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1、Section B 1a2e,Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?,辽宁锦州第三中学 崔菲菲,Do a report!,Talk about your favorite city.,baby panda : At birth, its only about 20 cm long. It weighs o.1 kilos. at birth: 刚出生 cm: 厘米 weigh: 重,有多重,Compare these two animals.,This elephant is 350 cm tall. The panda is 150 c

2、m tall. This elephant is much taller than the panda. This elephant is 200 cm taller than the panda. This elephant is many times taller than the panda.,1a,This time, we use “weigh”. 1.This elephant weighs many times more than the panda. 2. This elephant weighs much more than the panda. Its your turn.

3、 You can use eat or ,Summary,(1) A+ be/v. +(much, a lot)-er than B. (2) A+ be/v.+ many times + -er than B (3) A+ be/v.+ 数词+-er than B,Bamboo: 竹子,government :政府,wild : 野生的,Language points,(1)be awake 醒了 I feel hungry when I am awake. 当我醒了的时候我感觉饿。 (2)run over with excitement 兴奋地跑 The class is over, al

4、l the students run over with excitement. 下课了,所有的学生都兴奋地跑了起来。 (3)fall over 绊倒 There is a stone and I fall over. 那里有个石头,把我绊倒了。 (4)be special to 对很特别 This is my mums book, its very special to me. 这是我妈妈的书,对我来说很特别。 (5)spend doing sth. 花费时间做某事 She spends more than 10 hours a day studying. 她一天要花至少10小时学习。 (6

5、)remaining forest 剩余的森林 Remaining 动名词作定语,剩下的 remaining cakes 剩下的蛋糕 (7)research center 研究中心 (8)a lot more than 比多的多 The whale weighs a lot more than the panda. 鲸鱼比熊猫重的多。,Tell a story!,Spend 12 hours a day . 10 kilos of Many years agoa lot .But. Facts about pandas Now, fewer than 2000 Another 200in zoos or research centers,Do a survey,Homework,Write an article about another endangered animal according to 2b.,


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