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1、Advanced English Book One Instructor: Ji Yunxia,The course syllabus,This course will last 16 weeks (starting on Sept.7 and ending on Dec.24 ), during which we will cover ? lessons (Lesson one to Lesson ?) in Advanced English Book One,Course Requirements(课程要求) 1. Attendance(出勤) is required for this c

2、ourse. Attendance is worth approximately 10% of a students grade. Although only worth 10%, students who do not attend class will likely miss important information resulting in further grade deductions.,lass involvement(课堂参与) is required to improve your English skills.lass involvement is worth 10%. A

3、ll students who attend class will be required to participate daily in classroom activities.,3. Homework and Projects(作业和设计) will represent approximately 10% of students overall grade.,4. Assessments (测试) will be given at the end of the semester. Mid-term exam will possibly be given if time allows.,T

4、he format of the exam .Paraphrase the following sentences. (10%) II. For each word in column A, find the word in column B which is its synonym and write S under it. Then find the word which is its antonym and write A under it. (20%) III. Find and correct the mistake in each of the following sentence

5、s. (10%) IV. Point out the figures of speech used in the following sentences. (10%) V. Translate the following sentences (20%) VI. Reading comprehension (30%),Sample Test I. Paraphrase the following sentences. (10%) As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ea

6、r. I experienced a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in my socks. Considering such scenarios is not purely speculative exercise. She talked a blue streak over the sweet potatoes. As my father growled, “Thats one hell of a jury!” You ought to try to make someth

7、ing of yourself, too, Maggie. The microelectronic revolution promises to ease, enhance and simplify life in ways undreamed of even by the utopians. The widest benefits of the electronic revolution will accrue to the young. The case had erupted round my head. Mark Twain digested the new American expe

8、rience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer.,II. For each word in column A, find the word in column B which is its synonym and write S under it. Then find the word which is its antonym and write A under it. (20%) A B 1. concur agree acknowledge accept deny disagree 2. sumptuous hu

9、mble magnificent luxurious grand majestic 3. intricate delicate complicated simple fine undecorated 4. incessant static arresting constant fitful stunning 5. inexorable changeable resolutely obsolete determined unalterable,6. equilibrium equal exquisite balance excel imbalance 7. inbred acquired inb

10、orn generic generate impact 8. woeful hateful lovely sorrowful cheerful smarting 9. robust frailty sound unhealthy stout cynical 10. sonorous noisy silent thunder loud low 11. colossal huge small coral sluggish lazy 12.immemorial modern ancient opposed ancestry unique 13. discreet cautious haste adv

11、enturous suspicious secure 14.inert revivifying inactive barring active candid 15. explicit clever clear vivid ambiguous dull,16. incongruous correct faulty harmonious discordant unhealthy 17.despairingly hopefully hopelessly helplessly helpfully squarely 18. analogy difference similarity distance h

12、armony unity 19. dreary cheerless wet moist dry cheerful 20. ingenuity frankness genius cleverness unskillfulness dubious,III. Find and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences. (10%) 1. In no area of American life personal service is so precious as in medical care. 2. When something g

13、oes wrongly with an appliance a question to the computer will elicit repair instructions. 3. They are revivifying soporific students, dangling and deliver intellectual challenges beyond the ken of most educators. We shall be strengthened and not weakened in determination and in resource.,5. Methane

14、has been one of the fastest-growing green-house gases, and is third for carbon dioxide and water vapor in total volume. 6. Twenty-two telegraphists were sending out 165000 words the day on the trial. 7. We have rid the earth from his shadow and liberated its peoples from his yoke. 8. In each shop si

15、t the apprentices-boys and youths, some of them incredulously young. 9. The very act of stepping on this soil was for me a far great adventure than any trip or any reportorial assignment Id previously taken. 10. It was essential, she knew, that her thinking remains calm and reasoned.,IV. Point out t

16、he figures of speech used in the following sentences. (10%) Acre by acre, the rain forest is being burned to create fast pasture fro fast-food beef; From them all Mark Twain gained a keen perception of the human race, of the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are. The tr

17、ial that rocked the world. He tried soldiering for two weeks with a motley band of Confederate guerrillas who diligently avoided contact with enemy. But for making money, his pen would prove mightier than his pickax.,6. Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. 7. Darrow had whispered

18、throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder. 8. Dudley Field Malone called my conviction a “victorious defeat.” 9. It was a splendid population-for all the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home. 10. No one, least of all I, anticipated that my case .would snowball into one of the most

19、famous trials in the U.S. history.,V. Translate the following sentences (20%) 徒工仔细地观察他的师傅,然后照着干。 他陷入沉思中,没有理会同伴们在谈些什么。 老作家根据这个民间故事写成了一个电影剧本。 我怎么也不能想象你能做出不光彩的事来。 我记不得他是怎么说的,但我肯定他讲话的大意是那样的。,6. 他不愿意依从他女儿的要求。 7. 简要地总结一下上周的新闻。 8. 这些珍贵的档案首次向研究人员开放。 9. 最后他被她说服了,决定改变原计划。 10.陪审团裁决他有罪,法官判了他三年徒刑。 VI. Reading co

20、mprehension (30%) Three or four passages cover 15 questions.,Final Grade(最后成绩) Attendance : 10pts Class involvement: 10pts Homework: 10pts Final exam: 70pts Total: 100pts,Aims of the Course a. Vocabulary b. Paraphrase c. Structure d. Style e. Rhetoric /retrk /.,Lesson One The Middle Eastern Bazaar,O

21、bjectives of Teaching To comprehend the whole text To lean and master the vocabulary and expressions To learn to paraphrase the difficult sentences To understand the structure of the text To appreciate the style and rhetoric,Important and difficult points 1. The comprehension and appreciation of the

22、 words used to describe sound, colour, light, heat, size and smell. 2. The appreciation of the words and expressions used for stress and exaggeration. 3. Some useful expressions such as to make a point of, it is a point of honour, and etc.,Writing Style A description is painting a picture in words o

23、f a person, place, object, or scene. A description is generally developed through sensory details, or the impressions of ones senses - sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. The writer chooses those that help to bring out the dominant characteristics of the person or thing described.,Background inf

24、ormation,This text is taken from Advanced Comprehension and Appreciation Pieces (1962), which was intended for students preparing for the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency Examination, & for students in the top class of secondary schools or in the first year of a university course.,Middle East: S

25、outheast Asia and Northeast Africa, including the Near East and Iran and Afghanistan.,Detailed study of the text,The Middle Eastern bazaar (a market or street of shops and stalls in Oriental countries 东方国家的市场,集市) takes you back hundreds - even thousands - of years. The one I am thinking of particula

26、rly ( special, single and different from others. When sth. is particular, we mean it is the single or an example of the whole under consideration. The term is clearly opposed to general and that it is a close synonym of “single“. ) is entered by a Gothic arched (a type of architecture ) gateway of a

27、ged (ancient and old) brick and stone.,Goth: one of the German tribes Arch: a curved top sometimes with a central point resting on 2 supports as above a door.,Particular is also often used in the sense of special. E.g. I have sth. very particular (special) to say to Mr. Clinton. She always took part

28、icular (special) notice of me. On this particular (single) day we had to be at school early. I dont like this particular (single) hat, but the others are quite nice.,You pass from the heat and glare (shining intensely, harshly, uncomfortably, and too strong; in a way unpleasant to the eyes) of a big

29、, open square into a cool, dark cavern (a large deep cave ,hollow place in the side of a cliff or hill, or underground, closed roofed place. Here in the text we can see that it is a long, narrow, dark street or workshops and stores with some sort of roof over them.),which extends as far as the eye c

30、an see, losing itself in the shadowy (dim;indistinct模糊的;朦胧的. in the farthest distance everything becomes obscure, unclear, or only dimly visible in the dark surroundings. Here shadowy suggests the changing of having and not having light, the shifting of lightness and darkness. There may be some spot

31、s of brightness in the dark.) distance.,Little donkeys with harmoniously (having musical tones combined to give a pleasing effect;(音调)和谐的,悦耳的harmoniously adv.) tinkling (to make light metallic sound cf: jingle: light tinkling sound) The rain tinkled on the metal roof. She laughed heartily, a sound a

32、s cool as ice tinkling in the glass. to tinkle coins together),bells thread their way (move through carefully or slowly,changing direction frequently as moving小心,缓慢地挤过,不断地改变方向)among the throngs (a great number of people gathered together;crowd人群;群集,cf: crowd: general term, large number of people tog

33、ether, but without order or organization Crowd basically implies a close gathering and pressing together.) of people entering and leaving the bazaar.,Then as you penetrate (to enter, pass, cut, or force a way into or through. The word suggests force, a compelling power to make entrance ) deeper into

34、 the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away (to lose strength, colour, freshness, etc. fade away: go slowly out of hearing, gradually disappearing), and you come to the muted (of a sound made softer than is usual声音减弱的) cloth-market. .,The earthen floor, beaten (of a path, track, etc., that is

35、given shape by the feet of those who pass along it, suggesting ancientness, timelessness. The path becomes flat due to the treading of countless people through thousands of years) hard by countless feet, deadens the sound of footsteps, and the vaulted (having the form of a vault;arched穹窿形的;拱形的 )mud-

36、brick walls and roof have hardly any sounds to echo (reflect).,The shop-keepers speak in slow, measured (steady, careful, slow, suggesting lack of speed, paying attention to what to say) tones, and the buyers, overwhelmed (overcome, control completely and usu. suddenly) by the sepulchral (/ splkrl /

37、gloomy坟墓般的;阴森森的 )atmosphere, follow suit (to do the same as someone else has done赶潮流,学样 ).,Penetrate: E.g. The bullet can penetrate a wall. The scud missile can penetrate a concrete works of 1 metre thick. Rainwater has penetrated through the roof of my house. Overwhelm: E.g. The enemy were overwhel

38、med by superior forces. Sorrow overwhelmed the family. She was overwhelmed with grief. They won an overwhelming victory / majority.,Throng varies so little in meaning from crowd that the two words are often used interchangeably. Throng sometimes carries the stronger implication of movement and of pu

39、shing and the weaker implication of density. E.g. Throngs circulating through the streets. The pre-Xmas sale attracted a throng of shoppers. Slowly she threaded her way back through the moving mass of people她慢慢挤过熙熙攘攘的人群往回走。,thread: make ones way carefully, implies zigzag, roundabouts e.g. The river

40、threads between the mountains. roadway: a. central part used by wheeled traffic, the middle part of a road where vehicles drive b. a strip of land over which a road passes,The roadway is about twelve feet wide, but it is narrowed every few yards by little stalls (BrE. a table or small open-fronted s

41、hop in a public place, sth. not permanent, often can be put together and taken away, on which wares are set up for sale.),where goods of every conceivable (that can be conceived,imagined 可想象的,想得到的 ) kind are sold. The din (a loud,continuous noise喧闹声,嘈杂声 )of the stall-holder crying their wares, of do

42、nkey-boys and porters clearing a way for themselves by shouting vigorously,and of would-be (likely, possible) purchasers arguing and bargaining (to talk about the condition of a sale, agreement, or contract) is continuous and makes you dizzy (feeling as if everything were turning round , mentally co

43、nfused).,narrow: e.g. In the bright sunlight she had to narrow her eyes. The river narrows at this point. They narrowed the search for the missing boy down to five streets near the school.,din: specific word of noise, loud, confused, continuous noise, low roar which can not be distinguished exactly

44、until you get close, often suggests unpleasant, disordered mixture of confusing and disturbing sounds, stress prolonged, deafening, ear-splitting metallic sounds e.g. The children were making so much din that I could not make myself heard. They kicked up such a din at the party. The din stopped when

45、 the curtain was raised. the din of the cheerful crowd,wares (always-pl.) articles offered for sale, usu. not in a shop. The word gives the impression of traditional commodity, items, goods, more likely to be sold in free-markets. to advertise / hawk / peddle ones wares Goods: articles for sale, pos

46、sessions that can be moved or carried by train, road; not house, land, There is a variety of goods in the shops.,dizzy e.g. If you suffer from anaemia /nimi/, you often feel dizzy. The two-day journey on the bus makes me dizzy. Follow suit e.g. Many young girls are fond of following suit at present时

47、下许多年轻女孩热衷于赶潮流,One of the peculiarities (a distinguishing characteristic, special feature, suggesting difference from normal or usual, strangeness. ) of the Eastern bazaar is that shopkeepers dealing in ( sell and buy, trade in) the same kind of goods do not scatter (to cause to separate widely, to s

48、pread widely in all directions as if by throwing) themselves over the bazaar,in order to avoid competition, but collect in the same area, so that purchasers can know where to find them, and so that they can form a closely knit (to unite or join closely) guild (any association for mutual aid and the

49、promotion of common interests互助会;协会 )against injustice or persecution (cruel treatment). In the cloth-market, for instance, all the sellers of material for clothes, curtains, chair covers and so on line the roadway on both sides,each open-fronted shop having a trestle table (a frame consising of a horizontal beam fastened to two pairs of spreading legs,used to support planks to form a table,platfor


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