dont / doesnt + have. . . We dont have the key. 我们没有钥匙。 She

6、 doesnt have a tennis racket. 她没有网球拍。 3. 一般疑问句: Do / Does +主语+ have. . . ? 肯定答语: Yes, 主语+ do / does. 否定答语: No, 主语+ dont / doesnt.,【学以致用】 I a black pen and she a blue pen. A. have; have B. has; has C. have; has D. has; have they (have) a map in the classroom? My aunt (have) a nice hat. Mike has two s

7、occer balls. (改为一般疑问句) Mike two soccer balls? 答案: Do; have has Does; have,. 选择方框内合适的词填空 sounds, have, has, dont, play 1. Lets go to the movies (看电影) . That great. 2. My grandfather a radio. He listens to it every day. 3. Tom and Jim a nice and big room. 4. Lets soccer. Thats OK. 5. Do you have a pin

8、g-pong ball? No, I . 答案: 1. sounds 2. has 3. have 4. play 5. dont,. 单项选择 1. Lets play volleyball. That sounds good. A. the B. a C. an D. / 2. they a tape player? A. Do; have B. Does; have C. Are; have D. Do; has 3. Does he have a baseball? But he has a baseball bat. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he do. C. No, he doesnt. D. No, he dont.,4. Is this tennis racket (网球拍) ? Yes, its . A. hers; her B. his; his C. his; her D. your; hers 5. This is my volleyball and that tennis ball is . A. brother; mine B. brothers; mine C. brother; my D. brothers; my,


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