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1、Unit 9 What does he look like?,Section B Period Two,Review,Words and expressions,Read the words and expressions loudly.,artist crime criminal put each way describe,n. 艺术家 n. 犯罪活动 n. 罪犯 v. 放 adj.&pron. 每个;各自 n. 方式;路线 v. 描述,Words and expressions,differently another end in the end real jeans,adv. 不同地 a

2、dj.&pron. 另一的 n. 结尾;尽头 最后 adj. 真正的;真实的 n. 牛仔裤,Words and expressions,Objectives,Read the newspaper article “An Interesting Job” to find the real criminal To learn to write about people,Look and say. What did she look like before? What does she look like now?,Look and say. What did he look like before

3、? What does he look like now?,Look and say. What did he look like before? What does he look like now?,Complete the chart with words of the opposite meaning. (2a),old,heavy/fat,short,short,straight,Click it.,2b,Read the newspaper article. Which picture shows the real criminal?,1.What does Joe Brown d

4、o? 2. What does Joe Brown want to do? Is this job easy?,He is a police artist.,Read and answer the questions.,He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal. This job is sometimes difficult.,1. He = _ 2. it = _ 3. him = _ 4. this = _ _ 5. they = _ _ 6. He = _,Read the article again and write what

5、the words in bold refer to. (2c),Joe Brown,the picture of the criminal,the criminal,drawing a good picture of each criminal,many people (who see and describe the criminals),the criminal,My best friend is Jack. Let me tell you what he _ like. First of all, he is very tall and _. He has _ brown hair a

6、nd he doesnt wear _. He usually wears jeans, a T-shirt and sports _. I like him because he is really cool and fun, and he is good at soccer.,looks,handsome,straight,glasses,Jack is Bills best friend. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.(3a),shoes,looks, glasses, straight, shoes, handsome,Wr

7、ite a passage about your best friend. These questions may help you. (3b),Whats your friends name? What does he/ she like to wear? What does he/she look like? Why do you like him/her?,Look at the pictures of Gloria Green. What did she look like before? What does she look like now?,Task 1,Make a surve

8、y.,你姑姑将从美国回来探亲,要你去接机。但 你这位阔别十年的姑姑变化很大。你变化也 很大,请你写一封信安排见面时间和地点。 在信中你要简单描述你的长相及你所穿的衣 服,以便你姑姑能在机场认出你。 Dear aunt, I am very glad to meet you at the airport. Since I _ I hope you have a good trip. Yours, _,Task 2,You may use: 1. I dont have hair. 2. I am height with hair 3. I wear T-shirt, jeans and shoe

9、s. 4. I used to have hair. 5. I used to be ,Sample: Dear aunt, I am very glad to meet you at the airport. Since we dont see each other for a long time, I will describe myself to you. I dont have long hair any more. I am a tall girl with short straight hair. I have a round face in a hat. I wear a whi

10、te T-shirt, blue jeans and a pair of black sports shoes. I dont wear glasses. It is easy to recognize me. Well meet at the north gate of the airport at 10:25 am. I hope you have a good trip. Yours Sally,Language points,1. 根据汉语补全英语句子。 人们并非总是以同样的方式看待事物,所以他们会将同一个人描述得不一样。 Many _ dont always see things t

11、he _ way so they may describe the same person _. 【解析】1) same 和different是一对反义词,前者表示“相同的;同样的”,后者表示“不同的;有区别的”。,people,句子链接,same,differently,same 作为形容词时往往用在名词之前,且之前往往有定冠词the。例如: the same way 相同的方法;同样的路 子;同样的方式 the same person 同样的人;同一个人 2) differently是different的副词形式,在句中修饰动词,表示“不同地;有区别地”。 Boys and girls m

12、ay behave differently. 男孩儿和女孩儿的表现可能不同。,3) people和person people表示“人;人们”,为复数名词;person为单个的人,有复数形式。例如: two persons 两个人 Hes a very nice person. 他是一个非常不错的人。 There are a lot of people in the zoo at the weekend. 周末动物园里有很多人。,2. 根据汉语补全英语句子。 而且,他们并不总是记得牢靠。 _, they dont always remember well. 【解析】当also用于句首时,其后往往

13、有逗号与句子的剩余部分隔开。这时,also用于修饰整个句子,相当于汉语中“同时;还;而且”。例如: Mr. Fengs class is interesting. Also, he makes it easy. 冯老师的课很有趣。同时,他还把课讲得简单易懂。,Also,句子链接,also也常表示“也”,往往位于句中动词be之后,行为动词之前。例如: My father can speak English. He can also speak French. 我爸爸会说英语,他也会讲法语。 Janes brother is twelve. Her sister is also twelve. T

14、hey are twins. 简的哥哥12岁,她姐姐也12岁。他们是孪生兄妹。,【例句】 1. Remember to take an umbrella (伞) with you. 2. I remember putting the key on the table. 3. I remember that he likes wearing a big hat. 作动词,意为“牢记,记住,记得”。 remember to do sth. 表示“记住要去做某事”,而remember doing sth.则表示“记得做过某事”。 remember后面还可跟that从句。,remember,课时重点回

15、顾,Review,1. an interesting job, 2. police artist, 3. draw a picture of the criminal, 4. put it in newspapers and on television 5. draw a good picture of each criminal , 6. see things the same way, 7. describe the same person differently 8. remember well, 9. in the end, 10. have short black hair,注: 另

16、附word文档。 点击此处链接,1. 张美的爸爸中等身材。 Zhang Meis father is _ _ _. 2. 我姐姐有一头乌黑漂亮的长卷发。 My sister has beautiful _ _ _ hair. 3. 哈利波特戴一副眼镜。 _,long curly,of medium,build,black,根据汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。,Harry Potter wears a pair of glasses.,根据情景,填入恰当的句子补全对话。 A: Hello, Bill! Do you know my cousin? B: Your cousin? A: Yes. He

17、 is new here in our school. B: (1)_ A: Ben Clark. B: (2)_ A: He is very tall with short curly hair. B: (3)_ A: Yes. He plays soccer very well.,Whats his name?,Does he like playing soccer?,What does he look like?,Translate and write them down.,1. 你还记得那个戴眼镜的同学吗? 2. 他不再戴眼镜了。 3. 现在他是一个新面貌,留着短直发。,Do you

18、remember the classmate with glasses?,He doesnt wear glasses any more.,Now, he has a new look. He has short straight hair.,1. _ does your favorite singer look like? A. How B. What C. Who D. When,单项选择。,英语中常用“What do/does+主语+look like?”这个句型来询问某人的外貌特征。,2. My hair is long, but _ is short. A. his B. her C

19、. your D. its,观察句子可知后半句没有名词,所以此空应该用一个名词性物主代词来代替形容词性物主代词+名词。选项中只有A项是名词性物主代词,故应该选择A。,3. He_ tall and he_ a medium build. A. has;is B. is;has C. is;is D. has;has,表示人的高、矮、胖、瘦要用is, 而表 示有的体格/身高等则要用has。,4. She always _ a white shirt. A. wear B. put on C. puts on D. wears,根据句意可以判断应该表示“穿”的状态,并且主语是she这个第三人称的单

20、数形式,所以答案为D项。,5. Our math teacher is of medium_ black curly hair. A. high at B. tall in C. height in D. height with,中等身高应该是medium height, 后 面用with来表示人的附属物品。,6. He doesnt tell me_ the person_. A. what;looks like B. what;look like C. that;looks like D. that;look like,该句是宾语从句,应该用陈述语序。,7. Jim has _ curly hair. A. a B. an C. the D. /,hair 为不可数名词, 不需要冠词。,Homework,Write a passage about one of your family members.,Preview,To preview the new words and expressions To preview to order food,Thank you.,


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