高考英语一轮复习必修Unit TheMillionPoundBankNote可编辑.ppt

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1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note,课前10分钟,短文填空 The world is getting bigger,or at fatter.Recent studies show that an increasing of us are leading an unhealthy life.We are becoming couch potatoespeople who too much time in front of the TV and eat too much junk food.Now,there is a new species of inacti

2、ve people, the “mouse potato”A mouse potato is who sits in front of his or her computer all day and eats junk food instead of meals.Why are we becoming potatoes and what can we do to it?,least,number,spend,also,namely,someone,regular,avoid,漫画欣赏,画面描述,A man with a stain on his face is wiping a mirror.

3、The man has noticed the stain but he is cleaning the mirror.Certainly,he will never wipe the stain off. 寓意理解 In our life,when problems occur,some of us often blame the environment first,which surely prevents us from finding a solution. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,.词义辨析 1Investigators are now on the _,s

4、earching for clues to the cause of the explosion. Aplatform Bstage Ccourt Dscene 2As soon as I try to work,my mind starts _,which annoys me much. Awandering Breminding Cabsorbing Darising 3Carrying a gun without a _ is punishable by up to four years in prison. Abrand Bpermit Ctype Dspot 4“I dont thi

5、nk it is my _ that the TV blew up.I just turned it on,and thats all,” said the boy. Abelief Bmanner Cfault Dshortcoming,课堂双基回归,D,A,B,C,5Dick is very tall,so he is easy to _ in a crowd. Aspot Bstare Cshock Dignore 6I think you should _ medical advice if symptoms last more than a week. Aconsult Bseek

6、Cbenefit Dconcern 7Ill look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little _. Apower Bweight Cpatience Dimpression,A,B,C,8_ to popular belief,sharks do not often attack humans. AConvenient BAccessible CObvious DContrary 9The manager requested the salesgirls to treat customers in a courteous,

7、friendly _. Aamount Bmanner Cscene Dbasis 10Shots rang out,and people started _ in terror. Aapplauding Bexploring Ccompeting Dscreaming,D,B,D,.短语填空 go ahead;account for;to be honest;as for;bring up;by accident;on the contrary;take a chance;in rags;take care of 1He was in London,and came to America f

8、or further education. 2It wasnt a good thing; it was a huge mistake. 3Success in business is simply a matter of knowing when to . 4I found a woman _ trembling with cold at the corner of the street.,brought up,on the contrary,take a chance,in rags,5They found the cave quite when they were walking acr

9、oss the field. 6Dont worry about your accommodation.Ill it. 7 ,I dont quite agree to this plan. 8We had a wonderful time in the country._ the traffic,we had no difficulty. 9Shall I go on with the talk? Sure._.Theyre all listening. 10How do you the sudden disappearance of the murder weapon?,by accide

10、nt,take care of,To be honest,As for,Go ahead,account for,.完成句子 1Well,towards nightfall I (发 现自己被带到海上去了) by a strong wind.(find) 2The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, (这就 是我现在这副样子的原因)(appearance) 3Well,why dont you explain_(这 究竟是怎么回事)?(about),found myself carried out to

11、sea,which accounts for my appearance,what this is all about,.单项填空 1I wonder,Mr.Adams,if youd mind _ a few questions. Aus to ask Bus asking Cwe ask Dwe asked 2His eyes stare at what is left _ the brothers dinner on the table. Aof Bin Cfor Dbehind 3The next morning Id just about given myself up for lo

12、st_ I was spotted by a ship. Aas Bwhile Cwhen Dafter,B,A,C,4Its amazing how much pleasure you get out of the simple thingsin life,_ if you cant have them for a while. Abasically Bspecially Csimilarly Despecially 5I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amountAnyway,I dont th

13、ink it _ be fake. Amust Bshould Ccan Dneed,D,C,知识要点整合,核心词汇梳理,1permit vt. 许可;允许;容许 This problem permits no delay.这个问题不容许拖延。 句型 permit (ones) doing sth.允许(某人)做某事 permit sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事 We dont permit making noise here.我们不允许在这里吵闹。 The policeman permitted his parking there.警察允许他在那 里停车。 The teacher

14、didnt permit us to swim in this river.老师不允 许我们在这条河里游泳。 vi. (事物)允许;成为可能 I will go to meet you if time permits.如果时间允许的话,我 会去见你。 Well start tomorrow,weather permitting.天气允许的话, 我们明天出发。,2account n. 叙述;报道;账目;账户 She gave the police a full account of the incident.她向警方详尽地 叙述了所发生的事情。 识记on account of因为;由于的缘故on

15、 no account绝不She retired early on account of ill health.她体弱多病,所以提前退休。 On no account should the house be left unlocked.离开住宅时千万要 锁门。 搭配take.into account/take account of.对加以考虑;顾及 Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results.除考试结 果外,课程作业也要计入成绩。,These figures do not take account of changes in

16、 the rate of inflation. 这些数字没有考虑到通货膨胀率的变化。 vt. 认为;把视为 识记account for做出解释;说明原因;(数量、比例上)占The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.天气不好可能是人来得少的原因。 How do you account for the sudden disappearance of the murder weapon? 你如何解释凶器突然消失? The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the companys revenu

17、e.日本市场占该公司收入的35%。,3fault n. 过错;缺点;故障;毛病 提示 fault强调因过失或错误而应承担的责任,常用it作主语,其 前加ones或the。 He lost his job,but it was his own fault for telling lies.他丢了 工作,但那是他自己撒谎的错。 Why should I say sorry when its not my fault?不是我的错 为什么要我道歉? 搭 配 find fault with找的茬儿;对抱怨;对挑剔 She always found fault with him no matter wha

18、t he did. 不管他做什么,她总是找他的茬儿。 I wish youd stop trying to find fault with everything I do. 我希望你不要再对我做的一切吹毛求疵。 识 记 at fault有过错;有责任 I think the owners are at fault for not warning us. 我认为业主没有提醒我们是有责任的。,4amount n. 数量 识记 a great/good/large/huge/vast amount of大量的 a small amount of少量的 large/small amounts of大(

19、少)量的 The server is designed to store huge amounts of data. 该服务器是为存储大量数据设计的。 Its best to cook vegetables in a small amount of water. 烹制蔬菜时最好少放水。 提示 an amount of一般接不可数名词,此短语作主语时, 谓语动词要用单数形式,但amounts of短语作主语 时,谓语动词要用复数形式。,A large amount of money was given to me as a reward.奖给 了我一笔巨款。 Vast amounts of mo

20、ney are being invested in the local market. 人们正在把大量资金投放到当地市场上。 拓展 in large/small amounts大量地/少量地;在句中用作状语。 Waste water rushed out of the factory in large amounts. 大量废水从这家工厂流出。 vi. 总计;(意义、效果、价值)等于 搭配 amount to总计为;等于是,His debts amount to 50,000 dollars.他的负债总计是5万美元。 His remarks amounted to criticism of m

21、e.他的话等于是批评我。 链接 a large sum of大量的 a great deal of大量的 a large quantity of大量的 a large number of大量的 a large collection of大量的 a large supply of大量的,5.contrary adj. 相反的;相对的;逆向的;对抗的 搭配 be contrary to sth.与相反 contrary to与相反 The government has decided that the publication of the report would be “contrary to

22、the public interest”政府 认为发表这份报告将会“违背公众的利益”。 Contrary to popular belief the desert can be a beautiful place. 正好与人们想像的相反,沙漠也可以成为美丽的地方。,识记 on the contrary正相反;反之 to the contrary相反地(的) It wasnt a good thing;on the contrary it was a huge mistake. 那不是件好事,恰恰相反,是个巨大的错误。 I will expect to see you on Sunday unl

23、ess I hear anything to the contrary. 我星期天等你,除非你说不来了。 链接 opposite (to)在的对面,与相反,重点短语例释,1.go ahead 前进;推进,进行;继续下去 Things are going ahead quite well.情况进展地很顺利。 Dont stop to wait;just go ahead.不要停下来等待,继续进行。 拓展 该词组亦可作表示请求意见的肯定答语,译为“干吧!请吧,说 吧,走,行等” “Would you mind if I opened the window?” “No.Go ahead.”“我打开窗

24、子你介意吗?” “不介意,去开吧。” “May I use your phone?” “Yes,go ahead.”“我能用一下你的电话吗?”“行呀。”,2by accident 偶然地;无意中 By accident,he found the place where his brother had hidden the treasure.他偶然发现了他弟弟藏宝的地方。 By accident he discovered that Lanny had visited that country.他无意中发现莱妮去过那个国家。 3to be honest 坦白地说;老实告诉你 To be hone

25、st,this is exactly what she said. 坦白地说,这正是她所说的。 To be honest,I know nothing about him except that he is from America. 老实告诉你,我只知道他是一位美国人,4get into trouble 惹麻烦;陷入困境;发生纠纷 He is always getting into trouble with the police.他总是被警察 处罚。 Youll get into trouble if you dont obey the order.如不服从命 令,你会有麻烦的。 5 In

26、rags 穿着破烂的衣服 I saw a woman in rags lying under the tree.我看到一位穿着破烂 的妇女躺在树下。 He was looked down upon because he was dressed in rags.他因 穿着破烂而受人歧视,6take care of 照料;当心;处理;对付 She stayed home to take care of the baby.她在家照料孩子。 Take care of the traffic as you cross the road.过马路时要当心。 Dont worry.Ill take care

27、of the work myself. 别担心,我会亲自处理这项工作。 7as for/to 至于;关于;就而言 As for the cause of the fire,I dont know anything. 至于火灾的原因,我一点也不知道。 As to the journey,we must decide about that later. 至于旅行,我们以后决定。,疑难语句细解,1“Young man,would you step inside a moment,please?” “Who? Me,sir?”“年轻人,请你进来呆一会儿好吗?”“你说 谁呢,先生,是我吗?” 【要点指南

28、】 宾格代词me在此处用作主语。宾格人称代词一般 作宾语或表语,但在极短的句子中亦可作主语,特别是在简略 的答语中,这是英语的习惯。 “Who wants a ride on my bike?” “Me.”“谁想骑我的自行 车?”“我想。” “Will you go and see if the old lady is all right?”“Who? Me? On a night like this?” “请你去看一看那老太太,看是否还好?”“谁去?我去吗?在这 样一个晚上?” “Are you going to catch it yourselves?”“No,not us.” “你们要亲

29、自捉住它吗?”“不是我们去捉它。” “You can tell him.”“Me tell him? Not likely.”“你来告诉他。”“我 告诉他?不可能。”,2“May I ask you how much money you have?” “Well,to be honest,I have none.”“你手头有多少钱?”“嗯,老实说,我一 分钱都没有了。” 【要点指南】 句中的none是代词,代指no money。none可以代 指人,也可代指物,但一定要代指前面所提到过的人或物,即 none含有特指意义,相当于“no名词”。 Tickets for Friday? Sorry,weve got none left. 星期五的票?对不起,一张也没有了。 “Is there any more milk?” “No,none at all.” “还有牛奶?”“没了,一点也没了。” We saw several houses but none we really liked. 我们看了几所房子,但都不怎么喜欢。,点击此处进入 课后能力训练,点击此处进入 高考阅卷现场,


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