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1、货代模块国际货运代理专业英语真题分析2007年全国国际货运代理从业人员资格考试国际货代英语试卷【A卷】 (考试时间:14001500)注 意 事 项 一、国际货代英语由试卷和试卷两部分组成。试卷为客观题,包括单项选择题、判断题、多项选择题、完型填空题。试卷为主观题,包括英译汉、汉译英、英文单证操作题。 二、答题说明 1、请将自己的姓名、准考证号写在“答题卡”上方相应的位置上,并将每位准考证号码下相对应的数字框用2B铅笔涂黑。涂卡方法见答题卡左上侧的说明。 2、姓名、准考证号不写以及准考证号不涂或涂写不规范者,该答题卡作废。 3、请将试卷的答案涂在“答题卡”上。涂卡方法见答题卡左上侧的说明,使用

2、其他符号答题无效。写在试卷上的答案一律作废。 4、请务必使用2B铅笔涂写答题卡,使用其他类型的笔涂卡,读卡器不能识别,答题卡记零分。 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分。单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分) 1、The scope of freight forwarders service on behalf of consignee (CIF) includes( ). Apacking the goods Bpaying the freight to the marine carrier Carranging import customs clearance Dbooking spa

3、ce with the marine carrier答案:C。以上四个选择答案都属于货运代理的货运业务服务范围,但此题的题干是关于在CIF价格术语下,货运代理为进口商提供的货运业务服务范围。只要掌握CIF价格术语下买卖双方的责任划分,不难判断此题的正确答案应是C,进口货运报关属于其服务范畴。因为通常情况下,包装货物、向承运人订舱、支付运费给承运人都属于CIF价格术语下卖方的责任,而不是买方即进口商的责任,所以不能选择A和B和D。本题知识要点为货运代理业务范畴,要求考生掌握货运代理为出口商或进口商办理货运服务的具体业务范围。2、According to INCOTERMS 2000, ( ) m

4、eans that the sellers delivers the goods pass the ships rail at the named port of shipment. AFCA BFOB CCFR DCPT 答案:B。根据INCOTERMS2000的规定,FCA是指卖方只要将货物在指定的地点交给由买方指定的承运人,并办理出口清关手续,即完成交货。FOB是指当货物在指定的装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货。CFR是指当货物在装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货,但卖方还必须支付货物运至目的地的运费。CPT是指卖方向其指定的承运人交货,但卖方还必须支付货物运至目的地的运费。本题知识是贸易术语

5、的内涵,要求考生掌握不同贸易术语的具体含义。3、According to UCP600, the terms “middle” of a month in the L/C shall be construed as( ). Afrom the 10th to the 20th of the month Bfrom the 11th to the 20th of the month Cfrom the 11th to the 21st of the month Dfrom the 10th to the 21st of the month答案:B。根据UCP600的规定,对于月初、月中、月末应分

6、别理解为每月的1日至10日、11日至20日和21日至月末最后一天,所以正确答案为B。本题知识点是UCP600的具体规定,要求考生掌握UCP600对有关词语的解释。此题难度适中,只要掌握UCP600的规定,则比较容易回答。4、The insurer is not responsible for partial loss of or damage to cargo caused by natural calamities under the( ) AWA BFPA CAll Risks DInstitute Cargo Clause (A) 答案:B。我国海上货物运输保险水渍险和一切险以及英国IC

7、C(A)承保自然灾害包括地震和闪电等原因造成的货物全部或部分损失,但我国海上货物运输保险平安险对自然灾害造成的货物部分损失不予承保,所以正确答案为B。本题知识要点为我国和英国有关货物运输保险险别的不同承保范围,要求考生掌握货物运输保险的主要承保范围和除外责任。5、( )ordinarily means that the shipowner promises to satisfy the charters need for transport capacity over a certain period of time, often one year or several years. AVoy

8、age chartering BTime chartering CBareboat chartering DContract of affreightment答案:D。本题考的知识点为租船运输方式的含义。目前,主要的租船运输经营方式有航次租船(voyage charter, trip charter)、定期租船(time charter)、光船租船(bare-boat charter),此外还有航次期租(time charter on trip basis, TCT)、包运租船(contract of affreightment, COA)等形式。包运租船是指船舶出租人向承租人提供一定吨位的运

9、力,在确定的港口之间,按事先约定的时间、航次周期和每航次较为均等的运量,完成合同规定的全部货运量的租船方式。 6、Payment of freight clauses normally appeared in the( )charter party. Atime Bvoyage Cbareboat DTCT答案:B。航次租船合同的特点就是船舶出租人负责营运,承租人负责完成货物的组织,支付运费及支付相关的费用。而在定期、光租和航次期租合同下都是船舶承租人负责营运,并支付租金,所以有关支付运费条款通常出现在航次租船合同中。本题知识要点为各种租船方式的特点。7、Marine Bs/L perform

10、 a number of functions, which of the following is not correct?( )Aevidence of the contract of carriage Breceipt for the goods shipped Cdocument of title to the goods Dnon-negotiable document 答案:D。中华人民共和国商法第七十一条给提单下的定义是“提单,是指用以证明海上货物运输合同和货物已经由承运人接受或者装船,以及承运人保证据以交付货物的单证。提单中载明的向记名人交付货物,或者按照指示人的指示交付货物,或

11、者向提单持有人交付货物的条款,构成承运人据以交付货物的保证。”根据我国海商法的规定,提单作用归纳如下:提单是海上货物运输合同的证明;提单是证明货物已由承运人接管或已装船的货物收据;提单是承运人保证凭以交付货物的物权凭证。本题知识点是海运提单的作用。8、Document credit means payment against( )instead of against goods. Acontracts Bdocuments Ccargoes Dbank draft 答案:B。信用证是一种银行开立的有条件的承诺付款的书面文件,对出口商来说,只要按信用证规定条件提交了单据,在单单一致、单证一致的情

12、况下,即可从银行得到付款;对进口商来说,只要在申请开证时,保证收到符合信用证规定的单据即行付款并交付押金,即可从银行取得代表货物所有权的单据。因此,银行开立信用证实际是进行单据的买卖,只要发货人提交的单证符合信用证的规定,银行保证付款。本题知识要点为信用证的性质和作用。9、From legal point of view, the ( )on the bill of lading is not the party of the contract of carriage of goods by sea. Acarrier Bshipper Cconsignee Dnotify party答案:D

13、。从法律的角度上看,海上货物运输合同的当事人是承运人和托运人、收货人。提单上关于通知方的规定,只是便于承运人通知有关方前来提货,并不意味通知方是合同的当事人,所以本题正确答案是D。本题知识要点为海上货物运输合同的当事人。 10、( )may be the modes of container transport for LCL/LCL. ACY/CY BDOOR/DOOR CDOOR/CY DCFS/CFS答案:D。集装箱运输改变了传统的货物流通途径,在集装箱货物的流转过程中,其流转形态分为两种,一种为整箱货,另一种为拼箱货。拼箱货Less than Container (cargo)Load

14、:LCL是指由承运人的集装箱货运站(Container Freight Station: CFS)负责装箱和计数,填写装运单,并加封志的集装箱货物,通常每一票货物的数量较少,因此装载拼箱货的集装箱内的货物会涉及多个发货人和多个收货人。承运人负责在箱内每件货物外表状况明显良好的情况下接受并在相同的情况下交付拼箱货。在目前的货物实践中,主要由拼箱集运公司从事拼箱货的货运业务,集装箱货运站通常涉及到的是拼箱货交接。本题的知识要点拼箱货的交接地点。 11、The responsible period of the carrier for the loss of or damage to the car

15、go as well as delay in delivery under ( )is between the time the carrier taking over the goods and the time of delivery. ACMR convention Bthe Hague Rules Cthe Hamburg Rules Dthe Hague-Visby Rules答案:A。本题考的知识要点是相关国际公约对承运人责任期间的规定。CMB convention规定,承运人的责任期间是从接收货物时起到交付货物为止;海牙规定和海牙维斯比规则规定从货物装上船起至卸完船为止的期间;汉

16、堡规则规定则从装船至卸船改为从港口到港口。故本题答案应是A。 12、 ( )are rates which are applicable to named types of freight in air cargo transportation. AClass Rates BSpecific Commodity Rates CBulk Unitization Rates DGeneral Cargo Rates答案:B。按照IATA货物运价公布的形式划分,国际货物运价可分为公布直达运价和非公布直达运价。公布直达运价包括普通货物运价,指定商品运价,等级货物运价和集装货物运价。指定商品运价是指适用

17、于自规定的始发地至规定的目的地运输特定品名货物的运价,故本题的答案应是B。知识要点为航空货物运价分类。 13、The movement of finished product to customers is( ). Amarket distribution Bprocurement Cmanufacturing support Dinventory答案:A。物流运作分为几个方面,市场分销、制造支持和采购。实现成品到消费者手上的运作自然应是市场分销,所以正确答案应是A。掌握以上几个术语的含义,就比较能够回答问题。本题知识要点是市场分销概念。 14、( )is a letter from a ba

18、nk to a foreign bank authorizing the payment of a specified sum to the person or company named. ALetter of Delivery BLetter of Credit CLetter of Indemnity DLetter of Guarantee答案:B。Letter of Delivery为交货单;Letter of credit为信用证;Letter of Indemnity和Letter of Guarantee为保函。本题知识要点为信用证的基本概念。15、For a supply c

19、hain to realize the maximum strategic benefit logistics, the full range of functional works must be( ). Amanaged Bintegrated Ctransported Dsupplied答案:B。供应链管理的目的是通过对供应链各个环节的活动的协调整合,实现物流的最佳业务绩效。掌握供应链的含义,就比较能够回答问题。本题知识要点是供应链概念。二、判断题(每题1分,共15分。答案为“是”的,请在答题卡上涂“A”,答案为“否”的,请在答题卡上涂“B”。两个都涂的不得分) 16、The forwa

20、rders usually book spaces with ocean carrier on behalf of consignor basis on the FCA terms in the sales contract made by the consignor as the seller with the buyer.( ) 答案:错误。在FCA价格术语下,通常由买方负责租船订舱,安排货物运输,所以货运代理人不可能代理发货人向承运人订舱。17、The CIP term may be used irrespective of the modes of transport includin

21、g multimodal transport and this term requires the seller to clear the goods for export .( ) 答案:正确。CIP适合各种运输方式,在该术语下卖方负责订立货物运输合同,将运费付到约定的目的地,并负责货物出口清关。18、 The words “between” applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned.( )答案:正确。根

22、据UCP600的规定,对于“to, until, till, from, between”用于信用证中关于装运日期或期限时,将被理解为包括各该日期。此题难度适中,只要掌握UCP600的规定,则比较容易回答。19、The marine cargo insurance is based on the principles of insurable interest, utmost good faith, and indemnity, etc.( ) 答案:正确。在海上货物运输保险中,必须遵守的基本原则为保险利益、最大诚信、赔偿等原则。20、A delivery order is a commitm

23、ent on the part of the shipper to ship the goods and serves as the basis for the preparation of the bill of lading.( ) 答案:错误。本题的概念是托运单的含义而不是提货单的含义,托运单指由托运人根据买卖合同和信用证的有关内容向承运人或他的代理人办理货物运输的书面凭证,托运单是提单制作的基础。提货单是收货人凭以向现场(码头仓库或船边)提取货物的凭证。21、UCP600 published by the International Chamber of Commerce will c

24、ome into force on Oct. 1, 2007.( ) 答案:错误。最新修订的UCP600于2007年7月1日生效,而不是10月1日。22、The time chartering means that the shipowner provides a designated manned ship to the charterer, and the charterer employs the ship for a specific period against payment of hire.( ) 答案:正确。目前,主要的租船运输经营方式有航次租船、定期租船、光船租船等基本形式。

25、定期租船是指由船舶出租人向承运人提供约定的由出租人配备船员的船舶,由承运人在约定的时间内按照约定的用途使用,并支付租金的一种租船方式。23、The words “in apparent good order and condition” indicated on the bills of lading are not accepted by the bank due to its unclear meaning .( ) 答案:错误。清洁提单指没有任何有关货物残损,包装不良或其他有碍于结汇的批注的提单。提单正面已印有“外表状况明显良好”的词句,若承运人或其代理人在签发提单时未加任何相反的批注,

26、则表明承运人确认货物装船时外表状况良好的这一事实,银行予以接受。24、A vessel which has brought any imports or has loaded exports can leave the port only when written permission, known as “port clearance”, is granted by the local authorities.( )答案:正确。任何装运进出口货物的船舶,只有拿到船舶结关单,才能离港。 25、The carrier shall be relieved of liability by reaso

27、n of the defective condition of the vehicle used by him in order to perform the carriage under the CMR convention.( ) 答案:错误。根据CMR公约,公路承运人对于为履行运输而使用的车辆的不良状况造成的灭失、损坏或延误要承担责任,不能免责。26、One of the advantages in the multimodal transport is only to reduce the burden of documentation and formalities for the

28、multimodal transport operators.( )答案:错误。国际多式联运的优点包括:提高运输组织水平,减少中转时间,降低运输成本,节约运杂费用、减少文件和手续的繁琐等。这些优点并不仅针对多式联运经营人而言,同样也针对托运人。 27、Procurement is concerned with purchasing and arranging outbound movement of materials, parts, and/or finished inventory from suppliers to customers.( ) 答案:错误。企业的物流活动包括了几个阶段的物

29、流活动,从采购物流、内部的生产物流到销售物流。采购就是有选择性的购买。也就是要选择合适的供应商,合适的价格进行购买合适材料。28、General Cargo Rates are applicable to any types of commodity, without the restriction of hazardous consignment size.( ) 答案:正确。航空运价包括普通货物运价,指定商品运价,等级货物运价和集装货物运价等。普通货物运价是指除了等级货物运价和指定商品运价以外的适合于普通货物运输的运价。29、FIATA is recognized as represent

30、ing the freight forwarding industry by many other governmental organizations, governmental authorities, private international organizations in the field of transport.( )答案:正确。国际货运代理协会联合会是一个非营利的国际货运代理行业组织,其宗旨是保障和提高国际货运代理在全球的利益。作为世界运输领域最大的非政府间国际组织,国际货运代理协会联合会被国际商会、国际航空运输协会、国际铁路联盟、国际公路运输联盟、世界海关组织、世界贸易组

31、织等一致确认为国际货运代理业的代表。此题属于旧版教材章节内容。30、Consolidation can benefit all concerned such as exporters and shippers, carrier and forwarder.( ) 答案:正确。集拼业务对出口商、承运人、货运代理都是有利的。三、多项选择题(每题2分,共20分。多项选择题的答案多选、少选、错选均不得分) 31、A sound inventory strategy is based on a combination of five aspects of selective deployment: th

32、ey are core customer segmentation, and( ). Aproduct profitability Btransportation integration Ctime-based performance Dcompetitive performance 答案:ABCD。一项合理的库存策略建立在以下五方面选择性调度结合的基础上:核心客户的分离、产品利润率、运输整合、时间性绩效及竞争性绩效。因此,上述四个选项都对。32、According to INCOTERMS 2000, ( ) mean that the seller must pay the costs a

33、nd freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination or must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination. ACFR、CIF BCPT、CIP CFOB、FCA DCPT、FCA 答案:AB。INCOTERMS2000规定的13中贸易术语中订立货物运输合同,支付主运费的义务依EFCD四组而有明显区别。在EF组的EXW、FAS、FOB、FCA术语下,卖方无订立货

34、物运输合同,支付主运费的义务。它属于卖方合同主运费不付的贸易术语;而CD组的CIF、CFR、DES、DEQ、CIP、CPT、DAF、DDU、DDP术语下,卖方负有订立货物运输合同,支付主运费的业务,将货物在约定地点交付于承运人或目的地交付给买方提取货物。它属于卖方合同主运费支付的贸易术语。本题知识点是贸易术语的内涵,要求考生掌握不同贸易术语具体含义。33、( )do not cover cargo damage due to fresh water or rain. AWA BFPA CAll Risks DFresh water and/or rain damage risks答案:AB。淡

35、水雨淋险属于我国海洋运输货物保险的附加险,不在平安险和水渍险承保范围,但包括在一切险承保范围。 34、The sea waybill is one of the shipping documents used for sea transportation and serve as ( ). Acargo receipt Bdocument of title Cevidence of contract of cargo transportation Dnegotiable document 答案:AC。海运单不同于海运提单,其作用归纳如下:是承运人与托运人之间缔结运输凭证的运输契约;是承运人收运

36、货物的证明文件。海运提单不是物权凭证,不能流通转让。35、Usually the( ) charter parties provide a period of time for vessel employment. Avoyage Btime Cbareboat DTCT 答案:BC。航次租船和航次期租合同基础上都是以完成航次的形式出租船舶的,而定期租船和光船租船是规定一定期限出租船舶的。36、FIATA has created several documents and forms, they are( ),etc. AFBL BFDT CFFI DFOB答案:AC。国际货运代理协会联合会制

37、定了FIATA运送指示、FIATA货运代理运输凭证、FIATA货运代理收货凭证、FIATA托运人危险品运输证明、FIATA仓库收据、FIATA可转让联运提单、FIATA不可转让联运提单、FIATA发货人联运重量证明八种货运代理单证格式。本题知识要点为国际货运代理协会联合会制定的单证缩写名称。此题属于旧版教材章节内容。37、( )can be transferred to third parties. AOrder bills of lading BCopy bills of lading CStraight bills of lading DBearer bills of lading 答案:

38、AD。根据我国海商法规定,记名提单不得转让,指示提单和不记名提单可以转让。38、( )are the documents used in air cargo transportation. ASLI BSWB CAWB DCargo manifest 答案:ACD。在航空运输中,使用的单证为托运单、航空货运单、货物舱单。SWB为海运单,在海上货物运输中使用。39、Scope of freight forwarding services on behalf of the consignor usually includes( ). Aweighing and measuring the good

39、s Bpacking the goods Carranging for import clearance Dbooking space with carrier 答案:ABD。货运代理为出口商办理出口货运业务范围包括很多事宜,例如,订舱、出口报关、保险、包装、仓储等。对于进口报关,通常不属于其服务范围。40、An international freight forwarder should be familiar with( ). Ainternational trade routes Blocation of ports Cpattern of international trade Dpr

40、ovisions of the letter of credit答案:ABCD。作为货运代理,为更好的为客户服务,必须熟悉相关业务内容。因此,上述四个选项都是货运代理应当熟悉和掌握的业务内容。四、完型填空(每题1分,共10分。每题答案只能选择一个,多选不得分) Transportation is one of the most significant areas of (41) because of its impact on customer service and the firms cost structure. The primary transportation value prop

41、osition is product movement up and down the supply chain. Without reliable transportation, most commercial activities could not function. The international (42) is nowadays frequently carried out in containers. Containers are particularly suitable for (43). If the exporter intends to fill a full con

42、tainer load, the forwarder or shipping line will prepare an empty container to the exporter for loading. If the cargo is (44), the exporter sends it to the container freight station, where it will be (45) with the goods of other exporters in a container. 41、Alogistics Binventory Cwarehousing Dpackag

43、ing 答案:A。物流是指物品从供应地向接受地的实体流动过程。根据实际需要,将运输、储存、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等基本功能实施有机结合。其中运输环节在物流体系中长有重要地位。42、Atransshipment Btransportation Chandling Dconsolidation 答案:B。目前国际货物运输主要以集装箱运输为主。43、Aair transport Broad transport Crail transport Dmultimodal transport 答案:D。集装箱运输特别适合国际多式联运。44、ALCL BFCL Clarge quantit

44、y Dbulk cargo答案:A。集装箱运输的货物分为整箱货(FCL)和拼箱货(LCL)两种,集装箱货运站通常承办拼箱业务,即接受客户尺码或重量达不到整箱要求的小批量货物。 45、Astuffed Bconsolidated Cloaded Dfilled 答案:B。把不同收货人、同一卸货港的货物集中起来,拼成一个20英尺或40英尺整箱,这种做法,称为集拼(consolidation)。因此正确答案为B。A large number of documents are used in the modern international trade such as marine bills of

45、lading, letter of credit, insurance policy, commercial invoice, packing list, air waybill etc. The (46) is a document of title, the holder of which can get the goods at the port of destination from the carrier. (47) is the most common method of making international payments. The (48) mainly function

46、s as receipt of the goods for dispatch, evidence of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor in air transportation. (49) is an evidence of insurance contract issued by the insurer to the assured in which stipulating each partys rights and responsibilities. (50) is a document is

47、sued by the authorized body in the exporters country stating the country of origin of the goods. 46、Asea waybill Bocean bill of lading Cair waybill Dinvoice 答案:B。根据题意,物权凭证是和目的港两个关键词可以判断应当选择为海运提单。47、AInvoice BLetter of credit CCheck DBill 答案:B。国际支付方式主要是信用证。48、Ainsurance policy Bocean bill of lading Cair waybill Dinv


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