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1、My favorite subject is science?,Unit 12,Do you know how to say these subjects in English?,语文 数学 英语 历史 生物 体育 音乐 美术 科学,Chinese,math,English,history,music,art,physical education / P.E.,biology,science,1a Match the words with the picture. 1b Listening.,Chinese,b,c,f,music,art,physical education / P.E.,e

2、,science,d,Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science.,Chinese 语文 math 数学 English 英语 history 历史 geography 地理 politics 政治 biology 生物 music 音乐 P.E. 体育,Whats your favorite subject?,My favorite subject is P.E.,Because its fun.,Why do you like P.E.?,1,2,3,4,2a Listening.,2b Listening.,su

3、bject discription word 1. art a. fun 2. science b. interesting 3. music c. boring 4. P.E. d. difficult 5. math e. relaxing,Whats your favorite subject?,My favorite subject is music.,I like music best.,Why do you like music?,Because its relaxing.,A: Whats _ favorite _? B:_ favorite _ is art. A:Who is

4、 _art _? B:_art _is Mrs Jones.,3a Complete the comversation. teacher my subject your,your,subject,My,subject,your,teacher,My,teacher,A: Who is your math teacher? B: Our math teacher is Mrs Wang.,Whats your favorite color?,Whats your favorite color?,My favorite color is white.,Whats your favorite foo

5、d?,My favorite food is.,Whats your favorite TV show?,My favorite TV show is Super Girl.,Section B,Week (周) There are 7 days in a week.,Sunday (日) weekend (周末) Saturday (六),Monday (一) Tuesday (二) Wednesday(三) weekday Thursday (四) (工作日) Friday (五),What subjects do you study at school? We study math ,c

6、hinese and English.,When do you have math? I have math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.,When do you have P.E.?,I have P.E.on Tuesday and Friday. When do you have English? I have English every day.,2a Listening,Listen and write down the school subjects.,biology _ _ _,history,art,science,Task III Oral

7、 practice:,Eg: Mings favorite subject is history. Because its fun. She has history on Friday.,Art,Monday and Wednesday,science,interesting,relaxing,This afternoon,history,fun,Friday,你最喜欢那一科? Whats your favorite subject? 我最喜欢数学。 My favorite subject is math. 为什么? Why? 因为它有意思。 Because its fun .,谁是你的数学老

8、师? Who is your math teacher? 我的数学老师是杨老师。 My math teacher is Ms Yang. 你们什么时候有数学课。 When do you have math? 我们每天都上。 We have math every day.,Whats Kens favorite subject?,His favorite subject is Science.,Why does he like scince?,Because its interesting,Dear Jane, Its Tuesday, November 11. Im really busy!

9、At 8:00 I have math. I dont like math. Then at 9:00 I have science. Its difficult, but interesting. Next, at 10:00, I have art, Its boring, but at 11:00 I have P.E. Thats my favorite subject! I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have music. Music is relaxing. I like my music teacher, Mr. Cooper. Hes

10、 fun. My last class is at 2:00. Ater class I have volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is very strict and Im usually very tired after class. Then I have chinese history club. Its really interesting! Love, Lin Mei.,3b Complete,Tuesday,Time Subject 8:00 to 9:00 math 9:00 to 10:00 science 10:00 to 11:

11、00 history 11:00 to 12:00 P.E. 12:00 to 1:00 lunch 1:00 to 2:00 music 2:00 to 4:00 gymnastics 4:00 to 5:00 Chinese History Club,School schedule,When do you have math?,I have math on Monday.,每空填一个单词 ,使句意完整.,1,What is your f subject? 2,He likes English because its i . 3,My s teacher is Mr king. 4,I am

12、 very b today. 5,I eat l at 12 oclock. 6,My favorite day is F_. 7,I am s you like some subjects. 8,Do you want to k about my morng. 9,Can you play the d . 10, All my classes f at 2:00.,avorite,nteresting,cience,usy,unch,riday,ure,now,rum,inish,because , at, dont, favorite, get, go, have, lunch, on,

13、teacher,I_ up at 7:00 and I _ to school at 8:00 I _ science at 9:00 and then I have math Class at 10:00. Math is my _ subject . I Like math _it is interesting . Mr Tan is My math_ .I eat _ at 12:00 and Then. I have music at 1:00. I have history Class_ 2:00. I _ like history ,I Think it is boring. But I really like my art class. I have art class _ Wednesday at 2:00.,get,go,favorite,because,teacher,lunch,at,dont,on,GOODBYE,


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