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1、Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.,Section A Period Two,happening noise policeman wolf uneasy,n. 事件;发生的事情(常指不寻常的) n. 声音;噪音 n. (pl. policemen)男警察 n. 狼 adj. 担心的;不安的,What does he do?,He must be a/an _. He could/might be a/an _ teacher.,Look and make inferences,What does he do?,He must be a _. He cant be a

2、 _. Im not sure. He might/could be _.,Whats the man doing? What could he be running for?,He could be running for exercise. He could be running after a thief because he looks so angry. He could be running to catch the bus.,Hes running.,Objectives,Read to learn peoples opinions about the strange noise

3、s. To learn to use must, might, could and cant to talk about what people think about the strange noises To learn the new words: drop, final, worried, owner,Did you hear something unusual? What might be happing at this midnight?,It might be a car crash.,I think something must have broken.,It could be

4、,How do you feel when you hear something strange at night?,nervous,worried,uneasy,scared,curious,Whats the article about?,Look at the picture on page 59 and guess the answer.,It may talk about something happened at night.,Read the article and decide which might be the best title.,3a,A Small and Quie

5、t Town Strange Happenings in My Town Animals in Our Neighborhood,Task 1,Skimming: Look through the passage quickly to find the main idea without having to read every word.,word 文档 链接,Task 2,Answer the questions below.,Whats happening in the small town? How did people feel?,People in the town could h

6、ear strange noises outside their window every night.,Everyone in the town is feeling uneasy.,Scanning: Move your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information.,Read the article again and find words to match the meanings.,3b,nervous or worried _ young people _ person in the next house _ are

7、a where people live _ animal like a very large dog _ person who makes noise _,uneasy,teenagers,neighbor,neighborhood,wolf,noise-maker,Task 3,If you read something for the first time, dont worry about the words you dont know. Use the context to help you guess the meanings.,_ _ outside their window,It

8、 could be _ _.,Victors wife,Victor and his friends,It must be teenagers _.,People,What they hear/see,What they think,The police,nothing _,It might be _.,Helen,_ outside,It might be _.,strange noises,an,animal,having fun,strange,the wind,noises,a dog,Something unusual is happening.,One woman in the a

9、rea,The writer,something _,running away,Maybe it is _.,a bear or a wolf,The noise-maker is having too much fun _ in the neighborhood.,creating fear,Writers describe events in a certain order. This order will help you understand the story better.,Task 4,Read the article carefully and write what peopl

10、e think about the strange noises.,3c,They think it must be teenagers having fun.,They think it might be the wind.,She thought it might be a dog.,She thought it was too big to be a dog. She thought that maybe it was a bear or a wolf.,He thinks the noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in t

11、he neighborhood.,Task 5,Can you find out the sentences making inferences in the passage?,Task 6,We live in a small town and almost everyone knows each other. It _ very quiet. However, these days, something unusual _ in our town. Victors wife thinks that it _ an animal, but Victor and his friends thi

12、nk it _ teenagers having fun. The policemen think it _ the wind. Helen thought it _ a dog at first, but she changes her mind later. One woman in the area thinks its _ big _ be a dog. She thinks that _ it was a bear or a wolf. The writer thinks the _ is having too much fun _ fear in the neighborhood.

13、,used to be,is happening,could be,must be,might be,might be,too,to,maybe,noise-maker,creating,TASK 7,Fill in the blanks.,How to write a story?,发现问题,所见所闻,主题句 (topic sentence): Something unusual is happening in our town.,Every night, Victor hears strange noises outside their window. His wife thinks it

14、 could be an animal,作出自己的推测,but I do not think that is going to happen. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.,While reading, take notes or underline the main ideas in the text. After reading, write a short summary in your own words. This will help you to understan

15、d the text better.,After reading the article, what do you think the strange noises are? Why?,Free talk,1. We live in a small town and almost everyone knows each other.,live in: 居住在 live on sth: 以食为生,We used to lived in London. 过去我们住在伦敦。 Small birds live mainly on insects. 小鸟主要靠食昆虫为生。,Language points

16、,2. They think it might be the wind.,think + n./to do /从句 think about + n. /-ing/从句: 考虑,思索,回想,想起 think over + n. / 从句: 仔细想想,仔细考虑,I think that it is a good thing. He is thinking about going on a trip to America. Please think over what Ive said.,3. Everyone in our town is feeling uneasy, and everyone

17、has his or her own ideas.,对不定代词 everyone 的指代方式 1.he or she/ she or he 在女性多的场合多用she指代 2.they,If anyone finds my glasses, could she/he let me know? If anyone finds my glasses, could they let me know?,4. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.,noise-maker 合成词 (表达原词中的某种

18、动宾关系,不仅用以指认,也可指物) 类似的复合名词: shopkeeper 店主 bus conductor 公交售票员 taxi driver 出租车司机 gatekeeper 看门人 grass/meat-eater 食草、肉食动物 bottle opener 开瓶器 life detector 生命探测仪,have fun (doing sth.) 玩得高兴;过得愉快 类似: enjoy oneself enjoy doing sth. have a good/ great/ lovely time (doing sth.) 反义: Its no fun/not much fun doi

19、ng sth. 玩得不高兴;过得不舒坦,Come on, why arent you dancing? Enjoy yourselves! 来吧,你们为什么不跳舞呢? 尽兴玩吧! We used to have great times talking together. 我们曾经常常交谈,很是开心。 Its no fun eating on my own. 独自吃饭真无聊啊。,I. 根据所给提示填空。 1. The loud _ (noisy) from the traffic woke her up. 2. I heard that some _ (wolf) entered the mou

20、ntain village last night. 3. I am _ tired _ (太不能) walk any farther now.,noise,wolves,too to,注: word 文档 点击此处链接,. Translate and write them down.,在你玩得开心的时候,时间就会飞逝而过。 2. 我的妻子认为它可能是一种动物,但我的朋友和我认为肯定是孩子们在玩耍。 3. 一定有东西闯入我们社区,但那是什么?,Time flies when youre having fun.,My wife thinks that it could be an animal,

21、but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun.,There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it?,1. Review the new words and expressions youve learned today. 2. Read the articles in Learning English. 3. Preview the new words and expressions. 4. Preview Grammar Focus on page 60.,Homework,


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